
Af behindfrankfurt

739 2 1

"Come on baby," I mimicked him from earlier, batting my eyes at him, "don't you want to fuck me?" His eyes bl... Mere

author's note
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
cute quote bc why not

chapter 33

12 0 0
Af behindfrankfurt

I'd fallen into a rhythm.

I stayed at my apartment during the weekdays and stayed at Hayden's during the weekend. Most days Hayden slept at my apartment during the week but sometimes he stayed at his place, particularly for his early morning training.

Every morning I woke up at seven. When Hayden was at my apartment, I let him sleep in and went about my business, showering and dressing, but Hayden was always awake by the time I'd made it to the kitchen with breakfast cooked and ready for me to eat.

On most days I was now driven to Uni, either by Harley or Hayden. When neither of them could drive me, I caught the subway. Which was fine by me.

I also caught up on all my reading and was now back on top of all my school work and assessments that I was now working on. 

But the most exciting development was my new job.

I had managed to sort out my timetable, so now on Mondays I had one class and the rest of the day was free for me to study. On Wednesday's I had a tutorial and nothing else. That meant I'd go to Uni and sit in the library for most of the day studying. On Wednesdays I sometimes joined a study group with Brooke and Jack. But I preferred to study independently most of the time.

On those days I also was able to get lunch with either Harley and Ophelia or sometimes would meet Hayden somewhere between Columbia and NYU.

But on both Monday and Wednesday I went to my new job. On Mondays I now came in at one in the afternoon and on Wednesdays at three. Depending on the day I'd either leave at six or seven, or sometimes even later, leaving the building at closer to nine.

On Sunday's though, I came in at nine in the morning and was allowed to leave at five, but sometimes I stayed another hour. Or two. 

Rebecca wasted no time using me as a clerk. Her and her two lawyers working for her, both women, called Stacey and Charlotte, had me signing countless forms, carrying files around, sitting through tedious meetings to take notes for them or even just getting them all their morning and afternoon coffees.

It was tiring work but I loved it. Rebecca, despite remaining icy for most of the time, seemed to like me. I was filled with countless questions and didn't hesitate to ask her or Stacey or Charlotte. None of them seemed to mind.

I liked my job even better because I got to work under a group of women. Rebecca was a total badass, and Stacey and Charlotte were equally as cool but a lot more friendly than Rebecca.

Like I expected, I haven't seen Mark or Dave since I'd started working here. Not even a bump in while I was in the elevator.

And with the money that I now earned, I was able to expand my wardrobe a little. I invested mostly in clothes for work. I absolutely hated the pencil skirts so instead bought a couple simple black and navy dresses, and a few pant suits.

I'd had to start going to my classes dressed in my work clothes on Monday and Wednesdays since changing took too much time and I didn't want to have to carry around a bag with a spare change of clothes.

On those days I mostly got a few stares from people around me but I ignored them and channelled some badass Rebecca energy. And besides, Hayden seemed to love it when I dressed professionally. That was the only opinion I actually cared about.

Hayden worked out basically everyday but his lacrosse training didn't start until December. The team still got together once in a while just to stay fit. He still tried to convince me to go to the gym with him, but I refused and instead settled on just going for a run with him.

But between both of our busy schedules, we made Saturday our hang out day. I'd spend Friday night at Hayden's place and then spend all of Saturday with him. We'd do our homework together, helping each other whenever we could, or just lying in bed together. Either having sex or cuddling. Both were fine by me.

Even though we didn't see each other as much we still talked constantly, texting back and forth. We were making it work. And my feelings for him kept growing. I knew it would get more difficult when lacrosse season started, especially with all his away games, but we'd figure things out. He was too important for me not to. And I knew Hayden probably felt a similar way.

It had been a month since University started and the weather had gone from unbearably hot to a cooler temperature. It was September which meant autumn. My favourite season. All the trees were turning beautiful shades of red and yellow and it wasn't freezing and snowing yet.

I was sitting at Hayden's desk, editing one of my essays for my classes that was due pretty soon. Hayden was lying on his bed scrolling on his phone, already having completed his assessments.

It was a beautiful Saturday and I was doing my best to speed through my editing so that I could spend the day with Hayden. Eventually though, I just couldn't be bothered to finish my essay and shut my computer before crawling on top of Hayden.

He was lying on his stomach as I splayed myself on top of him. "You finished?" he asked.

"Nope," I sighed, "but I can't be bothered. I'll finish it tomorrow."

