The New Generation


989 92 34

"Our entire lives led us to this moment, only for us to lose in the end. We aren't a team, a family, we never... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
The Ending. . .
Author's Note

Chapter 2

50 5 4

The ten supernaturals reached the beach fairly quickly, and as they approached, the atmosphere changed dramatically. The light breeze was picking up, particles of water gracing their faces as they neared the shore.

Once they broke through the tree-line, to say they were shocked was an understatement. The water was parted in an unnatural way, six males all shirtless wearing a thousand yard stare stood along the wall of the parted waters protectively surrounding who had to be the queen of the Atlantides.

She stood with such confidence waiting for their arrival. Back straight, hands folded in front of her body, chin high, the perfect royal. Her image is also what you'd expect to see in a royal, only more magical. Hair so black it took on a purple hue, tanned skin, eyes so blue that 'blue' was the wrong color to even call them, though there isn't a color worthy to enough to even describe them. The long dress she wore was almost alive it seemed, as if she wasn't really wearing it, but the sea covered her up to preserve her modesty. A sequence of blues, purples, oranges and greens all light in color consistently changing. The queen's features were soft but her stare was hard and unwavering. Just like the team, she was prepared for anything.

Her gaze swept across the team quickly, clearly looking for a certain individual until her eyes landed on who she was looking for.


"Halt in the name of the queen!" One of the guards shouted, preventing any of them to come forward.

Every stopped and waited for what came next. The queen stepped forward, walking to them all one by one, looking them up and down. She stopped in front of Adelaide, gently taking her chin in her hand, nodding in approval.

"You," The queen spoke loud and clear, motioning for Adelaide to step forward.

To say Adelaide was nervous was an understatement. Her grip tightened around Darcel's but even he knew he had no say or grounds in this matter. If the queen wants to talk with Adelaide, then she will. Giving Darcel's hand one last squeeze, Adelaide stepped forward, walking with the queen until they were in the opening of the sea.

The queen studied Adelaide's eyes, as if making sure it was really her and not some imposter. Finally, the queen smiled and reached out a hand to Adelaide to which the aeterian returned the gesture, the two shaking hands.

Upon their hands meeting the wall of water enclosed around the them so that now they were alone encased within a large air pocket large enough to hold only the two of them, the guards on the outside of the wall.

Adelaide gasped, looking around them, confused as to why it was just them. She looked through the water able to see her team on the other side, tense now realizing what the queen has just done. There's nothing they can do but wait.

"Um, your Majesty? What. . ."

"There's a traitor among you Adelaide." The queen told Adelaide softly, "And there's no way in all the seven seas I'm going to let them through."

Adelaide stood confused, not entirely surprised but also not too trusting of this Atlantide either.

"Only trust your team, only your team." Xenna's voice echoed in her mind, reminding her that no matter what anyone says, don't lose faith in your family. Itri can have control over anyone, including the Queen of sea.

"Your majesty, with all do respect, we all have to pass through these waters. I. . . I'm aware there is a traitor," Adelaide lied. She didn't know for sure, it's not entirely impossible, but she has to stick to her gut.

"You know?" The queen's eyes darkened, the water surrounding them jolted violently.

"Yes, but I have a plan." Another lie.

Adelaide isn't sure the queen will buy this, if it's even the queen at all, but she has to try. She's turning the queen's trust in her against her. She didn't ask for these random supernaturals to put their faith in her, but they have and that's on them. She has to stay on mission.

"You know what you're doing young one?" The queen asked skeptically. "I don't feel comfortable-"

Lifting her head confidently Adelaide answered, "Yes, I know what I'm doing and I will not pass through these waters without every member of my team."

After a few more seconds of silence the queen sighed, taking a step back, "Very well, I will take you all where you need to go."

Adelaide couldn't help but feel suddenly suspicious of the queen. Just like that? A 'very well?' She turned around just as the queen opened the waters back up, but as she turned, she caught a reflection of the queen in the waters surrounding them, but the reflection was disfigured and not at all anything like the feminine figure she just conversed with. The reflection was that of a male, a very large male, similar to a venstrai male. . .


