The Dragon Traitor/Frida's ba...

By ILikeWerewolfBooks

7.9K 333 375

(Complete) Frida was a great warrior, a great friend, and a great daughter. Well, to her mother that was. Her... More

14 years later
The hunt
Night Fury
Healing wounds
I don't like this feeling
4 years later
Confession pt1
Confession pt2
Romantic flight
Dumies in love
It all shatters
First flight with new parts
Strange girl
Mother Griselda and letting go
Bad dragons vs good dragons
Grimmel is back
Take care
Grimmel leaves

How to take care of your dragon

294 18 18
By ILikeWerewolfBooks

A/N: sorry for being late, I was on a trip. Here is an extra-long chapter for y'all as an apology. (I am currently sitting at a chilis🌶)

T/W: blood.

Frida woke up early. Way too early. The sun wasn't even up.

She looked around her room as she stretched her arms and yawned. She had to get out to the forest to help the dragon and get some food for him.

Frida got out of bed and quickly dressed in some warm clothes. When it was winter basically all year you would think that you would be adapted, but the thing was, it was always different. Sometimes it was freeze-to-death cold, others wear-a-thick-jacket cold, and others it was pleasantly cold. On rare occasions, there was sun and warm weather, which was mostly in the middle of the summer.

The day before yesterday had been beautiful, but today seemed like the usual cold and gloomy day of early winter.

Frida finally got on her thick boots and carefully walked down the stairs. Luckily, no sound was made, but now she had to go through the sneak-preventing door.

Grimmel would hear her sneak out from miles away if she went through that door. And she did not fancy telling her father she would go out to help an injured dragon, an injured Night Fury at that.

She went to the back of the house and exited the back door. It wasn't quiet but it was quieter than the front door.

Frida stepped out of the house and carefully closed the door behind her. It didn't make a sound. She sighed in relief and watched as her breath turned to smoke.

It had snowed during the night, and the ground was covered in a blanket of white, powdered snow.

The snow crunched under Frida's boots as she walked over to the lake that was a little walk away from her house.

Frida reached the lake after 30 minutes of walking, a crystally blanket covering the top. It was beautiful. The lake was big, you would need a boat to get over to the other side unless you wanted to walk around it which would take hours.

There was a small shed there that was used to keep fishing rods and baskets to carry the fish back to the village.

Frida walked to the shed and got out a fishing rod, a basket, and a knife. She walked out and walked over to a snow-covered stool at the shore of the lake. Frida brushed the snow off the stool and sat down on the cold wood.

She sat there, fishing, for about an hour before the basket was filled to the brim with the different fish that lived in the lake.

Frida washed the fishing rod and placed it back in the shed. She washed the knife as well but decided to bring it for safety in case the dragon decided he wanted more than fish for breakfast.

Frida walked back to the basket full of fish and slung it over her shoulder before walking towards the cave. She didn't find the basked heavy at all, it was actually a little light.

The walk to the cave behind the waterfall lasted at least 40 minutes and when she got there the sun was up. She walked into the cave to find the dragon laying on his stomach. His broken wing laying out flat.

Frida could see how his small nose scrunched as he sniffed the air. He opened a gorgeous blue eye and stared at Frida with curiosity.

"I brought some food," she said and placed the basket down. He lifted his head and sniffed in her direction before growling, his pupils turning into thin slits. "What?" He growled again and looked at her waist, where she had hidden the knife. She took it out and he growled again.

"How do I know you won't bite my head off?" She asked the dragon. He calmed down, his pupils widening and then he laid his head on the ground, giving a loud purr.

Frida looked at the knife and then at the adorable dragon in front of her. She then turned to the waterfall and threw her danger through the moving water.

She turned and saw the dragon giving her some sort of smile.

"I have some food for you, I hope you like fish," she said and opened the lid of the basket. He perked up and sniffed the air before sticking out his tongue. "I take that as a yes." She laughed at how excited he seemed.

She brought the basket over to him and dumped all the fish out. It was easy for him to reach it and he began happily eating.

