Life's Requiem, Death's Cater...

By TMWolf

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Sequel to Champion's Sword, Galar's Shield Reunited once more, Cassandra and Leon embark on their next journe... More

A Toast
Of Farewells
Welcome to Kalos!
Many Meetings I
The Bug Badge
Many Meetings II
New Friends
Memories & Hints
Team Flare
Beaches & Rock Climbing
Flare & Stone
Good Times & Good Friends
More Questions
Earth & Fire
The Future and Past
The Plot Thickens
Snow & Sun
Breaking Point
The End's Beginning
Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul
What Comes After
A New Lease Part I
New Lease II (18+ Explicit)
A New Life

The Ups & Downs

245 6 13
By TMWolf


Lumiose City

Cassandra winced against the wind as it slapped against her face, which while before was nothing much, now added to the dull ache in her skull. She had the battle from before to blame. The Psychic-based attack that had subdued her, Leon, and all their teams had been unbearable then, and the after effects lingered. She wasn't surprised. The last time it had happened, she'd had a headache for the rest of the day and that had actually been a painful attack. She had Lucas to thank for her protection back in those days--when she'd been facing Team Galactic in Sinnoh. Assholes hadn't held back even against a teenager. Their leader even less so.

She'd learned a harsh lesson from that journey.

And now it seemed they were facing an equally dangerous enemy.

"Hey, you okay? Your head hurting?" Leon inquired as he gently brushed her hair from her face.

She met his golden eyes, "Yeah. You, too?"

"Yeah. It's like I got a bad headache. I was always told about how this happens, but it's different having it actually happen to you."

"For real... Sorry you had to go through that."

"What--'Cas, no, it's fine--I'm sorry you had to endure it again," he rasped, his frown deep. She smiled back softly.

"Comes with the job--so to speak," she chuckled.

He raised a brow, "'The job'?"

"Uh... I guess being incidental heroes, I dunno? Vigilantes? Or something? Not exactly the one to make a career out of, but, hey, sometimes a region needs you."

"I think for once a region can give you a break, 'Cas," he scowled, reaching down to squeeze her hand and tugged on it to have her follow. "You've done more than enough. You don't need to get involved anymore."

She frowned in turn, tilting her head slightly, "I don't exactly sign up to do it--it just happens, and I'm not gonna stand by and let bad people hurt innocent ones. You know that. It's part of why I helped you on the mountain back in Galar, remember?"

"Of course I remember!" he rasped, more-so as a snap, which made her pause. His grip on her hand tightened, then relaxed again as he sighed. He turned to face her but paused when he realized she was looking elsewhere--down the bottom of the stairs. He followed her gaze and had to pause, too.

There, at the bottom, was, without doubt, the tallest human being he had ever seen, and he hung out with Raihan on a daily basis. The man was easily three or even four feet taller, his arms and legs long and gangly and hidden underneath a ragged coat and jeans with leg warmers pulled on top. The fabric was torn and dirty, and his hair, white as snow, tumbled down from his red ski cap down to his waist in frayed out ends and tangled knots. He was by far the oddest being he had ever seen, as well, and he'd had multiple first-hand encounters with Sordward and Shieldbert's hairdos. This was something else entirely, though, and his instinct was to tense up; ready to take action. After what happened earlier with Team Flare, he wasn't going to take chances.

"The Pokémon..." he began, his voice soft, yet loud enough to make out. There was a strange lull to it--or rather, for all his appearance, his voice still commanded respect. And yet, as he continued, it begged for pity and understanding, "The flower Pokémon...The Pokémon that was given eternal life..."

"The what?" Cassandra murmured, squeezing Leon's hand back.

There would be no answer, though, as the man simply began to walk towards the exit to Lumiose city and never turned back. The two Trainers watched him go in silence, confusion palpable, and curiosity deep. The man was a mystery, and they couldn't help feeling a sense of familiarity--or rather, that they knew him. Or at least had heard of him somewhere. Surely, someone like him roaming around would cause quite the rumor.

That was for another time, however--as was their previous conversation. Though Leon wanted to go on, he decided he was better left alone for now. As such, he only glanced back at Cas, who nodded for him to go, and he did just that, burying the grating feeling deep into the back of his mind.


