Male celeb gay smut book

By NewWriter092

25.8K 81 7

This is a 18+ book so kids go away thanks this is a male celeb smut book or I add Yn I also do request enj... More

Shawn Mendes x Male reader
Show (part 1)
Show (part 2)
Shawn Mendes x male reader
Toms solo
Tom Holland x Male Reader (Step-Brother)
private islamd charlie puth x Male reader
Tom Holland x Male reader
Face Reveal and more
Dom Tom Holland x Sub Male reader
well I'm Dead


906 2 1
By NewWriter092

Ok so I'm kinda running high on ideas but I don't know if you horny fuckers will like it so just comment some people you want it with example

Someone-do Chris evens x Shawn Mendes top Shawn bottom chris

That's an example but it sound like a good idea for real

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