Par moonchime789

50 20 2

It's coming near to the end of Alethea Jenson's school year, and she can't wait to work and earn some money... Plus

The Letter
Stranger Danger
The Blonde Girl
The Hunt
Being the Newbie
She's Not Real
A Warning
Hell's Guardians
Change of Plans
St. Ambers
The Development Stage
The Four Sections of Hell
Terra And Her Tail
The Tattoo's Gate
Varlotiuns Warehouse
A little thank you

Ogres' Land

3 1 0
Par moonchime789

When Alethea went to dinner, she knew James told her he needed to rest but she expected him to be present for dinner. He was not. Alastair commented how James must have been nervous to skip it, especially when food was involved. Then again, he had the right to be. He had a lot of pressure on him.

The next day, all classes were cancelled. Everyone was relieved. Mainly Alethea because she still hadn't finished the 'Plant of Serenity and Despair' essay. Which was due for Madame Lancevail.

As Alethea and members of Death walked towards the racecourse, Crimson had joined them halfway. Apparently, when Crimson got back to St. Ambers, Zed and the others were no longer there much to her dismay. They didn't even find any clue which could help them find The Orb. Secretly, Alethea was glad for this. She didn't know who deserved it. Nick or The Company of Hell. Who could she trust?

Once Alethea stepped on the grounds, she and the others were seated in a cube box with spectators. The spectators were in the higher years in her team. As they stepped on, Alastair told Alethea to hang on to him. Before Alethea could comprehend what he said, she felt the wind whooshing towards her, feeling her stomach drop and legs becoming numb, her breath hitched. She took in her surroundings and found herself and the others hoisted up in the air on a black and white platform. The colours of the platforms represented their team colours.

She looked to her left and right and saw that the Energies and Generals had more platforms. Three to be exact, one on top of the other. There were three screens in front of them, all showing a different angle.

A whistle went off, grabbing everyone's attention. Simmering down, they all looked to Professor Quin (who taught Technomancy). He also had an interest in magical creatures Alethea recalled.

Alethea knew this, because whenever she was in her Classical Beasts and Creatures class, he would invite himself in. Listening to whatever was being taught. He was a small man with a loud voice. He carried his long beard everywhere he went. Surprising anyone how he hadn't tripped over it yet. He always wore a long cloak and big boots, trying to gain height and look intimidating to students. It never really worked.

"NOW," the small man boomed, "RACERS TAKE YOUR MARKS," he boomed once again. Alethea saw James straight away and screamed his name, hoping he could hear her. Although everyone was screaming for their teammates, so she doubted he heard her. It seemed that James wasn't the only one representing the team. Luca was also racing.

"The animal?" asked Alethea. She hadn't learnt about this in her class yet.

"Blooded Horn," replied Charlotte. This was the first time Alethea actually got a response from Charlotte, who didn't hesitate to answer. Alethea found it strange not talking to her. They both were in the adjoining rooms and were with each other most of the time during the year. It was Alethea, Charlotte and James, but Alethea didn't even know how to think of them. She cared for them, but a part of her could not trust them. That part seemed to be partly stronger. "NOW I EXPECT THERE TO BE NO TOMFOOLERY," said Professor Quin, his voice shaking some of the platforms.

Alethea saw there were small Ganuy's holding small cameras. Connected to the big screens. Ganuy's were the sweetest, but also mischievous. Their appearance would make a toddlers' mouth drawl, thinking they were a sweet. They were small candy floss pink-coloured creatures, which used their ears to fly.

Alethea watched their big ears flap up and down, making the camera zoom into Luca. He sat upon a blood-furred creature, with yellow fangs, and sharp claws. Alethea watched its heels dig into the ground solidly, ready to start the race.

"His names' Ivteer," mentioned Anthony. "Useful from time to time." Alethea's' mind drifted to what the creature could come in handy for them and the school, but she didn't want to question it.

Alethea was now looking at Cloven who was even bigger than Ivteer. Cloven held his head up high and didn't make any eye contact with his fellow competitors. James doing the same. He would only give a smile to the cameras when they were facing him. Cloven was covered in grey and white fur, paws big enough to squash Alethea to her grave, but she saw something around the Clouded Wolfs' neck. "What's that around his neck?" questioned Alethea.

