Shin Ryujin Oneshots~

By parkweachy

77.4K 233 302

This is all about Shin Ryujin Oneshots. ✨ Shin Ryujin X Fem Reader ✨ Any similarity is just a coincidence, bu... More

The Florist

New skies and clouds with rainbow after storms.

2.9K 84 96
By parkweachy

(3rd person's pov)

"Put on your shirt. hurry up, bitch!" Jimin screams loudly in Y/n's face. He tosses some clothes on Y/n's face while she remains naked on this bed. The hotel white sheets barely cover her body. The atmosphere was cordial but tense.

Sometimes he'd look out the hotel window to see if there were any new customers, but there didn't seem to be any. Jimin then returns a smug look to Y/n.

When he realises Y/n is still frozen on the bed, he furrows his brows. Y/n is exhausted, and tears have begun to form in the corners of her eyes. "Yah!"

Y/n is caught off guard. She raises her head and looks at Jimin with glassy eyes.

"What the fuck are you waiting for? You cock sucker! Put it on." Jimin clenched his teeth and tightened his jaw, furious.

"J-Jiminshi, can I not work today? My tummy ache is excruciating." Y/n confesses while pressing on her stomach. She felt a sharp pain in the lower right side of her abdomen. Who wouldn't if she needed to take care of 5 customers in one day last night?

Y/n groans. Her fingers massaged her throbbing brow. "Oh, it's just a little...just bear with it for a little longer. In fact, this customer has paid significantly more than the other customer for you tonight. You should ask for a tip if your fucking brain is smart enough."

"But Jimin...please.."

"Keep your mouth shut, you slut. I don't want to hear anything else. Just change your shirt right now." Jimin quickly grabs Y/n's hand and pulls her into the bathroom. He exits the room and closes the door from the outside. When he sees a woman in a black suit standing in front of him, he gets a big smile on his face.

"The Shin's daughter?" Jimin asks, a cocky grin on his face. The woman only nodded to him. She takes her smartphone out of her pocket. On Jimin's face, she displays the screen. It has a payment receipt into Jimin's personal bank account for about 10,000 dollars.

Jimin smiles, satisfied with the amount. This is the first time he has ever received the most expensive offer for just one night.

"May I begin by extending a warm and cordial welcome to you?" Jimin smiles, but the woman does not respond, so he begins to smile awkwardly. To provide the best customer service, you must smile.

"You don't seem to be able to wait any longer, which is very nice. You can get in. She's inside, and she's all yours tonight. Enjoy your night." Jimin says He walks away from the location after handing over the room key to the woman. Then, within a minute, not even his shadow appeared.

The woman lets out a long sigh. She's here not to fuck or satisfy her devil lust, but because her friend, Hans, told her to do it with the girl he'd already booked. This is all because this woman gunned down the Tiger Mafia's leader last night. This was like a present for her.

She examines the key before slowly unlocking the door. She enters the room and securely closes and locks the door behind her. She immediately jumps onto the bed and lies down.


(Y/n's Pov)

I knock on the bathroom door a few times. Jimin must have forgotten to unlock the bathroom door after leaving. After a few more knocks, I heard the click sound from outside.

I breathed a sigh of relief. When I open the door, I see a beautiful woman looking at me up and down. "Huh?" I think to myself. For a brief moment, I mistook it for Jimin.

She is stunning in her own sense. Above her brow, there's a long scar, perhaps almost 2 cm long. That must be horrifically painful. I'm curious what she does for a living.

I use a towel to cover my exposed chest. I can't believe Jimin's customer has already arrived. I'm not quite ready for another round yet. My stomach continues to ache. I'm exhausted, but there's nothing I can do. He was going to beat me up if I didn't do this. That man is a total jerk. I look down at my feet, nervously.

When I look up at the woman again, she has already walked over to the bed and thrown herself on it. She takes out a remote control and begins to change the channel on the television.

"I'm not in a mood. You are free to do whatever you want" Without looking at my face, the woman says. What is going on right now? Does she being serious? Deadly serious?

"Are you serious, ma'am? or perhaps a miss? I'm sorry, but I simply don't know-" Fuck, why am I acting like this? What a pity.

"Then? Do you still want me to fuck you tonight? Anyway, it's a miss." She stated firmly, and I vigorously shake my head. In fact, I don't want to be fucked by anyone, stranger or otherwise.

"O-oh, okay miss, but can I change my outfit, please? It makes me feel uncomfortable." I murmur to her because I'm really uncomfortable and all I want to do is get rid of this shit as fast as possible.

"Hmm," the woman hums briefly, causing me to smile enthusiastically. I'm relieved. Without further ado, I make my way back to the bathroom to change my dress.

Hopefully, my husband will not be mad with me, and hopefully, that woman will not tell him about this.

But why would she want to tell Jimin if she's the one who allowed me to do it, right? So, I don't reckon she will. I've never been happier. At the very least, I can feel liberated for a change-not doing that dirty thing.

I get out soon after changing into something much more comfortable and covering my entire body, and I find that the mysterious woman has already fallen asleep on the bed. She appears fatigued.

