Shivi OS // Arch For Me // 18+

By inaayaa_siddiqui

3.4K 92 8

Shiva, Raavi and Mirrors. More

Arch For Me

3.4K 92 8
By inaayaa_siddiqui

Raavi came down from the aerial bar and cursed unable to get the final step of her routine right, at this point her arms were swollen and hurting from being up in the air and her back hurt with the amount of times she had arched trying to perfect the final pose of her dance, she had been working on perfecting her dance routine for the upcoming cultural fest that was held annually in their college. She wanted her dance to be perfect this time around because everyone from the Pandya family would be coming to watch her dance, she had not told anyone about it because when she had gone to her MaasiMaa with high hopes that she would attend her event, but she had simply dismissed her saying that she had to go attend a kitty party and she didn't want to disturb her MausaPaa because she knew he would be busy that week, finally Anita Di had taken notice on how sad she looked about it and had taken it upon herself to cheer her up, and hence the entire Pandya Family along with her Anita Di were coming to the fest. At this point she just wanted a hot shower and afterwards she would go spend some time with her Dhara Di, it had been a while since she visited the Pandya House and its residents.

As she thought of the family her mind went to Shiva, her supposed No.1 enemy but with the way he had been looking at her lately with those intense eyes of his, the way he kept pulling her close to his body when they were all up in each others faces and the way their lips would be inches apart from each other, she would have been lying to herself if she didn't want to kiss those lips. She dreamt of the feeling of his lips and moustache against her own, the thought of Shiva and her like that had often lead to restless nights, and it had only been a matter of time before he had begun frequenting her dreams as well. God she was going crazy over a guy she was supposed to hate, but at this point she wasn't sure she hated him, at least her body did not, well not with the way it had reacted to his proximity and the heat that came off of his body, the usual strong cinnamon scent that came off his body which used to annoy her made her throb and ache with need and the way he held her, his hands warm and his grip rough on her sensitive skin, any tighter and she was sure he would leave marks of his fingers on her body, not that she would mind them in the first place. She shook her head trying to rid herself of such inappropriate thoughts, now really wasn't the time to be thinking about the Bhoothnath, she needed to finish the goddamn dance routine and get home.

It was already quite late in the evening and she was sure that no one else apart from her were on campus, she had gotten permission from her dance teacher to practice in the evenings and for the past 3 days she had been enjoying the time she had to herself in the evenings, the entire college would be empty and she could blast music as loud as she wanted to and there were no nosy boys trying to enter the room or annoying teachers who kept complaining.

She looked at herself in the mirrors that lined all the walls in the dance room, her black workout pants stretched across her legs like second skin allowing her to move freely, her t-shirt on the other hand was soaked through and was now uncomfortable against her heated skin, the sleeves of the cloth heavy against her arms, restricting her movement, the stupid air conditioner wasn't working as well. Looking around she figured no one would be there anyway and she was wearing a camisole underneath so she just removed her T-shirt, the absence of it already making her feel less irritated. Raavi sighed as she prepared to do the whole routine one last time and just pack it up and go home. As she started her routine and quickly got engrossed she busied herself with the dance.

Shiva on the other hand wasn't having a good time, he hadn't seen the Chipkali in a long time and he was bothered. Very bothered. He was used to seeing her everyday and ever since he realised his feelings for her he wanted to see her everyday, but his Chipkali was being annoying, evading him and the entire family since almost a week now because of her stupid dance thing. He was unable to focus at the store and his family members were beginning to get suspicious of his absentmindedness, it was particularly difficult to evade Krish at times, the boy was simply everywhere!

At this point he was beyond vexed due to Raavi's absence, he missed her, especially ever since he noticed the way she had started reacting to his touch, every time he pulled her closer on the pretext of fighting she could loose her train of thought and whatever comeback that was on the tip of her tongue would be forgotten and she would fumble and try to get away from him as fast as she possibly could, her sudden coyness and responsiveness to him would never fail to satisfy him and he would end up spend hours together simply lost in the memory of how she had looked when her face would go all red and she would start to stutter incoherently, gosh he had to see her. Making some random excuse to Kaka about a headache he raced off on his bike towards Raavi's college, where he knew she would be, most probably rehearsing like had said a couple of days back when he eavesdropped on her and Dhara Bhabhi.

