๐“๐š๐ซ๐ ๐ž๐ญ

By downbadforyu

198K 7.7K 3.7K

She's my target and I should kill her. (๐˜‰๐˜ถ๐˜ต ๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜บ ๐˜ข๐˜ฎ ๐˜ ๐˜ง๐˜ฆ๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ด ๐˜ธ๐˜ข๐˜บ?) Her family is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (๐Ÿ”ž)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41(M)
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Special Chapter

Chapter 59

1.8K 86 39
By downbadforyu

Third Person's POV

Monday morning and Chaeyoung is already up and cooking breakfast for him and his daughter, Winter, who is still sound asleep inside her room forgetting that today is back to school day since New Year had already passed.

So after placing the plate of pancakes on the table, he jogged up the stairs and went straight to Winter's room door.

He now stood in front of the girls door, with a soft knock he entered and saw Winter sound asleep all wrapped up inside her thick and warm blanket that she likes so much as she hugs the plushie closer to herself.

Chaeyoung giggled at the little girls unconscious action, he finds it cute that when Winter sleeps, she always has to be hugging something, well she said that it keeps her from being scared and comforts whenever she feels lonely.

The racer attempted on waking her up with a light tap on her shoulder, Winter only gave a small groan before pulling her blanket up covering her head.

"Win come on wake up, it's back to school day, aren't you excited?" He asked shaking the girl a little but earned another groan.

"I'm not excited dad, our P.E teacher would be giving us a hard time again in running~" The girl whined out under her blanket earning a giggle from the man sitting on her bed.

"But aren't you excited to see Karina again? You know that she's already back right? I bet she's excited going to school today," Chaeyoung said as he slowly stands up just in time that Winter sprung up her bed.

"Well now that you're up why don't you go inside your bathroom and take a bath, yeah? I'll prepare your uniform so you can get dressed right after," He said as he gives Winter a smile, the girl smiled back as she nodded then rubs her eyes to wake her up once more.

"Yes dad! Roger that!" Winter replied with a salute that made her father laugh.

Chaeyoung gave her a kiss on the head first before she went inside her bathroom to take a bath.

While Chaeyoung, he walked to Winter's closet and took her uniform to the other room with him.

He ironed it first before walking back to Winter's room and hanged it on the closet handle before turning to the girls bed and fixed it for her.

Once everything was settled, from Winter's uniform, school bag, and fixed bed, he informed the girl and told her that he'll be waiting for her at kitchen after she's done.
Everything was all done.

Winter and Chaeyoung are already finished with their breakfast and is already heading to the parking lot.

"All good Win? You left nothing right?" Chaeyoung asked as he inserts the key in the keyhole.

"All good dad," The girl answered as she buckles her seatbelt, Chaeyoung then started the car and drove away from the building.

The car ride on the way to Winter's school was noisy, they were both singing so loud at early in the morning, Winter sang while Chaeyoung rapped, both has a lot of energy that they get from one another that Chaeyoung's friends started calling them the "Energetic Duo".

"Okay! We're here," Chaeyoung said with full of energy as he pulls the key from the keyhole and got out the car before running to Winter's side and opened the door for her.

"Oh and looks like your crush is here too," Chaeyoung muttered that made Winter turn her head to where he was looking at.

And there right behind her was Karina smiling waving at her, Winter smiled wider as she waves back at her.

"Why don't you go there now and give her a hug? I pretty much know you've been waiting for that," He teases with a teasing smirk on his lips that made Winter whine.

"Dad you shouldn't be listening when she calls me~" She whined again that made Chaeyoung laugh.

"Hey it's not my fault you sometimes leave your door half open," He countered as he laughs at the girls shy state.

"Just go there now Win, don't wanna keep her waiting," He again teases that yet again made Winter whine before she walked to Karina.

Karina giggled at Winter's flustered and red state, by just that she knows she was being teased by her dad again, plus she saw Chaeyoung holding back his laughter when Winter was storming to her.

"Got teased?" Karina asked once Winter was already in front of her.

"Yes~" Winter answered as she looks back and saw her dad still holding in his laughter.

"Well you really shouldn't leave your door half open you know? That habit of yours gets you into teasing from your dad," Karina said with a teasing smile making Winter yet again whine.

"No~ stop teasing me please~" Winter begged as she fakes a cry, that was stopped when Karina suddenly hugged her.

"Stop whining okay? You look too cute that my heart can't take it," Karina confessed as she smiles still hugging onto Winter.

