.・FREAKS | Jade

By Beatriccii

11.4K 237 35

JADE WEST | male!oc -> Tori Vega, a sixteen-year-old girl, finally gets a chance to prove herself and shine a... More

.・Chapter One
.• Chapter Three.

.・Chapter Two

2.9K 65 9
By Beatriccii

The Bird Scene — episode two

'Maybe I should've told my sister to be quiet.'
mood= Tired 😴


Milo wasn't his normal self, usually he would be walking at normal speed and actually standing up straight. But today, Milo looked like he just got hit by a truck. Everybody around him looked all happy and normal. While he looked, well, not. Not that it's a bad thing, I mean, normal means all the same or something like that. He forgot to brush his hair, tie his shoelaces and, worst of all, forgot to eat food. Jade's stuck with a grumpy and hungry boyfriend for the day.

Walking by he noticed Tori and what seemed to be her sister, Trina. He wanted to ignore Tori for what she did yesterday. Since the "kiss" happened. He groaned while lifting his backpack up on his shoulder again. Before he left his house he had drank at least 2 cups of coffee to help with the tiredness. Continuing on, Milo bumped into Ryan. His best friend. "Hey, man. You okay? You look sick." His slightly shorter friend felt his forehead. Swatting away his hands, Milo just continued on with Ryan behind him.

"Let's just go to class." Milo spoke grabbing his friends wrist dragging him along then letting go making Ryan stumble behind.

"You even sound sick!" His blue haired friend yelled from behind.

"Hey, Sleepyhead!" Andre shouted jogging over to the two along with Robbie and Rex. "You look extremely tired and sick. What happened, man?"

"Oh, uh." Milo coughed a bit. "My sister stayed up practicing for a musical. She made me listen to her singing all night. Don't know how I'm sick though."

"Must've caught it." Robbie smiled making Milo look at him as if he just said something extremely dumb. "What?"

"Are you dumb? Obviously he did." Rex looked up at Robbie from in his arms.

"Just cmon, man." Andre patted his back while Milo and Ryan did a quick side hug before walking away from one another.

"Hey, look who's here." Andre laughed while Tori held her books in one hand, two bags on her back and trying to open her extremely plain locker. She got it finally when she asked "Hey, could you guys help me?"

"Sure." Robbie smiled as Andre, Robbie and Milo walked up to help her. Robbie grabbed the books placing them in and Andre put the bag on top of them. Milo just went over to grab Rex off the ground giving him over to Robbie. "Never put down like that again." Rex "lifted" his arm "slapping" Robbie in his face.

"Ow!" Robbie looked at him with disbelief. "I-I was helping Tori!"

"Get the gum off my forehead." Blue gum was stuck to Rex's forehead while Robbie took it off with a disgusted face.

"All right, my locker is filled." She slammed the locker door with a slight push and smile. "I feel complete." She held out her arms with a happy smile.

"Woah, woah, you're not done yet." Milo finally told her stepping forward ever so slightly. "You have to customise it."

"Everyone at Hollywood Arts has to customise their locker." Robbie held Rex looking at Tori.

"Oh." Tori looked at her plain locker. "Well, what'd you do for yours?"

"I made a mosaic using all of the baby bottle nipples from my childhood." The three others, Tori, Rex and Andre, looked at him strangely, while Milo leaned back thinking. "They remind me of a happier time."

Tori looked towards Milo. "Yours?"

"Come see." Milo lead them over to a locker. It was covered with different letters, music notes, et cetera, et cetera. You know, very... Milo. "This is, uh, it I guess." He tapped the locker twice only to hear two taps back at him. Weird.

"It's nice..." she smiled up at Milo who nudged Andre to show them his locker.

"Come check mine out." Andre led them all towards his locker. It was a... keyboard. Keyboard locker. Key-locker? Locker-board? Ko- He started playing a funky Tuen on the keyboard making everyone around them pay attention.

"Hey, Andre, Robbie! That squirrel's back in my office again." Lane came over telling the two other boys, who sighed.