While he was eating, Frida went over to his wing. She could see where the bone was snapped as it left a small bulge under the skin.

Frida hummed as she examined it. It would take a lot of time to heal. She needed two planks and rope. She would hopefully find some planks in the forest somewhere, she had to find some rope though.

"I am going out for a while. Please stay in here," she said as she walked out. She only got a small grunt in response as he was now head deep into the basket of fish.

It took Frida a good 9 minutes to find two suitable pieces of wood. They were thick enough and long enough. Perfect. She also found some spare pieces of rope from an old dragon trap.

As she was walking back to the cave she heard a twig snap. Frida stood completely still and listened. She bent down and put down the wood and then straightened back up.

"Frida, what are you doing?"

Frida turned around quickly and lifted her fists ready to punch whoever it was.

"Don't punch me!" They squealed.

Frida recognized who it was and lowered her fist.

Freya had put her hands over her face to protect herself. How had she managed to come out all the way out here?

"I am not going to hurt you Freya, but you scared me," she said gently taking Freya's hands in her own and pulling them away from her face.

Freya smiled up at Frida. Her cheeks and nose were a light pink color because of the cold. She was wearing a dress made out of warm furs which made her look amazing. She also had a jacket with a big furry hood.

"What are you doing out here? You missed our morning walk," Freya pouted.

Frida's eyes widened in realization. "I am so sorry! It is just that, something came up, and I had to do it today. I am so sorry I didn't tell you about it."

Freya cupped her cheeks with her gloved hands, Frida's cheeks heating up at the touch. She had to tell Freya about how she felt.

"Can I come with you on this thing you are doing?" Freya asked, not once looking away from Frida's eyes. Freya's eyes were truly stunning, with so many different shades of brown.

Should she tell her about the dragon? Freya wasn't one to tell on people, but if she got scared, she might run off and tell everyone. Frida had to plan this before and make sure that neither the dragon nor Freya would hurt each other.

"Maybe not today. But I will tell you eventually," Frida said.

Freya's smile faltered a little but she tried to hide it. "That is ok, take your time. I will be here for whatever you need. But we are taking the walk tomorrow."

Frida smiled brightly and nodded. "I will be looking forward to it."

Freya turned to leave, but before she left, she kissed Frida on the cheek, dangerously close to her mouth. She then hurried away, only sparing a second glance back at Frida.

What was this woman doing? What was she trying to say? Does she have a crush on Frida or not?

Frida stood there, feeling warm tingles on her skin where Freya had kissed her and smiled. She quickly shook out of her lovestruck daze, picked up the planks, and hurried back to the cave.

She finally reached the cave and was met with a sleeping, full dragon. His tongue was sticking out of his mouth as he snored. Maybe she could pull this off while he was sleeping. No, that would be cruel.

"Bud, wake up," she said softly while caressing his nose with her finger. He gave a loud snort and opened his eyes. He blew a cloud of smoke in her face and she coughed. "Thanks."

A low rumbling sound came from his throat and Frida soon realized that he was laughing.

Frida walked over to his wing with the bulge. It looked worse now than when she left. It was red and sore, tiny drops of blood drilling from the small wounds on the bulge.

"This will hurt a lot bud. You need to stay quiet for me," Frida said. She brought the wood and rope over and then placed both her hands on the bulge. She quickly pushed the bones back into place, the dragon roaring painfully loud. So much for being quiet.

Frida then placed the wood over the bone and tied both ends with a rope.

"You can't move ok? That will just make it worse," Frida said as she walked over to his head. She wanted to pet him but he snarled at her. "Ok, I get it."

She then looked at his paw. It looked good, but it could quickly get infected if it wasn't cleaned and covered properly.

"I am going to run back to my village and get something to clean your wound. I will be back in an hour at most," she said. The dragon snorted and avoided her eyes.

Frida didn't say anything and walked out of the cave. The moment she was on the ground, she started running. Oh, how much she loved running. The wind blowing her hair out of her face. Her feet rapidly hitting the ground to the point where she felt as though she was flying.

