The Blood of a Malfoy (Abraxa...

By booksnooksandcoffee

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3rd Book in the Trilogy of Tomione (Abraxas Malfoy POV) Tom Riddle is not the only one whos future is forever... More

The Blood Of A Malfoy
1|The Girl is a Riddle
3|Granger's Date
4|The Dance of Warning
5|Inquire a Ravenclaw
6| We Do Not Know The Answers
7|All is Fair in War
8|All is Fair in Love
9|The Apology
12|Found and Lost
13|Mysteries of December


276 15 3
By booksnooksandcoffee

"No one can know." He spoke suddenly. "Riddle has suspicions. But if he truly finds out our relationship he'll exploit it."

Her fingers delicately pressed to his lips, and she nodded in understanding. She shifted her hand to the back of his head, pulling him into a kiss. It was short as she pulled away, leaving Abraxas slightly disappointed as he was beginning to enjoy the sensation. "Okay." She replied catching her breath.

She leaned upwards giving him one more kiss, that when she parted their lips, left him in longing. "I have to get to class." She smiled slightly, his eyes remained in wonderment on her very being.

Then, before the sound of approaching footsteps reached the abandoned corridor they currently resided, she walked away rounding the corner after the slightest of glances over her shoulder.

He then regretfully decided to attend his own lessons of the day. Joining the throng of students, he spotted Hermione and made to catch up with her.

Her eyes flicked to him with a sideways glance as they walked in step. "You look happy." She commented.

"Is it a crime?" He asked, now letting his face fall to a more natural expression. "What are you doing here anyway? Up on the fifth floor when we have Potions next?"  He asked attempting to remove suspicions from himself. 

She looked surprised, but then intelligently did not make excuses.  She knew he wouldn't believe her. "We all have our secrets Malfoy." She gave a wink.

He laughed at this. "How becoming of you, Granger." 

They walked together to Potions.  Though upon entering, Abraxas noticed Riddle was already there.  Which meant she had been alone on the fifth floor.  She smiled feebly at him, before approaching Tom.

Abraxas kept the pair in his sight as he in turn found a seat. "Secrets indeed." He uttered under his breathe. 

"What was that, mate." 

Abraxas let a smirk grace his features, in recognition of Mulciber behind him. The pair took seats adjacent to each other, always preferring to work together. No one dared work with Yaxley and his superior theories of blood and allegiance. Riddle worked alone, and Granger always shared a bench at the front with Longbottom.

Mulciber stated directly at his friend as he ran a hand through his blonde hair and let out a deep sigh. "Abraxas. You can't keep secrets from me. What is it?"


"No there is not nothing, usually you are complaining, focused on the instructions for potions, or glazed and bored. Something happened, what?"

Abraxas was watching Granger and Riddle bickering about something in low whispers. Though listening to Mulcibers words his eyes flicked to meet his friends. "Nothing happened."

"Something happened." Mulciber persisted.

Abraxas nodded slightly, "yes." He looked to his potions book that sat on the desk. "Something happened. But it will remain as everyone keeps saying—a secret."

The day drew on. By evening, Abraxas returned to the dormitories so that Riddle would not question his whereabouts. Though as soon as he found Riddle to be absent himself, he ascended on the night corridors.

"Where are you going?" Mulciber called.

Abraxas simply smirked before leaving the common room.

His heart was beating fast as his legs carried him quicker than normal. His stomach nervous for some odd reason.

As he reached the spiral staircase of Ravenclaw tower, he jumped as a figure came round the bend colliding with him.

Her arms held grasp around him tightly, head buried in his shoulder. He let his hand grip her waist in reciprocation, fingers intertwining with her dark brown tresses.

"I've missed you terribly." She whispered, voice muffled in his shirt.

"We've been apart less than a day." Abraxas laughed confused at the witch.

She pulled back, looking upon his face. "You realize that is what young love is. So clingy that it makes others sick."

"Are you making a joke?" He asked, arching an eyebrow skeptically.

"I believe my words are half of truth, and half of sarcastic humor."

"Yes you are definitely a ravenclaw. Your words sound smart." He moved his hand so that his thumb brushed her jaw gently.

Her eyes flicked to his lips.

"Is it your strategy to compliment my intelligence."

"Strategy for what?"

She leaned upward, just enough so their lips could meet. "To get myself to kiss you."

"No, I have no strategy." He pulled back, offering out his hand instead. "Where too?"

"Whatever do you mean?" Her eyes dilated with excitement, and he could sense she was still slightly disappointed they hadn't kissed.