It took him a total of 15 minutes to get to her college and an additional 5 to walk all the way to the dance room, and when he entered the view he was presented with made him thank his lucky stars for getting him there on time he shut the door and locked it immediately not wanting anyone to walk in on the heavenly sight in front of him, Raavi was just finishing up her routine. Her arms stretched on either side of her body and held onto the aerial bar and cloth up in the air and her legs forming a sideways split in the air, her back arched beautifully and her eyes closed, he watched the way her legs stretched and the fabric of her pants clinging to her skin, the flimsy camisole she wore dipped low giving him a wonderful view of her cleavage from where he was standing, her hair loose from the braid which she might have tied when she started and her smile, god that smile alone would kill him he decided, she arched even more, her back bending and legs stretching wide to accommodate her position, the mirrors all around the room making sure that she was the only thing he could see, Shiva felt his blood rushing southwards due to the view she presented, her body bent beautifully, he marvelled at her flexibility, instantly wondering about how much more flexible she could get. He wanted her and he wanted her now, years of pretence and appropriation could go to hell he decided and stalked forward soundlessly like a predator out for his innocent and unsuspecting prey, reaching the ropes which held the bar up in the air, hands ready to pull on the ropes, lowering her to the ground.

Raavi meanwhile had finally finished up her dance routine and managed to perfect her final step which was a sideways split and arch with her hands up holding onto the cloth that hung from the aerial bar her legs burning due to how long she held them up in the air and her palms raw from the tight grip on the cloth her back ached too from the way she was bent, mentally giving herself a pat she was about to lower her legs and hold onto the cloth, fully intending to climb down, just as her legs lowered a fraction she felt the bar drop from its original position, her eyes snapped open and her back straightened, the panic had just begun to settle into her chest when she saw Shiva who was standing by the ropes, staring at her with an unknown emotion etched across his face, she locked eyes with him, silently questioning him on his actions when he slowly began pulling at the rope, her legs stayed in the split but her arms relaxed, knowing that he would easily catch her if she were to fall down, her back straightened even more, preparing her body for her landing, slowly enough she landed on the floor, still in a split, her arms by her side, she stayed still as a statue watching with anticipation and excitement as he approached her slowly.

His thoughts went haywire as he saw the challenge present in her eyes, she was still in her split as he began walking towards her at a snails pace, and finally reached her, she didn't get up even then, but simply arched her back to look up at him with a beguiling smile and eyes that sparkled with mischief and dare he say, anticipation. He sank to his knees as his arms went around her back gently straightening her body, as her position rightened once again her face rested against the middle of his chest, her hand came up and began playing with the trishul on his neck the warmth of her breath no match against the vest he wore, encouraged by her actions, one of his arms wrapped around her waist and the other went up to the back of her neck, his long fingers clutching her firmly, he pressed upon where his hand was wrapped around her neck and brought her face up from its resting position against his chest, her wide eyes looked at his in anticipation and he leant forward, his head bending until it rested against her forehead, she arched once again and their noses touched, lips only a few centimetres away from the other, and eyes locked together. Shiva finally spoke, his voice a husky whisper.


Was the only word he uttered and he saw her eyes steel with resolve, her decision was made and it was only a matter of seconds before she spoke, her voice low and hoarse.

"Kiss me"

He looks at her as he leans down further and she smiles up at him, a smile so gorgeous that it makes her face go from beautiful to absolutely breathtaking, he stills looking at that face of hers, his eyes locked on her lips leaving no need for speculation. His intentions couldn't be clearer. She has ample time to move, reject him and only allow herself to have him in small manageable doses, such like their pushing and pulling. Being around him is far more addicting than any drug.

She is too weak to follow through and leave. She aches for him.