"So," Sycamore began. "You saw a strange, shadow figure--and a shadow Pokémon?"

Cassandra sighed, rubbing the back of her neck, "Yeah, I know. It sounds crazy--but there's no way all those Team Flare goons could have escaped otherwise. We had all their Pokémon beat and both our teams were still ready to go. We even had Mega Lucario and Charizard going strong. It's only because those two showed up and... well, to be honest.. It felt like... a Psychic attack? Almost."

"You know what that feels like?" Leon asked, softly, his eyes widening.

She sighed again, "It's... been a long time, but... yes. Bad people used psychic Pokémon on me and my team before. I was lucky and always had a Psychic-type on my teams of some kind that could counter it, but I've never forgotten the feeling."

"This is... troubling then. Team Flare in possession of a Pokémon capable of teleporting a large group of people? That's... unheard of. I don't even think Diantha's Gardevoir could do it, and she's probably the strongest Psychic type you'd find around here. I don't even think Olympia's team could manage it, and she's a Psychic-type Gym Leader!" the Professor frowned, rubbing his chin worryingly. "I hadn't thought Team Flare was so... dangerous. I thought they were just goons causing trouble, but this changes things."

"Yes, it does. We need the police involved immediately. Besides that dangerous Pokémon and Trainer, they were stealing energy for something--and it has to be something big," Leon growled, hands clenching at his side.

"The problem is--for what? What could they even want? All they ever mention is their own happiness, so what are they up to? It... well, I really hope it's not like in Sinnoh," the redhead rumbling, arms wrapping around her sides instinctively. She had always kept those memories as far away as possible, but they never failed to pop up every once in a blue moon--or when it became relevant again.

"Like in Sinnoh?" Sycamore inquired, brows scrunching together.

She sighed a third time, shoulders slumping, "Truth be told... I'm not supposed to say much--IP paperwork and clauses, but... let's just say one man's crazy delusional dream was going to endanger everyone and we had to stop him."

"I see... I won't press any further--I know how the IP can be. Still, that's... not exactly reassuring."

"All the more reason to get as many people involved--I'd say even call in the League. As Champion, Diantha should know her region is possibly in grave danger. I know I wish I had been back in Galar--then maybe... things could have gone different with the Darkest Day and the Brothers, too."

The Professor nodded, "Don't worry, Leon. I'll be letting everyone know this has escalated. I'll even get Lysandre to help--he might have some tech to help against this new Psychic Pokémon, and he knows Malva well; she can help inform the public about the dangers.."

"Um," the redhead began, sharing a look with Leon, who was just as hesitant. Still, she went on when Sycamore looked her way, "To be honest... I'm not sure we should trust Lysandre."

He stared, almost stupefied, "I--uh--what? What do you mean? Lysandre is totally trustworthy! He's practically the pinnacle of society and has always done everything he could to make Kalos a better, safer place."

"I'm not so sure that means what you think anymore. He's said strange things to us--about making the world more beautiful, and... it makes me think too much of other bad guys I've dealt with--like the brothers."

"And Chairman Rose," Leon added grimly. Sycamore frowned, looking between them, obviously torn. They knew he trusted them, but it was clear he'd known the inventor a long time and thought very highly of him. Their hope for any understanding was dashed as the Professor shook his head and waved his hands.

"It's a misunderstanding, I assure you. Lysandre is a good man. Truly, he is. We grew up together, and we've collaborated many times. I can vouch for him. Yes, he is very... eccentric. But, please, trust me when I say he's not part of the problem--he's working to fix it."

Leon and Cassandra looked at one another once again, and they both knew it was a lost cause. Then again, maybe they were wrong. And it wasn't as though he was connected to Team Flare, who were the immediate problem right now.

The purple-haired trainer sighed, "Okay. We'll trust you. Just please make sure you get everyone you can on Team Flare--we were lucky to have full teams and over a decade of experience. Anyone less would have been in serious danger."

"Of course. Leave this to me and the League and police. I know I can't make up for what you've gone through for us, but please know: I thank-you from the bottom of my heart and can't apologize enough that this burden fell to you. If you need anything, please, let me know, and I'll see it done right away. In the meantime, I hope you two can still focus on your own journey--this time unmolested by these nefarious urchins."

