Somebody's watching me [lost...

By unread_messages

2.9K 78 10

you meet a couple of strange boys with a freakish fashion and questionable ideas that you believe would lead... More



338 13 0
By unread_messages

"UgGhhGhhh..." you groaned, hands running down your face. Looking over at the illuminated alarm clock that striked the time 7:45pm, a heavy sigh escaped your lips as you slapped your hand on your forehead, your eyes felt like bags of like.... You dont know, 20 jars of pickles.
Being very tired from the night before, staying WAY up later than you had attended too, with jamie offering dinner and katty wanting to go to an arcade that was conveniently open 24 hours.
So what are you doing now? Well with being up past 3am, you've spent all day trying to sleep but your body was in disagreement with your brain, having to much energy from the night before, so you've been spending every second feeling your brain slowly dieing.
You made another noise of disappointment before angrily throwing your warm sheets off of you and stomped into your bathroom thinking maybe a shower would help your situation, whether its your mood or your drowsyness.

You stood still, head against the wall, eyes closed softly enjoying the feeling of the warm water prickle down your cold skin, thinking of what you should do today.
You really needed to find a new job, your old one was nice, good pay, good hours, just bad people. You honestly been thinking of doing something involved with art, you've been drawing since back in middle school, and it became a sorta 'job' to draw designs for the band. Drawing canine teeth on your drums, katty asked for something trippy on her guitar, saying she'll pay for it, you of course didnt take the money considering she was a friend and it's the least you can do for her having to deal with your shit(and all you did was paint dripping multi-colored smiley faces everywhere).
You thought a bit more, thinking of what you could do.
Tattoo art?

Yeah that sounds good enough.
Your pretty sure you've seen one around the pier, your not sure but worth taking a look, if there wasn't then you can look at all the different small businesses, there all around the same area.

You felt water began to get cold, making your smooth skin stand on end. Quickly turning the water off, you got out and started to get ready to head out.

Once again you were met with a sweet sunset, its purple and pink hues kissed the sky with a certain softness you could never feel.

You were currently walking down to the pier, suburban weather filled the air making it stuffy and dry so you were thankful the sun was setting, for its beauty and not dying of heatstroke.
Getting closer you could hear the familiar tunes and voices of crowds,as the pier got into view, you watched as they turned on the lights, each one being colorful and brighter than the other. You never noticed how beautiful the lights were, guess you never really paid attention.

After finally getting to the pier you started to search the borderlines of shops around it, your pretty sure they wouldn't have a tattoo shop at a place for kids. then again they have wankers walking around giving "professional" piercings, you shuddered, remembering a little girl screaming her lungs out getting one of them.
You looked into shop windows and watched for any signs that had what you were searching for, this went on for a bit, betting you looked like a creep looking into everyone's windows but eventually found a big bright neon sign" in cursive lettering that said tattoos.
Opening the door, a little bell rung above your head.
The shop was a bit smaller but still held everything alright, in the corners were what you think was where the tattoos were done at, they each had a different theme, one having black and white pictures and mirror's everywhere, the other having more upbeat colors, having paintings and decor of peace signs, cans of soda covering almost every inch of the desk, they both did have dark maroon curtains that were to cover up the little offices and matching colored chairs that you would see at the doctors. In the middle of the offices, though, were piercings of of different sizes for different parts of the body, aligned and spread out, noticing they go all the way down to the left wall were some bongs were displayed. Nice

Your thoughts were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

You whipped behind you to see a lady, who looked to be your age, maybe a bit older, resting her upper body on a desktop, a toothpick between her bright red lips, her dark green eyes on mine, messy black bangs barely covering her eyes. You felt your cheeks get warm, she was very pretty.

"Can i help you?" The woman asked, sucking on her toothpick
"Oh!u-uh i was wondering if you were hiring? Specifically for an tattoo artist.." You said scarcely, thinking she'll reject you.
The woman thought for a moment.
"I believe we do actually, do you have any art pieces you could show me?" She asked, eyes half lidded but she held a small smile.

"Uh art pieces, yeah..... I didn't think about that.." You mumbled, scratching your neck.

