(18+) As the sin caves in (T...

By smuthasthecolourred

88.4K 1.6K 795

"You really are bad with timings." ---------------------------- "You're mine." He growled causing my heart to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Final chapter

Chapter 27

1.1K 29 10
By smuthasthecolourred

I represent,


Anastasia Pierce:

My eyes slowly in slits as i remained tired. I wanted to wake at dawn and see him leave but instead something was more magical.

I woke up after midnight for a few minutes. I had felt his warm breath slow and serene in my skin as he slept with me in his arms. I had only stirred my hips for him to groan yanking me much closer. That made me chuckle lowly then fade back to sleep. He was clearly unaware.

I woke up once more leaning on my elbows. A palm of mind stretched forward to block the bright sunlight. The sky clear and the sun invading every inch of the room. I concluded that it was around 7 or so. I looked to the side averting from the atrocious light but he was nowhere to be found.

I stepped out of bed with the covers around my body for the time being going to the bathroom.

I felt a smile build up my lips recalling every bit of last night. Literally all of it. Seeing Stefan, Liz, talking to Stefan, Tom and i doing.. everything. And me confessing to him then him taking me in his arms, his laugh.

That soft laugh of his. I never wondered how soft he could get but that would've never been on my expectations.

I shut the door only for some familiar attire to appear on the marble beside the washbasin on the marble. I furrowed my brows reaching out to it letting the covers drop.

Black, green, white.

A note of parchment laid on top. "You're free to leave." I read it out loud to myself feeling my heart weigh once again. "Make sure to keep it quiet, no one knows who you are." I read the rest of the cursive lowly feeling almost betrayed.

What did i expect? A happily ever after because of one night. I couldn't help but feel disappointed yet at the same time. I felt relieved. I'll go back and see my friends be with them all, but i also wanted him. And since everyone knew now he was who he is, he wasn't coming back to Hogwarts as Professor Riddle anytime soon.

I sucked my lips in nodding before accepting it and picking up my attire. I started dressing swiftly. Pulling up my socks and fixing my tie on my shirt beneath the sweater. Damn, he really said love me then leave me. Was that cruel or sad? I had no idea, but it was cruel to me more than it was ever to him. All of it.

I stood up in the bathroom washing my face of weakness trying to accept the fact that i might actually not see him again except on newspaper. Or maybe when he comes back to Hogwarts to kill a few. I would be lying if i said i wasn't absolutely devastated but i was tired of chasing someone who doesn't really want me. Last night was just a pity cuddle.

I stepped out before my wand materialised on the chiffonier. I picked it digging it in my inner pocket. "What did i expect Tom Riddle? Nothing" i widened my eyes speaking to myself.

Fuck, i was insane.

"You fucking sociopath." I inhaled sharply with anger before opening the room's door. Trying to step out, it felt normal. He took down the barrier. I tilted my head pulling my robe tight on my chest.

I ran downstairs feeling my shirt ruffle against my bruised burning wrists from last night's war. I rolled my eyes cussing and yammering below my breath before i reached the main door.

He wants me gone, oh i will be. Gladly.

I stepped into that yard absolutely clueless where to go, but I'm Anastasia Pierce. I'll find a way or another.

At least i thought so.

I marched in rage froward before a shadow formed tall in front of me. I raised a brow, bad fucking timing for a death eater to appear. Another one loomed beside the first one with those silver masks on their faces.

I crossed my arms still giving them a death glare and lifted brow. "Look gentlemen, I'm in a really foul mood. So get out of my fucking way." I chuckled at first with disbelief before another one emerged.

"Intruder?" A deep voice of a man almost questioned. "The only thing i intruded was your mum." I snapped before they took out their wands. Anger with these people was certain death. To them.

Agh fuck. I hate minions.

I pulled out mine smiling with a shaking head. "You think i intruded here. Tom took me here." I bared my teeth before they looked at each other in disbelief. "My lord?" Another tone questioned. I felt like i heard this tone once or twice before, but i couldn't recall.