"Thank-you, Professor. We were just doing what needed to be done--if we hadn't stepped in, who knows what worse could have happened," Cassandra replied, bowing her head. "Sometimes even just one person can make all the difference."

"Very true and very admirable words," Sycamore chuckled. "Still, you two should take this time to relax--Actually... I was informed before you got here that the Prism tower would be relit about 6 PM--so in about two hours. You two should go to watch it--it's the tower in the center of the city. There's plenty of cafes to eat at while you wait and watch."

"That sounds like a fun idea," Leon chuckled, reaching over to squeeze Cassandra's hand. "We could use something to eat."

"For real. Or, well, maybe we wash up first. We're still a bit scuffed up from the canyon. Then again, I am starving."

"Oh, yes, of course; I shouldn't keep you any longer. Did you get a chance to heal your Pokémon already?"

"Yep. We made sure to get them looked at first," the purple-haired trainer nodded as he stood up from his seat. The redhead followed in suit and, seeing Sycamore's outstretched hand, shook it. Leon followed in suit as he smiled, "We'll see you around--hopefully with more data on Mega Evolution for you. You can always watch the streams and video uploads we have too."

"Yes! I've already done so many times! It's all incredibly useful, and at some point I might just have you two do some of that transformation here, if you wouldn't mind--not now, of course. Later on."

"Sure thing; just give the word and we can fly back here. Until then, though... I think some cafe food is calling our name."

"Au revoir!" the Professor replied, making a flared gesture as the two waved and headed out. It was only when they got to the street that the redhead recalled something.

"Oh... we forgot to mention the giant man."

"Oh... right we didn't... The Team Flare stuff just was so much more important... we can tell him later. Honestly, I'm too hungry to even think about it much right now. And maybe some herbal tea or something for the headache."

She winced, "Yeah, I still feel it, too. Some grub will definitely help. And some sleep. At least it did last time. Although, I went to the hospital anyway since a lot of crazy shit went down against Cyrus and Team Galactic."

"I... remember you mentioning," he replied softly, eyes downcast. "Still can't believe you didn't just let Cynthia handle it."

"It was just--she was holding back the other goons, and I was the only one left to go after him. My whole journey had basically been leading up to it and I just... I had to stop him. If I didn't, it would be too late. I just... underestimated how crazy he was.

She sighed, "But, despite everything that happened... I don't regret it. I don't regret going after Team Rocket or Galactic or Plasma... or well, I do regret N dying but... ultimately, it all worked out how it had to, and if I hadn't stepped in... I don't know where the world would be right now. It's why I know we did the right thing stepping in to stop Team Flare back there."

"Did we, though?" he frowned, and she looked at him sharply. "You heard them--they got what they wanted, and they escaped. Did going there really help anything?"

"We helped those workers. Team Flare could have done worse to them--to keep them quiet. I know how these teams act. They're liable to do worse if they're left to run amuck."

"Maybe, but still--what good is jumping in like that to stop them if we don't keep them from succeeding and you just get hurt anyways?" he ground out, eyes lasered to the ground as his shoes practically crashed into the ground with every step.

"The good is that we also learned more about their plans. Now the police and League will know not to take them lightly--especially with that powerful Trainer and Pokémon on their side. We did good, Leon," Cassandra pressed.

"I just--I wish you didn't have to get hurt still! You nearly died back in Galar multiple times, and here we are in another dangerous situation again!"

"Leon, c'mon, this isn't like Galar--"

He stopped to turn and meet her gaze, "Isn't it, though? Or like it? It's a large group of people secretly doing bad things and we're getting hurt trying to stop them."

"That's just... part of helping stop bad people like them," she replied, her gaze not wavering, and he struggled.

He just--couldn't grasp it. How she could be so willing to be hurt? Didn't she know how much it pained him? How he worked so hard to keep her safe? He couldn't bear to watch her nearly die again and nearly break. What if she really died this time? What if she got stabbed in the heart? What if her team was killed and she really lost herself? Could he save her then? Could he bring her back? Would he fail again? Like he did before--on the Darkest Day? He wasn't sure, and it was agony seeing she couldn't see it, too--the sense he was trying to make. They didn't need to keep going into danger like this! They'd both done their parts and suffered for it.

