An Outsider That Who Knows Ab...

De MavTheStonks14

37K 641 342

Y/n L/n has a normal life on his world but suddenly he was Gap to gensokyo. instead of being freak out hes ju... Mais

Character info
(Chapter 0) Nice Portal Bro
(Chapter 1) New Youkai?
(Chapter 2) Daily life on Gensokyo
(Chapter 3) A New Magician
(Chapter 4) The Bamboo Forest Part 1
(Chapter 5) The Bamboo Forest Part 2
(Chapter 6) The Bamboo Forest Part 3
(Chapter 7) The Bamboo Forest Part 4
(Chapter 8) The Scarlet Devil Mansion Part 1
(Chapter 9) The Scarlet Devil Mansion Part 2
(Chapter 10) Misty Lake
(Short Chapter 10.5) Happy Teachers Day Patchouli-Sensei!
(Chapter 12) The Scarlet Devil Mansion Part 4
(Chapter 13) The Hakurei Shrine
(Chapter 14) Da★Ze
(Short Chapter 15) Human Village... Again
(Chapter 16) What a cute fac- I mean dolls
(Chapter 17) Let Me Say Goodbye To Everyone First
(Chapter 18) Goodbye Gensokyo, Hello Again My Own World
Thank You For Reading
The Gensokyo That Who Knows About An Old Outsider
(EX Lost Chapter 0) - Missing Being
(EX Lost Chapter 1) - Invitation

(Chapter 11) The Scarlet Devil Mansion Part 3

1K 22 8
De MavTheStonks14

Time check its telling what time in gensokyo right now
"Yo" : Dialogue
*Yo* : Action
Yo : thoughts


Patchouli's POV

(1:10 Pm Friday)

After some time i finish my work and Y/N is still sleeping in my lap

Patchouli : How tired are you?

Then Y/N move a bit

Patchouli : "Are you awake?"

Y/N : "..."

Patchouli : "Maybe not"

Koakuma : "Master"

Patchouli : "What is it?"

Koakuma : "should i bring Y/N to his room?"

Patchouli : "No this is fine. He looks comfortable in here"

Koakuma : "As you wish"

Then Koakuma back her work while im reading the book

Remilia's POV

Even Y/N is in here in the mansion haven't see him...

Remilia : "Maybe he's still practicing with Patchouli in the library"

Sakuya : "He's currently sleeping on the library Mistress"

Remilia : "Sleeping? What happen to him?"

Sakuya : "He wakes up at 8:00 last night. Then he helps Meiling in the gate to guard it. And he let Meiling to sleep that night"

Remilia : "Then he's asleep too?"

Sakuya : "No mistress. He let sleep Meiling and he's the one who guard the gate"

Remilia : "I see..."

Sakuya : "Do need him or something Mistress?"

Remilia : "No. Im just worried because i haven't see him in the mansion"

Sakuya : "I see"


Patchouli : "Now that you are awake"

Y/N : "Yes?"

Patchouli : "C-Can you please stop playing with my hair?"

Y/N : "Why though?"

Patchouli : "B-Because you messing it up"

Y/N : "No im not! Im making it better. Right Koakuma?"

Koakuma : "Mhm!"

Y/N : "Can you pass the ribbon Koakuma?"

Koakuma : "Sure!"

Then she grab the ribbon and gave it to me

Y/N : "Thank you!"

Koakuma : "No problem. And Patchouli-Sensei can i remove your hat for a moment?"

Patchouli : "J-Just bring it back later"

Y/N : "Sure"

Then i tied her hair to ponytail

Y/N : "There we go!"

Koakuma : "How are you so good at making hair of a girl?"

Y/N : "Heh long story..."

Patchouli : "Done?"

Y/N : "Yeah. Looking cute not gonna lie!"

Patchouli : "Yeah it's kinda cute..."

Sakuya : *Knock* Knock* "Lady Patchouli. Mistress Remilia wants to see-"

Y/N : "Oh hello Sakuya!" *Wave*

Sakuya : "W-What's with her hair?"

Patchouli : "Don't you dare to make any reaction Sakuya"

Sakuya : "Im not doing any reaction Lady P-Patchouli..." *Looks away* "Pft"

Patchouli : "Y-You... Ugh nevermind... Where is she?"

Sakuya : "S-She's in the garden right now..."