"No one actually knows, when James saw him he had it," replied Decha.

They all looked back to the screen and Professor Quin was out of the way. "ON YOUR MARKS...GET SET... GO!" he yelled.

All the competitors and their pets raced off into the woods. James was second to the front, whereas Luca was sixth. Hannah Jenkles was at the back of the line, while the other girls from the Generals and Energies were way in front. The camera showed the frustration on her face and Alethea couldn't be any happier.

All of them were stomping, running and some were flying. They had all gone through the first two obstacles - Mischievous Maze and Spiteful Mermaids.

The mischievous maze was full of old tricks from decades ago. They included bowedie-woggles, flaming fountains and more. You had to be careful where you were walking in the maze. There were hidden blocks covered with leaves, rocks or puddles. Once you stepped on them, two things could happen. You could drop into the trap and that's the end of the race for you, or you would unlock a cage of honey-trunkl's. They sounded sweet until Alethea saw their appearance on screen. They had no hands, but two legs which carried their round body. Their eyes were a haunting white and their sharp teeth carried a green substance which didn't stop producing. It was ... foamlike. Two competitors, unfortunately, were already out of the race. Both from the Energies team.

The next obstacle were the spiteful mermaids. Mermaids were definitely not the calmest creatures you could come across. You had to be incredibly careful with them. The smallest of things could set them off into a killing frenzy. They were beautiful yet hideous.

Cloven and James seemed to go through this obstacle with ease, as mermaids loved a Clouded Wolf. You could see that the mermaids were not happy with James sitting on him, but they didn't attack. Afraid they could harm Cloven.  Two General competitors, and one Energy was wiped out.

The two general competitors believed they could trick the mermaids in thinking they were one of them. That didn't end too well, as one of them couldn't swim. Which you cannot in a pool of mermaids. Mermaids could change the water they swam in at any time to complement them. Whether too hot, or too cold, or even turn into a slight slime (this usually happens to slow down their prey). They were dragged deeper into the lake and Madame Gail had to go in and discuss with the mermaids. The other general was surrounded by mermaids. Instead of biting him, they threw tiny pearls which were tampered with mermaid magic. He grew bigger and bigger, and he burst. He didn't die... but his unconscious body was on the side of the lake. Professor Fandle-Hogan (teacher of art), had to go collect the boy before the mermaids changed their mind and ate him.

The Energy competitor couldn't control their pet. Their pet was a Flamis. A Flamis was a fire breathing bird, which was the size of a car. Their wings weighed more than a tonne, and specks of fire would come out of their feathers. Being surrounded by mermaids scared the baby Flamis, so it flew away. Due to the rule of not being allowed to fly to a certain extent, they broke the rules. So they were disqualified.

Alethea watched everyone going through the third obstacle when suddenly the ground split. This seemed to shock everyone, but James and Luca did not seem fazed. She watched James whisper something into Cloven's ear and he nodded. He started spinning in a circle, creating wind with his tail, enough for only him and James who was now floating on to the main ground. Cheers came from everywhere, encouraging them both.

To Alethea's dismay, Hannah had gotten out of that as well and was following wherever James was going. Luca was not too far behind, same with the other racers. Alethea found Hannah to have something in her hand but could not make out what it was.

Cloven began to howl in pain, but James grabbed onto him quickly and calmed him down. Allowing Hannah to begin to get in the lead. There were many boos, but it was covered by the cheering from the Energies.

Alethea began to feel her feet rumble. She looked afar and found the cabin began to shake. "What's going on there?" said Decha, looking at the cabin. It seemed that everyone had their attention on the cabin more than the race. Alethea saw Henry with the teachers who paled, eyes filled with fear. He rushed towards the cabin, which was too far from him, trying to carry himself as fast as he could.

Alethea looked back at the screen and saw Luca trying to help James. Who was now pushed to the side and was close to the edge of the forest. Cloven was also trying to hold on for his life. No one knew who did this and went against the rules because they were too interested in the cabin. Luca couldn't reach for James's hand, to help pull him back up.

James seemed to be saying something in a serious tone, but Luca shook his head in disagreement. After five minutes of negotiations, Luca nodded to him and left with Ivteer.