Winter on the other hand, felt her heart quicken its pace, felt her cheeks get warm probably with a red tint already, she again is a blushing and flustered mess because of Karina.

"Can I ask you something Min?" Karina asked after breaking away from the hug.

"Ask away," Winter shortly replied looking at the older girl in confusion.

"You'd be okay if your dad finds the woman she loves and have a child with her right?" Karina asked, well before she broke off the hug, she saw Ian ran to Chaeyoung while his mother, Mina just followed behind him with a small smile on her lips.

"Of course I'm okay with it, he deserves love after all he's been through for the past four years, he even went overseas remember? Dad and I are the same, he always tells me that, we both lost our parents at a young age, we both were vulnerable, we both needed to heal, both lost our bubbly selves at a young age because of pain, but both got back on our feet because of the love we found," Winter stated as she turns to where her father was, she saw him crouching down while talking to Ian with Mina a few feet away from them, she smiled, she knows Mina is and will always be her fathers greatest love, if only that problem didn't came it would've been them together.

"What do you mean 'both got back at our feet because of love'?" Karina asked curiously while looking at Winter.

"Dad, he wasn't as bubbly as he is now, he told me that growing up he doesn't smile or laugh or interact with anyone often, and that is because of the lost of his parents when he was six, but then Mina eonnie came into his life, she made him heal, she made him happy, she made him feel alive again, and she also made him feel loved, and because of her dad got back to his feet and bettered himself again, he started smiling more often, he interacts with people more, he laughs more, and all of those are because Mina eonnie came into his life," She explained with a smile still her eyes focused on her dad smiling at Ian who was telling him something he learned.

"Then what about you? What does yours mean?" Karina asked again, this time Winter turned to her and smiled before looking back to where her dad is.

"Mine, mine is because dad came into my life, he saved me from feeling alone because even my own family didn't want to take care of me, he took me with him, he takes care of me and always do all the things he can just to make me happy, he's like my real dad, he never makes me feel that I'm just adopted, he treats me like his own and loves me," She stated, but that somehow lessen the smile on Karina's face, she doesn't know why but she was expecting something else aside from what Winter had just said.

But of course, Winter wouldn't forget the person that brought her smile back – and that's Karina.

"While you," She mumbled with a wide smile that made Karina turn to her but just saw her still looking at her smiling father.

"You already were in my life even before everything happened, every time we meet at the park every summer you never fail to give me a day that I don't smile, you always make me happy, always make me smile, when I lost my parents it was you that I wanted to see but the people at your neighborhood in Changwon said that you and your family were overseas that time, so with a heavy heart, I went to New Zealand with dad, there I was happy, but I was still looking for you, then we went to New York where he properly adopted me, then one day after school in New York he told me that we were coming back here, then fast forward, I met you again at the park, you made me happy again and brought my smile back," Winter explained with a wide smile before she turned her head to Karina and saw the girl staring at her in awe that made her giggle.

"You always make me happy Karina," She said looking back at her with a smile.

Karina was about to say something, words of indirect confession for the girl, but the school bell rang indicating that classes will start, and that stopped her from saying those words.

"Well let's go, it's our first day back seat mate~" Winter cutely said as she drags the older girl with her inside – oh yeah, we're seat mates, Karina thought as she smiled and let the younger girl drag her away.

"You have to go in now Ian, class is about to start," Mina said as she approached where her son and his father was.

"I have to go now hyung, I'll still see you later when you pick Winter noona right?" Sunghoon asked looking at Chaeyoung with a smile.

"Yes, I'll be here later," He shortly responded as he smiles back at the little boy.

"Okay then I'll see you! Bye mama!" Ian said then turned to his mother and kissed her cheeks goodbye.

"Have fun!" Mina yelled that made the boy look back and smile wider.

"Do you have anything else to do? I mean now..that Ian is in school?" Chaeyoung asked a little shy as he turns to Mina waiting for an answer to his attempt on secretly asking her out.

"Actually," Mina mumbled before taking a look on her phone that made her eyes widen in surprise at the time.

"Actually I'm late! I forgot I have a photo shoot sorry!" Mina apologized before running away approaching her car quickly getting in and driving away.

"Okay, then maybe next time, yeah better luck next time Azai."

Hey everyone! Chapter 59 is up!
Short little Winter and Dad/little WinRina/Sunghoon and Dad/MiChaeng update everyone HAHAHAHAHA

The end is nearing so enjoy!!!

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