Spin Me Sweet Tales

By Trish_DW

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A tale of family, secret doorways, and magic unlike ever before. EVALINA CHRISTMAS went to a secluded cabin t... More

Dedication Page
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Map of Other Realm

357 32 4
By Trish_DW

The Breakdown of the Land of Oraxto:

*You do not have to read all of this. This "breakdown" is something to go back to in case you start to get confused. 

*A summoner can manifest what is not there and then control what they created.

*A manipulator can only control what is already created.

The Air Realm: The center of the world. The rulers of the air realm also rule over the entirety of Oraxto. The Fae that once ruled this land have control over one or two of the following abilities: lightning summoner, tornado summoner, oxygen/carbon dioxide manipulation, fog manipulation, and/or wind/weather manipulation. 

The Earth Realm: The protectors of the Barnabus Forest. The rulers of the earth realm, when the Fae were ruling, were close allies with the werewolves of the land and they would work together to keep Barnabus Forest flourishing before the Fae were imprisoned. The Fae that once ruled this land have control over one or two of the following abilities: Shape-shift into their animus creature (i.e. fox, deer, bear, rabbit, moose, coyote, cougar, wild boar, or wendigo), tree manipulation, earthquake summoner, and/or animal telepathy. 

The Fire Realm: The rulers of the fire realm are the origin of the first created Fae. The Fae that once ruled this land have control over one or two of the following abilities: lava/magma manipulation, fire summoner, shape-shift into a phoenix, fire manipulation, sun manipulation, light summoner, light manipulation, and/or plasma manipulation. 

The Water Realm: The bartering land. The rulers of the water realm are the travel center of Oraxto. The Fae that once ruled this land have control over one or two of the following abilities: water manipulation, water summoner, hurricane summoner, telepathic ability with water creatures, super-swimming speed, and/or shape-shift into a water dragon. 

The Ice Realm: The rulers of the ice realm are the product of the two strongest Fae in history, one from the air realm and the other from the water realm, joining together in a forbidden joining. The Fae that once ruled this land have control over one or two of the following abilities: ice manipulation, snow manipulation, ice summoner, frost magic, frost bite summoner, ice bear and/or ice fox summoner (thought to be extinct), and/or absolute zero inducement. 

The Death Realm: The Greatest Power. The rulers of the soul realm are the most powerful Fae in existence and the most feared. The Fae that once ruled this land have control over one, two, or three of the following abilities: necromancy, telepathy, poison manipulation, poison summoner, blood manipulation, blood summoner, soul manipulation, spirit/corpse manipulation, death mist manipulation, death mist summoner, death absorption, and/or death breath. 

The Nothingness: Domain of the daemons of this world (i.e. vampyres, banshees, succubae, incubi, etc.). It is cleaved from Oraxto by the forbidden rifts located in the center of the oceans. Only magic can free them from their land of eternal torment. Their version of a waking hell.

Zwanz Islands: Domain of the Mestizo/Pirates. Mestizo are the children of helpless men under a siren's powers. They have no powers, but their senses are heightened, they can see through any glamour, and they have twice the strength of a human. However, compared to the powered elves and daemons, they are seen as weak.

Again, you DO NOT have to read all of this and remember everything. This is mainly here for anybody that gets confused and needs to go back to this information. This is also for myself so that I do not forget what I have planned. 

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