She reached the village in about 20 minutes. She ran into the healer's hut and tried to find the weird elixir that could clean wounds. She found a deep maroon bottle with a label she couldn't read. She assumed it was it as she had seen her mother use a similar bottle on her. Frida went to take it out of the shelf when something wooden landed painfully on her hand.

"What do you think you are doing? Ah?!" An older woman shouted. "Stealing deadly poisons! Who are you planning on killing?!"

"I thought it was that rinsing stuff! I swear!" Frida defended while putting her hands in the air.

The woman narrowed her eyes at her. She was a tall woman with a few wrinkles and silver hair. Her hair was matted and had several weird bones, crystals, and other colorful things. She stood tall and back straight.

"Why would you need that?" She asked.

"I got a wound?" Frida tried.

The woman came over to her and began to sniff her. "You reek of dragon," she said in a dark voice.

Frida stood frozen in place. This woman was really good.

"I was on a hunt yesterday," Frida said, hoping it would convince the healer.

"You didn't see any Night Furies last night," the woman said.

Frida knew she was screwed. "Fine. I am helping a Night Fury, and I really need that rinsing stuff. He has a wound on his paw that needs to be cleaned and covered."

The woman stared at Frida, her eyes never showing one emotion. She then turned around and got out a dark green, glass bottle and handed it to Frida.

"This will rinse your dragon's wound," she said surprising Frida.

"You are not going to tell my father?" Frida asked.

"Your father is a cruel man. I wouldn't help him even if I was paid for it. Dragons are beautiful creatures, and they deserve to live."

When the woman was done, Frida was standing there in shock, jaw slack. The woman handed her a bandage roll, a cloth and ushered her out.

"Now go help your dragon," she said as she pushed Frida out the door.

Frida waited a little by the door, still shocked over what just happened. She quickly regained herself and began running through the forest and came back to the cave 30 minutes later.

"Hi, bud," she said, walking into the cave to find him laying still. He looked up at her and sniffed the air curiously.

Frida came over and sat by his wounded leg. She took it in her left hand and opened the bottle with her right hand. She poured out a little bit of the liquid on the cloth and brought it over to the wound.

As she brought the cloth down, some of the liquid dropped on the dragon's wound. He implanted his claws into her arm and pulled away, leaving three deep, red lines on her underarm.

Frida screamed as he did this and pulled her hand back, only making it worse. She cradled her heavy bleeding arm with her other arm and tried to hold in the tears.

She could hear the dragon whine beside her and stick his nose into her side. Frida looked at him. He looked like a puppy that had done something terrible.

"It is ok, I'll get help in my village, but you won't," and with that said, she took the cloth and began to carefully dab it on his wound. He flinched every time she got near the wound with the cloth but tried his best not to move.

When she was finally done, she did her best to bandage the wound. It ended up looking... Not too bad.

She at her arm and carefully bandaged it. It would need stitches. Blood was oozing out and had stained her clothes in deep crimson. She had to get back, or she would die of blood loss.

Frida stood up with the bottle and bandage in hand. She had to run back to the village before she passed out.

She didn't say anything to the dragon and ran out of the cave with the bottle and bandage in her arms. She had to come back for the basket later.

As Frida ran, she began to feel dizzy. She could feel her legs and black dotted her vision. She wasn't close to getting home.

Frida slowed down when she heard twigs snapping and snow crunching.

"Frida. Are you done with what you had to do?" A cheery voice asked.

Frida turned to the side and saw Freya with a big smile, that was before she saw all the blood.

"What happened?" She asked while coming up to her.

"Help," was the only thing Frida could say before she collapsed onto the ground. She could hear Freya's frantic voice and then...

She blacked out.

A/N: that was a long one. Hope it didn't bore you.

(I want a girlfriend like Freya😭! Or just a partner in general.)

Remember to stay healthy everyone, and it doesn't hurt to treat yourself every once in a while.

Take time to do something you want and enjoy. Don't stress. Surround yourself with people you trust and care about and that you know are good.

Love you all so much, I love all the comments and votes you leave, they mean a lot💖❤

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