"But..." he began, clenching his teeth. Her eyes were steadfast, though, and he faltered; frustrated. He didn't want to make this a fight. He didn't. He never wanted to have fights with her.

"'Lee, c'mon, it's fine," she pressed, squeezing his hand and tugging. Really, he was getting so frustrated, when it wasn't that big of a thing. She could understand his concern, but it was a bit much. Besides, they should be focusing more on other things--like what Team Flare wanted to do, and who that mystery trainer was. "We're both starving and tired. Let's eat and we'll feel better."

Leon sighed, nodding, "Yeah. You're probably right. I mean, I am starving."

"See? C'mon, we can go try that cafe we wanted to when we were last here," she offered, leading him down the road. He followed diligently--and quietly. Neither could bring themselves to continue the conversation, though the thoughts lingered all the way to the blue-painted doorway down one of the alleys leading to the Prism Tower. It was a decent-sized place; larger than most of the cafes and with a much bigger menu than just coffees and teas. They made their orders and sat down more-so in a corner, wanting a bit of privacy. The silence mostly continued, although they spoke a little about getting a hotel so they could relax since it was already 4 PM and they really were just exhausted.

"Man, I'm still trying to figure out what that Pokémon was... it was so familiar," Cassandra rumbled after their food arrived. She swirled around her beverage with a straw, biting her lip some as she thought. "I mean... I've never seen a Pokémon cloaked in shadow like that, but its shape was... I've seen it before."

"Well... it was definitely a Psychic-type, but the shadows make me think dark. But I don't think there's Dark-Physic types out there."

"There's not--or none that I know of... just--ugh! I know I know the Pokémon!" she groaned, slumping back and taking a bite of her food.

Leon shrugged as he brought out his phone, going through his messages, "Well... it was bipedal and had a long tail. Not a lot of Pokémon like that."

"Yeah... and it was human-sized and kind of shaped... but it's not a monkey-like Pokémon or anything... I wish I could remember. It's so fleeting--I must have just seen it briefly or something. And that voice... it was familiar, too--the Trainer. But even he was cloaked in shadows. What the hell is with that, anyways? What Pokémon controls shadows like that? I can only really think of maybe like... Darkrai, but that dude works with dreams and only at night, and it didn't match the Pokémon..."


"Yeah, back in Sinnoh--had to do with some old legend, and it handles nightmares while this other one--Cresselia--handles regular dreams. I briefly met them but didn't catch them or anything. Just helped out this family dealing with an issue with Darkrai, but it was all a misunderstanding. I don't remember all the details anymore, but the Pokémon wasn't bad or anything--it just got associated with bad things, which was sad because it just wanted to help and have friends.

She waved a hand, "But, anyways, that was in Sinnoh and like a decade ago. No way Darkrai would help these kinds of people, and Darkrai can only affect dreams anyways... so I dunno. I guess it would help if we knew what Team Flare was up to. What did they even need all that energy for?? A device? Powering their own base? A weapon?"

"Well, that's for the authorities to figure out I guess," Leon mused, lifting his phone to take a picture of his sandwich.

Cassandra raised a brow, "Are you really taking a pic of your food?"

"Yeah! My followers always like seeing the things I eat, and with so many from Galar, they've never seen Kalosian style or cuisine. Oh, right, we should get a pic together to post with it," he beamed, letting his Rotom fly off a little as he scooted closer to the redhead. She only frowned, though.

"Really? We're kind of having a serious talk here about--" she paused, remembering where they were, and lowered her voice, "--bad people doing bad things??"

"Cas, c'mon," he frowned back. "We already agreed this is better handled by the authorities. We've done our part."

"I mean--okay, yes, we did, but c'mon! You can't really just not wonder and not want to help, and I mean, seriously?? You just have to take a pic while we're talking about it?? It's not like you don't take a pic of our lives every second of the day just about!"

Leon paused, scrunching his brows, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's--you--I just--you kinda take a lot of pics, 'Lee. Of like... everything. Some days I don't think you go an hour without taking a selfie of us or yourself or our food or just anything we're doing."

"What's wrong with that? Our fans love it--seeing what our journey is about and another region. They love being a part of it."