"You have work tomorrow," he pointed out.

"I'll finish it on Monday."

"It's due on Monday," he laughed.

I growled, "god you're annoying. I'll finish it tomorrow morning then. I'll get Stacey to read over it or something."

Stacey had offered to help with my school work back at the start of August and I'd be totally stupid not to take her up on the offer.

Besides I'd had to stay back until ten last Sunday to help do some banking for her and she'd said she owed me.

"You sure? I don't mind waiting."

"Yeah," I sighed, nuzzling my face into his muscled back, "if I stare at a screen for a second longer I might actually claw my eyes out."

He laughed and rolled over onto his back before pulling me back on top of him. "Well that's good because I have plans for us."

I raised my brow at him, "plans? Am I supposed to know what these plans are?"

Hayden gave me an incredulous look, "you should. It's our anniversary after all."

My mouth dropped open and I pushed myself off him to sit up properly, "what?"

Hayden sat up and raised his brow, "it's our anniversary."

"You're kidding right? We don't have an anniversary."

"Not kidding," he said, his face completely serious, "you really didn't remember? I bought you a gift."

I covered my face with my hands, "oh my god. I'm so sorry. I'm a terrible girlfriend. I'll make it up to you somehow."

Hayden didn't respond and I slowly peeked through my fingers to find him grinning, his broad shoulders shaking in silent laughter. I pulled my hands from my face and glared at him, whacking him in the shoulder.

"You absolute dickhead," I scowled, "asshole. That is not funny."

Hayden grinned and caught my wrist as I attempted to hit his arm again. He pulled me closer to him, sliding me onto his lap. "It kind of was."

I pouted at him, "I thought I was a terrible girlfriend."

Hayden laughed, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear before cupping the back of my neck and pulling my mouth towards his.

"You are the best girlfriend in the entire world," he said, pulling away.

I smiled slightly, "but seriously. We don't have an anniversary right?"

He shook his head, "not officially. But I've made our anniversary the fourth of July."

"Why the fourth?"

"Because it's the first time I got to eat you out," he smirked.

Even now, my cheeks still heated. "What? Really?"

"Kidding. It's because it was when I realised how important you are to me."

I bit my lip to try tame the smile that threatened to take over my face, "you should have told me. I would have planned something."

He shrugged, "it was more fun this way. Besides, you can do something for our fourth one. Or anyone after that. I plan to have a lot of anniversaries with you."

I flung my arms around him, giving him the biggest kiss, "alright. Deal. I'm claiming our one year."

"Technically anniversaries are supposed to be a two way thing."

"Well maybe it would be," I said, "but someone decided to make it a one person thing. So now it's going to be. And I'm claiming our one year. You can't do anything and I'll pay for everything."

Hayden shrugged, "you can keep thinking that. But that's definitely not happening."

There was no point arguing now so I changed the subject. "What are your plans then?"

"I'm going to drop you at your place so you can get dressed, and then I'll pick you up at five thirty, and the rest is a surprise."

"Please tell me?" I asked, scooting closer to him on the bed.

"Not a chance," he smiled but pulled me onto his chest, "and I recommend trying to finish that essay because I can guarantee we will be busy for the rest of the night."

"How about you edit it for me?" I said, batting my lashes, "you know, literature student and all. And then we can get busy earlier."

Hayden's brows rose, "you are hopeless at flirting you know?"

I stuck my tongue out at him, "my flirting abilities are what hooked you in the first place. So shush."

"What hooked me was most definitely not your flirting abilities," Hayden said before standing up and grabbing my laptop from his desk and handing it to me, "it was your amazing dedication to your school work. Go do your essay."

I glared, "you are extremely annoying sometimes. Why do you care if I finish my essay anyway?" But still I opened it and started editing where I had left off.

Hayden crawled into bed behind me, pulling me back against his chest, his chin resting on my shoulder so he could read the essay while I made edits.

"You were behind on your work before school even started because of me," he said, "I don't want to distract you. You'd probably hate me if you did fall behind now."

I frowned, "I would not. But fine. I'll finish it."

Hayden feathered some kisses along my neck and I twisted in his hold to give him a pointed look, "I'm never going to finish if you do that."

Hayden gave me an innocent look, "do what?" He immediately followed that up by sliding his hands under my top to cup my breasts.

I groaned, "so annoying."