"Do these masks weaken your hearing abilities? That's what i just said you fucking idiot." I burnt my eyes high up through his mask to see some grey familiar eyes.

I gasped backing off. Malfoy.

"Draco?" I raised my brows but, "stupefy!" Another man's voice struck me unconscious.


I cracked my neck groaning in disgust feeling my wrists tied up. Again! But this time i was sitting down.

My eyes slowly opened up only to see a lot of maskless death eaters gathered around my seat in a really damp place. Like dampness of a cave. I looked down slowly before seeing the rocky ground. Rocky ground, dampness, sounds of some waves and drizzle.

I found myself chuckling then tilting my head back with a loud giggle. "How ironic?" I just stayed still. Won't really be the first time I'd get kidnapped. Neither the first time I'd come here.

Oh Michele, what did you do?

"You!" A white chicken caused me to look back at them. Familiar grey eyes but not Draco. Lucius. He looked me up and down in disgust as a lady with familiar lower half of the hair stood next to him. Mama and Papa Malfoy really are hot, but they really shouldn't look at me like that. I raised my brows keeping my smile.

I mean, wait till Tom sees that.

"What's your name?" He spat it as i blinked silently. "Ask your son, we fucked a few times." I had my attitude constant. My hair got yanked back before a drop of a burning potion dropped on my cheek causing me to hiss in delightful pain.

"Anna, if you insist." I looked back speaking still normally yet bored of their bullshit. "Do you know where you are?" He crossed his arms after hanging his cane somewhere else other than his hair. I thought he'd put it in his hair.

I smirked knowing exactly where was i. "Mhm." I bit my lip nodding keenly feeling how foolish they are. I just want to know what Tom will do when he knows that I'm kidnapped by his minions.

"Lucius can we postpone the torture. I can't see that." Mama Malfoy whispered in her husband's ear. I blinked, how can i tell them their lord's ability of precise hearing was in me too.

"Torture, you'll torture me? Oh perfect! Because i have been kidnapped and i never really experienced that locked up in a basement with the rats and roaches. So can i experience that with you guys?" I smiled widely before a strong punch clamoured against my cheekbone hurling my face to the side. Pain caused my slack my jaws in order to feel my skin still working.

"Ow, that was hot though." I tilted my head towards another familiar face who hasn't saw me before but i have seen him. "Hi Leo." I beamed causing him to drop his face in shock.

"How do you know my name?" His italian accent caused me to chuckle in derision. Nobody knew who i was. And it's not long before Tom comes to get me the hell out of here.

"Who brought this one in?" A famous looking guy turned his head to Papa and Mama Malfoy. "Seven." Leonardo answered him causing me to scowl. "His mum named him seven?" I contorted my face pushing a laugh out of a dark haired mad woman deeper in the chamber.

"You think it's ridiculous too eh?!" She smiled with her crooked teeth as i nodded with a bit lip and a smile. "Hi bella." I raised a brow. This was the lady who was about to throw me off the window. "Hello sweetheart," she shot me a wink. Why the fuck did i feel like i blushed? Maybe because she was a little hot no more.

"You know my sister's name?" Mama Malfoy widened her eyes. "Yeah, she tried to kill me at Hogwarts." I answered giving her a devilish grin. "Ah hah! Intruder!" That was Barty crouch jr. I noticed it when he pulled his hood down to reveal his soft hair.

Was it bad that i felt yet powerful? That i was awaiting the second i get out of here and just go to Tom. Be like: Tom, they were torturing me and humiliating me, what are you going to do? With my innocent eyes and little of skin shown from any part of my body and he would just kill them all.

I mean, yea arrogant. Maybe he wasn't going to do so. But just like he manipulated me, why can't i repay the favour.