"That's just it, though--they're not a part of it! Us! It's our life not together--not you, me, and these followers!" she rasped, then paused when she saw his face. He wasn't getting it, was he? She groaned silently and rubbed the back of her neck as she waved her hand, "...Ugh... I... dammit, you know what? Nevermind. I'm just upset by everything, and I think being hangry right now is making me even more irritated and stuff right now.

"...Yeah, I think that goes for both of us," Leon chuckled, which she returned, but they both knew it was forced.

His Rotom floated back down, sensing the mood, and the two ate in silence--a first. What would normally be filled with laughter, terrible jokes, and fun talk about Pokémon and their journey was now empty air filled only with the sound of eating, drinking, and the laughter of others. Of what did come up between them it was casual and simple and mostly about the hotel. The rest was left unspoken, felt only in the quick glances and the space between their hands as they walked along the cobbled paths to their hotel. Check-in was simple and smooth, as was the walk to the room, all in silence, which weighed heavily on both. Mouths opened to speak, but the words didn't come out. Hands reached, but didn't touch, and there were only inward sighs and groans as they struggled to understand--to compromise.

In the end, it was broken only by Cassandra saying she'd shower first and left Leon there on the bed, running his hand through his hair. He felt like such a fool--a frustrated one at that. Why were things so difficult right now? He didn't get it. They had been fine just hours ago, and now he couldn't even say anything without worrying it'd become a fight. Why couldn't she just see things his way? And what was wrong with his sharing? Everyone loved it! Why didn't she?

"Fuck," he rasped, and pulled out his phone.

He needed advice.

But from who?

Sonia? Or Nessa? No. They'd just berate him and call him an idiot for upsetting Cassandra or something--something about men not understanding women, he was sure. That or give some explanation that he didn't really understand. Also, it was pretty late for them. Both always got up really early for work and training, and he didn't want to bother them that much.

His mother then? Also no. She wouldn't fully comprehend what they were dealing with, and he didn't want to worry her, either. She'd probably flip her lid if she knew they got into a dangerous situation again. He had promised to avoid that to her, too. He winced, remembering, and swearing to never let her know lest she smack the stupid out of him.

The other Leaders he didn't think himself close enough to ask, truth be told, and Gloria and Hop he wouldn't dare drag his problems onto--not when he couldn't protect them before, and he was the adult here. They didn't need to have his problems dropped on them. They were still just teens and needed to focus on their futures.

He supposed that left Raihan, which was honestly probably his best bet. Sure, he wasn't a girl or understood all girl problems, but he was someone who understood people well. He also knew him as his best friend and rival--almost as good as he knew himself. Even Sonia didn't always get him like Raihan did, and his rival-friend would never hold back on his brutal honesty. He didn't give a shit if he hurt his feelings--if the truth hurt, then good, as he might say. Yeah, Raihan would always give it to him straight and knock the sense into him in a way that didn't make him want to hide and cower like his mom did. That, and he was a night owl, so he'd be awake. He just hoped he wasn't out at a club or with a "lady friend", otherwise he might not answer--or chew him out for the latter, he considered with a chuckle.

To his relief, his long-time rival and friend picked up as he slipped out to the balcony, closing the door behind him.

"And to what do I owe the pleasure of being disturbed by the infamous Leon on this stormy night in Galar?" the man mused, and vaguely he could hear a chirping sound--no doubt his Flygon lounging about.

"Well... I... um... could use... some advice."

There was a dramatic gasp from the other line, "Whaaaaaaaaat!? You need advice? From Moi? The Great Raihan?"

"Oh my Arceus, shut up. Yes! It's... it's about Cas. Me n' 'Cas."

"Oh. Oooooh. Ooooooh boy you two finally have relations issues, huh? You know I got a book on how to help get it up--"

"Not that kind, you ass!" he laughed, and Raihan joined in with him.

"Dude, I know. I'm just yanking your chain--y'know, since she ain't yanking your dick clearly."


"Kidding. Kidding. Seriously, though; what's happening, mm? What can your best mate do for you?"

"Well... things are... I dunno. It's hard to explain."

"Just tell me what's been happening, man. I got you," Raihan replied, and, with a loud sigh, Leon gave him all the details--from the first signs of danger to the actual fighting Team Flare, and all the way to the "fight" at the cafe. He expressed his concerns about her getting into danger, and his fears of being unable to protect her. He told his frustrations as well; of how it was such a struggle to get her to understand. It was a relief, in a way, being able to express it all; to talk about his annoyances from it all and release the weight of the anguish he felt. And Raihan listened to it all, giving short "uh-huh", "okay", and "alright" throughout to reassure Leon he was listening. And when he finally finished, sighing again, he heard his friend inhale and exhale both slowly and loudly.

