Anna's family

By Otar3000

1.8K 100 15

A new interesting chapter in Anna's life. Takes place after Frozen 2 and "The Passsage" More

Trust your heart
No matter what ever it takes
Family Lost Lineage
Guilt of heart
A mother's heart
I am with you
On the way
Arendelle, Welcome??
I want to know
Enter Olaf
Unmeltable Me
Busy Time
A hidden plot
A story teller
Play Night
Heated debate or Legislative Violence?
Secret Passage
A visit
Wolf Encounter
A stained memory
Trio of stages
Hell, Raid Aftermath
Make it out
Tough rock on wind
Promise to keep
Fiery Flames
Dangerous waters
Seeking the truth
Calm before storm
Something's Coming
Trouble's coming up
Chapter 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Cyclone 🌀
Memory Witch
Rain and Sea/Drops and Waves
Justified Worries
Nobles vs Pirates
Cold Shoulder
future concerns & dangers
Everyone has a burden
Out of cold
Dugaag meets Königin
Tarzel Gespräch
Hans the 13th/The Broken Bridge - Adultsupervision
hold on for your dreams & beyond!
is it a good time??
All in it's time - Happy 10 years
Free Fall
Olaf piratin tales
All is NOT well
Protect (not project) your tomorrow
voice of unheard or unrest?
memory of the brave
Beauty and Bravery
Mouse & Wolf
Heart is Pain
pain warp personality - CHROMASTORM CRISIS
Anna of Ark


22 2 0
By Otar3000

Nighttime at the enchanted forest

Ryder : Thank goodness Nokk led me to the prison where you were captured!

Elsa : Where is Nokk now? And what is wrong with Bruni?

On their arrival here Elsa ran into Bruni who didn't act as usual and was aggressively firing all around

Ryder : Elsa...all the spirits are raging. They are feeling insecre and sensing a rising danger. And all of them are combining their powers to form this blizzard...

She stared at the incomplete mist, her mind racing with horror.

Elsa : What?! No...I won't let that happen. Not again!...

'Alright let's be collected'

...Where is Maren?

Ryder : Maren is sleeping at the moment but she is okay...

She turns to see Kristoff alive and well, she runs up and hugs him

"Kristoff! I'm so glad you are alright!"

Kristoff : I'm also glad Elsa...

Elsa : What happened whiel I was locked away?

K: Hans happened...several days ago

Kristoff looks down as he recalls the events prior

A few days earlier

On their way Olaf is curious about the power hungry troll Pabbie mentioned earlier and asks what happened to him

Olaf : Sorry. But wait who is Brom or Bron?

Pabbie seems pained by the memory but tells the story anyway, spinning his shadows to illsutrate

Grand Pabbie : Over my long life, there were many who have sought the mystery that Ahtohallan keeps before Elsa came in. Hundreds of years ago, an elder in our tribe named Bron sought to harness magical elements of earth, fire, water and air. Some trolls naturally have the abiltiy to control earth, and Bron was one of those few...

...Despite his wisdom and power, there came a time when abnormally cold winters started to threaten Arendelle and the valley we call home. No one in our tribe had ever been able to channel the element fo fire but for the good of all, Bron found a way. The magic he learned fought back the cold and saved may lives...

...but slowly it changed him...He wanted more but when it came to the fifth element of ice, it was not so easily mastered. The only way to harness that power was to take it from a natural source. Our tribe began to see his soul, twisting toward the dark and we knew if he was ever to control all of the elements, our realm might be bent to his will. A battle ensued for control of the tribe and we managed to defeat Bron, exiling him forever. However as he fled, he vowed vengeance and warned us he'd return, wielding the hidden power that Ahtohallan keeps. He went north and was never seen again..."

This story for sure left Olaf and the others concerned

Maren : I've heard stories of a troll once reaching Ahtohallan, with the eyes glowing as red as fire. Was that?...

Pabbie : Indeed, he was very dangerous. I am not certain why he resurfaced now but make no mistake, he will prove to be a difficult challenge when we find him...or maybe he finds us.

Kristoff : Now that's not good. We have to warn Elsa

Anna : We don't even know where Elsa is. Besides I've already tried to call Gale but he is not answering. What should we do?