The kiss is soft, softer than she expected from someone as unrestrained and passionate as him. Her hands are gentle on his face, caressing his cheeks as she presses her insistent lips into his. The kiss is nothing like she expected and thus it is perfect. His arm gently began caressing her waist and back, the hand that was wrapped around the back of her neck now shifting to her braid, he gently wraps his hand around her hair, fisting the midsection of her braid, he tugs at it lightly and her head falls back a fraction allowing him better access to her mouth, his tongue pokes at the side of her lips and she opens up and he licks into her mouth, she moans as she gets a taste of him like she had been dreaming to, he holds back an answering groan of his, light-headed as he finally kissed her after eons of longing and aching for her.

His beard and moustache are scratchy against her skin and lips, her hands come up and sneak into his vest, trailing upwards, nails raking at the hard muscles hidden underneath, his kisses turn needy and rough thanks to her explorations. He thought allowing himself one kiss would satiate his hunger for her, but boy was he wrong he wants more, and she does too as her greedy and insistent hands push his unbuttoned shirt off of his shoulders, she wastes no time in holding onto him , her nails digging into his shoulders, he finally lets out a little groan at the pain pleasure pain her nails cause him. He breaks off to let her breath and looks at her once again, she looks thoroughly kissed, lips swollen and rosy wet, teasing him, tempting him. He breathed heavily, trying to catch his breath and so did she, however their eyes refused to leave each others, he leaned in to kiss her once again, but there was nothing slow or soft about this kiss, he licked into her mouth almost instantly and deepened the kiss, the urge to ravage her increasing every second. Her nails scratched down his back leaving welts in their wake and he hissed into her mouth at her actions, the hand wrapped around her hair tugging tighter, a dull ache forming at the roots of her hair due to his pressure, she moaned, liquid heat spreading all over her body from his kisses, she throbbed with need, core clenching to try and provide some relief to her heated and lust fuelled body.

She wanted more, she wanted him all over her, after day and weeks of his eyes wrecking every part of her body, she needed his hands all over her, his large muscled arms holding her to his broad chest and his beard poking into the skin around her mouth, she could never get used to scratchy sensation and how much pleasure that provided, her lips hurt from how hard she kissed him, and how hard he kissed back, weeks of frustration coming down to this explosive moment, and as the fire burnt hotter between both their bodies she realised no one else could ever make her feel this way.

Her legs began to burn once again from the way they were split onto the floor and it was only a matter of minutes before she is unable to kiss him properly, distracted due to the sharp burn that begins at her inner thighs and stretches all the way down to her toes, she doesn't like this burn, she wants a different kind of burn, she wants to be burnt by him, and now she is going to get what she wants, before she could get up and righten their positions, Shiva's arm that had been resting at her waist shifted, his hand going down to her thigh, his hand closed around her thigh, his grip punishing, his mouth unyielding against hers, soon enough she's panting for air, her entire body on alert, his hand starts wandering up and down her thigh, so so close to where she needs him, but he is a mood to torment her, two of his fingers brush against her aching core over her pants and underwear, and Raavi jerks, the feel of his fingers too much for her overstimulated and sensitive body, she can't comprehend how one kiss makes her throb and pant with need, he has so much control over her body and at this point she is too far gone to care. All she knows is that he's all consuming and she's ready to loose herself in him.

Her hands are frantic across his back, nails digging into his skin and scratching, he loves the sting of her against his back, he kisses her harder than ever, before finally breaking away, panting for air, one look at her messed up hair and red face he decides that this sight is only for his eyes, only for him, possessiveness claws at his being, like a monster in his chest begging to be released, he knows its not yet time though.

