RWBY Volume 8: (Male reader i...

By TheDaleyFlames

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Finally, I've got around to this. Do not much have to be said for this volume but I really put a lot of thoug... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 2

300 7 0
By TheDaleyFlames

Y/n was still with the Aceops and it was time for him to visit Qrow in the holding cell. The reason why he was there is because he was thought to get the one who had killed Clover but Y/n knew that he can't be the one who had killed Clover. Once he had came face to face with Qrow, now isn't the time that is gonna be quite pretty at all.

Qrow: So you did it. You've turned against your friends.

He didn't even lift up his head to even look at a him.

Y/n: Qrow....

Qrow: No, you don't get to speak you traitor! You've betrayed us all!

Y/n: That isn't it at all. I've made a choice.

Qrow: So you've chose to stand by James rather than the people you've called friends?! The people in remnant!

He yelled out in frustration punching the glass wall shield and gave you a look of anger.

Qrow: You're leaving all these people to die? You've even turned against Ruby. He turned us against each other and put us down here just because we didn't agree with him abandoning mantle and letting people die.

Y/n: That could be regretful but this is something that we are doing right. We have to keep the relics out of Salem's hands. I'm sure Ironwood is making the toughest right call than ever. He's doing his best to prevent the kingdom from calling and to get people to safety. Even if it means that he might be abandoning a few. I'm sorry that you couldn't see that.

Qrow: If it hasn't been for that bastard, Clover would still be alive!

Y/n: Qrow.... Tell me exactly. What has happened with Clover?

Qrow: What does it matters anyways?

He sat down on his seat.

Y/n: It kinda matters to me? What happened and how did it happen?

Robyn: I'm pretty sure that the general already told you.

Y/n: Forgive me for I do speak to wanted criminals before this.

Robyn: Well works for me.

Y/n: And to prove that Qrow didn't kill Clover, we can just use Robyn's semblance and maybe that could work.

Robyn: My hands are over here kid and we're not getting out of this cell anytime soon now.

Y/n: Well it would be best that you keep right over there and not cause any trouble I guess that it would be best for us.

Watts: Would mind keeping it down in here. Cause I'm starting to get a headache from your bickering.

Y/n: Especially since you help cause the death of people.

Watts didn't even bother to reply to him, he just put his hands right under his head and  just began to relax.

Robyn: We're just sitting around here. Fugitive of the law.

Jacques: Speak for yourself miss Hills. I'm sure that Whitley is with the right people and before you know it, I'll be out of here in no-

Y/n: One more word from you and you will be tossed right from the ship where everyone else is.

That was enough to shut him up for anyone else's entertainment.

Y/n: I bet that not even you see how hard it was for everyone else in Atlas. All you ever cared about is greed and no one else but yourself. Even your family. They would be nice to be supportive if you but you rather money than your own family. You let your greed get the better of you.

Hearing him say all of these words, Jacques look down in shame. Y/n turned back to Qrow to try and talk things through with him.

Y/n: Listen to me Qrow, Ironwood is doing the best that he could to make of a bad situation. You're just failing to see what must be done and what must be sacrifice. If you just listen and see-

Qrow: I don't have to listen to a goddam thing!

He snapped before relaxing himself down.

Qrow: It would be best if you would just go now.

Y/n didn't felt the need to argue right now but it obvious that Qrow didn't see any of this through. So now, it would be best that he would go before the situation somehow gets worst. Now exited the holding cell, he just need to talk with a few others.

Carson: Any luck that you've got it with Qrow?

Y/n: No such luck. He just can't believe that we are making the right choice here. He just see us abandoning mantle as if we have any other choice. By doing so, we are saving more lives like this and he is just failing to see it.

Carson: I wish that it wasn't this way. I wish that there is another way for this but this is far by the right decision here. And to make matters a lot worse I'm sure that there will be Grimm coming really soon and we can't have that on our hands. The Aceops will be waiting for you.

Now with the Aceops, Y/n got right beside them.

Y/n: So our top priority is finding Penny and getting her over to Atlas. But the problem is that she won't leave her friends behind.... Especially that of Ruby.

Vine: Is there anyway of tracking her?

Harriet: Yeah, it would be a good idea of where those little brats might be.

Y/n: Now isn't the time to get so picky. Because therefore, you're only good enough to make matters a whole lot worse than it should be right now. 

Harriet: Maybe, I want to get in a fight right now. Since you got all soft and let those little runts get away. You don't belong here with us!

Marrow: Hare, what the hell?!

Ironwood: That's enough!