Her suit is a little sloppy, but she still looks pretty hot. I can see her exposed abdomen, which is in good shape, but it also has some scars on it. That piques my interest in her job, but no thanks. That is not my concern. I want to get enough sleep while I'm free tonight, and hopefully Jimin will give me a day off tomorrow.

I can't get out of this room, so my only option is to sleep in here with that woman. It's not my first time sleeping with a stranger, so even if they do something to me, I have to let them be or else they'll report it to Jimin, who will hurt me even more.

I walk to the bed and slowly take one pillow, making no noise so I don't wake her up. Following that, I proceed to the corner bed and place the pillow on the floor. Because there are no other alternatives, this is the key turning point.

I lay down slowly, and my stomach still hurts. I'm hoping that when I wake up tomorrow, the pain and throbbing in my head will be gone. My life is so woeful.

Pathetic. Too pathetic.

If I hadn't gotten married to Jimin, I wouldn't be treated this way. I'm so in love with him, and I'm so stupid for allowing this feeling to take over my mind and allow Jimin to do whatever he wants. All of his sweet talk is for naught. It was just me, who was probably thirsty for attention and love because I didn't get much of either from my own family.

At last, I become entangled in his fence. I'd like it to stop, but I can't. Not right now, but hopefully soon.

The thoughts and exhaustion get the best of me, and I don't even realise I've fallen asleep. I don't have a good life, but I hope to have sweet dreams. That's the only way I could feel better and make myself feel worthy, even if only for a matter of seconds.

The sounds of running water jolt me awake. I look over at the wall watch, and it's already 8 a.m. Shoot.

But hold on. Wait. Didn't I sleep on the floor the night before? How did I end up on the bed right now? I look around, but there is no one there except for the sounds of water flowing from the pipe.

I wait a little longer, and then the bathroom door opens, revealing the mysterious woman. She wipes her face with a towel and throws it to the ground. She tilts her head at me and gives me a sluggish look. She is dressed in a white shirt and suit pants.

"H-how did I get here? Last night, I swear to God, I was on the floor. I have no intention of sleeping here and causing a scene-"

"I put you there, okay? Now stop talking. I'm not doing anything to you, so don't be worried." She rolls her eyes and stretches a little.

"So, why did you book me? Jimin clarified that you even paid extra..." I ask so that my curiosity would be put to rest. Who wouldn't be curious, after all of these years, people been booking me and fulfils their lust for me, but not her? And she? She even booked me with an extra payment but did nothing. I'm not asking her to do anything to me, but I was just genuinely curious is all.

"No, you're just a reward from someone I know. But don't think you're special or anything just because I'm not doing anything to you anyway." She implies. I just nod, understandingly, while fidgeting with my fingers. She walked over to the table next to the bed. She dialled someone, possibly the hotel management.

"What would you like to eat?" She asks casually, and I quickly raise my head to look at her. I haven't eaten since yesterday, and my stomach is still a little sore. But I'm too embarrassed to tell her.

"Hmm, no, it's fine..." I lied and bite my bottom lip a little, scared but feeling safe. She simply looked at me before returning her attention to the phone call.

"Two American breakfasts, one hot cappuccino, and one hot chocolate. The room number is 067. Yes, thank you." She hung up the phone and set it down. She walks over to the chair and sits down again.

She takes out her phone and goes about her business. I stand up and walk to the bathroom. I wash my face, and once again, my stomach gives me an odd feeling. I tightened my grip on the sink, hoping it would go away. It's a myth that lightning never strikes twice in the same place. I slowly walk out of the bathroom after a few more minutes of enduring the pain.

She is still sitting in the chair, but she is no longer playing with her phone. She leans back in her chair and looks at me blankly.

"What's your name?" She asks shortly after I sit back down on the bed.

"Y/n. Kim Y/n." I give a brief response. Then I put my hair up in a bun. She simply nods, her gaze never leaving mine. I muster all my courage to ask her the same question. I finally ask her after taking a deep breath. "How about yours?"

"Ryujin. Shin Ryujin." She responds immediately. Sounds familiar, but I'm not sure where, but that's it. We didn't say anything else for a few minutes until someone knocked on the door.

Ryujin rises and opens the door. Since Ryujin prevented the worker from entering the room, two trays of food were handed to her. Ryujin used her leg to close the door behind her because her hands were full.

She approaches me and places one tray in front of me, the other on the table, and then she sits. It was a typical American breakfast, complete with hot chocolate. My stomach began to growl, begging to be fed. damn.

"Eat it," she says, not even looking at me. She takes up a fork and a knife and begins to cut her chicken slowly.


This has never happened to me before. Usually, they'd just leave me like that, with nothing. Then Jimin would arrive and take me home then I'll have to cook for myself later.

"Thank you," I say slowly as I begin to dig into my meal. She just hums and eats on, unconcerned about me.

"That man...he texted me and said he'd be here in 30 minutes. Who is that man?" She asks seemingly out of nowhere. I'm surprised and look at her, but she doesn't look at me. She was simply eating her food calmly. She takes a few sips of her coffee after that.

