A Warrior's Rebirth

By TrashBasket2005

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The world of Helios. . . A planet filled to the brim with magic, creatures and beings that defied nature its... More

Chapter 2 The Knight
Chapter 3 The Princess

Chapter 1 The Maiden

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By TrashBasket2005

     The year had turned over to MCXXVI not too long ago. The collection of tropical islands known as the Zeta Continent were under quite the storm, rainfall pouring over the smallest continent of Helios.
     A small town had most and of its residents cowering in their homes from the days of rain, only a brave few daring to go out during the torrential storm. Among those brave few was a cloaked figure, who marched through the heavy rain and to a nearby tavern.
As the wooden doors swung open, the lone bartender's eyes snapped open. Rising from his seat, he gazed to the sole person within the dimly lit brown building. The figure stood at an average height, and was definitely on the slimmer side of the spectrum. . . Not exactly the kind of physique one would need to survive the annual Stormfall.
     "You must be on hell of a monster to be out during that mess." The bartender remarked as the shadow glanced to a board of posters on the wall. Outside of kingdoms and empires, taverns were places one could go to pick up whatever missions were available, though one would have to go to the designated area on the poster to get paid. The jobs varied, escort jobs, bandit clearing, monster hunting, and of course bounty hunting. . .
     "I guess you could say that." A medium pitched, feminine voice came from the gray hooded patron.
     "Can I get you a drink?" The barkeeper asked as the girl seated herself at the bar.
     "Lemonade please." She replied.
     "Coming right up." As he began to prepare her drink, the cloaked girl dug into her pocket and pulled out ten credits worth of Engrams. She was dangerously low on money. . .
     "Crap. . ." She mumbled under her breath.
     "Are you really Zetian? It's not often we see someone try to beat out the Stormfall." The bartender wondered curiously.
     "I'm Zetian. I just don't go out very often. I'm kind of low on funds." The enigma explained nonchalantly.
     "You could always take a job. A few new ones came in just before the storm, but I'd recommend you take one after it passes." He advised whilst adding a bit of sugar to her drink, having prepared it quickly. "Three Engrams." Letting out a sigh of relief, the girl placed the cash on the counter.
     "Not bad. . ." She said after taking a sip. "Got a recommendation for me?"
     "Well, if you can roam around in the Stormfall, you're probably as tough as nails. Bandit clearing might be perfect for you." As if on queue, the pelting sound of the rain beating against the rooftop intensified. . .
     "I think I'll take that job now." Chugging the lemonade, the girl let her bright pink eyes flare from beneath her hood.
     "Um, but didn't you hear what I-"
     "I heard. Just figured it'd be more fun this way." The toothy grin the man saw was filled to the brim with nothing but pure confidence.
     "Well, if you're sure. . ." The barkeep pulled up a job poster and set it down. Ten thousand Engrams for clearing a bandit tribe terrorizing the very town the cloaked girl was in.
     "T-Ten thousand. . . Th-That's enough for me to get off the continent!" She exclaimed in shock, snatching up the poster and counting the zeroes, afraid her eyes were tricking her.
     "This tribe has been messing with us for three years now, and no one around is strong enough to handle them or the monster they have with them. Think you've got what it takes?" The broker inquired with a raised brow.
     ". . . I'll be back in an hour."