He raises up his hand so that the others could be able to silent down.

Ironwood: Harriet, I know you're about following orders and doing what must be done. But Y/n chose to stay here on out side. He sacrifice staying with his team to support us. So I really need you lay off of him. Is that clear?

Harriet: Yeah sir.

Ironwood: Good.

Y/n: Now, James, I think it may be a good idea that we talk. About how we are handling this and the how the way things are going. I'm sure you are doing everything in your powers so that people could be safe. But they just don't understand. And I'm sorry about the way how Qrow has been acting. He just doesn't see things through.

Ironwood: Thank you, for staying right next to me. It's good to have someone to have trust in.

Y/n:  Things don't have to be the way how they are right now. We could still work something out with them.

Ironwood: So what do you suggest that we do?

Y/n: You could get me to talk with Ruby? With Penny. I need to be one to do this because it's the only way that they will listen. Can you please let me talk to them?

Ironwood: Are you sure that they will listen?

Y/n: I know Ruby, she could be naive sometimes but I just think that I will be able to get through with her.

Ironwood: Okay.

He trusted that you will be able to talk things out with Ruby. You pulled out your scroll and began to call her. You hope that she will be able to pick up.

Back in mantle.

Ruby heard her scroll ringing and she saw that it was you. She was hesitant at first but she really want to speak with you. After delays of answering, she finally pick up her scroll.

Ruby: Y/n....

Y/n: (on scroll)Ruby, I know things aren't going the best in mantle but I need you to understand this. We need to you cooperate with us.

Ruby: But you're just gonna leave people to die in mantle.

Y/n:( on scroll) I know things got a little messed up back their but I need you to listen for once. We need you to help in order to save more people. I know you could help us. We need you. We all need your help. We need you bring Penny here. Sometimes in fairytales, the heroes have to make some hard choices so people could live and move on. But this isn't a fairytale, some people die and some people live. If you don't make the right choice, more pole are just going to die.

Ruby: Y/n, I'm not so sure that we should be trusting Ironwood, for all we know-

Y/n(on scroll) Enough! We all have a choice to make. Right now, you're all putting us ina difficult position! You think I wanted to turn against you? No, you all left us with no other option right now and I just want all of this to be over with. Ruby for once, make the right choice. Do you really think you know how to do age war against Salem. We can all do this if we could work together! Please....

Your voice was desperate for her to agree with you and come with them.

Y/n:(on scroll) Ruby....

She didn't even answer you, she just hung up her scroll.

Back to you.

You didn't get a respond from her. You just hope that she comes to her senses and make the right choice. She can't stand her being so stubborn while there are lives at stake right now.

Y/n: Ruby, please....

Back in the holding cell.

Qrow, Robyn and Jacques were all in Atala holding cell.

Qrow: Can't believe him. I can't believe he turn against us like this. Both of them! Just think that I called them my friends.

Robyn: Well now I guess you know the type of people they really are.

Qrow gripped his hand tightly because he can't believe you joined forces with Ironwood. He can't believe that you would betray Ruby like this.

Qrow: I thought I could put my trust in both of them. And now here we are. Fighting on opposite sides.

Robyn: Are you gonna sit there and sulk all day?

Qrow: What else could I do? We're trapped in here like criminals and now Ironwood is abandoning mantle and Y/n is too and there isn't anything we can do about it.

Jacques: Well atleast for you. For you have idea what I'm capable of. I have staff that will get me out of here because I'm the one that supply them with what they need and without me, they won't have anything all.

Robyn: I suggest that you keep your mouth shut.

Jacques: Hmm, this is exactly why you're not fit to sit at the council. All you do is rely on your fist and that temper could use some looking after.

Robyn shot right up from her spot.

Jacques: Are you feeling alright? Ms. Hills? I can't believe anyone could ever want you as a councilman. You still from Atlas and expect spot here in Atlas?

Robyn: You're the one who rigged the election allowing that piece of crap to turn off the heat generator and left people to freeze to death!

Jacques: I know I have made some mistakes but you always start fights when it's not very much needed. Do you think that peace just comes from starting fights? You can't just provokes others into fights and expect things to be alright? You have to figure out a way negotiate a peaceful way of things. But all you've have ever done is a nuisance who things violence is a solution to all your problem.

Robyn: Shut up!

Robyn punches his holding cell.

Jacques: Point proven.

He had smug smirk on his face but then it slowly disappears.

Jacques: But it's far too late for me now. Too late to make up for the mistake.

Qrow just slump back in his cell for the time being. Robyn then looked at him while he slumped right back in his cell.