Damn. That's a little too quick. I still need to get some rest.

"M-my husband." I mumble.

"Your fucking husband!?" She says it aloud, looks at me, and sounds unbelievable. It catches me off guard, and all I can do is silently nod.

"How come you did all of this if he's your husband?"

"He forced me."

"Such a jerk," she says quietly but clearly to me. "If I were you, I would already be divorcing him." She continues.

"Yeah I know," was all I could say. At the moment, there is nothing to say. This is my responsibility. This is my life. Working for my husband by selling my body and, worst of all, my dignity and my passion in medical field.

I've always wanted to work as a veterinarian. I genuinely love animals and want to help heal and care for those who are unlucky. However, the world does not revolve around me. I am far unluckier than those animals.

I was treated even worse than they were because of my previous feelings for Jimin. Now, I don't love him as much as I used to.

Before I realised how cruel he is. Before I find out how materialistic he is. Before I find out how hypocritical he is. I had no idea there was evil lurking behind his sweet face. Two-faced humans like him should have rotted in hell.

Was I a choice or a mistake? Or was I like a brand-new lipstick? Was I ever a blessing? Or something other than a burden I doubt I ever had a home, there was no place that was ever mine. Was I ever loved, or was I a mistake created by love?

I'm not sure I'll ever know the answer because these questions are silent. Those who could not understand my words did so once more. Will they ever understand the meaning of silence?

Pathetic. Pathetic.

"Here is my business card. Just call me if there is an emergency or if you need help." She hands me a single small business card. She gets to her feet and grabs her suit.

I take the card and hold it tightly in my hands. It only contains her name, phone number, and an unidentified symbol. I'm guessing it's her company logo or something.

"Oh, and thank you once more, miss. and thank you for being so gracious to me." Being treated this well after three years of marriage with Jimin overwhelms me. I can feel tears welling up in my eyes as I continue to stare at her.

"It's fine. I have to leave now. Take care." She grabs my face and looks me down. This makes me nervous. Her touch is so soft, but her hand is a little rough, which makes it feels even better. I leans and floating into her touches.

We stare at each other for a little longer before she bends down a little.

"Actually, just call me Ryujin. If you feel in danger, please dial the number and I will do my best to help you, beautiful human." She smiles for the first time, and it instantly makes her look thousand times more beautiful and handsome.

My heart is racing, and I'm just sitting here, dumbfounded. I nod my head, my eyes trailing all over her face, trying to recall every detail of her face as quickly as possible.

She let go of my face, and the loss of her hand makes me sad, but I have to accept that she isn't mine to touch. She was just a mysterious woman named Shin Ryujin.

Yeah, Shin Ryujin.

Even after 50 years, I don't think I'll forget this name. I'll inscribe her name in a special place in my heart and mind. Even though we don't talk much or have sex as we supposed to do. I can feel the chemistry between us. It was just something I can't put into words. If she leaves now, I hope to see her again later.

I give her a weak smile and watch as she walks away from me. She opens the door and stands between the doors for a few moments before coming to a halt. She looks back at me over her shoulder and smiles as she closes the door.

That's it. She's no longer there.

She came as a mysterious woman and left as a mysterious woman, but at the very least I learned her name and got her business card. That is more than enough.


Jimin's parents are currently in our home. Jimin told me not to tell her parents about anything, including how he forced me to be a whore, how he was an abusive husband, and literally everything.

"Listen here bitch. If they didn't ask or speak to you, don't say anything. Just let me be the one who to speak." Jimin says this while pointing his index finger at my face. I simply nod my head lightly, comprehend his instructions

"Oh, you're a good girl. Now go make some tea or something. Don't you dare put any poison in there or I'll kill you. You go first, and I'll follow later." He smirks and slowly opens the room door. The way he puts on his big smile as if nothing happened clearly shows that he is a jerk.

I enter the kitchen and begin to boil water. I could hear his parents happily laughing in the living room. I even pay heed in on them.

You have no idea how much Jimin's parents loathe me, especially his mother. His mother was never happy with our marriage because I didn't come from a wealthy family like theirs, but Jimin didn't agree. He still proceeded with our marriage, which led me to believe he truly loved me.

It turns out, he's just taking advantage of me. Taking advantage of my beauty to make money. I've never felt so dirty in my entire life. I should've just listened to my parents and refused to marry Jimin, but it's too late now. They don't want me either now.

I only have Jimin to lean on after that. My life is truly too pathetic and horrifying. I should've been afraid to get married in the first place, knowing that I would end up marrying the wrong person.

I set them on a tray with some cookies after I finished making tea. I bring them into the living room, feeling tense as Jimin's parents notice me. They stop talking, and Jimin's mother looks at me with such venom.

There are two cups on the table. I give one to Woo bin, Jimin's father, and the other to Mary, Jimin's mother. I just smile calmly to both of them.

"Have a drink, mom and dad," I say softly. I move one cup closer to Mary.

Mary has an irritated expression on her face as she looks at me. She returns the cup to me after that.