"Where in the castle shall we venture this evening?", he asked interlacing their fingers as she placed her hand in his.

"How about a bath?" She offered with a quip to her voice. 

"Alright." He nodded. Abraxas pulled her along the corridors, dodging any portraits, tricksteps, and other wanderers. 

They finally reached the corridor of the prefects' bath. Though before making it to the door, Augusta grabbed the front of his shirt, tugging him closer. Her lips were a teasing distance away from his own.

"Do you want me to kiss you?" He whispered, prolonging her suffering, and yet increasing her excitement. 

"Yes." She spoke, eyes flitting to his lips. He took hold of her waist, spinning her around so that her back hit the corridor wall next to the bath door.  His lips stole hers.

After kisses back and forth, Abraxas remembered where they were, reaching out to open the door, though the handle remained bolted.

"It's locked." Abraxas stated.

"Try the password." Augusta suggested.

He was about to speak it but then heard voices within. They grew louder. Curiously he pressed his ear to the door, holding his fingers to his lips.


"Tom-" she cried.

"No! It's not Tom Riddle! You know my name say it!"

"I don't know what you are-"

"I know! I know where you came from! I wan't sure, but it all makes sense.—"

The voices muffled out, too quiet to hear clearly. Though he knew exactly who it was. Riddle. And he had five guesses who the female voice was.


Abraxas locked eyes with Augusta, clearly both of them heard the last statement. 

"Do you think she's alright? He sounds violent."  Abraxas whispered.

Augusta shook her head. "Probably just a lovers quarrel?" Though her eyes were concerned.

"Come on." Abraxas pulled her away from the door and they continued down the corridor.


Though at lessons the next day, Abraxas was growing increasingly concerned. Hermione Granger was gone. There was rumor, she had left the school for good. It had only been four months with her there, and yet no one could remember a time before she had arrived one September morning.

Abraxas's eyes flicked to Riddle, watching him as he silently packed up his things. He jumped out of his own seat, following him through the corridors.

The ambiguous teen, continued away from the most popular classrooms, and eventually disappeared into the girls lavatory.

Abraxas followed, shoes hitting a layer of water that had puddled on the lavatory floor. He attempted to remain quiet, suspicious that Granger was in actuality still here.

With a mutter of parseltoungue, there was a loud sound of metal on stone.

Abraxas ran his fingers through his white-blonde hair before, taking a nervous breath as he approached the opening.

He undid his tie, noticing the beads of sweat that already turned his skin clammy.  Abraxas jumped, following the tunnel that lead to the far depths of the castle. 

He continued on, until entering the damp chamber itself, where the figure of Riddle stood, facing away from him. 

As his footsteps echoed, Riddle tilted his head slightly in recognition of another's presence.

"Where is she?" Abraxas interrogated openly, in the most confident voice he could exude. 

"Welcome Abraxas." He turned around, a smirk on his sallow features. "If you are referring to Granger, I have no intimation myself."

"She did not tell you herself?" Abraxas asked, taking a few steps closer. 

Riddle shook his head. "I noticed she was gone just the same as the rest. I presume she gathered enough safety, skills, and time, to continue on her way. Perhaps feared Grindelwald would find her." 

Abraxas did not believe a word he said.  "Were you not with her last night?" 

Riddle's features turned cold, no smirk remaining. "I was furthering my studies."

Abraxas waited.

"Alone." Riddle replied, with a sincere note of finality. "I am most disappointed to admit, Hermione Granger has left Hogwarts."

Abraxas's mind raced with confusion and doubt. His memory thought of the numerous skeletons and bones he had passed to reach this very chamber, and began to imagine the worst.

"Now, Malfoy, I would usually frown upon someone joining me within this secluded and secret location, though since you are a friend—"

There was a low growl and Abraxas laid eyes on the most horrifying creature he had ever seen. 


"Do you think Riddle is capable of murder?" Abraxas spoke in confidence to Mulciber.

He let out an amused chuckle. "Yes. We are all capable, though I believe Tom Riddle was born to be." 

Abraxas rest on his hand, sitting in an arm chair. He glanced to Mulciber. "I do hope you won't mention this."

"Of course, not." 

His skin crawled, as the gruesome picture of Hermione Granger dead plagued his mind.

Who was next? More mud-bloods or perhaps blood traitors?

Augusta Westbrook.

He quickly jumped up from where he sat, and left the Slytherin common room into the dark corridors of the castle. 

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