Escape from Tarkov

By LeviKamarov

28 0 0

There are Igor Gurevich and Vadim Ostaltsov both in the russian army and they have to escape the city of Tark... More

Escape from Tarkov

28 0 0
By LeviKamarov

(Bullets whizing by as they hide in cover)

Vadim: How much ammo do they have, they must be here looting for months, years maybe!

Igor: They aren't gonna be here for long.
Vadim: why do you think they'll leave?

Igor: who said anything about leaving?

(Gets out of cover, stands up and sprayes them with bullets from his AK-74)

Vadim: Ooooooh that's what you meant by leaving, haha good one.

(They both start walking towards the dead SCAVS laying on the floor)

Vadim: ooooh that guy has an AK-103.

(Rushes to the gun but Igor stops him)

Igor: That's mine, i did all the work. Here, you can have my AK-74.

Vadim: better than the old M870.

(they start making their way out of the building)

Igor: shush, i heard footsteps.

(Mouse runs infront of them)

Vadim: AAAAA a mouse!

Igor: will you shut up.

(Says quietly)

Other russian scavs: TAM ОНИ! (There they are)

Igor: you and your damn fears.

(Russian scavs start running towards them)

(Igor throws a Zarya stun granade at them, as it goes off scavs start grunting in pain because they cannot see)

(Igor tries to shoot them but he forgot to reload his gun, but then Vadim starts unloading his weapons into the three russian scavs)

Vadim: HA looks like i get better loot this time.

Igor: oh fuck off!

Vadim: Damn one of them had a VPO-215.

Igor: Haven't seen one of those in a while

Vadim: What do you mean

Igor: When i was little i trained with one of those

(they finally get out of the building and start heading for the train station to get picked up and out of Tarkov)

Igor: i hope you like walking cuz we have a long way to go.

(A lot of gun shots in the distance)

Vadim: damn someone really doesn't know how to shoot.

Igor: ayyy just like you.

Vadim: just because you out rank me doesn't mean i don't know how to shoot.

(They walk through the city and it begins to darken)

Igor: ok we need to find a place to sleep, we'll go into that tall building right there.

Vadim: sure.

(They get to the top of the building)

Igor: you set up camp and go to sleep i'll guard tonight, just give me the sniper rifle.

Vadim: no, why?

Igor: so i can shoot people from the building, do you think i'll kill someone with this (grabs his AK-103) at the distance of 600 meters.

Vadim: do you know how to.

Igor: DA! (says angrily)

Vadim: OK just asking.

(Next morning)

Vadim: (yawn) so did you see anyone?

Igor: yes plenty, moving through the city, no one worth shooting though.
(They get off the building and start walking. They walk a couple kilometers and suddenly someone shoots at them from really far away)

Igor: it must be a sniper, check if you can spot it.

(There is no response, Igor turns around to check on Vadim to see him lying on the corner of a building exposed to enemy fire)

Igor: VADIM ( he dragges him to safety and checks if he's alive) oh thank babushka you're alive. How would i make it without your stupid ass?

Vadim: get vodka out it'll be just fine, where did i even get shot.

Igor: i don't think you are in a state of drinking my friend, you've just been shot through the FUCKING CHEEK.

Vadim: oy blyat man i don't even feel it.

Igor: ya for now, later you'll be screaming in pain.

Vadim: sure, i'm not a pussy.

Igor: debatable. Ok now let's patch you up and find that cyka!

Vadim: you do that, i don't think i can look through that scope.

Igor: you're right, I'll do it.

Vadim: be careful.

Igor: we're in tarkov remember?

(A couple minutes go by)

Vadim: have you spotted him yet?

Igor: no, but there is a car a couple hundred meters out, now we should be able to get there since you can walk.

Vadim: i don't wanna risk getting one of us killed cuz you wanna rush it, let's take it slow, make a plan, you know all that stuff they taught in the military.

Igor: you're right.

Vadim: see i'm not that stupid after all.

Igor: so what do you wanna do.

Vadim: you still have that map we found in the building a long time ago?

Igor: yea probably.

(Looks for it in his backpack)

Igor: yep found it.

Vadim: ok show me. See this alleyway here, we should be able to sneak around some of the city.

Igor: ok, let's go.

(Some walking later)

Vadim: look there is a dead scav there.

Igor: wait it might be a trap.

Vadim: you're right, just drag it here.

(Igor drags the body into the alleyway)

Vadim: check him, see what he's got on him.

Igor: he's got a umm.... Backpack, some meds

Vadim: great that'll be usefull.

