Purple Silence || Book 3 of R...

By andshesweird

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"S.W.O.R.D. is working on some sort of anomaly there. They've been calling it the 'Westview anomaly.' Apparen... More

Chapter 1 || WandaY/N
Chapter 2 || To Grow Old In
Chapter 3 || I Have What I Want.
Chapter 4 || Not Again
Chapter 5 || Mom Walk
Chapter 6 || I Can't Feel You
Chapter 7 || It's Me, Red Eyes
Chapter 8 || Unfolding
Chapter 9 || Unleashed
Chapter 10 || Awkward
Chapter 11 || You Should've Told Me
Chapter 12 || The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 13 || Punishment
Chapter 14 || Darkness
Chapter 16 || Budapest
Chapter 17 || Meditation...
Chapter 18 || Pepper Lecture
Chapter 19 || I Lost You
Chapter 20 || Yelena
Chapter 21 || Possible

Chapter 15 || The Doctor Is In

4.8K 180 35
By andshesweird

Your POV

"Y/N Stark. I was wondering when you would show up. Then again I already knew to begin with so...Please, sit."

I guide Wanda inside his office and we sit down, her eyes darting around the room everywhere. My mind can feel how fast hers is already racing. Ever since we got here, I can feel how terrified and curious she is all at once. She doesn't know what to expect from all of this.

And I can safely say that at this point, neither the hell do I.

"So. Wanda, is it? I see you've built quite the resume for yourself lately. Taking a whole town hostage? Resurrecting the dead in your little world? Tapping into beings from...the other."

"The other? What is the other?" I frown in confusion but Wanda just stares at Doctor Strange, head tilting in observation of him.

"You know who I am."

"Of course I do. And I am" "Stephen Strange. Sorcerer Supreme. I know." She smiles in a kind of nerve-wracking way. I can sense their power battle already beginning.

While Wanda is powerful, that I know, probably more so than Strange, he is the more skilled one between them both. Wanda knows this, so she won't dare push the man. Instead, she is getting a sense of him and his person right now.

"You've been having some trouble ever since you've unlocked your true identity, no? The Scarlet Witch is a holder of Chaos Magic, a power not even I have ventured into. It has been...affecting you."

"Yes, it has. It's like I can feel darkness brewing. I have felt it before but ever since Westview and Agatha Harkness...everything feels different." He nods in understanding and starts to think. I sit in awkward silence, not really knowing what to do here. I have no damn clue as to what they're talking about or what's going as they continue their conversation.

I notice that the time stone is still around his neck, leaving me utterly confused. I thought that the mind stone was the only survivor of the infinity stones? Being that the mind stone is me. How could the time stone still exist?

"From a trade-off I had with my variant."

My head snaps up to the pepper-haired man with curiosity. Did he just "Read your thoughts? No. I just knew what you would be thinking, I also knew that you were going to ask me about the stone soon. A variant of me had the time stone as well. He knew of the happenings here so he lent me the stone. The multiverse contains thousands upon millions of infinity stones. Some think of them as just simple rocks. But here, its power is insurmountable."

"Variant? What's a variant?" Wanda speaks up now, taking a break from her concentrated meditation that Strange had her begin.

He hums in satisfaction. He's ready to blow our minds, I can tell. Whatever this man is about to say, I am almost positive that it will make no sense to me whatsoever.

"A variant is a person who branches away from their main timeline of events. So if you were to do something that went against your timeline, a variant would form, another you out there in the multiverse, creating an alternate version of yourself."

Okay, what the hell?

He's telling me that there are different versions of me out there?

Well...I guess that would make sense. Wanda created a different me so...wait. Does that mean that Wanda has a way to alter the timeline herself? Is that even possible? Is she really that strong?

"So you met a variant of yourself...how many are there?"

"Countless," He responds to Wanda and smirks at her with something close to pride?

"And you, sweetheart, have created a variant, but not of yourself."

Her eyes cast over to me, now we are on the same page. There is a lot more to this than I thought even possible. Wanda and I just got reunited again and already something is coming up. There's always something.

I can't let anything come between us again. Not Westview, not Thanos, not Hydra, and not this multiverse bullshit. My eyes cast over to Wanda who is listening intently as Dr. Strange explains that Wanda has created a variant of me, one that knows nothing of my current life besides the one she had built for me.

"The power you have, it's more than you could ever imagine. It's just surging through you and you must find a way to contain it. You manage most of your powers through the strength of your emotions. Your emotions are your power source right now, you need to find a different anchor for harnessing your power."

She nods slowly, then glances at me.

"I'm scared"

With a gentle smile back, I suck in a soft breath and speak back to her telepathically, "I know. But you're not doing this alone. We'll do it together."

Strange leads us to a different room, pulling out some mugs and having a random pot of hot tea appear before us.

"There are ways to start. Meditation always works. It's a mental game. You need to make the shift from your emotions controlling you to you controlling them. You're the Scarlet Witch now. Your destiny is chaos...but who says destinies are set in stone?"

"You once told Tony that our chances of winning against Thanos was 1 in 14 million...what are Wanda's chances of beating this darkness? Of taking control?"

His eyes flicker over to me, then closes them. His head begins to swivel, moving so fast I almost can't keep track of where his head actually is.

When he stops, he releases a heavy breath and stares at the ground, then lifts his head to look at Wanda.

"A lot better than with Thanos, but still a difficult task. 1 in 500."

Better than 14 million...but still not what I was hoping for. That means she has a small chance of competing against this, not having the darkness of the Scarlet Witch destroy her.

"Better keep this one around."

The way he says it, I can feel that he means something deeper. Is he saying that if I stick by Wanda's side...that she'll be okay?

Before we can get another word out, the world around us flashes and we are back in the compound. An orange ring behind us fizzes away and Natasha raises an eyebrow from across the room.

"Well well. Pay the doctor a visit today? Did he read your fortune?" She says the last part in a deep voice with a mischievous smirk, only making me roll my eyes and take Wanda's hand.

"Don't you have an icicle to suck on?"

With a shriek, Wanda slaps me and I sense a shoe being thrown my way so I superspeed, grab it and throw it back at Natasha. It hits her in the stomach, making her groan and keel over, chuckling out a "fuck you" before exiting the room.

"You're horrible," Wanda giggles and reaches once again for me.

Happily, I take her hand in mine and lead us to my room.

"You think I can do this?"

"You can do anything."


A/N: Little bit of a boring chapter, I promise more is coming!

If you have any ideas or  suggestions, let me know!

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