Hayden chuckled, but shuffled out of the bed, "come on. I'll drive you home first. You'll finish it faster that way anyway. Besides, I've got some errands to run."

"For what?" I said standing up to pack my things, "our secret date?"

"Potentially," Hayden smirked, "but you won't know. Until later tonight."

I sighed and followed him out of the house so he could drive me back to my apartment. Where I had an essay in dire need of editing. But tonight would be worth it. It always was when Hayden was involved.


I finished my essay and emailed it over to Stacey to see if I could make it better than it currently was. I was pretty proud of it, to be honest. I finished it with enough time to spare that I was able to have a shower, shave and curl my hair once it was dry.

Harley lent me a cute floral print dress since it was still warm enough to wear one, but I pulled on a jacket anyway since I had absolutely no clue where Hayden was taking me. Could be Alaska for all I knew.

At exactly five thirty, Hayden was at my door holding a bouquet of flowers. I think it might be becoming a tradition.

Before we got to our destination, Hayden handed me a sleeping mask to blindfold myself. I felt nerves swarm in my stomach but put it on anyway. Hayden continued driving for another ten minutes, narrating the drive for me. Finally, the car stopped.

"Can I take it off?" I asked, reaching up to peel the mask off my face.

"No, not yet." He said, "just give me five minutes."

"Where are we?" I asked as my nerves intensified.

"You'll find out in a bit. Just wait here," he said, "and don't take the mask off."


"You have to swear it on our relationship," Hayden said, his voice serious but I knew he was probably smiling.

If he could see my eyes he'd see the look I was giving him, "jeez. Alright. I won't take it off. But if you take too long I'm going to think you have died."

He laughed, "deal. Wait here."

I nodded and like I promised, left my blindfold on. I fiddled with my phone, waiting nervously for Hayden to come back. Without my eyes, and sitting in the silence of the car, it felt like hours.

When Hayden did come back he pulled open the door, and I let out a shriek, reaching to rip off my blindfold, thinking I was about to be murdered. But Hayden grabbed my hands, pulling them away from my face as he laughed.

"I just had a heart attack," I gasped, "why would you do that!"

"I couldn't miss my opportunity," he said, still laughing, "sorry."

"You are so not sorry," I grumbled, "dick."

He laughed again before unbuckling my seatbelt for me. "Come on."

I slowly lowered myself out of the Ute, grabbing blindly for Hayden's hand. But instead, Hayden just scooped me off the ground and into his arms. I let out a surprised gasp before linking my arms around his neck.

"I could have walked you know," I said as I heard him kick the door shut and start walking.

"Sure," Hayden said, a smile in his voice, "and then I would be driving you to the hospital when you trip over and break your neck."

I ran my fingers over his face, finding his ear and pinching it.

"Ow," he said even though I doubted it hurt at all.

I scowled at him, "you're supposed to be all nice and charming."

"Don't worry about that darling," he said, his voice dipping, "there is plenty of that coming." He opened another door, and I assumed we were in some kind of building. He continued walking and I felt as he stepped outside and the light breeze brushed over my face.

He stopped walking and set me down on the ground. My boots immediately sank a little into the ground. I could hear the sound of water around me and I raised my brows, "are we at a beach?"

"Maybe," he said before intertwining our fingers and tugging me forward.

"I don't hear people," I observed, "did you rent a beach or something?"

"That's not a thing," he pointed out.

"Ok. Do you own a beach?"

"That's called a private beach," he said, "and no. I don't."

"Is where we are illegal?" I asked.

"Quit guessing," he chuckled, "you're about to find out."

He halted and I stumbled into him but he caught me then turned me a bit to the left.

"Ready?" he asked, fingers brushing across the blindfold.

"Yes," I said, basically bouncing with excitement.

I could feel Hayden's smile and then a moment later he pulled the mask off my eyes. I blinked a couple of times, letting my eyes readjust to the blazing sun, before looking at where we were.

We were on a beach that overlooked the sun, which was slowly heading towards the horizon. Behind us was a gigantic house, and I got the feeling that whoever owned this house also owned this part of the beach.

In front of me however, was a large beach cabana. White curtains hung around the back and sides, creating a sort of cubby house. In the cabana, were several cushions and blankets and a mini buffet of all my favourite foods. It looked magical.

My mouth parted, "oh my god! Did you set this up?"

"I did," he said, "do you like it?" He sounded nervous and I remembered that Hayden had very minimal experience with anniversaries and romantic gestures. So far though, he was pretty phenomenal at it.

