Kiyotaka: Love is War?

By Zeroooui

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The title says it all! Kiyotaka will be enrolling at Shuuchi'in Academy. Facing a lot of troubles especially... More

Prologue: All According To Plan

Chapter 1: Shuchi'in Private Academy / Kiyotaka's First Day

10.9K 503 347
By Zeroooui

-Battle #1: Introduction

Shuchi'in Private Academy!!

An incredibly prestigious academy, that originated to educate the young nobles and samurai!!

But in today's and age of society. Everything had changed drastically.

Whether you like it or not, change will come our way!!

For what is new today might be a thing in the past.

You can't expect the past to stay in the present or the present will stay the same in future.

Our ancestors built and shaped the past, as we live in the present, and built for the future!

That's why in modern times, aristocracy no longer exists. It's like a long distance reality from us.

Yet it is still a very popular topic in today's genre of movies or books.

As of now people are much more obsessed with technology than how it is dealt with from before.

Even AI's are getting more human-like than before.

For all of this is done with countless studies and research. To which may be the end-all be-all of a student's time!

Countless rejections and revisions are all a pain anyways!

Moving on.

Politics is still present to this day and it will keep evolving through the years gone by. Children who became the leaders cannot be referred to as "ordinary" people!

In fact, they are to be considered the least ordinary people alive. Or that's what the people thought.

Student #1: "Everyone, look!!!"

Student #2: "It's the Student Council!!"

Students from this school gathered a line in the entrance way of the school. Because of admiration towards the most respected spots in Shuchi'in Academy.

The Student Council!

Being in this prestigious spot can only mean one thing. You are respected by your pears and be treated like a celebrity!

They are considered to be the most hardworking students here. Due to the many things they do to keep this society stay afloat.

Shuchi'in Academy Vice President, Shinomiya Kaguya.

Her family's assets are worth two hundred trillion yen. The Shinomiya Group is considered among the Big Four Zaibatsu. And her father is the leader of the entire group. With such lineage, she excels at everything arranging from sports and academics. She is said to be a true genius. With a somewhat lacking feature at the front.

Moving on to the man she supports. Shuchi'in Academy President, Shirogane Miyuki.

A man of unparalleled wisdom and intellect constantly taking first place in mock examinations!

Even said to be smarter than Kaguya! You would think he came from one of the richest families ever. But instead, he lives a life that is completely the opposite of Kaguya.

Struggling from the bottom and making his way through the top by his study with heavy amounts of caffeine made him the 66th and 67th Student Council of the school wearing the golden chain-like accessory around his neck. Which in fact it is made of real gold!

After walking gracefully to the crowd and went to their office together. A bright-headed girl approach them who is already in the office before them.

Chika: "Good morning Kaguya-san! President Shirgone-kun!"

Fujiwara Chika the current secretary of the Student Council.

She is the middle child of a family of politicians. A great "friend" to Kaguya and the self proclaimed (future) mother of Shirogane Miyuki!!

Her teaching Miyuki ranging from playing a sport called volleyball to singing the school national anthem which made her face many traumas of her teaching the President.

Even if she refuses she can't! Fujiwara still helps him like a caring mother teaching her son about the alphabets but dark souls level of difficulty!

She also gets mad seeing him teach by other students than herself!

Like that one time when Kaguya had tried to teach Miyuki on how to do the soran dance!!

Kaguya: "Good morning to you too, Fujiwara-san."

Miyuki: "Likewise, Secretary Fujiwara."

As they finished greeting each other they were about to do their work in the room. But well, we should say two-thirds of them at least. Because Fujiwara could be seen fixing her stuff for the club, she is in later on.

Later a student with brown eyes and long brown hair arrived early today.

Chika: "Ah! Miko-chan you finally arrived!" As Fujiwara sprinted to Iino and hugged her.

Iino: "Right. Sorry for being late." As she bowed her head to them.

Kaguya: "Ara, it's fine you know. We have those days we get here later than we expected to."

Miyuki: "She's right you know. Besides, Ishigami isn't even here yet."

Iino (thought): 'I don't even want to be compared by the likes of him.'

Miko Iino a student with a strong and obstinate sense of justice and decency. She has high respect for Fujiwara Chika which was quite rare to the Student Council members.

She also had a good fight against Miyuki during the Election (Of course it is Miyuki himself giving her the confidence she needed).

Due to circumstances from before she is the current auditor of the Student Council.

