Rosalie Hale x reader (gender...

By imperial_demon_army

22.2K 624 31

Y/n was part of Sam's pack, there parents moved to forks when they were 13 and ever since they have lived the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 2

2.2K 68 0
By imperial_demon_army

Y/NS pov

Everyone was finally gone and I could finally relax but then I heard my brother and his girlfriend giggling. "You have got to be kidding me" I said laying on the sofa in my wolf form.

They both came down stairs and the girl screamed. "Babe you didn't tell me you had a dog look how cute they are" she said stroking me.

"That's not our dog we are just looking after them for a friend" he smirked and I grumbled.

"Awwwwww what are they called" she asked and I looked at my brother who was trying so hard not to laugh.

"Snowball" he said chuckling. The girl looked at my brother confused.

"What's so funny" she asked and my brother sat down and stroked me to.

"Nothing it's just you look so cute petting the dog" he said then my parents walked in and I sighed. Thank god there back.

"Chris what she doing here I thought we told you no guests" mum said and the girl got up and smiled.

"He just brought me here to show off the dog your taking care of I love dogs and he thought I would like it" she said and I looked at dad.

"Dad help me" I said. He sat down on the couch where Chris was once sitting. I moved and out my head in his lap.

"Oh well that's nice of him dear but I think you should leave we are taking her back now" my mum said and the girl pouted.

"Ok well it was nice meeting you snowball" she said then left. I looked up at my brother and growled at him.

"Really Chris, Y/n doesn't need this right now" my dad said and I jumped down from the sofa and into my room to get changed.

I walked back out to see my brother arguing with my parents again. "I can't believe you Chris Y/n isn't  something for you to show off to your girl there your sibling and you should start treating them like one" dad shouted.

"No all they cause is trouble maybe it would be better if they lived with the rest of the pack" he said and I looked at the floor.

Chris stormed past me "Chris wait" I said and he stopped looking at me I could tell he was mad I could smell it.

"Not now jerk" he said slamming the door in my face. I sighed walking into the living room. I sat down next to my mum.

"Don't worry, he will be fine" she said and I stood up.

"I'm going for a run" I said walking out the house and towards the forest.

"Y/n wait your brother doesn't hate you" my dad said and I smiled looking back at him.

"I wish you was right" I said then I transformed. I smiled running through the forest I always loved doing that it seemed to calm me.

"Well, well well look  what decided to drop in" a women laughed and I turned around to see a vampire.

"What are you doing on my territory" I said and she laughed circling me like I was prey. I stood my ground though how powerful can one vampire be.

"Oh I'm sorry mutt I didn't realize" she laughed then lunged for me. I quickly pinned her to the ground but she stabbed me with her nails.

I whimpered then got off her. She lunged for me then kicked my ribs and broke a few. I fell to the floor. She laughed walking over to me.

"Your a weak wolf" she had and she was about to kill me when someone threw her into a tree.

"Carlisle we need some help" someone said and I looked up to see the blonde vampire from earlier. Another vampire ran over and checked over me.

"We need to get them help and fast" he said looking at the girl then a few more vampires joined the party.

"We need to tell Sam hes going to want to know" Edward said and I tried to get up but everywhere hurt.

"Careful lay still I'm Carlisle I'm going to help you but I need you to lay still Edward has just gone to find your alpha" he said and I sighed.

"Sam, Seth, Leah can you hear me I need help I have been attacked by a rouge vampire I'm in the woods near the river" I said within seconds Sam, Seth and Leah appeared.

"Oh no y/n what happened to them" Sam said and Seth ran over.

"Hey y/n your going to be ok I promise" he said and I smiled. Leah sighed sitting on the other side of me and stoked my fur.

"We aren't 100% sure why they was attacked but a vampire called Victoria attacked them and if we don't get them back to me house soon there going to die" Carlisle said.

Everything started to spin I looked at Seth then at leah "come on Y/n stay with us we need you" Leah said but I couldn't keep my eyes open they was just to heavy.

Rosalie pov

All I did was stare at them all I wanted to do was go down there and hug them tell them that everything was going to be ok but if I did that they would think I was crazy. I clenched my first that vampire is going to pay for what they did to them.

I don't know why I care so much about them there just a wolf, a dog but I'm drawn to them. Maybe it's there scent or there eyes. I didn't know but I want to know more.

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