I spun around and jumped up, wrapping myself around him, and smacking a big kiss on his mouth, "I love it."

Hayden beamed at me, "thank god."

I laughed before letting go of him and kicking my shoes off before climbing onto the cabana. The cushions and mattress were luxurious and I flopped onto my back, careful to not disrupt the food.

"Best anniversary ever," I said.

Hayden crawled in next to me, "just wait until our six month anniversary."

I rolled onto my stomach so I could look at him, "you should wait until our one year. It's going to be wild."

Hayden grinned, "might be hard for you to top this."

I pushed myself up and started properly looking through the food, "nah. This is amateur work."

Hayden raised his eyebrow and pulled out a tin of pasta, which was still steaming. "Oh really?"

I grabbed my own tin of pasta and a fork, shovelling some into my mouth, "mhmm. I'm going to go full out for our one year."

Hayden smirked, "I'll just have to top it on our two year."

I wiggled my brows at him, "you can try. But you'll fail. I'm a master at planning anniversaries."

"I highly doubt that," Hayden laughed.

We continued eating, and I scarfed down most of the food Hayden had laid out. Including the jam donuts from my favourite place. Which Hayden had gone to the effort of getting.

My heart swelled.

It wasn't until we were both stuffed, and had cleared the cabana of the containers and laid back on the pillows to watch the sunset that Hayden pulled out three gift boxes.

My eyes popped out of my head. "Oh my god. You really didn't need to get me anything."

Hayden scoffed, "nonsense."

"I didn't get you anything," I said meekly.

"It's fine. Getting to be with you is enough of a gift. I don't need anything more."

I blushed and picked up the box closest to me. It was a small box and I peeled off the wrapping paper, revealing a little black box inside.

There was no logo on the box but from the feel of it I knew it was something fancy. Hayden watched me, his face nervous as I slowly opened it.

Like I assumed, it was expensive. It was a gorgeous silver necklace with a cute little sun charm on it. My breath caught in my throat and I looked up at Hayden.

"Oh my god."

His brows furrowed, "I know it's a bit cliche, but I thought of you when I saw it. Since you're my sunshine and all. And I know you don't like expensive things or me spending money on you but I just-"

"No," I said, cutting him off with a shake of my head, "I love it. It's beautiful."

Relief crashed over his face, "really?"

I nodded and pulled it out of its packaging, quickly clasping it around my neck with a big smile, "this is never coming off now."

Hayden's smile was as bright as the setting sun, "I'm glad."

Then he shoved another box into my hand. This one was also a small one, but I knew it probably wasn't another item of jewellery. I ripped off the wrapping paper, not too easily since Hayden clearly sucked at wrapping and had used an entire roll of tape.

I opened the box and cocked my head at the piece of paper inside. It was a hand drawn ticket. I read over the ticket, my eyes slowly widening as I realised what it was.

"Hayden!" I gasped.

He bit his lip nervously, "you said that you usually went back to Australia during Christmas and I thought that I would buy you the ticket this year. Business class. I haven't actually bought it yet since I don't know your schedule, but you tell me and I will."

A blush scorched my cheeks, "you don't need to do that."

"I want to. It's my gift."

"Well you've ruined my Christmas present for you," I told him.

"What was your Christmas present?"

"I was going to buy us tickets to Australia," I mumbled, blushing even more. "You know, only if you wanted to come." When I'd first thought of the idea I thought it was crazy and way too soon to invite him to come spend Christmas with me in Australia.

But Hayden's whole face lit up and all my concerns faded. "You were going to invite me?"

"Of course," I said, "I mean it would be the last chance we'd get to spend together before lacrosse starts for you. I'd love for you to come. I mean you don't have to. I can stay back in New York this year if you don't want to go. It's fine."

Hayden cupped my face in his hands, a huge dorky grin on his face, "quit overthinking Vi. I'd love to go with you. I was really hoping you'd invite me anyway. It would've been a bit awkward if I walked onto the plane with you."

I laughed, "ok thank god. But I'm paying for tickets."

Hayden shook his head, "nope. My gift."

"You stole the idea. It was my gift first."

"Too bad," Hayden taunted before handing me the last and biggest box into my hand. "This is my favourite one."

I raised my brow and ripped off the wrapping paper and pulled open the box. Inside of it was a stuffed toy. It was an adorable little crocheted mushroom person with some fairy wings tied onto its back. It was probably the cutest thing ever. And massive. Bigger than my head.