"Its okay honey, since you seem nice-" she turned around and grabbed what looked to be a sketchbook on a shelf behind her, before facing you again
"If you fill this page up with some flash design's by... Lets say tomorrow and if i like them, your hired." She said with a bigger smile, toothpick still between her lips as she handed you the sketchbook.
"Thank you so much!! Ill try to be here by noon tomorrow!" You exclaimed happily and you ran out waving to the woman, before sticking your head back in
"Uhm im sorry, what's your name?"
She chuckled
"Just call me sandy sweetheart."
You nodded and waved bye to her again.
"Well that went better than expected.." You mumbled to yourself still holding the sketchbook. You look down at it, noticing how new it was but covered in dust. You shrugged and looked around, streets and sidewalks crowded with people,  lights from within the pier light up the now fully darken sky, hiding the stars which made you a bit upset. A lot less people here tonight than yesterday, which is good for you because you wanted to play some games since you weren't going to sleep anytime soon, you patted your self down in search for your wallet which was thankfully  in your pocket, and started your marry way to knock-the-bottles-down.
You currently were sitting on the wooden steps to the beach, nibbling on cotton candy in a sour mood, you played a game were you had to hit moving wooden duckies in order to get points, and you hit three of them!! Which isnt alot, but you hit them and they wouldn't go down!! All the owner of the game did was smile, while counting your money, and said "better luck next time kid."
You grumbled and ate some more cotton candy, watching people pass by you on the steps in the corner of your eye, and surf nazis trying to get this dudes girlfriend, which was going to end in a fight sooner or later.
Sighing you spaced out for a bit, before feeling a pair of eye's on you, which immediately made you nervous, you looked around to try to find any pair of eyes on you but nothing, just people walking by, which made your anxiety worse.

Maybe it was someone walking by and saw me? Yeah that's it,

A body emerged from behind the stairs, jumping out at you and yelling,as you let out a shrek of genuine fear, the person infront of you laughed their ass off. Tears blurred your vision as you clutched your heart, it was beating like a drum(;))against your ribcage, you looked up to whoever scared you ready to yell at them before seeing it was the blue eyed stranger from yesterday, in which for some reason made your heart stop once more.

His laughing turned into giggles fits and hiccuped laughs, as he whipped a tear from his eye before ploping next to you on the creaky stairs.

"Fancy meeting you here puppy." He said still giggling a bit.
You, in return, said nothing. You sat quietly and stared at the cotton candy container in your lap, pouting a bit, tears still in your eyes.

"Aww, please don't cry, i didn't mean to actually scare you, i just wanted to mess with you." He lied you knew he wanted to scare you, though you could tell he was  actually sorry, hearing his voice laced in concern.

"That wasn't very nice." You stated glaring at him "especially when i don't know you that well."

"Well do you want to?" The blondie asked with a smirk, and a corked brow. A mischievous glint in his eye.
You stared at him for a moment, trying to see what he was planning. Should you risk your life to find out this guy is a murder? The question made you worry more but your pretty sure you'll see a red sign coming a mile away with your overscarce mind
"I-I guess so..." You said not sounding to unsure for yourself.
"Then lets get to know each other with a date."
Before you knew it paul was pulling you up with one hand, and holding your sketchbook and cotton candy in the other, you still processing what he said.
Paul dragged you everywhere on the pier, made you play every game with him, even the duckie game and some how miraculously knocked one down which surprised the owner before putting him in a sour mood say to pick a prize. You picked out a small panda plush with a ribbon around its neck, you tried to give it to paul as a thank you but he denied it, saying you deserve it.
You got to know him a bit well too, learning he plays guitar, very well at that, he has a buddy named Marko he cares for very much, and they like to paint rocks, and the side of the security office, and peoples cars.
"That sounds awesome." I said holding all my belongings to my chest, offering paul some cotton candy in which he gladly accepted.
"Which one?" He asked, mouth full of sugar fluff.

"Both." You smiled and shrugged.
"Well your more than welcome to join us, we've been actually wanting to spray paint a giant peen in the parking lot." He said a cat like smile on his face
"Dick and balls man,"
"Farts and shits." Paul said calmly and that was enough to make you wheeze and snort, depriving yourself from oxygen. You had to bend over and hold your self and all your stuff to your knees so you wouldn't fall over and fucking die.
Paul was now in with the laughter, cackling like a witch.