Just as the waters opened completely, the queen lunged for Adelaide but it was too late, Adelaide had already seen.

"It's a trap!" Adelaide yelled.

The queen, or Itri grabbed Adelaide from behind, laughing sadistically in her ear, "Clever little human."

Adelaide remembered, Itri doesn't yet know she has powers and she has to keep it that way.

Nysa and Halo took flight, hovering over the scene. Halo's arms were covered in electrical currents while Nysa summoned the elements. Ara shifted while the earth shook under her command and the rest of the team prepared themselves to fight.

Darcel was struggling not to shift and protect his mate, but the queen's gifts are far too powerful and Itri is very unpredictable. They all knew Adelaide couldn't free the queen from Itri's grasp without revealing herself to him, and their plan had to work no matter what.

"Adelaide." Darcel said in a warning tone, a tone she knew all too well. Either free the queen or we will kill her, tone.

"Did you all think it would be that easy? That I'd allow you to pass through an entire ocean and just come to me?" Itri spoke through the queen, her guards surrounding her as if there was nothing amiss.

"Scared of a little fight?" Halo asked from above, smirking down at Itri.

"Never little wolf, but I have to make this fun somehow," Itri traced his fingers along Adelaide's face. "Xenna's predictions must of been way off to think some silly little human can defeat me, but I'll allow you all to pass. First though. . ."

With swift hand's, Itri snapped Adelaide's neck with ease, watching her body drop to the ground lifelessly smiling darkly through the queen's body.

"One must never take chances. . ."

The queen removed her hand from Adelaide's chin, ending the vision.

"You," The queen spoke loud and clear, motioning for Adelaide to step forward.

Adelaide had just seen what would happen if she followed the queen. Darcel's grip on her hand loosened, but she tightened her hold. Her team was expecting her to follow the queen into the water, but Adelaide wasn't moving.

Instead, Adelaide whispered, "It's a trap," knowing her team will hear her loud and clear.

They know without a doubt the queen is Itri, so they take their defensive stances. The queen turned around, shocked that Adelaide wasn't by her side. Her eyes grew cold and angry.

"You don't think we're that stupid, do you Itri?" Nysa questioned smugly, both her and Halo rising into the air.

The queen, Itri, was surprised and confused.

"Someone's losing their touch, huh?" Evander taunted.

Itri, clenched his jaw. He knows he's outnumbered, in a body that isn't his own up against the sons and daughters of some of the strongest supernaturals on earth. He isn't going to win this fight, not here and not today.

Now, the team was on high alert and they know better than to leave Adelaide on her own at any time. Itri may think she's human but even that doesn't mean she's safe, so they'll have to stay vigilante.

"Make no mistake, I will kill that human and Nysa will be mine!" He yelled.

He must have left the queen's body, because suddenly she was standing more confused than ever looking at her surroundings like she didn't know how she got here.

"Your Majesty?" Darcel asked, taking a protective step in front of Adelaide.

The queen quickly regained her composure, "We don't have a lot of time and I don't know if he'll come back. Protect Adelaide at all costs and come." She motioned for all of them to go into the water but they were now more cautious. The queen let out a grunt of frustration, "Now you guys! I'll use my magic to keep the path from collapsing in on you but I won't go with you, for your own safety. As long as you keep one another safe, you'll be fine."

The team gave each other a look of trust and with a nod they ran into the ocean without a second thought.

"Hey," The queen stopped Adelaide, smiling brightly at the young aeterian with hope and encouragement, "Give him hell."

Returning the smile, Adelaide nodded resuming her position with her team.

They don't know what other foes they'll face, they don't know if Itri will take over the queen's body again, they don't know if this magical path underneath the ocean will suddenly collapse and kill them all but they do know that they have each other and their powers and that's enough for them. . . for now.


Hope you liked this chapter:)

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