"Alright, I think I got the gist of what's going on."

"So what should I do, man? I'm just--I dunno."

"Well, it's very simple, my poor, sorry man: fucking talk. To. Her. About. It."

Leon rolled his eyes, "I tried!"

"No. You tried to force her to do what you want. You talked at her, not with her. You both did. She can't see what you're feeling 'cause she doesn't know what it all is. You have to tell her what you told me, and then you gotta listen to her, too, 'cause clearly your actions upset her, as well. There's no 'I'm right, and you're wrong'. You're both right and you're both wrong, and you two gotta talk it out and find a compromise," Raihan explained, and the blow hit hard in the gut. Damn, he was right, wasn't he? The Gym Leader went on, "Also, Leon, you gotta understand: you can't force her to do anything. Just like she can't force you. You two gotta find that middle ground and work on it. 'Cause I get it, mate. You want to keep her safe because you love her, and she's used to jumping into danger which makes that harder for you. But I get her side, too--your lifestyle is a big change for her. You and I both know she's never been social like us, so sharing your life with strangers is weird for her. That's why you two have to talk about it."

"But... it's... hard. I don't wanna upset her, but... I don't want to see her hurt, either. I just--I hate being like--like this with her. I want to be how we were, when we didn't have these problems."

"Yeah, well, tough tiddies, man. Relationships aren't always sunshine and roses. They're work. Y'all had a good honeymoon phase but now it's time to put your big boy pants back on and be a grown ass man and a fine, grown ass woman who talk shit out and learn that you can't always have it all your way. You gotta give and take.

He paused to sigh, "Now, look. You and I both know she's the best thing to happen to you since you became Champ. And you're the best thing to happen to her since she got her Growlithe as a kid. You two are good for each other. I know it. All our friends know it. But that doesn't always mean it's gonna be smooth sailing. There's always storms, and you two or gonna have to weather through it or your ship will break apart, got it?"

"...Yeah. I got it," Leon sighed as well, rubbing his face. "I... Thanks, 'Rai. I can always count on you for good advice."

"Damn straight! I am the love guru and relationship master for a reason, y'know."

"Says the man who's never had a girlfriend."

"Pfft. Don't need a girlfriend to know how relationships work--and fail. Also, I am relationship-free by choice, and you two idiots are a great example of why."

"You realize that really just doesn't make me feel better?"

"'Course I do. But I am a drama-free person--."

"Now that is a damn lie."

"Hey, hey--being a troublemaker is different from being a Drama Queen. Nessa and I are very different people."

"I'm telling her you said that."

"Pfft. Go ahead. I can handle her and her hot gf."

"Did you just call Sonia hot? And just Nessa's gf? Aren't you two friends?"

"We are, hence, why I can call her stuff like that and not worry she'll whoop my ass. We're history nerd buddies and all, and she quite likes having the title of being Nessa's 'hot gf'. Also, yes, she is hot. Gingers are always hot. You're literally the only one here who didn't notice until 'Cas for some reason. Not that I question your taste. She is hot, too, but, bruh--Sonia was right there the whole time."

"Okay. Ow. But fair."

"Eh, it worked out for the best anyways. And now you two need to do some work to get back to your best, you hear me? I don't wanna have to get called in as Dr. Relationship-Advice-Raihan again. Especially not after midnight."

Leon chuckled, "Yeah, yeah. Thanks again, Raihan. I owe you one."

"Just buy me some beers when y'all get back. We're definitely going to some clubs when you do, by the way. We need to hang out baaaaaaad. Everyone else is so boring."

"Well, I'll consider it an honor to be thought of so highly by the Great Raihan."

"As you fucking should, mate!" the Gym Leader laughed. "Anyways, go get your talk on. Or do it soon. Never go to bed angry. Keep that in mind."

"Will do. Later, mate."