"You don't have to serve this to us. I don't want to eat or drink anything from your dirty hands. I'm not here to see you... I'm here to see my son!" She says this with a rage in her voice and then rolls her eyes.

"Stop, Mary. She's already made it, just drink it." Woo Bin steps in.

"What are you on about? Don't you remember our Jimin saying she was a whore before they married? Are you aware of what our son has done to us? He tainted our family's reputation. By marrying this woman...she has made herself looks disgusting. You should be thankful that Jimin is a good husband to her...if not, you're already homeless on the road!"

Mary says this while staring at me with a death stare, as if she's about to kill me.

That shit hurts a lot. I can't believe Jimin told them that when he's the one who forced me to be one, and in fact, it happened after we married.

This soul I failed to trade. For the peace that washed over me as I sank beneath the shades.

"Honey, the past is the past. Don't bring it back up to the surface. Jimin has already forgiven her, so why can't you?" Woo Bin says, and I almost burst out laughing thinking that they wouldn't talk about it again. From mother to son, this family is toxic. Only Woo Bin isn't behaving like them, he's nice to me.

"What do you mean? Who knows if she's still selling her body to random men out there without you know? I'm sorry for Jimin. I'm curious what has she put on his food to make Jimin still wants to be with her and protect her in all way. Jimin gives her everything, including his money, but who is she? She's nothing more than a whore. When you're a whore, you're a whore for life. I'm ashamed to call her my daughter-in-law. Jimin deserves better!" Mary sighs loudly, and I desperately want to leave this place. Leaving them all behind and crying I want to cry myself to sleep. It stings too much for my heart to bear and comprehend.

How can someone like her be a mother? She has no idea what her son's true colour is and has the audacity to say those shits to me.

"But, Mom, I'm doing all of this becau-" I scrounge up all of my courage and attempt to tell the truth, but Mary cuts me off.

"Oh, woman, stop talking. I don't want to hear anything from you. What you've done to my son is inexcusable. Since he still loves you, you should obey him. He's tired working day and night, find money for you, but you? Back to home, was always drunk and had obviously slept with another man. You should be thankful. Jimin does not want to divorce you because he loves you."

I'm at a loss for words. Frankly remain silent, in pain. My hearts are breaking apart even more than they already are. How am I supposed to explain everything if Mary keeps interfering? I sigh slightly. I'm doing everything I can to forget everything she said.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and saw Jimin smirking. He looks at me as if my mental health is fine after all the nonsense his mother has thrown at me.

"Hello, mom and dad. Sorry I'm late. I was dealing with something related to the charity." Jimin smiles and walks over to us. Jimin is far too talented to be a manipulative son. He concocted everything up, including her job and our marriage.

"My son, Jimin. It's okay, you're doing great, aren't you?" Mary flashed a ginger smile. Jimin just nods and take a seat next to me. Closely.

"Hey baby, why are you look sad? Are you okay? Please don't pout, okay? Smile, okay, my love?" Jimin says sweetly, and I want to puke. Jimin is good at acting, and he has a sweet smile that makes people think he's the one for me, and I should be grateful to have him as a husband. He's caring, he's attractive, he's kind, and everything else they said, but to me, it was all horseshit.

"Why do you care about her? She's just a whore. Of course she doesn't feel well, perhaps she had sex with a random man last night," Mary spit out.

"Mom...what are you talking about? Don't say anything like that, Mom. Jimin hopes, truly hopes, that I can change her and make her feel valuable and appreciated. Giving her a second chance isn't wrong, is it, baby?"

I simply nod, because it had to. I don't even have the energy to 'Human' anymore.

That's how my day is going. Jimin's mother downgraded me, and Jimin acted like a good husband, attempting to protect and support me.

How sad. How sad.

Jimin followed his parents out the door. Jimin claims that he needs to go somewhere. Obviously, he was going to get drunk and collect girls for himself, and he was gone for the next two days.

I was left alone, I barely got to eat, and I can't even go out. He shut all the doors.

I walk into my room and am about to take a shower when I recall the mysterious woman. I grab my bag and search through it for her card, which I hide safely so Jimin doesn't find out.

I'm debating with my life, whether or not to make a call. I finally decided not to call her after about 10 minutes. I sigh and stuff it back into my bag.

I take a shower and grab a towel.

I take out the card once more after taking a shower. The desire to call for help is at the tip of my finger. I've entered the phone number, and all that remains is for me to press the call button.

I slowly close my eyes and click on it. I placed my phone on my ear. She picked it up after the third ring.



"Ah, Y/n, are you alright?"

And I was crushed. A simple questions from her cause me to broke down in tears. I sob uncontrollably, and Ryujin keeps calling my name.

"Is everything all right with you? Do you want me to come and get you?"

"Yes, yes, yes. Please pick me up. I'm scared."

"Okay, where are you now? Tell me your location."

I was about to tell her, but the sound of the door opening scared the bejesus out of me.

"S-shit. He's arrived. It's a penthouse on Gangnam Hill. House number 069 on the first block."