Robyn: Things are going to be alright.

Qrow: No, it isn't. It's all my fault.

Robyn: It isn't.

Qrow: Clover died because of me! How could you be so certain of that!

Before he could continue his conversation with her, he turned around with his back facing her.

Back to you.

You and the Aceops were in a room together.

Y/n: I talks things over with Ruby a while back and I just hope she can see though with all of this.

Harriet: How are we suppose that you aren't sucking up to them so you could stab us all in the back later?

Marrow: Hare, now isn't the time.

Harriet: No, you expect us to believe that he isn't gonna join up with his friends so he could just plot against us. I know he willing to turn on us any moment now.

Marrow: Hare, knock it off!

Y/n: It's okay, Marrow, she can say all she want about me but I know one thing for sure now. I'm the one thinking rational here.

Harriet: What's that suppose to mean?

Y/n: It mean that I'm not the getting all hothead and not thinking things through here. Which is what describe you just fine.

Harriet: Why you little-

Marrow: Enough Hare!

You got a message from your scroll. It was from Ruby. She told you, their location so now

Y/n: We should be leaving right now.

Carson came behind you.

Carson: Are you sure that you know what you're doing?

Y/n: Trust me, I do.

He gave you that look on his face that wishes you luck right before you leave. Inside the aircraft you felt like you wanted to start a conversation with the Aceops because you want to work together as a team and see what you could do together.

Y/n: So Harriet, I believe what happened back there was so uncalled for, I believe that we all could make a great team effort you just got to put more effort in.

Harriet: All I know, you're the last person that I would like to be on team with.

Y/n: Well what else could I even expect from you. But I do hope that we could do great together.

Marrow: Please just ignore, I know you would fine.

Y/n: Yeah, thank you Marrow.

You all felt the aircraft sudden shift. It turns out that it was being attack by Grimm all around it. The aircrafts titlted all the way around so it could avoid all the Grimm but the wings were shot down by some sort of Robot. Unable to keep itself floating in the air, it came crashing down to the ground. Everyone got out of the aircraft that came burning to the ground and got out before any major damage could be caused. You looked up ahead just in time to see a Beowulf heading right your way. You dodged out of the way just in time and slice it right in half before it could get a chance to pounce right at you. You dodged the incoming Grimm and sliced it right in half. There was another Grimm that was heading right your way, Marrow uses his semblance to make it stop dead in its track for you to take it down. Next Vine uses his semblance to grab a Grimm right after Marrow uses his own semblance and slammed it straight into the ground.

After enough time of fooling around, you guys were able to take out enough Grimm and were able to continue on.

Little timeskip.

You and little bit of your team were able meet up. You were still with the aceop but you needed to make things clear with them.

Y/n: Alright, we're only here to talk. There is no need to for a fight. I know we can get it through with them.

Harriet: We don't have time for a petty conversation for those brats are inferring with what needs to be done.

Y/n: I thought you know when it's best to think with your brain and not with your fist. You're starting to remind me a little more of Yang right now.

Vine: Hare, he's right. We didn't come all this way to fight. We have to follow his league.

The door to the terminal area opened up to reveal Ruby.

Harriet: Hello, kids.

You stood still as your eyes locked with Ruby's

Harriet: It's time for you to come home, Penny.

Weiss: That's not going to happen.

They quickly draw their weapon out.

Y/n: Please, it doesn't have to go this way.

Hare: You really want to try that again? We could kick your asses just like before.

Vine: We didn't come all this way for a fight. We only come here to talk, just please hear us out. I know you thought you were doing the right thing when you left with the maiden's power, but Salem is here now and things have to change.

Penny:If General Ironwood still plans to leave Mantle behind, then nothing has changed.

Y/n: Do you still think we have a choice of saving Mantle anymore? Salem is going to attack Atlas nethertheless while you're busy saving Mantle and it's going to be all pointless. If Salem takes down Atlas, all is lost!

Vine: I thought you were supposed to protect the people. Not hurt them. The longer you refuse to open the vault, the more likely the outcome. You're basically doming them all to their demise.

Penny: I-I don't...

Y/n: Just come with us. It will save a lot of lives. Refuse, and a lot people in Atlas and Mantle are going to die.

Marrow: You can stop all of this, Penny. All you have to do is open the vault, hand over the relic, and you'll save Atlas.

Ruby: But it won't save Atlas! Salem will find her way to the relic no matter where you go.

Y/n: That may be true but I'm know for sure that it will buy us some time.

Ruby: For what? For the rest of the world to die? Once Ironwood opens the vault-

Harriet: One more word, and I'm throwing you in jail right next to your uncle, runt.