He keeps his eyes on her, his hands moving up from her thighs and hair to her waist, he rubs small circles there over her tank top, rejoicing at how her lips curl into the softest smile, her eyes close on her own accord, he frowns lightly, he wants to see her eyes, he wants to see how those captivating eyes of hers glaze over and darken with desire, her usual honey coloured irises darkening to a deep brown would be a sight to behold he decides, his hand creeps up and into her camisole touching her heated skin and her body trembles, he loves how responsive she is to even the simplest of his touches, her trembling makes him wonder how her body would react when she would be under him, when she doesn't resist his touch he begins sliding her camisole up her torso, inch by inch of her soft skin is revealed and he watches with greedy eyes, wanting to capture everything in his memory, her arms raise upwards without him asking her too, he slides the camisole over her head, his eyes feast on the view she presents, a simple cotton bra covers her breasts from his gaze, her legs still spread open on the floor and toes curled.

His hands rest against her neck and he angles her head up using his grip on her, kissing her full on the her mouth she responds back immediately and her back arches as she kisses him with all she has got, soon enough she has to break the kiss, she lets out a little whimper and her head tilts back, her face reflection pleasure and pain, her entire body stretching and burning, the pain in her legs now much more than she can tolerate, Shiva notices and eases her legs from her split position, the burn douses immediately but the throbbing between her legs intensifies and she clutches onto him tighter, he stands up, pulling her up as well, she stands there in her flimsy bra, nipples poking through, her high waisted pants now resting low on her hips, the top of her underwear visible to his hungry eyes, she takes in the sight of him, his hair mussed, eyes wild with desire and arousal, her eyes go lower as she makes note of the big bulge in his pants, involuntarily she licks her lips as she takes a step towards him, only for him to move back a step and smirk at her, the challenge ever present in his intense eyes, she smirks right back at him as she takes a step forward and reaches for the clasp of her bra simultaneously, unhooking it instantly, the garment is loose on her but still manages to cover her modestly enough. He takes a step back as he looks at the mirrors behind her, her smooth back is littered with a few barely there moles and the thick coil of her braid falls right in the middle, obstructing him from taking in the sight of her naked back, his hands itch to pull the braid away from her back and tug on it, nevertheless he takes a step back as well and reaches for the bottom of his vest, since she had already pushed his shirt off when they had been kissing, Raavi watches transfixed as the mirrors behind Shiva provide her with the view of his muscled back flexing as he got rid of his vest, she looks into his eyes again, he was teasing her but she has tricks up her sleeve too, her arms go up seductively as she slowly caresses her neck and shoulders tipping her head back and teasingly slipping the sleeves of her bra off, but before the garment could fall off of her body she quickly cups her chest, denying him his view, she smiles wide and teasingly as she moves ahead, her arms cradling her chest and pushing her breasts together. He walks backwards nevertheless and she pouts at his self-control as she walks ahead, he smirks at her teasingly and raises his eyebrows as if to say is this all you've got for me? Not being one to back down she lets go of her hold on her bra and lets the garment fall, he takes in the sight of her full breasts, her nipples already peaking and pebbling due to how aroused she was, her hands come up to cup the bottom of her breasts and she looks at him to see him licking his lips, she smiles invitingly at him before flicking against her nipples and moaning loudly.


She moans his name, it echoes in the room and that is all it takes for him to loose grip on his sanity, he growls low and deep, all pretence and teasing forgotten, he opens his arms for her and she walks right in to the circle of his strong arms, both of them moaning in unison at the feel of the bare skin of their torsos against each other, his head dips and he kisses her, his tongue already probing into her pliant mouth, the taste of her and the feel of her ebbing away any conscious thought from his mind, she quickly becomes the only thing he can feel and the only one he can think about, her hands reach up and tangle in his hair and she kisses him back, the loud sounds of their lips meshing together filling the empty room with noises, his hands grip the middle of her thighs as he hoists her up and she wraps her legs around his waist, he can feel her smile into the kiss and smiles right back, he walks backwards with her clinging into him until his back hits the mirrors behind him.

He flips her over and pins her back onto the mirrors, breaking off the kiss he looks into her eyes, desire in his eyes taking the backseat for once and adoration for her shining through, she smiles at him and rubs her nose with his in a little eskimo kiss, giggling softly, her little giggles of joy making his heart skip a beat and he kisses her forehead as she shuts her eyes and smiles wide, relishing the feel of him and his tender ministrations, one of her hands leave his hair and slithers down his back, her finger tips soft against his skin, soothing the welts and scratches she had left on him previously.