My mouth dropped open, "oh my god," I squealed before pulling it to my chest and wrapping it in a hug.

A while ago, I had sent a photo of it to Hayden on instagram saying how cute it was and complaining that it was kind of overpriced. I didn't know he'd buy it for me.

Hayden grinned, "you like?"

"Of course!" I beamed, "it's so fucking cute."

Hayden reached behind one of his pillows and produced another version of it. Except this one was dressed in a little sports outfit. "I got my own one. They're pretty cuddly. I've been hugging it whenever you aren't around to hug. It's almost a good substitute."

I stared at him, a slow smile spreading across my face before I started laughing. The thought of Hayden hugging a soft toy made me bend over in laughter. The image of it was possibly more cute than the toy itself.

Hayden just stared at me with a raised brow, still clutching his toy to his chest, making me laugh even harder until tears threatened to spill out of my eyes.

I managed to reign in my laughter and wiped my eyes and grinned at him. "God I love you."

The words spilled out of my mouth before I could slow them and as soon as they were out Hayden's eyes widened and I clapped a hand over my mouth in shock.

I'd been feeling it for a while now, and I'd been planning on telling Hayden, but I didn't know when the right time would be. I was half scared that he'd freak out and tell me it was too soon and I was half freaking out that I would scare myself by over-thinking everything. And now, I've accidentally blabbed it. And Hayden was just staring at me with a shocked expression.

"What?" he finally asked.

I shook my head slowly, "I didn't say anything."

Hayden's brows shot upwards, "you love me?"

I covered my face with my hands, "if it's too soon we can just erase this from our memories."

"You love me," Hayden breathed out, but this time it was a statement, not a question.

I slowly lowered my hands from my face to look at him, "yes. Don't say it back if you don't mean it. But just a warning, if you don't say it back I might need to have a mini cry when I get home."

Hayden shook his head, seeming to snap back into reality. He clasped my hands in his and grinned. "You are the most amazing person I've ever met. You make me unbelievably happy and if I could spend every single day with you I would. I love you barely begins to cover what I feel for you but for lack of better words, I am so stupidly in love with you Vi. And I have been for a while now." He grinned, "I love you Violet."

His words melted my heart completely. And it was dumb, but tears filled my eyes. I never thought I'd have this again. I never thought I deserved it. But here I was, with Hayden, bearing my heart to him and watching as he embraced it. All of it.

Hayden wiped away a tear as it rolled down my cheek, "you know if I thought you'd cry I would have brought tissues."

I shook my head, laughing even as more tears fell from my eyes, "no. I just... I love you so much. And I'm just really really happy."

"I've never made someone cry from happiness before," Hayden said but smiled softly.

"I just never thought I'd have this."

"Have what?" he asked, tucking my ear behind my ear.

"To love you. And have you love me back," I said, wiping my eyes.

Hayden leaned forward and kissed away the wetness on my cheeks, "well my darling, you have this now. And I hope you like having it, because I'm going to love you for as long as I can."

"How long is that?"

Hayden shrugged, "forever probably."

I laughed and set aside my toy to throw myself at him. He fell back onto the cushions, me hugged around him.

"Good," I told him, our noses just touching.

"Now I'll have to say it after every sentence."

"How long have you known?"

He did his best to shrug with me on top of him, "I don't really know. I think I might have realised it that night when we went to the night owl."

"The night owl? You mean the night that we got hammered then had to look after Harley? That doesn't sound romantic."

He huffed, his breath fanning across my face, "no silly. Dylan told me you were falling for me. And it made me realise that I was falling for you. I mean it's not everyday I'd get smashed with someone then help piggy back their friend to someone's house."

"I take it back. You are romantic."

Hayden smirked, "I know. Now you."

I scrunched my nose up, "I think I've been in love with you for a while now. I only realised recently. I was going to make up some fancy dinner and throw rose petals on your bed or something."

Hayden laughed, "seriously?"

"Probably not. But I was going to make it romantic. And cute."

"I thought it was cute," he said.

"You think everything I do is cute."

"I can't help it. I love you."

I ran my hands through his hair, pushing it out of his face. "I love you too."

I leaned forward, pressing our mouths together. Hayden's hands smoothed up my spine as our tongues tangled together. It was as if we were both desperately trying to show each other our love for one another.

I pulled away gasping, "are we going to be arrested if we have sex right now?"

