
By TheMiddleChild6368

146K 6.2K 1.3K

(Y/N) moved to Gotham to give herself and her son Eilis a fresh start. Sure, people thought she was crazy for... More

Little Birdie
Big Bad Wolf
Sweet Dreams
Mother Of The Abandoned
Sugar Daddy
The Red Fucking Hood
Fucking Gotham
Her Pimp Was a Real Asshole
Can I Kill Him Now?
How Many People Can Say They Rode Superman Like A Magic Carpet?
Funny How A Little Rock Can Kill A God
Big Bad Bat
Vandel Savage
You Fucking Bastard
I Fell In Love
Burn It Down
Till Death Do Us Part

Just Peachy

5.4K 239 53
By TheMiddleChild6368

A cold gust of wind brushed against my skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake.

I shivered, shifting my position and realizing I couldn't feel the flesh of my ass.

It was always a bit chilly in Gotham, and the closer we get to the end of October, the colder the city becomes.

There aren't many trees, which may be part of the reason for Pamela's hatred, and I can honestly say I miss the colorful death of the leaves.

Cracking my eyes open to let a sliver of light pass through them, I found that it was still dark.

A frown pulled at my lips as I pushed myself from the side of the couch, the grey fabric sinking as my weight shifted unto it.

The only source of light came from the moon, its silver rays dancing around the room, casting shadows of varying shape and size.

Glass glinted from its scattered placement on my hardwood floors, and I cringed when I realized I'd have to clean it before Eilis came back. 


A voice, familiar in its rhythm, cascaded off the walls of the room and I was startled at its abrupt cut through the silence.

A boy sat on the window sill, watching me from the corner of his room. He seemed to have been watching the night sky, his red and black suit standing out against the light of the moon. His face wasn't illuminated, but the bird upon his chest flashed through the dark like a beacon. 

"Red Robin." I said, not even a little surprised at his appearance.

"If I had known this was all it would take to meet so many heroes, I would have moved to Gotham years ago."

I couldn't quite tell, but I'm more than happy to believe that he smiled, faintly through the dark. 

"Batman asked me to watch you. He didn't want you getting into any more trouble." 

"Did he now?" I raised a brow, not moving from my spot. 

"I thought about cleaning everything up, but I was afraid I'd wake you." He murmured, looking back out the window for a moment. 

"I'm glad you didn't, I'd lose my mind if I woke up to nothing."

We said nothing for a long moment, and I felt a little silly standing around talking to a young hero in the dark.

Sighing, I tiptoed past the shadow of the couch and towards my light switch. I made it through without stepping on any shards of glass and I felt quite proud of myself for it.

I flicked the switch, yellow light basking us from its spot on the ceiling. 

"Batman is quite worried about you."

Red Robin stepped down from his perch, but didn't move from the window.

Glass trapped him to the wall, and while I don't think he minded all that much, I felt the motivation I needed to finally clean it up. 

"That's quite kind of him, but I'm fine now. God you can't be more than nineteen, you shouldn't be watching over me. I'm an adult you know, I can take care of myself."

Tsking, I grabbed the broom from the pantry and began sweeping the glass up. 

"You've been attacked multiple times, I don't think you're fine at all. In fact, I'd bargain that you're more trouble than any of us can predict."

Red Robin began to help me tidy up as I swept up the thousand glass crystals.

"But if you can save him, then I don't mind getting you out of mess after mess." 

"What do you mean by that? Save who?"

I watched as he pushed the couch back to its rightful position, though a little too far forward.

He looked back at me from over his shoulder, sending me a smile before continuing on. 

Knock knock.

The rapping of knuckles sounded at the door and both of us whipped our heads to it as if it was a bomb.

Casting a glance at Red Robin, I headed over to it.

His hand gripped my shoulder and he shook his head. Holding a black-gloved finger to his mouth, he silently treaded past me.

His cape trailed after him, and I watched as he peered through the peephole.

He looked back at me, shoulders drawn up. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he almost looked panicked.

As if in slow motion, the door burst open, sending Red Robin flying back.

He caught himself, running to me too fast for me to react. 

"Let her go!"

I heard Harley's shrill voice call out just as Red Robin rushed me towards the window.

Something sturdy wound itself around my stomach and I was lurchered up, hovering off the ground as Pamela came to stand beside me.

We all took a moment, looking between one another for three long seconds before realization dawned among us.

Red Robin still looked ready to fight, but Pamela was already leveling my feet upon the floorboards. 

"(Y/N), why is a Bat in your home?"

Pamela glared at him, keeping me behind her.

"She's a good citizen, she hasn't committed any crimes." 

"Are you okay?"

Harley cocked her head, looking at me.