His head dips into the crook of her neck and her core comes into contact with his bulge, she grinds against him and his kisses turn rough against her neck, his beard poking and burning at the delicate skin, she looks up and into the mirror across from her on the other side of the room, his broad back flexing as he held her upright against the wall and his head tucked into the crook of her neck, she watches herself tug harder at his hair, the throbbing between her legs increasing exponentially as he bites into her skin and rolls his hips against hers simultaneously, she watches as her face contorts with pleasure. The slow drag of his tongue across her neck, soothing his earlier bite, the pleasure overwhelms her and she is unable to keep her eyes open any longer.

She trembles as his head moves further down from her neck to her collarbone, the trail of lips leave fire in their wake and she knows she is swept away by him, like moth to flame. His beard rough against her skin, a sharp contrast compared to his soft kisses and slow long licks, he lifts her up higher and her back rubs against the mirrored wall, a dull ache envelopes her back due to the friction but is soon forgotten as he licks a slow line from her collarbone to her breast, her eyes snap open once again as he suckles on one of her nipples, slow and soft but soon enough his mouth turns greedy and his suckles turn harsh, his hand that was resting at her butt comes up and he holds onto her other breast, fingers flicking against her nipple and he rejoices as she pebbles up even more so, she cries out his name and when it echoes across the room he bites her nipple and she screams in pleasure, she was already so so sensitive and the way he was ravaging her breasts made her want to cry, her body tingles all over and he pinches her other nipple and she moans loudly, her hands pulling at his hair, he doesn't stop with his kisses, bites and suckles until she is hypersensitive, and is trashing against him, he gives her nipples one last lick and pinch watching as she cries out in ecstasy and arches away from his mouth, unable to handle the pleasure racking through her body, he reaches behind his waist with one of his arms and brings her leg down from where its perched on high on his waist, her other leg come down as well, her feet finally touching the floor but her knees buckling slightly, his hold on her is tight and prevents her from crashing and falling to the floor and she is grateful for his hold on her.

He sinks down to his knees as he dips his tongue into the dip of her belly, tracing a mole that rested to the right of her belly button, he kisses her on her mole softly and she jerks against him, her hands gripping his shoulders and nails digging in deep enough to leave nail marks on him, his hands trail down from her waist to her hips, fingers digging into the delicate skin of her hips, his soft kisses are punctuated by little licks against her skin and she trembles due to his ministrations, he smiles at the affect he has on her and she feels his smile widening against her navel.

His hands leave her hips and grip onto the waistband of her pants, he looks up to find her looking down at him, loose hair falling out of her braid and sticking to her face, she's biting her lips, eyes hooded and dark with desire, she nods at him before he could ask for permission to pull her pants down, he keeps his eyes on her as he begins to pull her pants down along with her underwear, his blunt fingernails scratching at the sides of her legs, she throws her head back at the sensation of his nails against the sides of her legs, the wetness between her legs increasing exponentially, he pulls her pants and underwear down and off her legs, peppering small open mouth kisses all over her thighs, her ankles lift off the ground on her own accord as he slips her clothes off her body. He faces her core, leaning closer to her and taking in the scent of her arousal, she bites her lip and looks straight at the mirror in front of her, Shiva is on his knees, his dark head pressed into her core, taking in her arousal and surprisingly she isn't uncomfortable to insecure, its Shiva, her Shiva she knows he would never judge her or force her into anything, her hands leave his shoulders and grab onto his hair, tugging just the way she knows he would like, she is rewarded with a soft kiss against her core and her legs part instantly, allowing him better access to her nether regions, his arms raise, one of them wrapping around her waist to support her and the other wrapping around her inner thigh, pulling her leg up to rest it on his shoulder.