"I'll get the net." "Ill get the nuts." The two boys sighed walking with each other to get the specific items they needed for the Squirrel catching. Heh, The Squirrel Catchers. Tori sighed walking back to her extremely plain locker.

"I don't know what to do with my locker." Sinjin came up behind Tori. Creepy... Milo shrugged walking off with slouched shoulders. Where's coffee when you need it?


"Betsy! Betsy!" Jade cried as both she and Cat were on the stage of the classroom. Jade was holding a script while Cat was holding the script and... a massive, stuffed toy pig. "That animal's delicious flesh can keep us all alive for another week."

"I don't wanna be alive without Poncy." Cat cried while pulling the massive pig away from Jade ever so slightly. Milo, along with the other classmates, watched in amusement. "This pig is everything to me that my daddy never was, and I'll be ding danged- Oh!" Cat was interrupted by a... ball? Being flung at her head.

"Sikowitz?" Jade turned to Sikowitz who stood calmly at the opposite side of the room.


"You hit me in the face with a ball." Cat stood up from her fallen position on the floor, holding her cheek. Poor red. Milo looked towards Sikowitz who stood with a hand on his hip.

"Oh, come on, a truly great actor can stay in scene no matter what's happening around her. Milo get up.." He threw his hands around taking a few steps forward after shoving Milo's head.

"What?" Milo lifted his head off Beck's right shoulder, rubbing his eyes. "I was having a good dream. Sorry, Beck." He wiped the boys shoulder, must've been drooling on his shoulder.

Cat looked at Sikowitz hurt yet a little mad. "But it really hurt." In that moment of time, the bell rang making Cat look happy. What happened to her pain? Wasn't she just hurt? "Oh, lunch, yay!" She jumped up running towards her chair.

"Learn your lines." Sikowitz yelled as everybody collected their stuff. "I want everyone off book tomorrow." He stood on the stage holding up the ball, looking at everybody. Remind me to never take him bowling. It would be like a robbery, but with balls.

"Hey, you wanna come to lunch with us?" Beck asked Tori as Milo tiredly walked towards the door of the classroom. Tori went to reply but a Big Bang echoed making Tori scream and Milo fall. To the ground. On his face.

"What was that for?" Tori screamed at Sikowitz from inside the classroom. "I'm not acting right now." She looked at him while he stayed very calm.

"We need to chat."

"And 'Tori, can I see you?' wouldn't have worked?" Tori took heavy breaths as Milo was pulled up by Beck and Andre. He rubbed his nose while doing so. Ouch.

"Have fun." "Protect your face." The two boys dragged the Brit out of the classroom. "You too, don't want to breaking that gorgeous face of yours, Milo." Beck laughed.

"Oh, shut up, Elvis!" He shoved him. Beck looked back in fake hurt while Milo pulled his camera out from his bag, flicking through it.

"I will destroy your camera." He threatened as Andre laughed at the two boys. Both acting like 4 year old siblings. Heh, almost like they were related, man. "I will. I'm being serious. You have like 5 photos of me on bad hair days. I rarely get bad hair days. How did you even get them?! Well, you also have almost 100 photos of Jade." He teased making the Brit mess his hair up. "Hey!"

Beck is going to KILL me... I messed up his hair-
MOOD= Laughing 😂

"Hey, you know where I could buy a pair of ballet slippers?" This question made Milo spit out his, may I say delicious, milkshake. Andre, ballet? He reached over, grabbing a napkin from the side of his arm and wiping his mouth and the table. Wasted his milkshake.

"No, I don't. But I know where you can get yourself a pretty skirt and some lip gloss." Beck smiled at Andre who looked at him while laughing. Milo couldn't tell if he was joking or not. People are confusing.

"Heh, heh, heh. That was a good one, Beck." Rex laughed "holding" his hand up for a high-five making Beck look at him. "Lipgloss." Then Rex turned to Robbie with a mouth-open face.

"Why do you need ballet slippers?" Milo asked looking at his best friend.