"Why was that so funny to me-" you cut yourself off, coughing violently, feeling your throat go instantly raw.
Paul giggled a few more times before asking if you were okay.
"Yeah, just need something to drink."
Paul locked arms with you and guided you threw the crowd until making it upon a small ice shake, stating they have the best slushies in Saint Carla, which you could believe, some of the best shit is at little places like these.
"What flavor do you want?" Paul asked looking at you
"Paul you don't have too-"
"Shunsh- what flavOR do you want?" He placed his finger to your lip
"Uhm i g-guess strawberry.."
Paul did the okay sign with his fingers before going up to the to the worker asking for a slushie, in which the worker nodded and disappeared.
"Paul you dont have to pay" you said grabbing for your wallet.
"Oh im not paying." He said slyly


"Can you go throw this away for me?" He asked, sticking his hand in his jacket pocket and giving you a wrapper.
"O-kayyy." You said a bit confused bug agreed, the least you can do

You walked over to trashcan semi far from the ice shack, it had trash sticking and falling out of it.
"Really wish they'd clean that up.." You pouted before setting the wrapper on top since there's no room in the trashcan.
You suddenly hear yelling and turned around to see paul running twords you holding your slushie, a shit eating smile on his face, he grabbed your hand and continued to run very far, you should be fit by the end of the week with all this tugging and running.
You both leaned against a railing, out of breath and a tight chest, you were sweating, your not used to being this physical.
"What did you do?" You laughed out.
"Got you a slushie, why?" He laughed and handing you said slushie.
"Thank you." You said quickly desperately thirsty you snatched it out of his hands and sipped the syrupy goodness.
"Do you wanna try?" You asked offering it to paul.
Paul looked at it for a second, seeming weary, like he doesnt trust it. But he just shrugged and took a sip before smacking his lips.
"Mmmmm 5/10, doesnt taste as good as chinese food."
You chuckled
"I can agree with that."
You both settled into a comfortable silence, the music and crowd taking over your description, as paul stared at the beach and you sipping on your slushie.
"Thank you paul."

"For what?" He asked actually seeming confused.

"For today ya dingus, it was fun." You said with a smile
Paul didnt say anything, he just continued to stare at the beach, poker face.
Did you do something wrong?
A couple seconds passed with a now uncomfortable silence, at least for you.
"You played really well the other day." Paul smiled and looked at you blue eyes shining in the neon lights.
"Like i said you have the energy of a puppy."
You felt your cheeks go red, you were starting to get used to the pet name.
"Thank you." You mumbled, comfortable silence taking over once more.
"Is there anyway i can re-pay for today?"
Paul leaned his back against the railing more, thinking, before another smile appeared on his face.
"You could meet visit me when ever you can." He winked
You blushed,Why?? You werent sure.
You both whipped your head to see a boy about your hight, most likely age too, with curly blonde hair that went all the way down his back and a very stitched and patched up jacket that looked so fucking cool, like oh my gooooddddd.
The blond boy stomped twords us, well directly twords paul before grabbing him by the arm, the boy looked tired, a bit agitated.
"Come on, his HIGHNESS wants to go, you know how he is when we make him wait-" the boy stated before tugging paul.
"Buuuttt markkooooo, i wanna stay here with y/n a bit longerrr."
Marko took a quick look at you before continuing dragging paul before looking at you again, you thought his neck was gonna snap by how fast he turned his neck.
Getting a better view of his face he was very pretty like paul-
What? I didnt say that-
His face was very greek statue like, very elegant and very loose, like most greek statues have droopy eyes that always makes them look tired, marko had beautiful almond shaped eyes.

"I like your jacket." You said with a small smile

Marko stared at you for a few more seconds before clearing his throat.
"Oh-uhm thank you-" he said letting go and looking at paul, paul just gave him a side glance.

"Paul talked about you, y-you seem very artistic." You said your throat was closing from nervousness of a new person, making your voice shakey.
Marko smiled, seeming to relax a bit.
"Yeah, not much just patch work and painting."
You nodded with a smile
"You were amazing on the drums last night, surprised you dont have whiplash." Marko said grinning now, like he was expecting you to say you did for his utter amusement.

"I- uhm w-well me either." You laughed nervously, you began top pick your lip.

Marko just chuckled before grabbing paul once more and dragging him away
"Come on." He mumbled, paul just groaned and waved to you with a doofus smile.
"Bye puppy!"
Strange. You thought

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