Patchouli : "Then tell her im coming in any minutes"

Sakuya : "Yes Lady Patchouli"

Then Sakuya leaves the library

Patchouli : "Im gonna change my hair now"

Y/N : "Please don't!"

Patchouli : "But i need to. It's embarrassing..."

Y/N : "Please just this day!"

Patchouli : "Eh... A-Alright fine..."

Y/N : "Thank you!"

Patchouli : "Just guard this library while im gone"

Y/N : "Yes!"

Then Patchouli leaves the library

Y/N : "I hope Patchouli-Sensei won't scold me later..."

Koakuma : "Well if she scold you goodluck~"

Y/N : "Shut up"

(Timeskip) (2:30 Pm Friday)

Y/N : "Please get out of here Marisa"

Marisa : "Just let me borrow some of her books!"

Y/N : *Sigh* "Please just leave the library"

Marisa : "Come on ze!"

Y/N : "No"

Marisa : "Then im gonna use force to get out of here!"

Y/N : "You can get out of my telekinesis Marisa"

Marisa : "If i get out of this im gonna make sure you will pay!"

Y/N : "Try it"

And she just doing nothing

Y/N : "Can't move right?"

Marisa : "Just let me!"

Y/N : "Just gave up already!"

Marisa : "N-NO!"

Y/N : "Then. Hey Koakuma"

Koakuma : "Yeah?"

Y/N : "Please tell to Patchouli-Sensei im gonna go out for a while"

Koakuma : "Okay!"

Then i started walking while Marisa it's still in my Telekinesis

Marisa : "Where are you gonna bring me?!"

Y/N : "You are going home"

Marisa : "Heh! I hope you can find my house!"

(After some minutes later)

Marisa : "There's no way..."

Y/N : "Now please stay here and do your thing. Thank you"

Marisa : "Fine you win this time! ze"

Y/N : "Yeah yeah" Then i release Marisa on my spell

Marisa : "Finally thank you!"

Y/N : "Now im going home"

Then i close the door and walk home

(Later...) (3:00 Pm Friday)

Y/N : "Im back"

Patchouli : "I've been waiting you"

Y/N : "Hehe sorry"

Patchouli : "So did Marisa able to steal some of the books again?"

Y/N : "Nope she didn't"

Patchouli : "Great"

Y/N : "So what do you want for me again?"

Patchouli : "Just help Koakuma to get some ingredients in the forest again"

Y/N : "What happen to the other ingredients earlier?"

Patchouli : "I failed my experient earlier that's why"

Y/N : "Then gonna go now"

Patchouli : "Just be careful in there"

Y/N : "Yeah thanks. And thank you for not removing your hair style!"

Patchouli : "It's kinda comfortable though"

Y/N : "Then i hope you like it. See you later"

Then i leave the library with Koakuma

Y/N : "So what forest are we going?"

Koakuma : "The bamboo forest and youkai forest"

Y/N : "Bamboo forest? That's a long trip!"

Koakuma : "Well it's fine. Everything for Master"

Y/N : "Right"

Koakuma : "Then let's go" Then she flew

Y/N : "Right..."

Koakuma : "Wait you can't fly?"

Y/N : "Yeah i haven't learn that one"

Koakuma : "Then you want me to carry you?"

Y/N : "Well if you can. Then thank you"

Then Koakuma grab my arm

Koakuma : "aren't you afraid of heights?"

Y/N : "No im not. Why?"

Koakuma : "Just asking"

Y/N : "i see"

Then we arrive in the Bamboo forest

Y/N : "God i miss in here!"

Koakuma : "You've been here before?"

Y/N : "Yeah"

Koakuma : "Then you must be familiar in this place"

Y/N : "Of course. Over there Mokou's house" i point where is Mokou's home

Koakuma : "You mean the immortal girl?"

Y/N : "Yeah her"

Koakuma : "Are you friends with her?"

Y/N : "Yeah"

Koakuma : "Then that's good"

Y/N : "Anyways what are we gonna get?"

Koakuma : "Right... We need..."

(After some time of explaining...)

Y/N : "That's..."

Koakuma : "Yes too many"

Y/N : "Is this daily or?"

Koakuma : "Nope every week i think"

Y/N : "Damn... Anyways let's separate to find the ingredients fast"

Koakuma : "Good thinking! Then im going in here you go in there okay?"