Hayden's face was flushed, "no. This is my friend Monica's house. She left for a business trip for a couple of days. She said we could borrow it for tonight."

"Am I ever going to meet Monica? Are you sure she's a real person?"

"Yes she is. And you'll meet her eventually. Why?"

"I mean I should probably meet the person whose house we are about to have sex in."

"Sure. But that's only if we have sex in the house."

I laughed and kissed him again.

I shrugged my jacket off, baring my arms to the cool breeze, but where Hayden touched me, he left a burning trail behind.

He pushed himself up, me straddling him now, so he could yank off his t-shirt. My hands immediately travelled to the hard planes of his stomach and the hard muscles that flexed as he raised himself to pull his pants down.

He was all mine, and I marvelled at it. At the fact that I could touch him and hold him and love him, and this magnificent human loved me back.

I leaned back down, capturing his mouth with mine, craving the taste and feel of him.

His hands roamed over my body, sending shivers and electricity throughout me. His hands toyed with the hem of my dress before pulling it upwards. I raised my arms so he could pull it off in one fluid motion. Underneath my dress, I wore my fanciest lingerie set. It was also like my only one.

Hayden's eyes widened in surprise and he pulled away a bit to stare at me. It was a pretty little black set that had cost me more than I would have like to admit but it looked good as hell on me I couldn't resist.

Hayden ran his finger along the edge of the bra making my nipples harden. He smirked then pinched one through the lacy fabric.

"Fuck me," he finally said, leaning back onto his hands to study me again.

I smiled, not the slightest bit embarrassed or uncomfortable, "that's the plan."

He laughed before his mouth attacked my neck, and chest, pulling aside the fabric so that he could pull my nipple between his teeth.

Wetness grew between my legs and I groaned, rubbing myself against his hardness.

He moved his mouth to my other breast, and his hand sought me out between my legs, his long fingers delving into me.

I gripped his shoulders, my nails biting into his skin as I began to rock against him, the pressure building in my stomach.

"Hayden," I gasped, wanting more than his fingers. Needing more.

He seemed to understand what I was saying and he pulled his fingers away, reaching for his pants to grab out a condom.

Once it was on I pushed against his chest, easing him back down onto the pillows. I grabbed his length, pumping him a few times, grinning at the way his eyes fell shut in pleasure, before guiding him to my entrance.

I slowly lowered myself onto him and we both let out a hiss of pleasure.

Hayden propped himself onto his elbows, staring up at me.

I braced my hands on his chest, slowly rocking on him. My eyes fluttered closed and when I opened them again Hayden was still staring at me.

I leaned forward, pulling his lip between my teeth. "You're staring," I gasped, as he thrust his hips upwards, filling me even more.

"I love you," he murmured back.

I pulled away to smile at him, "I love you."

It was surreal almost. We were as close and connected as two people could be. And I wasn't scared. I was revelling in my feelings for him.

We moved together, our breaths coming out as one and our rhythm increasing as we both became desperate for one another.

I would never tire of this. Tire of being with him. Or loving him.

Hayden repeated those words, "I love you," kissing me across my face, mouth and chest, each kiss sending another message of his love. I returned each kiss with one of my own.

I was so consumed by him. And I really did love him. So much. It filled me with such utter happiness I could barely think.

I moved faster, taking him further into me until both of us were unable to speak. My legs were burning and Hayden started taking over, his fingers digging into my hips as he thrust upwards into me.

I clenched around him and cries poured out of me as my orgasm rattled through my body. My arms went weak and I fell forwards onto Hayden, as he continued fucking me, until I thought I wouldn't be able to take the pleasure anymore.

This time when I cried out, he swallowed the sound, pulling my tongue into his mouth as he came moments later.

He stilled, and pulled away, breathing heavily.

Sweat gleamed on his skin and I felt the thundering of his heart against my hand. I pushed back the hair that was clinging to his face. He gave me a sedated smile, still buried inside me.

"Wanna know something?" I smiled, feathering a kiss along his jaw.

"Mmm?" he hummed, hands tracing patterns against my spine.

"I fucking love you," I whispered into his ear.

I pulled back to look at him. His eyes were fully opened now and were alight and glimmering, "Say it again."

I laughed, "I love you."

I said it over and over again, as we became another tangle of limbs.

And when we were finally too exhausted to move, we held each other, muttering those words over and over again, our hearts overflowing, before we both fell asleep, a smile painted across both of our faces.

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