"Intruder, yeah sure. Why would an intruder be wearing the Hogwarts attire idiot?" I scowled shaking my head at him before another punch to the same cheek. "Whatever," i spat the blood i felt in my mouth to the floor.

"Is there anyone else to torturala?" He still had my hair in his grip. "Why Leo? You afraid of her nonsense? She's simply psychic." Another guy came with his hands behind his back. His dark green eyes and dark skin gave him a perfect look of a greek god. He was tall and muscularly built.

"Hey you!" I stretched in my seat only to figure out that the ropes were filled with skin poison potion. "You know Florence?" I raised a brow before he tilted his head. "How do you know my mother?" He bared his teeth causing me to shrug smiling with pride.

"Ho finito. Sto uscendo di qui." The Italian hottie departed quick as i stayed tied with my wrists and ankles. That green eyed cutie proceeded closer nearing my face. "You are an intruder. If not, how do you know all that?" He raised a brow causing me to sigh shaking my head.

His fist met my abdomen repeatedly causing me to grunt. "Seven wait." Mama Malfoy stopped him before she rushed out with her husband. "Florence named her son seven? What was your father's name?.." i snorted "eight?" I caused Bellatrix to cackle near me and him. But he only grew angrier. His wand's tip met my chest before i felt my lungs narrower as i groaned and whimpered in pain. Like the air was being squeezed out of my lungs.

"You'll pay," he twisted it and it was like he had my throat in his grip tightening it as i choked uncontrollably feeling my face turn red.

He then let go allowing me the littlest bit of air.

"Give me two minutes, I'll be back. With a prize." He smirked devilishly. Oh this was going to last long.


"Aaaahhh!!!" I screamed feeling the blood trickle down my arm. The night was obvious from the little cracks in the ceiling. "Who sent you to our lord's house?!" Another large guy was now almost peeling my skin off with his dagger.

"I'm telling you. I'm not a fucking intruder!" I shouted spitting more blood from my mouth. That Seven guy stood crossed arms raising a brow at me. Tom probably thinks I'm at Hogy Hogwarts while Liz thinks I'm with Tom. And those motherfuckers have me locked in here!

He raised a mini wrecking ball from the side causing me to huff in frustration. "What's your name lovely?" I dropped my head towards him. "Blade," he raised his chin in pride. What's wrong with names nowadays.

"Crap, I'm being tortured by a number and a piece of metal." I shut my eyes feeling drowsy before the ball was hurled against my calve that i heard the sound of my leg breaking. I bared my teeth groaning while arching so far back.

My wrists trickled blood down after the hemp marked them with poison but for a reason they were unaware with, it loosened up. "Miss Pierce." I heard a familiar deep annoying tone but it was someone i knew. "Professor Snape. Hi." I chuckled after his face was fallen to the floor.

He dropped his hood down checking my distorted face out with wonder. "Yeah they kidnapped me," i sucked my dry lips in nodding before a fast punch clamoured against my face again.

"Snape, nice timing." Bella sat on a table swinging her legs back and forth. "I like that you're vibing. Your legs just swinging back and forth, it amusing." I neglected all the pain trying to stay in control. "Stop because I'm starting to like you." She shook her index at me chuckling.

"What do you say we do?" I heard them whisper to him as he kept his glare at me. "One more night until my lord's available." He made me scream in anger and rage. I was tired, and they literally did everything to ask who sent me? And i wondered just the same. They even showered me with some dirty water so i could focus. And they have tried way too many spells. My snark grew unbeatable in my chest.

"That's enough, I've been trying to keep my composure. No more!" I had been already rubbing the hemp against the chair for hours. I twisted my wrists ripping it apart. "Accio wand!" I raised my hand before they started crowding around me.

I let myself fall to the floor curling around myself before wood rushed in my hands. "Reducto!" Another fifth one vanished. Despite all my injuries and blood, i stood up rushing to the open door.