He looks up at her and into her eyes as he presses soft kisses and bites onto the skin of her inner thigh, slowly inching close to where she needs him the most, she throws her head back as he bites the apex of her inner thigh, so so close to her core, at this point she is dripping with arousal, unable to think straight. His first kiss against her core is tentative one, at her loud moan he presses an open mouthed kiss, relishing the taste of her, she grabs his hair and looks down at him, only to find him looking right at her face, locking his eyes with her, he licks a slow long line against her slit and she shakes in pleasure, the feral look in his eyes as he laps at her wetness arousing her even more so. He explores her core a few minutes longer, his eyes still fixated on hers as he delves deeper into her core, finding her bundle of nerves, he places a soft kiss against her making her shiver with need and moan loud enough so that her voice echoes through the room, she throws her head back as he suckles at her bud, the tugging in the pit of her stomach intensifies and she so so close and he stops abruptly she whines when he stops and pulls at his hair wanting him to go on, his tongue glides across her, one twice and thrice before his finger presses against her opening, she throws her head back in pleasure, when he speaks, right against her core, his words causing a pleasant vibration against her heated centre.

"Wider Raavi, I want you spread out for me"

She frantically widens her legs as much as she can with one of her legs still propped up on his shoulder moaning at the command in his low voice, lest he stops his ministrations on her body, at this point she is too close and too sensitive, feeling as if she would die if he didn't continue, almost instantly his fingers slide into her heat, and she moans loudly, her back arching, his tongue flicks at her nub tracing the letters of his name on her bundle of nerves, the combination of his fingers and tongue against her finally becoming too much for her to bear, her orgasm wild and unyielding, she breaks apart in his hold screaming his name her scream echoing throughout the room for the nth time, her head falling back and body trashing in his grip, hips rocking against his mouth, he laps at her, licking whatever he could possibly catch, thanks to her convulsing body, he stays on his knees and looks up at her as she recovers from her orgasm, drops of sweat gliding down her torso, her chest thrust in the air, he thinks he is looking at a goddess, in the throes of her passion, she she raises her head, she catches their reflection in the mirror, he is on his knees with her leg raised onto his strong shoulders, arms gripping her tightly and back flexing, his dark head between her legs, looking up towards her, she looks at his face, mouth and chin wet with her arousal and ultimately her release, his eyes clouded over with lust and appreciation, he looks at her reverently and she cant help but lift her leg off his shoulder and sink down to her knees as well.

She looks at him with a certain tenderness and he knows, he knows what she is trying to convey to him and he knows that as she looks into his eyes she has the answer to her questions, in the next moment his lips her on hers and she moans at the taste of herself on his mouth, her breasts still sensitive and tingling as they press against his chest and her hands run all over his torso, exploring him, he lets her push him back till his back hits the floor and his legs stretch out in front of him, she positions herself on his stomach the wet heat of her pressing against his naked skin, she breaks the kiss and her hand cups his face, stroking his beards, he closes his eyes as she presses a soft kiss against his forehead, lingering there for a while longer, his arms wrap loosely around her back and waist, hands reaching for her braid and wrapping it around his palm, she kisses him all over his face and slowly moves down to his neck, sucking and biting wildly, she slides down his body, her core leaving a streak of wetness in her wake, she sits right on his erection and circles her hips onto his, the feel of his trousers too much for her sensitive core, she bites down on his neck harshly and licks softly, being the complete paradox that she is, he groans at the feeling of her grinding down on his length and her mouth biting all over his neck and shoulders.

Soon enough she slides even lower, her tongue and lips tracing a random patterns against the skin of his stomach and hips, her hands ghost against his length and he is left instantly wanting more, she notices how he strains almost painfully against his clothes and decides that she has played with him enough, her hands reach for his button and zipper, pulling and tugging at his pants with urgency, in the next instant she has him completely naked, her fingers ghost across his length, taking in his size and girth, wondering how wonderful it would be to have him stretch her out like no one ever did and no one else ever would, only him and the both of them know that. Before she could touch him and get her fill he flips her onto her back and towers over her. She pouts petulantly at him, displeased at being denied.