I hang up the phone and put the card away. The door to the room opens, and I take a deep breath to calm myself down.

Jimin is here, and he is drunk. I hate him when he's drunk because he'll beating the shit out of me and vent his rage on me.

He gives me a lethal stare. "You're talking with whom?" he insists.

"N-nobody. Just a delivery guy. I'm hungry, and there's nothing left to eat." I have a stutter in my voice.

"Oh, yes? I'm not sure if I'd believe that. Give me your phone, you fucker!" He growls and collides with me. He yanks on my hair, and her other hand reaches for my phone. I try to fight back and slipping the phone down the sheet.

A sharp pain in my face and a white colour seeping into my eyes. He slaps me hard, making me want to pass out. I push him with all energy I have and that caused him to fall down the floor. I take a chance and rush out of the room, closing the door behind me. I hear Jimin groaning and attempting to chase after me.

I dashed to the main entrance, but it was locked. I took a look around and discovered the key on the table. I quickly grab it and try to open the door as quickly as possible.

He's already close. His footsteps can be heard running down the stairs.

"Hurry, hurry up, hurry up. Cmon, cmon. Please, fucking please." I groan with tears streaming down my face, when I can't find the right key.

I finally got the right key after a few more tries. When I twist it, it has a click sounds. The door finally unlock.

I was about to open the door but Jimin starts to pulling my hair so hard that I fell to the ground.

"Bitch, where do you want to run? You don't have anywhere to go, fucking slut." He kicks me in the ribs. He gradually removed his shirts and pants, leaving him in his shorts. I can't stop myself from crying.

"Put your fucking hands up, bastard."

The door is open. One person is dressed entirely in black. She also has a black face mask and black glasses on. A gun aimed at Jimin

Jimin astounds by that person, as do I. Jimin slowly raises his hands and appears terrified.

"Wow, relax. Put down your gun." Jimin moves backwards with a nervous grin.

"We need to get out of here." That individual says calmly to me. Even though she hides her face completely, I'm sure she's Ryujin. I recall her voice and the way she smelled. "Now! I need to get you to a safe place." She says once more.

I'm standing slowly. I was leaning against the wall, one arm on my stomach. Feeling the pain there, and she's looking at me steadily.

"How can I be sure I'm safe with you?"

Not meant to wound her. Not meant to be snarky. I honestly don't know if she's a threat. It hurts me where I am. I'm too scared to trust anyone right now, including Ryujin, despite the fact that she treated me well a few days ago.

"You're the safest with me," she says thickly. "Trust in me. I'd rather die than hurt you. I'd never do something like that to you." She says softly, but continues to point the gun at Jimin. Jimin simply stares down at her almost nude body.

"I...I'm looking for something in my room." We don't appear to have much time, but I still need my belongings. I can't leave like this, with nothing in my hand. She simply nods, and I quickly make my way upstairs.

When I got to my room, I heard Jimin scream loudly and sounding in pain. I even heard him say "Stop" and "I'm sorry" several times. I'm not sure what she did to him, but it doesn't matter to me. That guy is deserving of everything.

He's no longer the man for whom I'd do anything and give him everything he wishes. I'm still the insecure one. The one who has reservations. The person who is concerned about your whereabouts. I may be strong on the outside, but I crave love on the inside, and I thought he'd be the one to give it to me, but I was completely wrong.

Why can't everyone see? That's what's hiding behind the emotionless mask. I am still myself. A troubled person. I am still a human being. I'm exhausted right now. I just want to cry. And cry my heart out. To burst the dam of my emotions. To express the pain I felt or to express my sadness.

I heard someone walking into the room a few moments later. Jimin's sounds have also vanished. What if the person walking here is Jimin, ah shit. I wait for the door to open with trepidation.

It was a Ryujin, not a Jimin. She removes her glasses, revealing her stunning brown eyes. She then slowly removes her face mask.

The first thing I noticed after she removed it was a small smile on her face. "Do you need help?" she asks softly.

"How long do we have?"

"Until you're finished and ready." She gives me a reassuring smile. With her around me, I feel safe and secure. I just smile back and go about my business.

"Uhm..." I close my eyes, trying to concentrate and remember something. She raises her brow and stares at me patiently. "In the halfway closet, there is a duffel bag. Could you possibly help me by stuffing anything useful from the bathroom into it?"

She just smirked and nodded. "Sure," Oh my goodness, that woman is so sweet and kind.

We work in silence and as quickly as possible. I'm done with my thing in 10 minutes, and Ryujin is doing the same. I wanted to bring my bag on my own, but she insisted on assisting me.

We're walking down the stairs, and I almost trip on a stair. Jimin was unconscious on the floor when I arrived. He had blood all over his face. I'm curious how Ryujin did it to her. She is not a typical woman like me. She must be very strong, as compared to me. I'm just a spineless coward.

"Just keep walking," Ryujin murmurs as I stand still, staring at Jimin's condition. I'm feeling a little sorry for him-oh god, I'm such a blithering idiot, after what he's done to me, I shouldn't feel this way about him.