"Catch her!" I heard behind me but i started rushing feeling every inch of me spasm in pain. Where's Tom's necklace when i need it? A group of shadows circled me causing me more furious than ever.

"You better get out of my way." I sighed before dodging a purple spell. I tilted my head tensing my own jaws before reducing whoever that was into nothing. "You want me to get angry? Let's get angry!!" I clutched my wand in my hand feeling power overflow my veins.

"Ascendio!" I raised two of them up in the air dropping their wands in a second as they flew with no gravity. The rest surrounded me feeling too cocky they were going to win. But i didn't want to lose all the time. So there was mo way in hell i wasn't going to get the hell out of here.

"Expelliarmus!" I slammed one of them to the wall. "Cruc-" "Reducto!" I turned in less than a second vanishing them to nothing.

The alleyway way lit with little candles each now and then as i stepped in puddles of water whenever i took a step forward. I tried to run before arms wrapped around my waist holding me tightly.

"Let go of me fucker!" I writhed in Leo's arms. "Shut it, you might be okay after this." He whispered in my ear causing me to drop me wand dramatically and groan like he was hurting me.

I stayed in his arms before he put me back in my chair. I rested acting terrified as my wrists tied back once more.

Applaud from the insane lady echoed with her laugh as i looked at whoever Seven was beneath my brows. He swallowed looking at me with disgust. "We're done for tonight. Make sure she doesn't sleep Leo." He demanded before everyone departed the room except for the pretty Italian.

The door locked before i rested my head back on the creaky wood. "You really had to do that?" I turned my head a little to him sitting behind me on a couch. There was a couch behind me. Fuck.

"What did you want me to do Ragazza? Let you leave?" He stood up dragging the couch behind him with one of his hands. He stretched back grabbing paper from behind him.

"Look at out lord," he chuckled in pride then turned the paper to me. The moving picture of Tom on the mikealsons' stairs while raising a glass in the air shone with a title "THE TRUE IDENTITY OF YOU KNOW WHO"

I scowled at the title in cringe. "I was with him last night." I tilted my head causing him to drop the paper to the dirty fabric. "Okay don't tell about me, but i kind of belief you." His grammar was shockingly 'amazing' but okay. I mean he's not English.

And finally someone believes me. "And what got you so sane, vampire hottie?" I smiled with my bruised lips causing him to sigh. "A few night ago, i don't remember when. Una Ragazza  your height came in with my lord." He neared me, his blue eyes reflecting the light from the little candle in the deepest corner in the chamber.

"yeah it was me. I was here to kill my father and  his slut." I cracked my back feeling my leg in much pain that i couldn't handle it on my body. "That's right. The drug dealer and that disgustoso lady too." He scowled as i nodded in response. "I didn't like these two, we had had them here for like... forever." He slapped his thigh causing me to tilt my head and a smile of awe surfaced my lips.

So they weren't kidnapped in the same day. "We only had to get them from the down floor to here." He explained struggling with his English. "It's okay to have bad English. I don't even speak Italian." I lowered my head causing him to show his teeth in a smile. They were paper white.

"How old are you Leo?" I furrowed my brows feeling the sting of my face muscles pulling together. "18." He boasted resting back in his seat. "No actually." I raised my brown still feeling the blood drop from my face and arms. My ripped shirt causing a breeze to shiver me.

"Two huntret fifty nine." He pushed his lips out looking away from me. I raised my brows nodding with a smile. "That's a lot. One more question and then if you're bored of me I'll just shut up." I shook my head before he knitted his brows.

"In a lot of years no one speaked to nice like that, don't stop speaking Ragazza." He aggressively stated causing me to smile widely. Finally someone friendly here.

"Why are you one of them?" I chuckled in my words at his elation about our conversation. He paused looking at me with perplex. "Them? Them who?" He clearly was too confused.

I cocked a brow, "death eaters," i inclined before he slacked his jaw raising his brows understanding the question. "A really long story." He rested back stretching his arms over the couch.