"You're still in your dress that blood?" 

Blinking, I quickly covered the wound on my head. I had cleaned it up briefly last night, but the blood had turned gooey as it began to clot. 

"I'm okay." It wasn't a whisper, but it was meek enough to pass for one. 

"(Y/N), how do you know them?" Red Robin turned to glare at me and I could practically see the assumptions sprouting inside his skull.

Little dandelion weeds with mellow yellow petals stuffing his ears. 

"They're my friends." I said, unashamed though slightly concerned with how he'll receive this information.

"What are you doing here?" Pamela asked again, the green still not fading from her skin. 

"(Y/N) was attacked, I'm just here to make sure she stays safe the rest of the night." 

"Well you can go, we've got it handled here." Harley stepped forward, putting her hands on her hips. 

"Excuse me if I don't listen to a clinically insane and murderous criminal." Red Robin deadpanned, and I couldn't exactly blame him.

Harley is insane, but as of right now I think she's my friend, so I'm going to trust her. 

"Then listen to me, a regular murderous criminal." Pamela sighed now, her skin returning to its pale color.

"She's safe with us." 

"It's okay Red Robin," stepping forward I reached to grab his hand.

"I'm alright. You can let Batman know that I'm alright now, and that I've got some friends watching over me." 

"Murderers. You've got murderers watching over you." 

I said nothing because if I was being honest he was right. And yet…

"We're working on it?"

I gave a pathetic smile, but he didn't seem convinced. 

"Look little birdie, you're big bad bat daddy has worked with us multiple times before. In fact, he's quite the gentleman. I might be insane, but if Catwoman can turn good, so can we!" 

"Well...can't I still kill the men destroying the environment?" 


Harley and I spoke at the same time and I couldn't help the giggle. 

"Killing is wrong Ivy." 

She shrugged, a pout on her red lips, but said nothing to protest my statement. 

"Seriously, I'm okay. Go to sleep."

I flashed him my best smile but he didn't give one back. 

"What, Catwoman's the only one good enough to stand by your mentor's side? She's the only one that can change?"

Pamela crossed her arms, glaring at him. 

"Aw, don't worry Red! We'll show them!" Harley hugged her from behind, a huge smile on her face.

Red Robin frowned, but something in him seemed to soften and then he was turning around and slipping out the window.

I watched him go. 

"Were you serious about it? You're not going to kill anymore?"

I turned to them, now alone to question their sincerity. 

"Well, I figured it's worth a shot." 

"Besides! Killing was always Joker's thing, and I don't want to be controlled by him anymore." Harley hummed, letting go of Pamela to plant herself on the couch.

Unable to help myself, I broke out into a grin. 

"I’m proud of you." I said, watching the red that bloomed across their cheeks.

Pamela raised her hand, plants growing larger and winding together to make a barrier for my broken window.

My happiness was short-lived as a frown came to wipe the smile from my lips.

"What are you guys doing here anyways?"

It was kind of croaked out, a knot in my throat.

Harley gave me a great big smile, turning on the couch until her stomach was pressing into the cushion and she was staring at me from behind it. 

"A friend called us! She said you were in trouble." 

"A friend?"

Racking my head, I searched for who it could be. Who would know me as well as them?

There was the Bats, but I highly doubt it was them.

And that's when it hit me.

Someone else within the criminal business who knows me and would know about what had happened just a few hours earlier?

Fucking Alice!

"You're not friends with that motherfucking bitch Alice right?" 

Harley's blood-red lips formed an 'o' as Pamela rushed out a "who's Alice?" 

I regarded them for two seconds before the dam broke and I could not stop the tears.

"She's the bitch who tried to kill me! She sent that man to kill my son!"

Sobbing, I collapsed onto my couch. 

"Shh, it's okay." Pamela cooed as she sat beside me.

Harley locked her arm with mine, lips forming a pout. 

"This man, he's the one that hurt you?" 

"I brought him home! I can't believe I was that fucking stupid! I should have listened to Bruce, why didn't I listen?"

Teary-eyed, I looked into Harley's blue eyes with earnestness. 

"You know, I used to be a psychologist. I might be insane, but I still remember."

She didn’t try to give me that psychiatrist bulshit, she let it hang in the air.

A question of which I ignored.

I didn’t want to work through my problems right now, I just want to get to accepting them.  

"Alice was the one that gave him my information. I left with a man I didn't know, because I was too jealous of some woman and a rich man I could never have. And Alice played me like a fucking drum. She knew I would take the bait, she knew I would...That fucking bitch!"

I was practically snarling, curling my hands into fists and glaring at the floor. 

"Hey," Harley slapped her hands over my cheeks, squishing them together.