Y/N : "Alright" Then Koakuma start walking while im finding the other ingredients


Y/N : "Alright all done! One more..."

??? : "Y/N?"

Y/N : "Hmm?"

i look behind and it was Mokou

Y/N : "Oh Mokou! Long time no see!"

Mokou : "Yeah! What are you doing in here?"

Y/N : "Im just getting some of the ingredients that Patchouli-Sensei needs"

Mokou : "I see... Then what is the last ingredients that you need?"

Y/N : "Of course glowing mushrooms"

Mokou : "Well if you are finding mushrooms go over there"

Y/N : "Oh thank you Mokou"

Mokou : "Happy to help. Welp i need to go be careful in here"

Y/N : "Yeah bye" *Wave*

Mokou : "Yeah" Then Mokou leaves

Y/N : "Alright let's go in there..."

Koakuma : "Oh hello Y/N"

Y/N : "Oh hi. You done?"

Koakuma : "Yeah i gathered all the ingredients. How about you?"

Y/N : "I only need glowing mushroom"

koakuma : "Oh i already have it"

Y/N : "Oh really? Nice thanks"

Koakuma : "Alright let's go"

Y/N : "Right"

Then i grab the two bags and Koakuma grab my arm and flew away

Y/N : "Are you sure im not that heavy?"

Koakuma : "Of course not!"

Y/N : "Alright then... Just put me down if you are tired"

Koakuma : "Alrighty"

After some time later we arrive at the Mansion

Y/N : "We are back"

Patchouli : "Great job you two"

Koakuma : "Hehe no problem Master!"

Patchouli : "So anything bad happen while you two getting some ingredients?"

Y/N : "Nope nothing happen to me"

Koakuma : "Same here"

Patchouli : "Then im glad"

Y/N : *Whisper* "She really didn't remove her hair style"

Koakuma : *Whisper* "Yeah"

Patchouli : "What are you two talking about?"

Y/N : "Oh it's nothing"

Patchouli : "Hmm... Okay. Oh right Y/N"

Y/N : "Yes?"

Patchouli : "Remi wants to see you"

Y/N : "Where is she?"

Patchouli : "She's in the rooftop right now"

Y/N : "I see... Then im gonna go"

Patchouli : "Please take a shower first before going in there"

Y/N : "R-Right..."

Patchouli : *Chuckle* "After you talk to Remi please go in here i need for something"

Y/N : "Alright. Then see you later"

Then i leave the library and went to my room

(Timeskip) (4:00 Pm Friday)

Y/N : "Maybe i should learn about flying spells too..."

Sakuya : "You didn't practice that yet?"

Y/N : "Yeah i haven't"

Sakuya : "It's easy. But for you maybe it's gonna be hard"

Y/N : "Yeah i know that"

Then we arrive at the rooftop

Remilia : "Thank you Sakuya you may leave now"

Sakuya : "You're welcome my Mistress" Then she walk away

Y/N : "Hello again Remilia"

Remilia : "Hello. Please take a seat"

Y/N : "Thank you" Then i sat in front of Remilia

Remilia : "So do you know why did i call you here?"

Y/N : "Nope. Why though?"

Remilia : "Cause i haven't see you around the mansion"

Y/N : "Ohh i see. Me too i haven't see you around too"

Remilia : "So how's your every day life with Patchy?"

Y/N : "Patchouli-Sensei? Hmm... Doing good. And i learn more about magics because of her"

Remilia : "Then im glad you enjoying your time with Patchy. And by the way"

Y/N : "Yes?"

Remilia : "Are you the one who make her hair?"

Y/N : "Yes i am. Why?"

Remilia : "Fufu. Because she's looking cute with those hair style of her"

Y/N : "Yeah i know right?"

Remilia : "Can i ask. How did you know about making a hair of a girl?"

Y/N : "Well..."

(Flashback in your school)

Amelia : "You know you really good at making a hair style for a boy"

Y/N : "Of course! That's my hobbie after all! Making your hair everyday"

Amelia : "Then you know every hair style for a girl?"

Y/N : "Yeah kinda"

Amelia : "Then can you change my hair style?"

Y/N : "What kind? Ponytais? Twin Drills? Twin Ponytail?"

Amelia : "Anything that you like to do in my hair!"

Y/N : "Then i hope you enjoy this one!"

(End of flashback)

Y/N : "Hmm yeah i just like making hair style for girls that's all"

Remilia : "I see..."

