The Desert Fox Reborn

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Erwin Rommel, the desert fox, is given a choice: Face a public trial for treason or commit suicide. Upon his... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 10

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Darjeeling was having tea with Katyusha on board the Kiev, Pravda's school ship. Having tea. "I can't believe that you lost, when we were able to succeed last year.", Katyusha said. Dsrjeeling smiled and said, "The race goes not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong."

Nonna set something down in front of Darjeeling and said, "Here you go." Darjeeling smiled and said, "Thank you, Nonna." Darjeeling sipped her tea and asked, "Are you sure that you don't have to practice?" Katyusha told her, "It'd be a waste of fuel. Besides, they're just some small time school that nobodies heard of before." Darjeeling countered, "But their vice-commander is from a tankery school. The Nishizumi school. And their commander is a war veteran with battlefield experience."

Katyusha gasped and asked Nonna, "Why didn't you tell me something so important, sooner?!" Nonna looked at Katyusha and said, "I've told you several times." Katyusha argued, "First I've heard about it!" Darjeeling told her, "The vice-commander is the younger sister, however." Katyusha gasped and said, "It doesn't matter. They're no match for the great Katyusha."

Someone knocked on the door and Katyusha asked, "What is it?!" A guard entered and said, "Sorry to bother you, but there's someone here to see lady Katyusha." Katyusha said, "Ah, send them in." A boy around Nonna's age walked into the room and stood at attention.

Katyusha, "Who are you and what do you want?" The boy said, "Georgy Zhukov. And I wish to join your tankery team." Katyusha, "Why should I let you join?" Zhukov told Katyusha, "I'll make you a deal. Let me have command of your team in the next match and prove my metal to you. You are fighting a school with German commanders, and I've fought their kind before. I know what I'm doing."

Nonna said, "Perhaps we should give him a chance."  Katyusha said, "Fine. Go prepare. The match is in a few days." Zhukov nodded and went to prepare.

At the Nishizumi household

Maho was in her room, laying in her bed, thinking about Rommel. She muttered, "God, I miss him. Can't mother see that I'm happy with him? Does she even want me to be happy? Maybe I'm just not meant to be happy. Maybe...all that I'm supposed to do is carry the Nishizumi name and legacy on."

There was a knock on the door of Maho's room. She looked over and asked, "Yes?" Shiho walked in and said, "Maho, there's someone that I want you to meet." Maho got up and followed her mother. Shiho led Maho to the porch where Maho saw two people. A woman and a boy her age. Shiho said, "Maho, this is Johnathan. Johnathan, this is Maho." Johanathan stood up and said, "Mrs. Nishizumi, your daughter is even more beautiful than you described her."

Shiho smiled and said, "Thank you, Johanathan." They heard a knock on the door and Shiho went to answer it. It was Ami Chouno. Shiho said, "Ami, how can I help you?" Ami said, "I got you those two extra tickets that you wanted for the Pravda-Ooarai match." Shiho told her, "Oh, yes. Thank you." She took the tickets and Ami told her, "You may want to leave today if you want to make it." Shiho nodded and Ami left.

Shiho walked back to the patio and said, "Goof news, Jennifer. You and Johnathan can come to the next tankery match with Maho and me." Maho yelled, "WHAT?!" Jennifer said, "Oh that's wonderful news. I've always wanted to see a tankery match." Johnathan told Shiho, "I agree with mother. We should leave now. Get there early."

Shiho said, "Yes, Maho get ready. We're leaving for the Pravda-Ooarai match." Maho nodded and went to get ready.

Time-Skip- Pravda-Ooarai match

Rommel was inside a tent looking at a map, when a guard said, "Herr generalfeldmarshall. Sie haben einige Besucher. (You have some visitors)." Rommel kept looking at the map and said, "Lassen Sie sie herein. (Let them in.)" The visitors walked in and Rommel looked behind him and said, 'Maho, nice to see you again." Maho smiled and told him, "Like wise." Rommel walked over to the guard and told him, "Holen Sie die Generäle. Ich muss sie bezüglich der Strategie für dieses Spiel konsultieren. (Get the generals. I need to consult them on the strategy for this match.)" The guard nodded and did what he was told.

Rommel asked, "So, what brings you here Maho?" Maho told him, "I just wanted to wish you luck before the match." Rommel chuckled and said,  Thank you." The generals walked in and Rommel said, "Mein herren, wilkommen." Defense of Moscow starts to play in the background as a silent montage of Rommel and Zhukov explains plans to their commanders and getting ready for the battle goes back and forth.

After a few minutes, everything finishes  and the scene returns to Rommels tent. He gave Maho a kiss on the lips and went outside to his tank. When they were alone, Johnathan cupped Maho's cheeks roughly and asked her, "What the hell was that?" Maho told him, "Affection. Something that you don't know."

Johnathan smacked Maho with the back of his hand and told her, "Maho, I love you and won't stand for this treachery." Maho asked him, "You love me? You don't even know me." Johnathan looked Maho in the eyes and told her, "He is nothing like me." Maho agreed, saying, "No he isn't. He ten times the man that you are and ever will be. He's kind, compassionate, smart, and above all...successful. Whereas you're nothing compared to him." Johanathan growled and punched Maho across the face and told her, "Next time, you will regret those words." He left Rommel's tent and Maho followed 2 minutes after, and they both went to the audience bleachers and sat down beside their parents.