"'Cause I signed up for ballet." Andre smiled. Oh. Wait, what? Why'd he sign up for Ballet? He looked at the Brit with a small smirk thinking he understood why he was doing ballet but nope! The boy had NO CLUE!

"Whoa, whoa, isn't that kind of... girlie?" Robbie held up his hand while looking at Andre with a weird face. Girlie? Girlie. Girls. Ohh. Now he understood it. He was doing it for the girls.

"Yep." Andre confirmed. "Just one big room full of girls... and me. You guys picking up what I'm putting down?"

"I am." "Yeah! Pretty smooth." "I don't understand."

"I think it's stupid." Milo took a sip of the, now half empty, milkshake. The boys looks made him look at them. "Come on, a lot of girls who dance all in one room with him alone? I mean, obviously other people would've thought of that. Imagine if you got a room with all boys."

"Would you mind if maybe I signed up, too?" Robbie asked completely ignoring the whole thing Milo just said. Milo shrugged picking up his fork and stabbing at the salad he had in front of him.

"Nah, go for it." Andre nodded looking at Robbie. "How about you, Milo? Beck?"

"Nope. One, too many people. Two, I am a loyal boyfriend. Three, me and Jade already signed up for salsa dancing." Milo smiled stabbing the salad again. "Why'd I get a salad?"

"I can't eat salsa." Robbie smiled.

"Why? 'Cause it hurts your stomach and gives you nightmares?" Andre "guessed" smiling at Robbie who took a face of nervous fake hurt.

"No." "Yes." "Maybe." "Hah!"


Why. Won't. My. Sister. SHUT UP?!
MOOD= Mad 😡

"Ready?" Sikowitz asked the class while Beck, Andre, Robbie and Rex were all on stage with him. "Drive-by acting exercise, you're all angry Englishmen. Go." Milo sat in shock while everybody started talking using words like crumpet, grandmummy,  whip-poor-wills. What the hell is a 'whip-poor-wills'?!

"Oi!" Milo yelled getting in angry English mode. Almost if he was mocking the other people in the room. "You tell me, right here, right now, where you put me bloody food?! Right, I'm blooming mad now!" He pointed directly at Beck. "We don't sound like that... do we?"

"All right, all right!" Tori walked in the door as this commotion continued. "Very good! Quiet down! Now that we're all loosely and/or goosey, the time has come for our newest student to tackle..." Sikowitz started making drumrolls with his bare feet making everybody else do the same.

"'The Bird Scene' huh? Tori, the stage is yours, though you can't take it home." He walked to the back off the class room, opposite to the stage where Tori now stood.

"Can I ask you a quick question before I start?" Tori asked making Jade groan loudly. Milo placed his head on her shoulder as Tori looked over at them with a look of... I don't know? "So..."

"Just do your best. Action!"

"Okay." Tori placed the script on the floor before getting into a southern accent. "It was 1934 when my husband left me. Alone. Living on the prairie was a dreary existence. No telephone, no radio. Only a large, majestic bird with whom I shared my feelings."

Jade blinked almost as if she was falling asleep. Well, on the other hand, Milo was already asleep. Another night of Kristy's annoying singing. He was tired as hell. "One day when I was feeling low, I said to him, 'Oh, bird, you can fly. You can soar miles front this lonely place, yet you stay, why?' And apparently, my question rang true, for that afternoon, the bird left. And so went my spirit." She bowed her head.


She raised her head then spoke in her normal voice. "How was that?" Ah. Failed it.

"What do you mean?" Sikowitz asked from the back of the room. His arms crossed behind him head while Tori stood with an awkward-ish smile.

"Did I do the scene right?" Tori asked again, making Sikowitz realise what she was asking.

"Oh! No, not at all." He got up and walked towards the stage.

"Okay." Tori stood there while Sikowitz came forward picking up the script. "Then what did I do wrong?"

"You'll have to perform the scene again tomorrow and get it right, or else you cannot be in Andre's play or any other." He led Tori all the way to the back of the classroom before walking back to the stage. Tori stood back confused.