     The dark clouds in the sky spiraled into each other, relentless rainfall and violent, deadly winds working as one to create quite the natural disaster. The storm took place once a year, on any day of the year, leaving behind nothing but death and destruction. . .
     And without an ounce of fear, the hooded girl ventured into the jungles of the Zeta Continent while Gaea'a tears fell onto Helios. . .
     She hopped from tree to tree, dashing through the forest! The tornado-like winds did nothing to slow her down as she soared through the air, flying between trees and flipping off branches, cheering excitedly as she traversed through the jungle! With each passing moment, the girl grew nearer and nearer to the bandits' camp. . . nearer and nearer to the eye of the storm.
     Soon, she arrived at a flooded clearing within the jungle, the bandits salvaging whatever they could from their camp in this moment of quiet. The cloaked girl observed them from atop a tree, her eyes landing on a large cage separate from the compound. . .
     "Put your backs into it! We don't got long until the damn storm hits again!" The chieftain of the bandits, a hulking brute, commanded, sounding a bell with his sword, rushing his subordinates to hurry it up. A loud crash then completely drowned out the echoes of the bell, drawing the attention of the entire tribe. . .! Twelve bandits immediately rushed to the disturbance, bows raised and swords at the ready. The smoke from the minuscule explosion began to clear and one of their allies was suddenly thrown out of the black cloud, barely conscious. . .
     Arrows were released into the smoke, the bandits waiting for it fully clear. . .
     "Hello. . ." The pink-eyed eye girl greeted, her arms crossed and hands holding two of the fired arrows by their bases. . . She tossed them aside as the chieftain stood at the helm of his twelve man force.
     "You've made a grave mistake, girl." He declared grimly, the cloaked figure giving a soft chuckle.
     "I'd hate to kick you guys while your down, but that's something you guys are all too familiar with, aren't ya?" Grasping her cloak, she tore off herself and let the wind carry it onto a nearby tree. . .
     A pair of tight fitting jade pair of combat trews hugged her legs and curves, their ends tucked into a pair of knee high, gray leather boots. A black undershirt clothed her torso and moderate bust. A shortsleeved and abdomen length jacket rested over it, jade in color with silver lining. Wildly flowing emerald green hair reached her mid back and swirled with the harsh wind, a single lock of hot pink extending over her forehead and parting aside. Her skin was a moist from the rain, the dark tone glistening beautifully. The Maiden smiled as her hot pink eyes flared. Her knees angled themselves and split apart as she extending a palm forward and held the other close to her chest. . .
     At last, she was illuminated by a brilliant gold, the ethereal essence encompassing Aurora Lyra and making her the light in the dark storm.
     "Kill her and bring me anything valuable on her!" The chieftain barked out his order, arrows immediately cutting through the air!
     Suddenly, the girl dashed forth! Swaying from left to right, letting the sharp metal fly past her! Before they could even hope to react, the greenette thrusted her fist into an archer's face, completely winding him! Twirling as she slid past him, she rammed her elbow into a second archer whilst gripping the hair of the first, tugging hard and pulling him into the path of a third bandit's fist, the man accidentally striking his ally! Aurora flipped over her shield and swirled through the air, her boot slamming into the enemy's face, her grip on the first bandit's hair only tightening! The moment she landed, the girl let out a roar and pulled with all her might, throwing the original archer into a group of four! All five were brought to the ground as the greenette spun around, letting an arrow zip past her face! With a single swing, she drove her fist into the final archer's face and directed his head into the ground!
     Upon raising her head, an axe was thrown, aiming right between her eyes! As she leaned aside, she allowed it to pass by her before grabbing its handle and twirling, launching it right back at her opponents! One of them attempted to shield himself with his sword, the axe knocking it into the air! The Maiden's knee quickly found itself in his chin, her leg kicking out into the man's chest and blowing herself into the air and over another airborne weapon! She spiraled into another bandit, her legs thrusting into his chest and knocking him down into the rough dirt! Springing off him, she backflipped up and evaded two sword swings, landing on one knee and kicking off the ground to uppercut a bandit before throwing herself up and landing an airborne kick on another attacker as she vaulted over his weapon!
     The boost from the blow once again threw her through the air, allowing her to slam her leg into another's face, boosting herself down onto a handstand! She sprung up and into the final enemy in her way, her legs lifting him up before gravity pulled the two down, crushing the bandit beneath the force of her boots! She stomped down on his face to knock him unconscious before sending a harsh glare to the recovering bandits, sending shivers down their spines and making them cower in fear. . . Lastly, she faced the chieftain.
     "Alright, big guy. . . Looks like you're all that's left." Aurora smirked as the brute scowled. . .
     He drew his sword and rushed forward as she kicked an axe into her hands! Their weapons clashed once and twice, the greenette ducking beneath a slash before twirling away from a heavy cleave! She swayed away from a backhanded slash and swung upward with the axe, the man barely blocking the weapon! He roared and swung at the air, the greenette bending back, the blade passing over her before she sprung into the air and threw the axe forward! The bandit quickly knocked it away with the sword before swinging with enough force to bend the air to his will, sending a wave of force right into Aurora! The impact was so grand an explosion of sorts expanded from the point of contact. . . The chieftain's eyes widened as the dust cleared.
     Standing atop his blade was his the Maiden herself. With a smirk, she backflipped and kicked him right in the face! Upon landing, the greenette reeled her arms back, her skin shining gold as she unleashed a myriad of blows, striking every inch of the chieftains body before building her momentum with a yell and thrusting her golden fist into the bandit's face! He was flung into the air, crashing through the remnants of their camp, rendered completely unconscious. . .
     "W-Witch!" One of the archer's cried before scrambling away, many others joining him. . .
     "Not sure where they plan on going with all that rain in the way." Aurora muttered with a roll of her eyes, the girl making her way to the large cage outside the compound. . . Inside it laid a red dragon. . . It was quite small for one, an infant, but compared to the average human, it was ginormous. It growled as the greenette began undoing the locks on its prison.
     "Easy girl, I'm not here to hurt you. . ." The Maiden whispered soothingly as she opened up the cage. The dragon snarled as it began to crawl out of its box, smoke puffing out of its nostrils. . . "Trust me, I know what it's like to be trapped in a cage. You're free now. . . So fly." The creature glanced around, her wings beginning to swing up and down to propel her up. It chirped at its savior before taking off into the sky, flying through the eye of the storm and to its home above the clouds. . . .

     The Maiden made the long walk back to town, the storm letting up as it began to fade away. . . Before long, she returned to the old tavern, now bustling with life.
     "Ah, there she blows!" The bartender laughed as she seated herself. "Is it finished?" He asked, his jaw dropping as the once again cloaked girl set the bandits' flag upon the counter. . .
     "Told ya I'd be back in an hour." Aurora smirked beneath her cloak as the entire tavern fell silent, some in jealousy, others in awe. . .
     "I. . . I guess I should get you those Engrams."
     "That would be appreciated." She remarked. In a moment's notice, ten thousand Engrams found themselves within her grasp. . .
     As Aurora Lyra left the small town and began the long journey to the nearest coastal city. . . she donned a small smile. It would only be a matter of time before the Maiden of Daybreak left the Zeta Continent behind her. . . .

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