Four members of the Student Council are now present. There is still one more who isn't present yet. And there is also one more slot that is vacant.

Yes, there are six positions in the Student Council; President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, and General Affairs Officer.

15 minutes had passed. . .


Ishigami Yu, has arrived....!

Chika (smug): "Ishigami-kun you're late you know? Fufu, you should learn a few things from a maiden like myself." As she puffs her chest with smugness. Because she doesn't get a lot of this from him.

Ishigami: "You a maiden? Since when. Also, unlike you I have more important things to do than creating knock-off monopoly games."

Chika: "Ah! How cruel of you!"

Ishigami's retort... was a lie!!!

Ishigami Yu is not better than Fujiwara Chika...

You could even say he was much worse. He spent all night playing Eld*n R*ng. Attempts after attempting only having 3 hours of sleep.

But today is not Ishigami's lucky day. Because even failing on defeating the lat boss is much better than what is to come.

Kaguya has seen through Ishigami's bluff! Like a predator marking on its prey.

The reason why is quite simple...

His eyes...

The tiredness could be seen if you inspect very closely at him!

Kaguya: "Ara doesn't that mean, Ishigami-kun had already studied for the exams." Kaguya said with a scary smile on her face.

Ishigami's life flashed beneath his eyes remembering the trauma he faced with Kaguya's teaching before.

Yes Ishigami, the true boss was actually Kaguya herself and not the game you played last night.

Kaguya: "Ishigami-kun you better not fail the exams, right?" She said the last part with full killing intent.

Ishigami (gloomy): "...Yes... Ma'am..."

Ishigami Yu is the current treasurer of the High School Student Council.

He was appointed by President Shirogane Miyuki and was saved by him too. He had grown as a person and said the things he said to the person who he used to like.


Ishugami Yu still can't grasp in Shinomiya Kaguya's hold of sight..

Miyuki (thought): 'You got this Ishigami.'

Chika (thought): 'Heh, deserved.'

There are actually two treasures in the Student Council. The other one was just excused because they've got other things to do.

People may say they are not approachable because of their status. But keep in mind they are still students growing and learning for what the future will come.

Awaits a new member. General Affairs Officer.

Result of Today's Battle: Ishigami Yu's loss (Due to past trauma he faced with Kaguya)


-Battle #2: A Weird Morning

A week had passed since the incident from Ishigami and Kaguya. Within that week Kiyotaka asked Mikado's help on how he should act at school.

Of course, he didn't ask his master, as he already knows she will just plot for her (not) successful scheme.

They somewhat know Kiyotaka's personality of being harsh and blunt through his words.

That's why Mikado's advice was to be nice to others, if they showed it to him as well. Since others will consider him cocky or arrogant, Mikado chose the safe route of being a nice guy.

Maki said to Kiyotaka before going to school. To pretend not to know her, as she feels that it will be a hassle with them.

Before Maki said she can use Kiyotaka as her "boyfriend" to make Tsubasa jealous. But Kiyotaka states the obvious that Tsubasa won't be jealous but congratulate them instead.

Maki went to Shuchi'in Academy first and said to Kiyotaka that he should arrive later.

As it would save him the trouble at least. Kiyotaka agreed to it and did his "small" workout with the remaining free time he had.

Kiyotaka had already memorized the way to Shuchi'in Academy and the many places in their area.

As he had nothing better to do when he was alone because the others are at work or school.

Cooking food, cleaning the mansion, playing with Mikado, and listening to Maki's rant is what Kiyotaka's job.

He doesn't mind it but is thankful to live in a place other than the White Room.

Right now, Kiyotaka is going to Shuchi'in Academy and it will take him 15 minutes before going there. Currently Kiyotaka is a junior year in High School as he is placed in Class 2-A.

Chika (munching): "Crap, I'm late..! I'm late! I made fun of Ishigami-kun for being late before! I don't want that jerk to make fun of me!" As she imagined Ishigami making fun of her.

What's this?

The Secretary of the Student Council Fujiwara Chika ate a half-baked toasted bread with some jam on as she bolted her way to school.

Is this your classic anime cliché trope that the girl will crash into our protagonist and help her out and the boy will see something lewd when they both fall down beforehand?

If you guys thought that would happen...



That means you're wrong!!!

This was all just a set up to make you guys in that scenario. Of course, some of you will be quite disappointed by it. Because the reason why you think this is deception.

Forget about breaking the fourth wall. Kiyotaka was already at the teacher's office then.