Maybe he was once my man. I used to love him the most, but not anymore. I don't need him in my life, not now, not in ten years, but forever. I promise myself that once I leave this house, I will not return.

God please.


"I can't let you sleep in any motel or hotel for the time being. I'll drive you to my place. Don't worry, I don't live there anymore, at least not right now. Is that all right with you?" Ryujin inquires, her attention set on the road. She drives with only one hand, and it's a treat to watch. She's hot, and everything around her becomes hot too though.

"Uhm...I don't mind as long as I can avoid him." I speak slowly because I'm shy. I'm not even going to look at her. My gaze is drawn to the outside view of the window. My hands are still trembling, and I can't seem to stop fiddling with it.

"Okay," she hums, and I nod.

"Your hands are trembling a lot, I hope this helps." She gently caressed my hand with her other hand.

The action makes me feel awkward and shy, but it ultimately help. I feel better because of the way she gently rubs and soothes it.

"A-ah...thank you, really. I don't know what to do without you..." I say, and she tightens her grip on my hand.

"Nah, sheeshhh, no way. You'll stay with me from now on, and I'll keep you safe from harm's way. I won't take advantage of you like he did, so don't worry." She calmly clarifies. I just hum and nod my head because I don't know what else to do. I'm still traumatised as a consequence of Jimin. But every word she said was gentle and meaningful to me.

I could smell the bitterness in the air, as well as the loss of questions, answers, and words.

"Why wouldn't you reach out, even if you know you're suffering alone?" She inquires softly.

I lock my gaze on her tough exterior being, her pleading brown eyes. And I wished I could respond to her, but all I could do was mutter a song phrase.

"Cold hearts brew colder songs."

I got lost in that undefined maze again, imagining her pained face. She clenches her jaw and bites her bottom lip slightly.

"How old are you? But wait, hmm, I'll take a guess at 17." She speculates and smile, but her hand remains softly gripped mine.

"No, it's only 23," I say. I laugh a little, and she laughs too.

"I thought you were a minor. You have the appearance of a 17-year-old. If that man had let you do all of these things when you were 17, I'd kill him right already." She smiled at me, and I reciprocated.

"I'm not 17, but I appreciate it...and how about you? What is your age?" I try to ask the same question. I'm still mystified by her.

"Can you guess?" She smirks and looks me in the eyes from the corner of her eyes. She then returns her gaze to the road. The smirks didn't stop coming out of her mouth. She's quite endearing.

"Hmm...maybe 20 or so? 21, 22, or 23? maybe 24 or 25?" If I could say every number between 20 and 29, I would, but I guess that's enough. She doesn't appear to be older than 25.

"24," she responds quickly, and a long "ah" comes out of my mouth afterwards.

"You look to be younger than that. You should probably drop me your skincare routine." I smile, and she simply shakes her head, a smile on her face.

"No, I don't use any skincare. Just drink plenty of water and get some vitamin D from the sun every morning." She grins and gently circles my hand with her thumb. Oh my god, it's very soothing.

"I will definitely add those suggestions to my to-do list."

"Yes, yes, yes, but now we've arrived. let's get in there." She looks at me then slowly pull her hand away. Why should I crave for something that isn't mine when she pulls her hand away?

She parked her car in the basement. Then we leave, and she helps me in carrying the entire bag. Her veins stand out, giving her a more sexy appearance. Weirdly very attractive.

But, as if I didn't have enough on my plate already, I now have to worry about Jimin saying nasty things about me behind my back, especially to his parents, or possibly to my parents as well. Would Ryujin want to help me if I asked? I'll ask her later if I should give it a shot.

"Alright, so, everything is completed here. You don't need to worry about anything. But if you need anything else, just give me a call, okay, beautiful human?" She smiles at me as she slowly places my belongings on the table.

"It's fine. I'm already grateful to have a place to stay, and don't worry, I'll find a job and try to rent my own place soon, and I'll pay you everything. Thank you once more." I place my hand on my chest and try to be polite.

"I don't want any of those. Just stay here and make sure you're safe, healthy, and happy if you insist want to pay it. That is all I am asking. Deal? Yes deal. Wonderful." She approaches me and comes to a standstill in front of me. Literally made up her own deal and agreed with her own deal. She smells amazing, just incredible.

"Will you leave after this?" I ask slowly because I don't want to sound desperate. I'm just too afraid to live alone because I'm still traumatised, and what if Jimin finds me here? What if he drags me back home and forces me to do something crazy again? Thinking about it causes me to shake nervously once more. I tighten my grip on both hands and bring them close to my lips.

"Only if you want me," she says, grabbing my trembling hands and holding them tight to her chest. "Give me permission to hug you." She whispers and I just nod. I have to. I know deep down that I needs it. Right now, I need someone to cry on, someone to lean on.

I can't stop myself from crying as she pulls me into her embrace. I'm a dirty person, and I'm not sure if I deserve a hug from someone like her. She has a kind heart and is willing to help me despite the fact that we are complete strangers.