"Hey Leo!" A guy called for him from outside. He looked back showing his scissors sharp jawline. "Don't talk with anyone!" The man with a lost eye under his hood shouted.

"I talk with who i want." He spat scowling at him. "And if you're annoyed of my talk, your mama talked a lot more last night!" He added shouting it as the man left the room alone moving far away. He hummed agreeing to the man's reaction as i bit my lip chuckling.

"And I'm not making a joke!!" He caused my jaw to drop widening my eyes. He smiled with pride at me. What the fuck?! What the fuck was going on?! Did he actually fuck someone's mum?

"Now back to our talk." He smiled as i nodded keenly. "I have a lady." I blushed right away with awe. But why would he join the death eaters for her.

"I met her from 200 years. She's so beautiful," he looked deep into the chamber beaming. "I was killing her brother. Actually biting his throat out of his neck at a time they were killing vampiri." He widened his eyes still looking away as i got amused enough. He killed his brother but he loves her, what the hell?

"She came into the room causing me to with accident to take his throat between my teeth. She almost screamed but i took her with me." He told as i kept my lips parted with shock. "Then after i kidnapped her, i tortured her only to find out i was falling in love with her. Even if i was treating her bad, she wasn't treating me bad. She tried but she was too soft and sweet." He looked back up at me.

"So you started treating her better?" I widened my eyes before he shook his head causing some hair strands to fall on his forehead. "No, i started treating her more bad." He furrowed his brows forcing my face to drop. How the hell does that make sense, you like someone so you treat them worse.

"I treated her badder than i did. I wanted her to not love me so i don't let go of my... uhm.. eaco? Ego. So i don't let go of my ego and proud." He tensed his veiny palms causing me to recall just a little bit of something. A little bit of someone. "But she didn't give up to me. She played with my head. And one day, we had rough sex." He stopped like he was ending it here.

I raised my brows, "so that's it. You had rough sex then what?" I chuckled clueless. He blinked, "then i hugged her while we sleeped and she said to me i love you. And i said it back. I thinked  i wasn't ready for it but i just said it." He smiled warmly at me as i repaid the favour feeling a few butterflies in my stomach of zeal.

"And we stayed with each other for a long long time. I turned her into a vampiro so that she can live forever with me then..." his face dropped.

I love being kidnapped so much.

"Then what? It's okay say it." I lowered my head dragging his eyes up to me. "Her brother's figli finded out that she was a vampiro." He contorted his perfect face. "They put her in a long sleeping spell called desiccation punishing her and me." He tensed his jaws turning his face too vile and angry as he clutched his jaws.

"They put her somewhere i can't get to. Vampiri can't get there and until now i don't see my lovely Chiara." He sighed through his nose rolling his eyes at his story. I sucked my lips in. That's too cruel. It has been almost a century i guess then. "They died. And she's still locked up." He shrugged scratching the back of his neck.

"You don't know me but if i wasn't tied up, i would've hugged you. So accept my artificial hug." I beamed causing him to chuckle nodding. "I date mans and womans, but she's mine forever. I'm just waiting to wake her up and I'll stop playing around." He added sucking his lips in as my heart melted slowly for him.

"But my lord promised that soon enough now we will know her location to go and wake her up!" He smiled widely as i remembered the original question that pushed that whole story. I smiled too.

"And you believe him?" I raised a brow in disbelief. He dropped his face furrowing his brows and crossed his arms in sass. "It's his way to keep us. He does cute stuff to us for us to be in his strong army." Cute stuff? Tom Marvolo Riddle does cute stuff?

Yeah. Yeah he does.

I nodded sucking my lips in. "Now i need to stop talking. I can't keep telling everyone i fucked their mamas and papas." He laid on the couch causing me to groan focussing back on the ache.