"So you fell into her trap? Just climb out of it." 

I huffed a laugh, leave it to Harley to make everything so simple.

Smiling at her, I wiped my tears.

“If only it were that simple.” 

“It is, you just have to let it.”

Her smile was a little sad and I couldn’t help but match it.

I fell asleep somewhere between getting ready for bed and snuggling into bed with them. 

A few hours later, the night long since vanished as the sun crawled up from the horizon, I awoke to a knock on the door.

The door that Harley had barreled through and Pamela had shabbily fixed before we fell asleep.

Groggily, I got up, carefully maneuvering around the women as I headed for the source of that pounding knock.

Opening the door, forgetting the delicate way Pamela had patched it together, I watched it fall to reveal a man.

A loud bang echoed throughout the house as it smacked against the floorboards.

Cursing, I whipped around to see Harley and Pamela rush out. 

"Well, that certainly wasn't expected."

Clark Kent chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck. He sent me a charming smile, confused eyes glancing at the women behind me before cutting back to mine.

Cocking his head towards the door and then back to me, I waited for the judgment to enter his voice. 

"It looks like I showed up just in time." 

Sighing, I let my shoulders sag before turning back to Harley and Pamela.

"This is my childhood friend, Clark. I'm about to get lectured now, so if you guys want to head out..."

I left it open, waiting for them to make the connection on their own.

Pamela nodded, grabbing Harley's wrist and pulling her out of the house. As she passed Clark, she sent him a nasty glare. 

"Stay out of trouble (Y/N)!" She called to me before disappearing behind Clark.

He bent down to pick up the door, easily fitting it back into place. 

"So...a month in Gotham and your home is already falling apart?" 

"It's...been a rough couple of weeks."

I gave him a sappy smile but he didn't return it.

His gaze was averted to the wound on my hairline, and I couldn't help but attempt to cover it. Concern etched into his face and he reached up to caress the back of my head. 

"Who did this to you?" 

"No one, I actually went to a gala last night and got really fucking drunk. Drunk and heels with long dresses don't mix, so I ended up tripping down a whole flight of stairs at the Wayne Manor." 


"Yeah, you should be proud of me Clark. I managed to get into Bruce Wayne's good graces!"

Though I'm sure that was over now that I didn't listen to him.

He seemed really upset last night...

"Anyways! Why are you here?" I asked, redirecting the conversation.

Heading for the kitchen I began looking through the fridge in hopes of finding some breakfast. 

"I've got a lead on a story. The trail led me here and I thought I'd stop by to see how you're doing." 

"Well I'm just peachy." 

"Where's Eilis." 

"Oh that's the best part!"

I turned around, smiling and unable to help myself from giggling.

"He's got a best friend!" 

"He does?"

Clark's eyebrows rose to his hairline, and I rolled my eyes. 

"You'll never guess who it is!"

I waited for a second, but Clark only tilted his head.

"It's Damian fucking Wayne! Of course my son would bag a rich little asshole like that!"

Cheering, I resumed my search for food with a renewed vigor. Nothing but things I would have to cook stared back at me, and I closed the fridge with a pout. 

"Since you were invited to a gala, I have to assume that you also caught the attention of a different Wayne."

Clark's voice took on a knowing edge to it, but I ignored his teasing. 

"Sort of, we're friends." 

"That's all? I hear he's quite the playboy."

Clark looked as though a joke was playing out before his very eyes and an aggravating suspicion began to form in the back of my head.

I'm tired of people seeming to know something I don't, tired of them having all the cards. 

"Yeah well, I think he's got something serious with this other chick, so..."
Grumbling, I pulled out a granola bar from the pantry. 

"I see." 

Frowning, I stifled a retort.

You can't see shit Clark, because if you could you would understand that I don't have time for men right now. That's why it doesn't fucking matter if some other woman is on his arm right now. I have no right to possess him when I'm consumed with my other responsibilities.

Eilis, my mother's case, Alice, Eric Kendera, the list goes on and on. 

"Anyways, what about you? How's things with Lois?" 

"Good." Clark coughed, red splotching his cheeks.

"Great actually." 

"Aw!" I giggled, rushing to give him a giant hug.

"That's wonderful Clark!"

We smiled at each other, just taking in the moment.

I didn't realize it before, but being away from your best friend for a month is exhausting. 

"So, I don't have anything planned for today. Why don't we go pick up Eilis and spend the day together." 

"That sounds like a great idea."

Happily, I headed to get dressed.

About an hour later, I was ready to go and we headed out to Clark's car. 

"What happened to yours?" He had asked, and I gave a quirky smile before hopping into the passenger seat.

"The same thing that's going to happen to yours if you're not careful." 