Leon put his phone away with a final sigh, running his hand through his hair again. He hated that Raihan was right. They needed to talk. They had to--just to get their feelings out. But it was hard. It shouldn't have been, but it was. He couldn't even understand fully why it was so hard and he felt silly for not being able to just tell her. Was it guilt? Or shame? Or--or what?

"You okay?"

Her voice made him jump and he spun to find her standing in the balcony doorway, in just her tank top--and his champion shorts, he realized. He couldn't hold back his grin, despite his thoughts. The sight of her wearing the shorts always made him happy, as silly as it was, and it made the frustration melt some. She just looked so beautiful in the sunset light, the city glow starting to perk up and give a soothing glow to her lightly tanned, freckled skin and ginger hair. His eyes slipped to the faded scars on her shoulders--a "gift" from her Garchomp, Rheya, as a Gible. One of many she had, including the nearly gone ones on her arm, obtained from protecting her Larvitar, Toma, in Johto. There was the pink-ish one on her knee from a hike, too, and he never forgot the one on her right hip from Sordward. The one he couldn't forgive himself for.

The one related to all his problems.

Raihan's works echoed in his mind, and he told himself to do it--to just say the words and tell her they needed to talk. It would be so easy. So simple. Just a few words. Just ask her to talk; to tell her how you're really feeling and then hear her out, too, and try to find some middle ground. Because they could. They weren't unreasonable people. They were level-headed and good hearted and loved one another. If there was a problem, they could work through it. They just had to know what the exact problems were, and they could only do that by talking.

All he had to do was say it:

We need to talk.

And yet!

He only smiled and nodded, "Yeah; just needed some fresh air."

"It is nice out--and the Prism tower should light up soon," she replied, smiling back, although her eyes said different. Regret and shame filled Leon, but he still held out his arm and she came to him, settling into his side and resting her head on his shoulder. The warmth and touch soothed him, but deep down, he knew it was only a band-aid. Still; he let himself be lulled by the false sense of security as he looked to the tower, still dark, but lit by the lights of the surrounding area.

"We got a great view for it, too," he mused, rubbing her shoulder gently.

"Why do you think I got the room here?" she teased back, patting his bum. He snickered, stealing a kiss on her brow.

"Always so clever," he grinned. "Hope I don't smell too bad for you right now."

"Nah, I like your musk anyways."


She giggled, "Yes. I like your manly smell... but maybe still shower after the lights come on."

"Ha! Yeah, no I planned, too. I feel grimy."

"Right? Luckily I saved hot water for you."

"Oh, thank-you, you're so kind," he snorted, then paused and pointed, "Oh, look! I think it's starting!"

Sure enough, the lights around the tower shut off, and, after a pause, the Gym Symbol near the bottom flickered to life, showcasing the pokéball-lightning bolt fusion. It was a brilliant yellow, and after another second, the lights behind it flared in a glorious white light. The level above flashed to life half a second later, and from there the main tower itself began to light up like a meter rising up in quick fashion. It was a magnificent sight accompanied by the area lights coming back on and twisting this way and that, as if dancing around the tower. It was an elaborate display of electricity and modern-day ingenuity, and down below music began to echo as people enjoyed the small festivity the reawakening had brought.

"Okay, that was definitely worth waiting for--but I still say the Wyndon Stadium coming to life is still more exciting," Leon winked, earning a laugh from his girlfriend. She leaned up to kiss him on the lips.

"I'll have to watch that again to compare when we get back," she winked in kind and then patted his rump once more. "Now, get on and shower, you. I'm gonna pop into bed and apologize in advance if I pass out on you."

"I won't blame you! I might do the same in the shower!" he laughed, stole a kiss right back, and headed inside, shouting behind, "Don't worry and pass out! I won't feel bad!"

"You're too kind!" he heard her laugh, and then he was in the bathroom, happy to be rid of his dirty clothing and the hot spray that washed the grime and weariness of the day away. It helped soothe his body and mind, although everything still lingered in the back of his mind throughout and even as he stepped back into the bedroom. He found Cas sound asleep as she had warned, chest rising and falling slowly as she dreamed--blissfully, he hoped. He was just relieved she didn't stir as he slipped into bed and gently brushed her hair back, fingertips just barely grazing her cheek. His heart ached, wanting to say so much, but still he could only give silence.

With a soft sigh, he kissed her brow, and settled down to sleep, too.

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