"Especially Daddy Malfoy. Because i did actually fuck Abraxas. Fuck may he burn in hell, he was sexy." He narrowed his eyes at the ceiling causing me to snort. "Draco's my colleague." I raised my brows.

"Well i fucked your friend's grandpapa. And he had a very big you know what." He turned to me causing me to chuckle shaking my head in frustration.

"Does my lord have a big pp? I've always wondered." He caused my heart to drop and my throat to pause in a grip. "You know right?" He questioned causing me to shake my head with a smile of lying.

"You do Ragazza. Tell me," he turned to his side leaning on his elbow but i kept shaking my head. As if he was offering me something and I'm just saying thank you.

"It's not only big. It's massiccio, isn't it?" I saw the zeal grow in his eyes as i also shook my head. I just kept doing that automatically. "I knew it." He clapped in pride.

Well yeah he was. He was actually up normally large. "You're not allowed to sleep Anna remember." He shook his index at me causing me to roll my eyes.


For the last time dirty water was thrown at me waking me from my drowsiness. "Fuck you!" I screamed at Seven's face. "Don't sleep slut." He caused anger to push me over edge again as i twisted my wrists in the rope. No one calls me that! No one ever.

I raised a brow before his wand advanced to my chest holding my breath in its wood again as i tilted my head back trying to surface the nonexistent sea suffocating me beneath it.

"You're going to get yourself into big trouble- by- the- way." I felt him twist my air. At least when Leo was throwing me with water, it wasn't as hated. And at least he didn't choke me to death then resurrect me.

"I really hope to see this. When whoever sent you comes back to take you." He snarled near my face causing me to roll my eyes feeling air slamming back against my chest. "You fucking idiot." I murmured on his lips before he tensed his jaws spitting on my bloody stained face. I flared my nostrils at him before he punched my face.

"Round two lovely." He gripped my neck causing me to look up at him. My leg was swollen and hurting beneath me as he kicked it and slashed it with a dagger causing cold blood to rush down the end of my socks. I couldn't help but scream in pain as he did so. My temperature high due to my broken calve causing me lightheaded with a hard ache and heated teary eyes. Sweat dragged down my every inch in pain.

"Where's your lord Seven?" I raised a brow looking down at him between my knees burning my legs with his wand. "Non of your business." He tilted his head smirking.

"Just make sure the moment he's available, you drag me from my hair with my broken legs and bloody face to his house. Because I'd really like to see his verdict for both of us." I narrowed my eyes before he chuckled nodding.

"Bet," he raised his brow before i rested back letting him do whatever the fuck he wanted. Because he was going to get the worst tree in his ass soon. If not by Tom, by me.

He then stood up dragging a table filled with potions on a table. "You thirsty?" He smirked as a blonde haired lady stood at the beginning of the room. I raised a lazy brow at him shaking my head. What could the death eaters feed someone they took other than shit.

"Just do it Seven." She softly said crossing her arms. "Yeah but where's the fun in it if I'm just going to do it Lilah." He turned to her with a smirk as she rolled her eyes.

"Between you and your wife, you're the least fun." He caused her  eyes to switch to yellow and she turned herself into a long python in a second. "Nagini." I murmured lowly causing him to look back with tensed jaws and burning eyes.

She also loomed parting her lips at me. "How do you know Nagini miss... Pierre?" She tilted her head. "Pierce." I corrected making her repeat her question with my name.

"Like i said before." I coughed sickly. "I'm not a fucking intruder." I groaned in too much pain everywhere. "Or maybe, you're just a really good one." He gripped one of the cylinders popping it open and sticking it to my lips forcing it down my throat.

A burning sensation invaded my throat causing me to let out a throttled scream of pain and a cry escaped my eyes. It was like he was burning my throat. He took the tube out as the woman behind him tried looking away somewhat.

He pushed away as i let my painful cries out letting my head drop and look at my thighs. "Finally got something out of her." He boasted after a tear of mine fell on my thighs.