This was followed by James smiling at Cloven, his way of comforting him. But it didn't stop Cloven from howling in desperation. Soon Alethea heard a loud crash from the cabin and saw something flying towards them. It stopped by her platform and Alethea immediately recognised who it was.

"Terra, I didn't know you could fly," said Alethea. Terra nodded in response, but soon growled to get her attention. She moved her head towards James and Cloven who were still struggling. The teachers were coming down, going to help, but Alethea knew they would be too late.

Alethea nodded to Terra and jumped onto her back. Arguments coming from her team on how stupid she would be if she goes in with no training. She ignored them.

She soon found herself in the forest. Being attacked by many creatures in the obstacles. She hated going through the lake where she had to tackle the mermaids. They had a nippy bite, and they bit Alethea as much as they could.

Terra and Alethea went through the three obstacles and were coming near the fourth one when they spotted James and Cloven. Alethea jumped off Terra and they rushed towards James and Cloven. "What are you doing?" asked James harshly. "Are you crazy?" Alethea only ignored him. "Great, so I get the silent treatment? I shouldn't be talking to you... know what, I'm not going to," but Alethea continued to ignore him as she was still trying to figure out how to help.

"Terra, can I have a bit of help?" called Alethea. Finding Terra already helping Cloven who needed a bit of a push for him to get himself up.

It explained why Ivteer wasn't able to help. Once Cloven was on ground, he pushed Alethea to the side gently with his nose and grabbed James's T-shirt by his teeth, placing James on the ground. "You're welcome," said Alethea. James ignored her, until he got a nudge and a growl from Cloven.

"Thank you," said James and went back on Cloven's back. Alethea smiled at him and saw him go back into the race.

Terra grabbed Alethea and placed her onto her back and flew off. She left Alethea at the platform where she was being lectured by the others about how crazy she was. On the other hand, Alastair was patting her back, supporting her decision. Terra seemed to quietly go back into the cabin where Henry was looking furious.Terra only snorted at him.

In the end, James came fourth in the race. Alethea did not know what this meant for him. Though, she was mostly happy that Hannah Jenkles was disqualified for using potions during the race. Affecting the animal's eyesight. This happened to Cloven, James explained.

As everyone was walking away, James took Alethea to the side. The spectators continued cheering for Luca who came first. In second place was a girl named Joanne Nowlee from General, and a boy named Adam Sappen who was from Energies came third.

"Something was racing Cloven and I," James looked back to the forest where his race took place. "And before you say anything, no, I do not mean my competitors. We were pushed?"

"Who did it?" asked Alethea.

"No one I know," tightening his lips in a straight line. "It was a shadow," Alethea's' ears perked to this statement, "red eyes," her heart slightly raced quicker.

"Did you tell the teachers?" asked Alethea.

"Are you crazy? I would be sent somewhere far from here and they would begin to do tests on me."

"It's still worth a try. You're being over dramatic," replied Alethea. Alethea began to think about the red eyes that are always haunting her. The way James described it seemed the same to the one Alethea saw when they had to capture Ken. Should she tell him?

"The drama queen herself is saying I am being dramatic?" James slightly tucking in his chin. Alethea looked away. "Anyway," said James, "thank you for saving me."

"The cameras obviously helped. But I didn't rush to the cabin.  Terra responded to Cloven's howls and she came crashing out of the cabin, I just went with her."

"She responded to Cloven's howl?" baffled James.

"Yeah, that isn't bad, is it?" questioned Alethea, worryingly.

"No, that's great," said James, smiling, "it's very rare, but I heard that certain magical creatures find a bond with other creatures."

"Are you trying to say they're soul-mates?" said Alethea, obviously sick to her stomach even thinking about it.

"Of course," beamed James.

"Great," drawled Alethea.

"You know what this means?" questioned James, "they have to stay together, or even near each other. Which means we're kind of related now." Alethea hung her head in grief but was laughing about how James was reacting to the fact Cloven and Terra have a bond that many magical creatures don't find.

"You didn't win," Alethea changed the topic. "What now?"

"Because of complications of the race, Nick said I can stay longer," said James. Inside, even if Alethea did not show it at that moment, she was happy with that.