"It's fine to cry all you want if it makes you feel better. Crying does not mean weakness. Rather, it means exhaustion. You're just tired, but not weak, Y/n. Keep that in your mind." She tenderly caresses my head and back. I don't know what else to say if that doesn't make me feel better. The act is so touching that it only makes me cry more.

"Let me to walk you to bedroom. You should get some rest, and I'll cook you something." She placed my hair strands on my ear and tied them together. "Or would you like to eat first? Hm?" She holds my face in her hands and wipes my tear away with her thumbs. She has a reassuring smile on her face that screams about everything will be fine and that I should believe in her.

I needed to know the truth. And I believe it is during that period. When you can't face your fears and hide in the shell you've built, you have to stand up and see yourself, better or worse, accept and feel relieved. The truth is revealed in that moment of grief.


(Ryujin's pov)

What do we seek these days, aside from attention? Perhaps a little love, a little hope, and a little empathy. Yeah, those are the things that label us as weak. It's not a bad thing to put up a wall. Maybe we're not so dissimilar after all. We dig a hole while attempting to fill a trench. As one foot flees, the other falls. We're hell hidden in smirks to each other.

I'm just wondering if we're all hurting at the same time. We may bleed, but our hearts will not be separated. Perhaps we'll laugh, cry, and dance. Our hell, on the other hand, would be a heaven that brings us closer together. Because we would share the agony of the wounds.

No one to understand to whom I speak; those who could not understand my words will never understand my silence.

I'm alone here, like an abandoned wolf. I'm standing here by myself, trying to find my way back to a place that was never mine.

All I do is get hired, kill, workout, sleep, and eat. My life seemed pointless to me. I am a sinner, and no one will accept me for who I am. I don't have a life plan; I just go with the flow while pretending to be unconcerned about everything. In this dark world, all of my power means nothing if I don't have anyone by my side. to love and to be loved

Until I met her.

Her shocked expression the first time we met sparked something inside of me. She looks stunning. I noticed a small wound on her skin. I feel sorry for her. She looked me up and down with frightened eyes, and I'd never wanted anything more in my life. I tell myself that she needs my help. The innocence radiates from her like a bright light.

Something told me that night that she's not safe with her fucking bastard husband. I'm glad I gave her my business card, and I'm glad she called, because I don't think I'll be able to meet her again. Her husband could have harmed her even more.

I knocked him down until he passed out after she reached her room. I even threatened to kill him and his family if he didn't file a divorce with Y/n. He knows about my job, so he should be afraid of me.

She fell asleep faster than I expected, but I'm glad she's not a minor, or else I'd kill that jerk for forcing a minor to do such a thing.

I've made some food and stored all of her belongings in my closet and bathroom. It will be easier for her soon, so she does not need to be worried.

Now, I'll take care of her with everything I have and at any cost. I promised myself. I take one chair and sit in the corner of the bed, quietly watching her sleep. It's been a few hours, so I'm hoping she'll wake up soon.

After nearly an hour of watching her sleep, her eyelids slowly open, causing me to sit up properly. She moves her body, then holds her stomach and hums as if in pain.

Her face scrunches up, and I rush over to her.

"Hey...are you okay? Do you need anything?" I ask softly, petting her head with one hand and touching her belly with the other.

"It's kinda hurts." She groans and clutches my hand tightly. I'm terrified and don't know what to do.

"Let me get you some water and a painkiller." I dash to the kitchen cabinet, looking for any painkiller. I take one and a glass of water, then return to my room.

"Okay, here we go. But, ah.. wait a minute. If your stomach is still empty, you can't eat this... I've prepared something, so you should eat it first."


"No. Shut up and listen to me. If you still want to fight, fight with the wall."

"Okay, okay. I'm not going to fight, miss."

"Okay, good girl. Let me get some food now." I smile and hurry into the kitchen. I scoop some rice into one bowl and pour some soup into another. I place them on the tray and bring them to Y/n. I hope she likes it.

"All right, here we go." I place the tray on the table close to the bed and pull the table closer to the bed. I help Y/n in properly sitting up and then come back to my chair.

"Eat it," I say, and she just nods. I'm just watching her as she slowly eats her food. I want to feed her, but it's too much for me, and I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable around me.

I need to make sure she loves me.


I mean, to accept my presence and to leave her in my care.

Okay. So, now what? I'm getting nervous shit because of these thoughts. What exactly is this sensation? Did I really fall in love with someone? A total stranger? And out of nowhere? Oh my God.

I've never dated, so this is awkward. This is awkward because she makes me experience a whole new life again. When we stare at each other, she makes me feel like there's some kind of magic going on, and I get lost in it. When she smiles, there's a kind of magic that embraces me. When we hold hands, there's some sort of magic going on, they never pull away.

"Ryujin. Ryujin... Excuse me, Ryujin. Hello there, Ryuj-"

"Oh, yes, it's me. No, I mean....Shit, I'm sorry. How can I help you?" Oh, fuck. I was zoning out as I stared at her and don't even realized that she was calling for me for a couple of times.

Play it cool. Play it cool. Play it cool.

"Are you okay?" she ponders, her voice worried.