With Rommel

The match against Pravda had started and the teams were traveling, trying to find each other. This was it. Erwin Rommel and Georgy Zhukov. Two titan generals of World War 2, squaring off, determining German-Soviet superiority. After a while, three T-34-85s found Ooarai's force and opened fire.

Ooarai quickly took out the three T-34-85s. Rommel was suspicious now. He radioed the other commanders and told them, "Greifen Sie den Feind nicht an, bevor wir nicht seine genaue Position und Anzahl kennen. Ich möchte, dass sechs Leute zu Fuß gehen und ohne ihre Panzer die Lage auskundschaften. Die Maus, der E-100 und der Tigerjäger sollen in Position gehen, um den Feind auszuschalten, wenn sich die Gelegenheit ergibt. (Don't engage the enemy, until we know their exact positions and numbers. I want six people to go on foot and scout ahead, without their tanks. Have the Maus, E-100, and the Tigerjäger to get into position to snipe the enemy, when they get the opportunity.)"

The commanders acknowledged the order and six people went on foot to do reconnaissance. They had to be careful now. Rommel was sure that Pravda was leading them into a trap, and he didn't want to take any chances. After a while, the scouts came back and they told Rommel, "Der Feind verfügt über sieben T-34-85, einen IS-2 und einen KV-2. Einer ihrer T-34-85 ist der Flaggenpanzer, und dieser war in einem Dorf versteckt und wurde vom KV-2 beschützt. Das Dorf selbst liegt etwa 4 Meilen von uns entfernt. Es ist praktisch verlassen, aber wir sollten in der Lage sein, den Stürmtiger zu schicken, um den KV-2 auszuschalten und dann einen unserer superschweren Panzer zu schicken, um den Flaggenpanzer auszuschalten. (The enemy has seven T-34-85s, one IS-2, and a KV-2. One of their T-34-85s is the flag tank, and that one was hidden in a village with the KV-2 protecting it. The village itself is located on 4 miles east of us. Its effectivley abandoned, but we should be able to send the Stürmtiger to take out the KV-2 and then have one of our superheavy tanks, take out the flag-tank.)"

Guderian told Rommel, "Wir sollten ihre Hauptstreitkräfte einkesseln und einschließen, bevor wir den Flaggentank beschießen. Ich würde unsere superschweren Panzer die Umzingelung anführen lassen. Sie haben absichtlich nur einen ihrer Panzer zum Schutz ihres Flaggentanks eingesetzt. Sie wollen, dass wir uns sicher fühlen, damit wir Fehler machen. Es wird wieder wie an der Ostfront sein, wenn wir uns unseren nächsten Schritt nicht gut überlegen. (We should encircle and entrap their main force before going for the flag-tank. I would have our superheavy tanks, lead the encirclement. They only put on of their tanks to guard their flag-tank, on purpose. They want us confident, so that we'll make mistakes. It'll be the Eastern front all over again, if we don't consider our next move carefully.)"

Rommel thought about it.

At the audience bleachers

Johnathan said, "This is boring, why aren't they attacking?"  Maho told him, "They just found and took out three lone T-34-85s. It would be almost suicide for them to just charge in, and fight. It's probably a trap." The screen showed Ooarai's forces encircling Pravda's main force and taking them all out before moving onto the flag tank. Maho was muttering, "Come on, Rommel. All you need is the flag tank. You can do it." Rommel was heard over the radio saying, "Sturmtiger, geh vorwärts und belästige den KV-2. Halten Sie ihn vom Flaggenpanzer fern, während wir den Flaggenpanzer der Pravda ausschalten. (Sturmtiger, go froward and harrass the KV-2. Get it away from the flag tank, while we take out Pravda's flag tank out.)"

The rabbit team went forward and took a shot at the KV-2, but missed, hitting and destroying the building behind it, with its 380mm shell. The KV-2 shot at the Sturmtiger, but missed, hitting and taking out Bock's Tiger 1. The rabbit team fired at the KV-2 again, hitting it this time. Rommel and the rest of Ooarai's team advanced towards the flag tank opening fire at the same time and taking it out, winning Ooarai the match.

Katyusha saw this on screen and started tearing up. Nonna handed her a handkerchief and Katyusha took it saying, "I'm not crying!" Ooarai's team started driving back, to their school ship. Just before Rommel walked onto Ooarai's school ship, he heard someone yell, "WAIT!" He turned around and looked behind him.

Maho was running towards him. When she arrived, she kissed him deeply and passionately. "Congratulations on your victory.", She told him. Rommel chuckled and said, "Thanks. How would you like to go on a date with me?" Maho's eyes widened and she happily said, "Yes!" Rommel smiled and told her, "I'll email you the details and you just let me know if it works for you."

Maho smiled and told him, "I will." Rommel walked onto Ooarai's school ship, as his crew smiled at him and wolf-whistled. Hans said, "Sieht aus, als hätte unser Kommandant ein Date. Und dann auch noch mit einem wunderschönen Mädchen. (Looks like our commander has a date. And with a beautiful girl, no less.)" Rommel asked them, "Weiß jemand von Ihnen, wie man E-Mails benutzt? (Do any of you know how to use email?)"

Okumaya devam et

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