"But can you tell me what I did wrong?" She asked confused. Just keep trying, I guess. Also, that was quite boring.

"No I can't." "I don't get any feedback?" "Thats correct." "But-"

"Drive-by acting exercise." Sikowitz yelled making everybody listen. "You're all terrified dolphins. Go." Everybody started jumping about, flipping about, making weird noises. "Live the fear. Live the fear. Milo wake up." He snapped in his face.

"AH-" he fell off the chair.


I'm too tired for school right now.
MOOD= Crying 😢

Walking hand in hand, both Jade and Milo walked with the group followed by a mad and frustrated Tori. "Now, love, what are we doing tonight?" Milo asked playing with the rings on his fingers, with a pout.

Jade laughed slightly. "You'll have to wait and see, pretty boy." She laughed again as Milo tried to cross his arms forgetting their hands were still connected. He kept trying before giving up.

"Oh, come on." Tori stopped the group. "How am I supposed to do the scene right if no one will tell me what I did wrong? I thought you guys were my friends." Jade looked at her shocked leaning forwards.

"I'm not your friend." She "smiled" before dropping it and pulling Milo away. "Now, pretty boy, you're coming with me." They both stopped at the vending machine, grabbing cans of fizzy drinks.

"Oh, boy." Milo laughed as Jade smirked before he turned to her. "Where are we going tonight, come on tell me?"

"You'll see.." Jade smiled while Milo leaned against the machine when an arm pulled them both back. Beck.

"Number one rule of 'The Bird Scene': no one's allowed to help you." Beck grabbed Milo shoving him towards the locker while Jade walked over. Rex leaned towards Tori. "No one."

Jade pointed at Tori's locker which was covered by a, uhh, whiteboard reading 'Tori's locker'. "So this is what you did with your locker." She looked towards Tori who turned to her.

"Yeah. See, it's a dry erase board with a bunch of coloured pens in a convenient cup. So whoever wants to, can write or draw what ever they want." Milo rubbed his eyes as the others continued to talk but stopped when he watched Jade write on the board with a red pen. 'STUPID' it read between 'Tori's' and 'locker'.

"Well, for one thing, they can do that." Robbie pointed towards the board while Jade walked away pulling Milo with her. Both ignoring the yells from Tori as Milo kept asking questions about where they were going. He wanted to know!


Best night last night! But, feel sick today.
Must've been the sweets.
MOOD= sick 🤒

Milo decided to stay home today, he was sick from last night. Jade had took him to the fair, or amusement park, don't know why, but Milo had decided to eat cotton Candy then was dragged onto a rollercoaster. Such a great mix.

"Hey, my favourite sibling." Kristy walked in her brothers room where Milo was bundled in blankets and holding a stuffed bear plushie. His name is Freddy. "How ar-"

"What'd you want?" Milos english accent being replaced by a groggy, hurting voice. "You never come in my room and I'm definitely not your favourite sibling, that's for sure. Now, what do you want?"

"Can I please borrow your scissors?" She begged. Milo stared at her with a straight face before covering his face with Freddy.

"No." He huddled back into the covers while getting his phone from under the pillow.

"Hmm. Well, you can't do anything about it. You're sick. You're weak!" Kristy laughed not noticing the scissors were now in Milo's hand. "Or maybe you aren't. Alright, I'll leave. My favou-" "just get out, Kris!" "My names not Kris?!"

I got tired- I always write late at night for some weird reason. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Also, I hope you had a great Christmas!- L


Hello! I hope you're enjoying the story so far, a few chapters might be posted this week, I'd depends if I'm feeling alright! But there's an audition for a show, I'm not sure if I should go for it, it's a musical. I've been told that I can sing but I'm just not sure, should I?

23/01/23 — I bloody forgot about this book if I'm entirely honest.

31/01/23 — Here's a question! What kind of book would you like me to write next? I have many ideas, I just need to know what one you, the reader, would like.

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