That evening, everyone was partying and celebrating James' victory. Henry was in the corner dancing with himself and drinking scotch. He had lost a bet.

Although, to Alethea's' surprise he thanked her for saving James. He told Alethea he would give the water and food free for Terra until she comes back from the summer holidays. This made Alethea relieved, because there wasn't any pressure on her or James. Only if Henry knew, Terra and Alethea would be gone, so will James and Cloven.

Decha, was acting out of her mind from Mr Tesley's Whiskey Magic which tasted a whole lot different from the one at home. This was the only drink they could have, or it was fizzy drinks or water.

The fizzy drinks were different from the ones at home. They had over 100 different flavours. There was Froggy Substance, which actually tasted sublime. It tasted like sweet green apples with some lemon. It was the aftertaste which was revolting. Ocean Horky's were popular as well. This was a mix of mermaid's pearls, seaweed, fish scales and pear. Anthony told Alethea to try it without telling her the ingredients. She only found out a few moments later when she was reading the label.

Her favourite one was Zapper Ziddity Zap which was a mix of candyfloss, pumpkin, honey and snake. When she first had it, she felt the drink trickle down her throat, and she burped out a pop sound. After having it, you could zap everyone you touch for one whole minute. This was Alethea's favourite part because Alastair would fall for it every time.

Time passed quickly when she saw Anthony, Decha, Millie and Luca dancing and chatting with others. Alethea felt herself being dragged from the hall, into a smaller one. She turned around to see Alastair, Charlotte, Crimson and James. "We think this is the best time to go. Everyone is partying and most of the teachers are celebrating in their own little room," said Alastair.

"What are we going to do about security?" asked Alethea, "surely after Ferrera, security has tripled."

"True," answered Charlotte, "but before going into the hall, I placed a little surprise in front of each guard."

"I don't know what they're called but I call them popping piping locks," smiled James. "They're small balls which suddenly begin bouncing, getting larger each time, then BOOM, it blows up and the guards are fast asleep and tied up."

"And you got that without being seen by the cameras?"

"I disabled them for three minutes maximum," replied Crimson.

"Guess you guys have thought this through," said Alethea. Slightly impressed.

"Sure have... we know Nick is in the office right now talking to someone from the council," said Alastair.

"Someone from the council is here?" both eyebrows raised. Alethea had never met anyone from the council. She learnt that they were the most magical and powerful people.

There had been stories that they were enchanted goblins. Some were giant fairies, or they were blinded and could take the soul out of you once you had done something wrong. No matter whether you were a child or an adult.

James nodded at Alethea, and they began to follow her where Nick had taken her. It was a noticeably quiet walk, but as usual, Alastair and James were gibbering with one another and pointing out who was wrong.

"I'm telling you Francis Jayking will win this year," argued James.

"Yeah right, especially with a name like that. I have my eye's set on Xander Blood, now that's a winner."

"Of course you would say that, he's a magician," mocked James.

"If Faye heard you say that, you would receive two smacks to the head," warned Alastair.

"Faye this... Faye that... don't get me wrong Alastair, she's a lovely girl, but you do know the problem, right?" questioned James.

"Yeah" sighed Alastair, "I know many won't-"

"She's way out of your league, like look at her and then there's you..." James looked at Alastair up and down, "disappointing really." That's when Alastair tackled him to the ground and they were both fighting one another, causing a disturbance. Alethea and the others were trying to separate them. In the end, both boys were separated and told to be a certain distance from each other.

"Why were they fighting?" asked Alethea.

"Well, there's a tournament coming up. The best magical people fight one another in a duel. Witches, wizards, fairies and many more," said Crimson, "then James pushed it, with Faye. Who's Alastair's girlfriend." Alethea nodded in acknowledgement and found herself and the others standing in front of the door to the basement. She found a hand recognition scan and looked at Alastair.

"Always prepared," said Alastair, and his hand was morphed into Nicks'. He placed it on the sensor, and it turned green. The doors in front of them opened and they walked in.

"I'll be look out. If I see anything suspicious, I will call you guys," said Crimson. Alethea looked at her in surprise. She expected Crimson to try and take charge, giving everyone orders. It was unusual to see she was happy enough to stay by the door. They all nodded at her and left her outside.