"I'm fine. I was just... I was just thinking about my work. Nothing else." I smile at her and carefully pull out my phone, searching for nothing. Literally swipe swipe swipe the screen while pretending to have something to do.

"Hmm, sure you are." She laughs and I stealthily looks at her, but she notices me and smiles. Her laugh is adorable, as are her bright eyes.

"But I'm curious why you want to help me when my past has been like-"

"It's pointless to look back about the past when you know you were the only one who suffered. Some stories are meant to be left untold, while others are meant to be understood rather than spoken. Just put your past behind you and start your new life here, okay?"

"I know...but sometimes I just wish I wasn't alive because I don't know where I want to be, my family is broken, and so is my heart... It just-"

"Perhaps we're broken...broken in ways we don't even realise. Maybe that's why it's so difficult to heal. But you can't say that because you're not where you want to be. That's why it scares you. The fear of not being able to get home. Either way you are here. Embrace every moment, make it worthwhile. Make today count. You're in good hands with me." I give a reassuring smile and put down my phone.

She's got the biggest smiles on her face and tears welling up in her eyes. It becomes glassy, and the tear could fall at any time.

I'm hoping I can help her. To help her in every aspect of her new life. Sorona once said in a song, "Always do the same and not to blame." Right. I'm not going to criticise others for my own indiscretion. Is it just me, or is it atrocious, erroneous, or simply wacky?

Yes, maybe I'm just a wacky.

Fuck. I can't fall in love with her, can I?


(Y/n's pov)

5 months flies so fast. I've been living in Ryujin's apartment for 5 months. We were getting closer to each other by the day. I've never been treated so well since my marriage to Jimin almost 4 years ago.

In terms of Jimin, we divorced, and Ryujin supported me in the process. Jimin was also fined $50,000 and sentenced to ten years in prison for being abusive and domestic violence. Thank the stars.

Jimin's parents are broke and bankrupt, and they have no place to live. I'm not sure where they are now, but I hope they're doing well. My parents have re-accepted me. I'm not blaming them, but...ah, they're still my parents and family-So screw it.

"When you think about it, the smell of rain is similar to the smell of dust or... dirt being poured down. But it's soothing in some ways. I suppose you could describe it as the smell of being washed... or cleansed."

I couldn't say anything in response to her words, so I just stared at her from the side. She had dragged me out of the room and here, only to see rain. I could only hope as I looked at her serene expression. It was merely wishful thinking on my part, but I hoped that the upcoming rainy season would bring an end to this harsh season for both her and me.

Who knows this girl next to me, who has been living with me for 5 months, is a hitman... maybe...a retired hitman?

It was amusing but also overwhelming when she quit her old job and we began to open our own small cafe together. She claimed to be a dirty person, but I believe she is not. Not nearly as much as I...

Deep down, she has a golden heart and a soft side. It's also very cute. Haih...

"Isn't it nice?" I give her a friendly smile.

"Mhm." The air was cool, the ideal temperature for a warm embrace. So that's exactly what I did to her.



"On the sea shore, a lover was accompanied by his love, and he was constantly watching her. Despite the roaring waves and crowds, he found such peace with her. He couldn't help but hug her in such a moist, romantic setting." Ryujin cups my face and I hug her waist, still. Her thumb moved down to my lips and brushed them a few times.

"I wasn't planning on falling yet I fall hard and I'd never change any of it...You are going to marry me, aren't you?" She looks at me with the most genuine, brown eyes, and full of unspoken love. Her voice has a slight tremor to it.

"Yes, I will. I'm going to marry you because I love you so much, Ryujin."

She takes a step back and looks me up and down slowly. Her inspection appears to take hours, despite the fact that it should only take seconds. The air between us crackles, and I want to move closer to her, to close the gap once more.

But I don't move from where I am. She lingers on my lips for a moment before finally lifting her head to meet my gaze, and that is when I move. I can't help myself. The force and pressure of the tempest building in those damnable eyes draws me in.

And for the first time, we kiss.

It's like opening your soul and tasting feelings and seeing every colour of the rainbow in their own sensual way, almost like catching a smile in a bottle, with its softness and sweetness. Breathe in the person as if it were a cool inhalation of oxygen to warm the soul. It's as if nothing else exists in the world except me and her.

This sensation is similar to levitating off the ground and floating in the air. My emotions cannot be expressed in words, and no part of speech or figure of speech has been invented to express them. It's like an aphrodisiac mixed with a Pandora's box effect, with fireworks glowing inside me from the person's lips touching hers.

"And tonight, you remembered that you have evolved into a word-creature, as you breathe and eat them to live. You sleep and dream among the bushes of black print on white sheet, between the rows of snuggly lines. With me, this is your home. I love you." She smiles.

The End.


The ending is a bit typical, I know, but yeah, I can't think of any atm hahahs

Life has been busy and I pretty much got nothing to write lately. My hands are full at the moment and hope you guys can bear with me uhuuu. Stay safe errrbody, no matter where you are 💕 Take a good care of yourself always or else I'll haunt you >: hehe ♡

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