Instantly, my twisted lips curled into a smirk before a giggle collided with the cry. I looked up at him sniffing. He really thought i gave up?

"Really?" I spoke with a raspy timbre. Whoever Lilah was parted her lips admiring me with a devilish smirk. Was it true i started to esteem a little danger, a bit of... viciousness?

"One tear, that's all it takes." I looked up at him with wide eyes as he remained fuming. "And you didn't even doubt it." I sucked my lips in trying to hide my smile of derision. "Bella said she liked her, i guess i do too." Lilah smirked at me as i turned to her biting my lip.

"Seven darling. You need to get over the thought I'm going to spill out something. Because one: i have nothing to hide other than your mum has beautiful eyes." I started chuckling with derision in his face. "And two: I'll kick your ass the moment i get out of this hell hole. Nothing personal Lilah, but all of your asses." I threatened before a punch slammed harshly against my cheekbone completely bruising it.

"We'll take her to our lord tomorrow. I need to know who is she." He snarled departing from the room again but she stayed. She crouched down in her all leather suit grabbing my chin upwards.

"You know if you joined us, you'd be a great advantage..." she narrowed her fire orange eyes. I hummed in response agreeing that i was going to be a great advantage. "What's your blood type darling?" She cupped my bruised face stinging it a little more. Just a little sting with her palm. Her blonde bob was straight on the sides giving her a female villain look.

I smiled at her with shut eyes still feeling that alluring sting caused by her nails tapping my jaw. "Pureblood." I opened them causing her to sigh with a nod. "Perfect." She winked before Bellatrix came in with her hair all over her head.

"Baby, what did you do with your hair?" She chuckled standing. "I have no clue." She looked at her between hair before the blonde rushed up too much taller than her wife. "Let's get out, I'll fix it for you." She wrapped a hand around her neck before they both left.

Ughh. They all left.


"I said wake up!" Blade slapped me again as he untied my hands. Finally they were letting me out of this hell hole. Last night was a disaster. They actually almost killed me. The used me as a fucking punching bag tossing coins and seeing who wins to punch me harder. What the fuck was Tom allowing them to do with people.

And i haven't ate, my stomach was churning up with noises coming out of it. But they allowed me to pee, which was a mercy they even had a bathroom. I didn't drink expect for that dirty water and potions they forced down my throat.

My face was and most of my body were all bloody now and my leg still broken unhealed. I felt like i needed him more than anything. I just needed him to take me in his arms and kill them. Kill Seven.

"I'll carry her." Leo offered before Seven stood in front of me. I didn't get any sleep at all that my brain was fuzzy and i couldn't focus on my words. "Get your ass out of my face." I turned my head away groaning in disgust.

He chuckled in disgust ignoring me. "I promised her I'll drag her by the hair to him." He raised his brows looking back at me as i rolled my eyes feeling my eyes burning with fatigue.

Haven't seen him in two days and it was excruciating. "Never did i ever intend to treat you like an object." It echoed in my head causing a little smile to surface my lips once again. Tom Riddle, i miss you. And i needed you more than anything. Look at what they have done to me while you were gone.

Don't leave me every again.

I was going to tell it all to him, if he reacts the way i want him to.

I wanted to go back to the dark eerie mansion and see his mahoganies burn my body to ash with one glare. I wanted his hands aggressively wrapped around my waist as he pins me to the wall busting my body down the walls. I wanted his lips locked in mine until both out breaths run out. I wanted to touch him and tell him how badly they treated me.

For the first time I'd actually think even when he broke my heart it was better than this hell hole. I don't think even if i went anywhere i would've like it without him.

To be honest, after that last night with him. I wasn't going to dare to give up on him. Even if i die in process of breaking down his wall of cruelty towards me. I wasn't going to waste a second when i get to him without saying what i actually want to say. Everything in my head.

But first I'll show him how mad i was at him because he left me to those barbaric things called minions.

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