Let's settle back to Fujiwara Chika, when she finally arrives at school and when she goes to the Student Council.

She was shocked seeing Ishigami already arrive before her and he has a smug grin on his face.

Ishigami (smug): "Fujiwara-senpai didn't you say something about the early birds catches the worm." As he laughed wildly to her. Later they started to argue with one another as Ishigami hurts Fujiwara's feelings.

Result of Today's Battle: Fujiwara Chika's loss (Due to the result of being called a hypocrite by Ishigami. Note: Ishigami just arrived five minutes before Chika.)


Extra Scene (Kiyotaka POV)

Knowing how I should act towards the class. There are still many factors I don't quite understand.

Even with what they've said to me in an open smile. 

Have fun huh?

When was the last time since I've heard that before? It is still engraved in my mind. As to what extent is it genuine or not. Either deceit or actual emotions .

I was quite baffled in the idea of going to school at first. I thought I would just get a peaceful life instead. But I won't lie and say I'm eager for it as well.

Seeing how I could be free as a student. Is a stepping stone in how I view things around me. Because I still think everything is hollow, including myself.

Who knew this would start after exposing gradual intel towards that man's greatest innovation, White Room.

"Looks like I've finally made it." I mumbled to myself. As I grabbed a paper in my pocket and took a good look at it again. "Seems like the right place."

Thank you, Maki-sama, for showing a detailed map of this area. And also has a picture of my advisor for this year Ms..

I opened the door quietly to find my advisor who was talking to a girl with silver looking hair. Taking a glance at her clothes is the same as Maki-sama.

Are we maybe in the same year?

Not to look suspicious I went forward to where my advisor is at. Once going there, the silver haired girl was almost done talking to her and said her thanks.

She looks to be in a rush but when I get to see her eyes. The one word I could think of was beautiful.

It felt like the ocean waves flowed in my mind. Once we crossed paths between each other she tripped.

Luckily, I grabbed her by the waist preventing her from falling but the thing I didn't calculate was I am millimeters close to her face. With a shock expression on her face while no one was talking.

"Did you get hurt?" I asked. Breaking the silence between us.

"N-no I'm fine. Thank you very much for s-saving me there." The girl said meekly while averting her eyes to me.

"I'm glad you're okay. Be careful with your steps."

"Right..." Soon tints of red marks in her face appeared. While taking a few looks at me but backs away at it as well "Uhm... Could you put me down?"

"Ah sorry." As when she finally stood up and apologized for the inconvenience.

Wait... That's right almost all the teachers were here.

The moment I then came towards my advisor the first thing she did was tease me. "I didn't expect one of my students could be that charming. I should be careful not to be smitten as well!"

Wait why are you excited by it as well?

"Uhm. So here's the form that my guardian signed. Can I go now?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. You can't do it like that, Ayanokouji-kun. We've got to make this a surprise! Because it's quite rare to transfer at this time of date." The reason for it may be the upcoming test Maki-sama said to me.

Why is she so enthusiastic about this? I could see the faces of her colleagues pitying me.

"Besides I'm quite surprised how she reacted to that. Usually, she's cold towards most of the boys!"

"Is that really something to be proud about. Besides who was she anyways."

"Fufu, you'll see later on."

When the school bell finally rang most of the teachers in here were going to their separate class. While I'm currently with one of them.

Who has a personality that I could say acts like a child.

"You. Stay here, Kiyotaka-kun. Wait until I call you." Wait why is she now calling me by my first name.

After that. She then made the class aware of the new classmate. I thought this was my queue so I went in.

But I could see her pout and say, "Jeez, you can't even wait for me to finish my line."

The students laughed for a bit but when I gazed towards the front. I saw the same girl from earlier who had a surprised look on her face.

"Anyway, why don't you introduce yourself?" Said sensei.

I nodded and said, "My name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. I like playing soccer and chess. It's nice to meet you all." As I bowed my head to the class.

"Everyone~ Please be nice to him. And you, Kiyotaka-kun would sit between Kei-chan and Hayasaka-chan!."

I then went to my table and saw I was seated between two good looking girls. One who looks like a gyaru which Mikado often speaks about. While the other looks like an honor diligent student.

Both of them look like they are from two different worlds.

The best way I could describe them was Yin and Yang.

Nevertheless, they still have the same luminous blue looking eyes.

I wonder, but they really stand out from the rest of the class. 

Soon when lunch time came around...

To be continued...

In this story Miyuki and Kei are twins.

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