Y/N : "Why you like too? I can make it for short hairs"

Remilia : "No need. This is fine"

Y/N : "Then just tell me if you want to"

Remilia : "Fufu okay then"

(Timeskip) (4:30 Pm Friday)

Remilia : "Thank you for your time Y/N. You can leave now"

Y/N : "No problem and see you again"

Then i leave Remilia on her own and went to library

Y/N : "Back!"

Patchouli : "Welcome back"

Y/N : "So do you need me for something right?"

Patchouli : "Yes i need you for something"

Y/N : "What is it?"

Patchouli : "Come here"

Y/N : "Okay?"

Then i take a sit on her side

Patchouli : "Hold this. Be careful and don't drop it"

She gave the potion

Y/N : "Alright"

Patchouli : "Now i need you to drink that"

Y/N : "Eh? Are you sure it's not gonna blow inside of me or poison me?"

Patchouli : "Do you trust me?"

Y/N : "Well..."

Patchouli : "Do-you-trust-me?"

Y/N : "Well... Man i don't have a choice!" Then i drink the potion "Uh what's next?"

Patchouli : "What do you see?"

Y/N : "Just a normal vision of mine"

Patchouli : "Koakuma turn off all the lights"

Koakuma : "Yes master" Then she turn off all the lights

Patchouli : "Now what do you see?"

Y/N : "Uhh are you sure the lights are off?"

Patchouli : "It works"

Y/N : "What do you mean?"

Patchouli : "Night vision potion. This is the first time i make this one"

Y/N : "Damn..."

Patchouli : "Alright can you tell where is the book shelf number 7?"

Y/N : "Over there" i point the book shelf that in the right side

Patchouli : "Koakuma turn on the lights again"

Then she turn on the lights and i was pointing to the right shelf

Patchouli : "Alright it's really working. Im glad"

Y/N : "So when this night vision gonna ends?"

Patchouli : "Maybe after 3-4 Minutes"

Y/N : "I see"

Patchouli : "So how's your chat with Remi?"

Y/N : "Good"

Patchouli : "Anything she said about something?"

Y/N : "Your hair style she said it's cute"

Patchouli : "!"

Y/N : "Yeah i know it's embarrassing for you but it's fine though"

Patchouli : "Y-Yeah..."

Y/N : "So what potion are you gonna make this time?"

Patchouli : "Oh right. Im still gonna make lot of this"

Y/N : "Night vision?"

Patchouli : "Of course"

Y/N : "You need my help?"

Patchouli : "Just drink the potion that i make"

Y/N : "Scary..."

Patchouli : "Don't worry. I'll make sure the potion that i make it's safe to drink it... I hope..."

Y/N : "I hope?! Really?"

Patchouli : "Well sometimes i failed okay? But im gonna make sure before you drink it it's safe"

Y/N : "Yeah 'I hope'"

Patchouli : "Hey!"

Y/N : "Hahaha joking!"

Then she started making another night vision potions...

(Timeskip) (6:20 Pm Friday)

Patchouli : "Hey it's dinner you don't want to eat?"

Y/N : "J-Just g-give me a m-minutes to s-stand up..."

Patchouli : "Are you okay?"

Y/N : "Y-Yes! O-Of course! I-Im super okay!"

Patchouli : "Then im just gonna bring you food"

Y/N : "T-Then thank you"

Then Patchouli-Sensei leaves the room

Y/N : "I need to go to the bathroom..."

A/N : Damn sorry this take a while i have school works in here and i haven't sleep for 2 days straight! Funny right? Actually i almost got sick because i haven't sleep XD. So yeah im gonna update the other one now"

Random Places - (Rumia) (Mystia)

Human Village - (Keine) (Sekibanki)

Hakurei Shrine - (Reimu)

Forest Of Magic - (Marisa) (Alice) (Rinnosuke)

Scarlet Devil Mansion - (Remilia) (Flandre) (Meiling) (Sakuya) (Patchouli) (Koakuma)

Misty lake - (Cirno) (Daiyousei) (Wakasagihime)

Bamboo Forest Of the Lost - (Mokou) (Kagerou - New)

Eientei - (Kaguya) (Eirin) (Reisen) (Tewi)

Youkai mountain - (Aya)

Higan - (Komachi) (Eiki)

Close Friends : (Mokou)

[Word Count 2536]

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