Igor: some food, some ammo

Vadim: what about the guns

Igor: he's got an MP-5 and A 338. LAPUA MAGNUM LET'S GO

Vadim: lucky you

(They are at the end of the alleyway and see the road but hear footsteps and laughter)

Vadim: shit, what do we do

Igor: do we have any throwing knives?

Vadim: where would we get that?

Igor: just check your pack.

Vadim: oh fuck off, how in the blin did they get here?

Igor: how many you got?

Vadim: five .

Igor: give me one.

Vadim: why one, we know there are multiple.
Igor: there are only two.

(Vadim gives Igor a throwing knife and igor grabs his hunting knife. He throws a knife at one guys head and he's dead instantly and then charges the other one stabing him in the stomach and slicing his neck)

Igor: ok let's keep moving.

(Vadim is walking in front and igor is behind, when suddenly a woman ambushes them and puts a knife on Vadims neck, Igor points a gun at her)

Igor: you see i have a sniper right?

Unknown woman: yes.

Igor: so i could shoot you in the head and not even touch Vadim.

Unknown woman: but you're not.

Igor: why do you think that?

Unknown woman: cuz I'm a woman, what man kills a woman?

Igor: a man trying to survive.

Unknown woman: i know but i can help you .

Igor: and how is that?
Unknown woman: first imma let your little buddy go.

Vadim: hey im not little.

Unknown woman: shut up!

Vadim: ok.

Unknown woman: then i could be a part of your team.

Igor: and why would i accept you into the team.

Unknown woman: as you can see I'm a pretty skilled ambusher and tracker.

Igor: were did you learn all that?

Unknown woman: that's classified, if we get out of here I'll tell you.

Igor: we don't even know your name.

Unknown woman: yea let's keep it that way.

Igor: ok but let him go.

(She let's Vadim go, he breathes really fast from fear and pressure)

Unknown woman: ok, now give me a gun.
Igor: not so fast женщина (woman)
Unknown woman: i don't know what that means.

Igor: it means woman, you said you're a good tracker so if you smell or what the hell you do tell me, me and Vadim will handle the shooting and then if you earn my trust maybe you get a knife or a MP-443 GRACH cuz that's the only pistol i have.

Unknown woman: oh what is it sarg, are you afraid of a woman.

Igor: first of all how did you know I'm a sargeant.

Unknown woman: you know your rank is displayed on your shoulder.

Igor: shit.

Vadim: hehe she got u.

Igor: shut the fuck up.

(They stare at each other for a while, than start moving out of the city. Eventually they get to the edge).

Igor: alright from now on we don't have cover from the buildings, now we have to go low and slow.

(they start crawling through the field where they see an armored truck with an ASG-30 grenade launcher attached on top. Suddenly they hear a very loud roar above them and it's getting louder every second, they look up and see an AC-130 and a lot of parashoots)

Igor: fuck, paratroopers!

Vadim: what do we do?

Igor: run to that truck there, we still have some time till thay land!
(They start sprinting towards the truck when suddenly the paratroopers start shooting from the sky, they do not hit anyone and the group gets to the cover of the armor)

Igor: Vadim get behind the wheel I'll arm the launcher!

Vadim: 10/4!
Unknown woman: what about me?

Igor: you sit and be quiet, vadim floor it!

(Vadim bashes the accelerator pedal, they drive for a couple of kilometers whent it starts to stop)

Igor: why are you stopping?!

Vadim: I'm not that's all she has. We're out of gas.

Igor: fuck!

Unknown woman: do you have any alcohol?

Igor: yes a bottle of vodka.

Unknown woman: give it to me.

Igor: No, why, we don't have time to drink.

Unknown woman: just do it!

(Hands her the bottle, she makes her way to the back of the car and fils it with vodka)

Vadim: who are you?

Unknown woman: it's not much but it'll get to the next part of the city!

(They drive to the nearest city where they find a hospital)

Vadim: oh look a hospital, we should get some meds.

(Right as they make their way in, the unknown woman gets shot in her foot. They check if she's alive but there is no pulse)

Vadim: look she's bleeding from the head too.

Igor: probably fell over and hit her head, looks like we're all alone again. Kit up and let's keep moving to the extraction point!

(As they make their way through the city Vadim looks into a building and sees a shadow running)

Vadim: Igor (says quietly) tangos in the building

(They go in and follow the shadow. When it finally disappears they go around some corners and come to a locker room full of angry russian soldiers)

Soldier 1: (in russian) anyone have any bullets for AKMN?