Ruby gripped her scythe.

Penny: Leave. Her. Alone.

Harriet: And heat are you going to do about it tin can?

She got into her fighting stance as she gave Penny a smug look on her face. Penny stoked forward but before anything could happen, you stopped her.

Y/n: Penny, stop! We told you that we aren't in for a fight. Ruby is your friend, right. But she isn't making the right decision so you can't follow her in this.

Penny: That wasn't why I followed her. I did it because it was the right thing to do. Mantle-

Y/n: Mantle is lost. There is nothing we can do other than the relic. Evacuating may seem like the better option but Atlas will be left vulnerable, and that would Just lead Salem right into the city somehow.

Penny: But we could try and save them at least.

Y/n I know. I understand that. Doing the right is May the best choice but the right thing could be impossible. We need you. The world is depending on you. I'm sure that Ruby will understand.

Penny: I...

Y/n: I may be wrong about her but this is all about making the right choice now. I know you can make it right.

You slowly put your hand on her shoulders.

Y/n: I know you will make the right decision. I put all my trust in you.

As Penny slowly got out of her fighting stance, you seem to be able to reason with her.

Marrow: Harriet, for the last time, no!

Harriet: Marrow, now is not the time.

You turned around to see what is happening. You see that Marrow was trying to stop Harriet from shutting Penny down with his semblance.

Harriet: I don't have time for all this pep talk. We're doing this now!

Y/n: Hare, none of this will solve anything. We have to do what is right, right now!

Before you could say anything more, you were hit by a sudden push of breeze. The door behind her closed.

Penny: You will not hurt my friends!

Vine tried to use his semblance but Penny was able to block it off while Harriet followed up to knock her down but was easily taken down by Penny. You had no choice but you're going to have to fight, Penny. You fired your weapon right at her but she was easily able to fend it off. You dodged must if her attacks and you were able to knock her back a little but all that breeze was able to push you back.

Penny was holding her against the Ace-ops pretty well. While you were in your stance, you saw Marrow flying right over the edge, so you grabbed a hold of him before he down and brought him right back to his feet. After you did that, you turned to Harriet.

Y/n: Hare, I totally had that under control. There was no need for it to come to this.

Harriet: You think we were going to get them in like by some petty talk? Think again.

Vine: Harriet! Elm!

Y/n: Goddamnit Harriet!

Penny then used her winter maiden powers to blow everyone back with some wind. Y/n was able to hold on as she was doing this. Penny then uses some swords right out of her back. Y/n then uses his semblance to push back all of the swords that were being send at him and he was able to drop a kick right to her face and pushing her back. Y/n ducked underneath her swings and he was able to keep up pretty well with her despite all of the circumstances that were coming right at them.

Penny was however was able to kick back Marrow knocking him down. Harriet and Elm then proceed to hang up on her and began doing some serious damage. While this was going on, Y/n was able to sneak behind and uppercut her her in the air and send her flying down as she recovered.

Behind the door, Weiss tried opening the door with one of her summons but to no avails.

Weiss: Five vs one? Cowards.

Ruby: Penny's the winter maiden. I'm sure she'll hold her own for a little bit.

Back with the rest of the others, Y/n pushed back  right into Vine who uses his semblance to knock her back. Elm then uses her opportunity to grab a hold of her. She was able to hold her in and with just that, everything cooled off. But just as it seems that she was defeated, she powered back on and knocked everyone back.

Harriet: Marrow!

Marrow was able to use his semblance to make her stay right in place. Vine was able to grab her and pulled her down. Now with Penny finally down, Y/n grabbed her by the risk and began to cuff her.

Y/n: I'm so sorry for this, Penny.

Just as he was about done, there was a sudden explosions that sent everyone flying back. The person behind the explosion appears to be none other than Nora who was now covered in orange veins.

Nora: That was pretty awesome.

Nora then collapsed to the ground.

Penny: Nora!

Penny rushed over to her friend in worry. The rest of Team then came out, ready to fight.

Y:n: Don't do this. I promise you that this won't end well for anyone of you if you keep this up. Stand down...

Ruby didn't do as she was told. Instead, she just stood there with a determined look on her face. Before anything else could come, Ironwood called.

Harriet: But general, we...

Marrow: We understand, sir.

You need to make sure that you're entire team is safe and not harmed. So you activated your semblance and you used your sword slash which not powerful enough to kill them but send them flying straight into a wall. After a while, everyone was then called back for something. Guess they have to deal with this some other time then.

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