Jane : Alright everyone let's be calm. Instead of overthinking on things, let's do what we can at the moment.

Tarzan who was overhearing everything inclding the story of Bron, was also concerned. He faced off agaisnt magical foes before but he may be on a different league.

Tarzan : ~Aah aah~

'So that is the voice of Ahtohallan? But why does it call me?'

Maren : You still hearing it Tarzan?

Tarzan looks at Maren who noticed his behavior

Tarzan : Yes, I hear someone singing... actually have been hearing for a while now. I don't know why but I think it's possibly Ahtohallan

Maren eyes widened in surprise "The voice of Ahtohallan. Elsa told us how she also had such experiences before she became a spirit."

Tarzan : I heard Ahtohallan is an ancient river, does it have a consciousness?

Maren giggles

Maren : It's the source of spiritual magic and the mother of all the spirits in the forest. There's a lullaby about it and according to the lyrics, it sings to those who'll hear and it sang to Elsa using a memory of her mother...or as Elsa told us, it was her spirit.

Tarzan blinked a few times, scratching his head 'Spirit of our mother? Is it possible?'

Mattias then arrived at the scene, he seems to be distressed

Anna : what is it Mattias?

Mattias : Your majesty, Professor Porter came back, with an injured arm...

Jane : What is he okay? What happened?

Mattias : From what I understand, he was researhing with Lord Sorensen when something attacked them...unfortunately Lord Sorensen has perished

Kristoff : That's definitely not good

Mattias : And that's not all someone stole all the weapons in the castle, we can't find them anywhere.

Close to the window, Tarzan then started to hear some strange sounds coming from the outside

It was like a ship was approaching...more than one.

Maren : What is it?

Tarzan stood up as he crawled to the center, everyone looks at him puzzled except for Pabbie who became somewhat alarmed

Anna : Tarzan what are you-

Tarzan : Anna I feel like we are in trouble.

Pabbie : Yes I sense it too

Then at that moment, they hear a horn being blown outside

Tarzan : What was that?

Kristoff : It's a blowing horn! Seems we've got some unplesant visitors!

A guard comes into the room "Your highness! General Mattias! Multiple ships are approaching Arendelle! You must leave at once!"

Everyone then stands up in surprise and shock

Olaf tries to act as a tough captain "What kind of ships are they commander?"

Commander : WARSHIPS! From many kingdoms across the globe, led by the kingdom fo the Southern Isles!

Anna and Kristoff looked at each other in shock

Anna gasps 'No it can't be'

Kristoff : Hans.

Outside of Arendelle

Warships are not so far behind, they are heading towards Arendelle

They prepare their weapons and guns to fire

Hans Westerguard smirks, his eyes glowing 'It seems the demise of these siblings is just destined to be'

"Man up the guns! Steady! Go!"

The trembling was heard all arond the castle

Anna "Ah! What is hapopening!?"

Mattias : Please leave!

Anna : ...N-no

Kristoff puts a hand on her shoulder

Kristoff : Anna c'mon.

Anna wa reluctant but slowly she nods

Kristoff : Honeymaren! Olaf! Sven! And you two! Follow me!

Before she leaves with them, she turns to Pabbie

Anna : Pabbie...please don't let them hurt our people

Pabbie : I will try my best

She nods as he goes after the others

Pabbie turns to the commander "Commander, ship all the people into the castle immediately until it's safe"

Commander agrees and together they head outside where the people of Arendelle were in panic, running away from the line of fire as the Hans' men were shooting

Hans : Keep bombarding!


The cries of the citizens were heard all around the kingdom

Through the secret passage

Everyone followed Kristoff through the pathway in the secret room which led them underground all the way to the hidden spot behind a watefall

Olaf : Wow cool

Kristoff : This cave was made in case soemthing fishy happens

Tarzan : Let's hope it is leading away from Arendelle

Honeymaren : We must reach the enchanted forest quickly!

They resumed to go through until the ground began to tremble and crack like an icycle

Jane asks worried

Jane : What...what's this?

It seems the bombardment is causing enough damage for the cave to start crumbling

The parts they were standing on were completely gone

Kristoff : No no no no no!

Kristoff tries to get hold but fails as him, Olaf and Jane are sent hurling down the river

Tarzan : JANE!