Soldier 2: (in russian) what ammo does it take?

Soldier 1: (in russian) 7.62x39.

Soldier 2: (in russian) i don't have any, sorry.

Soldier 3: (in russian) yeah i have some.

Soldier 1: (in russian) you need them?

Soldier 3: (in russian) no.

Soldier 1: (in russian) can i have them?

Soldier 3: (in russian) if you give me your tuhsonka?

Soldier 1: (in russian) alright fine, here.

Soldier 3: (in russian) thank you, here.

(Soldier 3 starts eating the tuhsonka)

Soldier 3: (in russian) damn that's good.

Igor: ok now we atack

(Vadim throws a RDG-2B smoke granade into the locker, one soldier stands up and starts shooting all around. He not knowingly kills the other soldiers, but when he has to reload his PRK-16 he gets slashed by Igor with his M-2 Tactical Sword)

Igor: i took good care of them.

Vadim: team work.

Igor: tell me what did you do?

Vadim: i'm morral support.

Igor: let's get out of here before someone else comes in.

( they start walking through the city)

Vadim: oh look a warehouse, it should have a lot of loot.

Igor: alright let's check it out.

(They push the metal doors, as they get in a group of survivors stops them by aiming guns at them, vadim reaches for his gun)

Igor: don't.

(The soldiers shout)

Soldiers: SAFE!

(a hole community of people get out of their hiding places and a woman starts walking up to them)

Woman: what are you doing in my warehouse.

Igor: looking for loot to survive.

Woman: who is your enemy?

Igor: scavs

Woman: now you can stop aining at them.

(The soldiers step away and drop their guns)

Woman: my name is katyusha, a lot of families live here, i will let you go but if you tell anyone i will send and assassin to end you both.

Igor: we will not, we are just looking for food.

Katyusha: you can stay for dinner and in the morning you leave, deal?

Igor: thank you.

(They stay for dinner, it's getting dark so they go to sleep)

(Next morning)

Katyusha: if you have a chance, stop by at any time.

Igor: we will, thank you.

(They get out of the factory and out of the city)

Vadim: wow that was a small town, we're already through.

(There is a grassy hill in front of them so they get to the top)

Vadim: enemies at 10 o'clock.

(They lay down and pull out their sniper rifles)

Igor: there is only three of them, pick one and i follow

(They shoot them and keep going)

Vadim: we're not that far away from the town with the extraction point.

(They get to the small town)

Igor: ok we're here, keep your eyes peeled and guns ready.


Igor: well now we know we're not alone.

(More gunshots)

(They see some soldiers in front and shoot them, while reloading two soldiers ambush them ftom behind but only with knives and an axe. One soldiers jumps on Vadim while other tries to hit Igor but he grabs his arm and stabs him with his knife. While Igor is fighting, vadim is pinned down on the floor by another solider. Suddenly, a gun shot and the soldier falls)

Vadim: thanks Igor.

Igor: i didn't shoot him!

Vadim: WHAT!

Unknown woman: sup bitches!

(They both turn around and stare)

Igor: aren't you dead?

Unknown woman: when you left, someone came and started looting me, i suddenly woke up and killed him.

Vadim: but what about your injury?

Unknown woman: i pulled myself into the hospital and started looking for bandages, the shot tore two fingers on my foot so i just put some bandages around.

Vadim: but what about your head?

Unknown woman: oh that was a blood pocket on the back of my neck so if someone shoots me i can pop it and pretend im dead, then i went back looted the soldier and now im here.

Igor: ok now that you saved us, what is your name?

Unknown woman: My name is Tijana Asimov, when soldiers came i broke off to fight but they wouldn't take me into the military so i trained and became one of the best assassins in Russia.

Igor: my name is Igor Gurevich and i am from normal family, my father was killed when i was just 7 years old, at the age of 18 i joined the Russian special forces and later the sniper corp becoming known as the best sniper in my class often called the last sight.

Vadim: my name is Vadim Ostaltsov and i come from a normal family as well, i joined the military at the age of 20 and later tried to become a Spetznaz soldier but i didn't make it.

Igor: HA loser!

Vadim: shut the fuck up!

Tijana. Ok stop playing boys, what about we go home?

Vadim: sounds good to me.

Tijana: let's go.

Igor: WOOOO!

(They get to the armored train first so they don't need to wait, the train takes them out of tarkov and they are all greeted by the president as the first survivors to get out of Tarkov. All of them receive one of the most prestigious awards, the order od stalin)


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