"Let's hope not, this is a rental, paid for by my company." 

"Gotham's a dangerous city." 

"Which is why I still don't understand why you live here." 

I shrugged, not answering.

What would I say?

Because I want to find my mother's killer?

Because I'm a murderer?

Because Eilis and I were in danger in Metropolis?

If I said any of that, Clark would just furrow his brows and purse his lips, trying to think up solutions to problems he can't fix.

Pulling up into the Wayne Manor driveway, I hopped out of the car and ran up the stairs.

I couldn't wait to see Eilis, even if he was only gone for the night.

Before I could even ring the doorbell, Alfred answered it. 

"Hello Alfred." I greeted, despite the raised eyebrow he sent me. 

"Hello Miss (Y/N), Eilis is eating breakfast in the dining room. Please follow me."

Clark walked closely behind as we entered the mansion.

I was just here last night, yet it somehow felt different. The walls climbed high, giant chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Oak woodwork trimmed the red walls, carpet below our feet dulling the patterning of steps.

Upon reaching the dining room, I was about ready to burst from my skin. I wanted to get Eilis and bolt, leaving Bruce's ‘I told you so’ stare from my visit.

No such luck it seemed, as he was eating breakfast at the head of a long wooden table.

Tim, Dick, Damian, and Eilis sat along the edge.

A boy I hadn't met the night before sitting close, but distant from the others. He had a white tuff in his hair, a sharp jaw, and broad shoulders. He looked to be around the same age as Dick, and the flashing of his greenish-blue eyes told tales of sorrow beyond comprehension. 

"Miss (Y/N)," Alfred introduced.

I flinched when their eyes fell upon me. Bruce frowned, his hands gripping the silverware just a bit tighter.

Dick sent me a smile, but it seemed forced as he shifted in his seat.

Tim didn't bother to react more than a look of acknowledgement, though I almost felt put off by the hard glance he sent me.

I felt like a cheap whore that cheated her pimp, and I fought the urge to hang my head. 

"Hello," I said, giving Eilis and Damian a smile. 

"Clark?" Eilis shot up, his face breaking out into a grin as he rushed to give Clark a bear hug.

Curious eyes met mine and I averted their gaze.

Bruce seemed surprised, almost caught off guard.

It almost satisfied me. 

"Thank you for having him,” I say around the rock in my throat. 

“Of course, it was a pleasure to have him. You’ve done a good job with this one.”

Bruce stood up, walking forward. He never took his eyes off me and I watched as they roved over my face.

The wound upon my hairline, the bruise on my cheek, down to my lips, and then back to my eyes. 

“You’re hurt.” He murmured, glancing behind me to send a scolding look at Clark.

There was something in his blue eyes, a recognition I didn’t quite trust.

“I fell down the stairs, drunk me doesn’t know how to stay out of trouble.”

I cracked a smile, trying to lighten the mood. 

“Sober you doesn't either.” Bruce chuckled, reaching up to brush along the bruise.

“Stop making me worry.” 


I was pulled out of my thoughts by Eilis. He tugged on my arm, insistent.

“What happened? I knew I should have stayed home!”

He looked seconds away from crying, his jaw clenched tight and his hand gripping my wrist.

Rolling my eyes I placate him with a smile. 

“I’m fine, I just had a bit of an accident.” 

Eilis gave me a hard look, proving that he doesn’t believe me one bit.

“Let’s go.” He said, turning his glare forward as he began to walk.
“Alright, alright.”

Shaking my head I started after him.

Turning back to wave at the Wayne’s, I stopped a cringe at the unenthusiastic responses. 


I looked at Bruce, his lips were set in a firm line.

“Be careful.”

And shit, if that didn’t send me back to last night when Batman dragged Eric Kendera out of my house. 

“You too, it’s dangerous to be a rich man in Gotham.” 

“I think I’ll manage.”

Turning around I followed Eilis and Clark from the dining room, feeling heavier than ever.

Sending one last melancholy smile over my shoulder, I headed out down the hall.

I wish I could stay and talk with him more, but Clark was only going to be in town for so long, and I wouldn’t even know what to say. 


A voice called out to me, and I turned to find the boy with the white tuff looking back at me. 


He tilted his head for a moment, looking me over.

“I’m Jason.”

Extending his hand, he waited for me to shake it.

Clasping my palm with his, I gave it two good pumps before letting go.

“I think I’m going to enjoy getting to know you.” 

Furrowing my brows, I let the puzzlement coat my voice.


Jason smiled, then he opened the door and held it for me, “Try not to fall down any more stairs.”

I laughed, still confused as I bounded down the steps.

Then I whipped back to catch the last knowing look he sent me before the heavy oak door slammed shut. 

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