Once they stepped into the room, they were greeted by groaning right away. Neither of them knowing where it was coming from. She looked at the seat in the middle of the room. Surrounded by machines that she once sat in. She began walking towards it. The others following her. "This is where it happened. This is where I went through the development stages."

"I've never been here for the stages," said James, "to be honest, I'm a bit offended."

"Now is not the time James," said Alastair. Alastair looked around until he stopped. Making them all look at him. He looked at some writing on top of the seat. It read 'contre vents et marées', something Alethea couldn't understand. "It means against all odds," answered Alastair, "it was more than I feared... he's trying to make you a Superior, not re-creating people like you. He wants you to be different from any other Ultraver out there by having all the powers. You will go through many processes which are challenging and could kill you... which means you almost died because of this Alethea," Alethea nodded, "but he still wants you to do this?"

"He  hasn't said anything else since that day," replied Alethea.

"From what I've seen of Nick, if something doesn't go right, he dumps it away... that means he still wants you, but I don't understand why."

"Believe me, I've been asking myself that question from the beginning I've got here," sighed Alethea.

Before Alastair can say anything else, they hear the same noise they did before when they entered. Alethea turned around and found the Ogres in a cage, moaning in pain. Alethea ran up to them, crouching before them. One of them she recognised instantly. It was the Ogre who was trying to stop her from doing the development stage. The Ogre was holding hands with another one, who looked sad.

The Ogre seemed to be bleeding from the stomach. A dagger stuck in her stomach. The other Ogres seemed to be closing their eyes, in what looked like a prayer. Alastair crouched next to Alethea, "you know what's happening?" questioned Alastair.

"No," replied Alethea.

"She's pregnant and needs to give birth right away."

"We can't even get anyone to help?"

"We haven't gotten this far in Classical Beasts and Creatures, I don't know how you even do this in real life," said Alastair.

"First time for everything," replied Alethea, "we're going to help deliver the baby."

"I'm sorry, did you drink too much of something? Or am I going deaf. I believe I just heard that we were going to deliver this baby," said James, looking at Alethea as though she had grown two heads.

"Well, I'm not leaving here till that baby is out and safe," argued Alethea. Charlotte, Alastair and James all looked at one another and sighed, agreeing with Alethea's decision.

They got big blankets from across the room and found as much antiseptics as they could. Alethea was carrying a knife as big as her, swaying it around.

"Be careful with that!" shouted Alastair, almost getting his neck cut off. "I'm so not prepared for this," he muttered to himself, sweating through his shirt.

"Sorry," Alethea said sheepishly. They found a key on top of a rack to the cage, opening it. They all surrounded the pregnant Ogre, ready for whatever was to come at them.

After an hour, with a bit of help from what seemed to be the pregnant Ogres husband, he helped deliver the baby. Both Ogres were now looking at her. The baby was twice Alethea's' height and bigger in width. The Ogres began to stare at Alethea and said something. "Sorry, but I don't understand," said Alethea.

"They're saying to take their child," whispered Alastair, not believing what he was hearing.

"Are they crazy?" replied Alethea. Alastair looked back at the Ogres and gave a message using his hands, soon getting a response.

"Apparently not," replied Alastair, "they want their daughter to have a better life. They said if we place her on top of one of the trolleys it will carry her and take her to the Ogres Land. There are many Ogres who know them, and will look after her."

"What are their names?" asked Alethea.

"Arthur and Helga," Alastair replied, "they named their daughter Fran."

"Get the trolley James," said Alethea, smiling at the Ogres.

Alethea watched the Ogres say goodbye to their daughter, who was now asleep in the trolley. Before they leave, Alastair tells them Helga told him to look at the desk. They all walked up to it and Alethea noticed the piece of wood Nick had told her he threw away. Still in the condition she found it in. Grabbing it quickly, they run out of the room, but not forgetting the whimpers Helga let out for her daughter.

Once Crimson saw this, she went on about how it belonged to a place called The Tattoo's Gate, but quickly changed the subject when she saw the sleeping Ogre. Crimson exclaimed at Alethea. Explaining how irresponsible Alethea was to agree with the Ogres. Even when taking a baby Ogre. Alethea chose to ignore her and carried on walking with the trolley. What was new?