"Next time"

His words are full of promise and provocation and its enough for her to give into his wishes, knowing that there will a next time, she raises herself onto her elbows as he positions himself against her entrance, she nods and falls back down her hands flying behind her head as he plunges into her, her wetness letting him enter her in one smooth move, her mouth drops open at the way she has been filled by him, his girth stretching her out, he gives her moment before grabbing her legs and stretching them upwards, and begins thrusting soft and slow the rough, fast and hard, she cant contain her moans as he moves so confidently within her body. She's already so close to exploding but then he stops and switches their positions, lifting her up with one arm and settling underneath her, letting her ride him, her hands rest against his chest as she moves tentatively, somehow feeling fuller, slowly she increases her pace and that makes him groan, her hands soft against his chest, she bends forward and kisses him on his chest. One of his arms move from their position on her hips to her hair, her long braid easily looping around his arm, he tugs sharply her head raising from his chest almost instantly, and she looks at him questioningly.

"Arch for me Raavi"

And she does, her back bending backwards and her hips moving faster against his, breasts bouncing beautifully, his hips raise in tandem with hers and they thrust in a frenzy, fitting together perfectly and moving together beautifully, she moans as he hits a particular spot within her, one of her hands leaving his chest to rub at her bud, she was close and he could feel it with the way she tightened incredibly so around him, he is close too, her wet heat ensconcing him perfectly within her body, in the next second she shatters, her mouth opening in a soundless scream, and he gives in too, spilling inside her.

It takes them both quite some time to recover, Raavi lays slumped against his chest and his arms wrap around her in a warm embrace and he pecks her forehead, flipping her onto her back, he sits up and scoots back so that he can rest his back against the mirrored wall, she follows his lead and settles into his lap, kissing him softly.

Eventually they stop kissing and look at their reflection in the mirror, both their bodies are tangled up and naked glistening with sweat, Shiva's arms wrap around her from behind, one resting underneath her breasts the other nestled between her legs, she's plastered onto his chest, he looks into the mirror as he places a tender kiss against her temple before burying his head in the crook of her neck, her hands fold over his as she takes in the image of the both of them in an lovers tangle, she keeps looking at the image the both of them form, she knows that they need to get up clean up and get home, but this moment in his arms is enough for her and she relishes his embrace. A while later she speaks.

"We need to clean up"

"Hmmmm, I know but I don't want to move"

"I don't too, but we'll have plenty more time"

He nods after a while as his arms tighten around her before letting her go, he gets up and helps her up, her legs still slightly shaky, he holds her body close to his for a few minutes more, savouring the feel of her skin against his. As they go about cleaning up silently and gathering their clothes which are strewn across the room, he can't help but press small kisses against whatever part of her is close to him, she giggles every time he does so and his heart doesn't stop summersaulting to the sound of her, so happy and so content.

The rest of the ride to her house is filled with silence as she holds onto him tightly, occasionally pressing a kiss onto his back and sometimes on his shoulders. Within record time her house arrives and the both of them are reluctant to say goodbye to each other, she hugs him sideways, unbothered about whoever might be watching. As she is leaving her whispers to her.

"Leave the window open tonight"

She flashes him a wink and a bright smile as she walks into her house, hips swaying behind her and he smiles goofily before racing off, knowing he will be back within the next couple of hours. Needless to say Raavi was beyond sore that night and the day after, but happy and content, She had her Shiva and Shiva had her.


Hey guys, Okay so I know this is a bit different from what I usually write so I hope you guys like this one! I will be updating Arcane soon, but till then enjoy this one!

P.S: Ignore the typos will edit later!



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"ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴍʏ ᴄʜᴇsᴛ ɪs ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴇxᴘʟᴏᴅᴇ." "ᴀɴᴅ ᴡʜᴀᴛ's ᴄᴀᴜsɪɴɢ ɪᴛ?" "ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ɪᴛ's ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ᴏғ ʏᴏᴜ, ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇss" "s-sʜᴜᴛ ᴜᴘ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ɪᴄᴇ ʙᴀᴛʜ" ʙᴏxᴇʀ...
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Just get in to know about this guy next door...🤪