Anna was devastated, as she screams very loudly

Sven looks at her in sadness

The citizens were gathered in the castle just as Pabbie

They see the enemy ships closer by the second

Pabbie : They've arrived

Hans and his men come down from his ship to the village entrance as he orders "Attack!"

They swarm into the kingdom, aiming for the castle where Mattias awaits them

Commander : General we have low weapons, we are no match for them!

Mattias knew they didn't stood much of a chance. But they need to buy Pabbie some more time

The eerie whistle of death was felt within his  body.... as his mind reluctantly r

ealises that maybe he will not come out of this alive....

'It seems that I will fall in this battle... Your highnesses... Hamila.... Glacia... Be well.'

Remembering his wife and daughter, he said determined

"For Arendelle! ATTACK!"

He slammed his sword at his shield, signaling the arendelle guards to make possibly their last stand

It was long and brutal fight

They were not weak but at the end of it all, they were outnumbered

Mattias even challenged Hans and they were even for moments, however he was not as young as the Prince of the Southern Isles who was also much more skilled

In the midst of the conflict, the warships kept firing

Mattias quikly reacted to where it was about to hit

Mattias : LOOK OUT!

Mattias dashed forwards and moved the commander out of the way

Commadner was saved but sadly the same couldn't be said about Mattias who got a direct hit and was instantly obliterated

Commander screaemd in horror "SIREEE!"

From afar Pabbie sensed commander's screams and his face took on a saddened expression


Gerda : AH They are coming to us at the castle!

Pabbie then stood in front of them, ready to cast a spell


As he yelled out his words, the earth around the castle began to shift forming a massive barrier over Pabbie and the people within

Hans : Wow! What is that!?

Professor holds his injured arm not to hurt it as he looks on astonished

Professro : Are we...?

Pabbie : We are safe

Professor and citizens were relieved to hear this

Halima who was among them asks Pabbie if Mattias wass alright, with worst case cenario already playing in her mind

" General Mattias is no more"

Hamila gasps with her hands covering her mouth as Kai and Olina try to console her

"Mom where is dad?"

They all froze in place as they see Glacia, who was standing there wtih them and trembling

"He is okay right? right?"

Hamila goes and hugs her teary eyed

Glacia : Right?

Professor wipes off her tears as he looks at her

"I am very sorry child"

Jane : Agh where are we?

Her butt and back are hurting

Olaf's body parts were seperated as he pulls for them together

Olaf : Definitely not water he he

Kristoff rubs his eyes as he looks onward "It seems we landed on a rock which going TO SINK!?

They look onward to see the river ending on the other side, leading to the waterfall

They held onto each other ina hug as they slide down the water with Olaf singing lyrics



Anna was on her knees, crying helplessly as she hugs herself

Honeymaren : Anna...

Anna : I've lost everyone...

Tarzan crawled over to her and Sven

Anna : ...Now the enchanted forest is in danger too...Our sister is who knows where...

She looks at Tarzan "Now Kristoff and Jane are gone too..."

Tarzan "Wait you don't know that-"

Anna : ...I'm sorry Tarzan... for getting you into all of this mess

Tarzan then grabs her by her arms, just careful enoguh to not harm the belly "Pull yourself together!"

Anna's eyes widen , staring at her little brother who sounded angry "Anna you are a queen! So act like it instead of falling down!"

Anna : You have all the right to be angry with me

Tarzan : Anna please stop. I know how this feels... to be hopeless, to feel like you failed everyone and that feeling does't go away as easily...but remember what I told you it's not your fault.

Honeymaren : You shouldn't count those three out yet, they may still be alive

Tarzan agrees "Of course, me and Jane were in way worse situations before"

Sven also rubs her cheeks against her shoulder in agreement

Anna giggles at Sven's doing, as she says the same "So were we. There were many times that I've seen only darkness but deep down thee was a light that never went out"

Tarzan smiles at his sister as she seemingly regains her composure

And in that moment they all were taken aback as on one of the walls in the cave began to glow up taking on a form what appears to be a big keyhole of light


I feel sorry for Glacia because she has yet to know her own part in her father's demise. And yes Mattias is dead.

And guess what that keyhole means?

Also Olaf's optimism is worth a praise hehe.

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