"So how do we get to the Ogre's Land?" asked Alethea.

"Easy, through my book," said James, who pulled out a book and went to a page called 'Ogres Land'. "This is a portal that Ultravers use a lot, each chapter is a place to go to. Once we go to the Ogres Land, job done, and then home sweet home." They all nodded their heads and Alethea watched every single one of them jump into the book disappearing.

James said he would go last as he needed to take the book to get to the other side with him. Alethea jumped in with the trolley in front of her. She found herself in a trance and heard screaming coming from Charlotte and Crimson. Alethea felt her body being reattached repeatedly. She looked to her side to find Fran fast asleep.

The colourful floor vanished from underneath her feet, replaced by the muddy ground. The trolley landed softly, while everyone else hissed in pain. They all stood up and froze. They found more Ogres in front of them working. They were bigger than the ones they had seen at The Hunt.

The Ogres seem to notice their presence and stop what they are doing. They heard rustling from a tent and a giant Ogre dressed in luxurious jewels and a velvet robe stood before them. "And why do we have Ultravers entering our land?...Why are they carrying an Ogre in a trolley?...Are they stealing?" the Ogre began to question.

"We're not here to steal anything, or do anything bad," said Alethea, gulping. James and the others stayed still, not knowing if it was safe to move.

"Please," the Ogre laughed, "I have heard many lies from you Ultravers."

"I have come here, to give you someone... Fran," said Alethea.

"And who is this Fran," mocked the Ogre.

"Fran," gritted Alethea, trying not to lash her anger out on him, "is the Ogre in the trolley who we have delivered from Arthur and Helga."

"Wait," said the Ogre, "Arthur and Helga... they said we will protect her?"

"Well I assume it's you," replied Alethea.

"Arthur and Helga were, and still are great warriors. You see... my son John, was wandering around the woods without any supervision. No one knew where he left. That was until Helga and Arthur found him, surrounded by your kind. Taking in Ogres and using them as slaves." The Ogres around Alethea began to make noises, indicating they were still angry with the incident.

"Arthur and Helga were the youngest warriors I had ever seen but were most loyal... they saved John and sacrificed themselves to the Ultravers, so my son could live. John came that evening, crying on how something went wrong, he told me from start to finish and I knew I would forever be in Arthur and Helga's debt... so I am of course privileged to look after Fran." He bowed but soon wore an unclear expression. "May I ask how you understood them? They were still to master talking in English."

"Well Alastair here understood them very well."

"I learnt how to understand and speak Ogre, a very common language," replied Alastair.

"A true man there," the Ogre replied, giving out his hand for Alastair to shake. Alastair only shook his finger.

"You," the Ogre said, looking at Alethea, "are one of the only Ultravers to refer an Ogre by their name and not use it in disgust. I too am to apologise for making such judgements. I want to thank you on behalf of Arthur and Helga, thank you for saving a life," he said and picked up little Fran from the trolley. "What is your name, who saved Fran?"

"Alethea, along with Alastair, Crimson, James and Charlotte."

"And my name is King Yarro, who will be by you when needed," he said and went into the tent.

Alethea and the others were surrounded by Ogres who were still standing around them. Waiting for them to leave, even if many were still smiling at them. "Guess we're going home," James chuckled nervously, opening to a chapter called 'The Hunt'.

"Stop," said Alethea. They all looked at her. Alethea took out the piece of wood. "I want to go to The Tattoo's Gate. I need answers," said Alethea, holding up the piece of wood.

"You sure you weren't thrown out of a window when you were a baby?" questioned James.

"Have you ever heard of something called a shower?" replied Alethea.

"That's asking for a death wish. The Tattoo's Gate is a place for the dead where lives are tortured, and the worst of people live there. They feed off power, something you have," said James. "They are worse than the lost souls in Hell," exclaimed James.

"He's right, Thea," agreed Charlotte.

"Look, I don't expect you to support me, but if Nick is keeping this piece of wood safe, it could help m- us." None of them move, but Alethea knew she did not have time. She grabbed James' book and ran quickly from them, flicking through the pages. Opening to the chapter which read 'The Tattoo's Gate," she jumped into the book before anyone could do anything.

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