Colour Me Slytherin - A Draco...

By lunarillusion

642K 7.6K 1.8K

Alice Smat is a girl from Canada, who was forced to go to Hogwarts in the start of her fifth year, when her p... More

1. The start of the year
2. New Students?
3. Another sorting?
4. Time for Trix
5. Oh Canada
6. Double Riddle, WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!
7. The suspense is killing me!
8. Will you go to the ball with me?
9. Hogsmead
10. The dresses
11. The Slytherin Ball
13. Make the burning stop...
14. Why am I partnered with you?!
15. Hey, wanna be my girl?
16. Youuuu Sonofabitch
17. Listen... I'm really sorry.
18. They need your help.
19. Why won't you leave me alone?!
20. Double Trouble
21. If I could change your mind....
22. Long time, no see.
23. St.Mungo's
24. Diagon Alley
25. Lunch Money
26. Christmas
27. New Years Eve, part one.
27. New Years Eve / Back to Hogwarts. Part 2.
28. Cap ou pas Cap?
29. Hospital Wing.
30. The Funeral.
31. The Wedding.
32. His Return.
33. Defenders of Hogwarts
34. Voldemort's dead.... And so is Fred.
35. George.

12. Boys are dumb.

16.5K 193 18
By lunarillusion

Suddenly loosing his nerve Draco got up, "I'm going to get a drink, do you want one?" he asked, finding it difficult to look you in the eye.

"Sure. Thanks." You smiled at him, as he headed towards the long table filled with various snacks, and bowls filled with fluids.

'You're a coward.'

'I'd like to see you ask her out then.'

'Well I sure in h*ll wouldn't pull that, and then ask if she wanted a drink.'

'What else was I supposed to do? 'oh, Alice... I was just about to ask you to be my girlfriend, but I chickened out.... so nevermind then.' Oh how romantic!'

'Since when have you ever been romantic?'

'Since I actually care for a girl.'

Grabbing a few cups of punch, Draco started his walk back towards the tables. He dodged people on the dance floor smoothly, while keeping his eye on you the whole time.

You sat patiently, awaiting Draco's return with the drinks. Sighing to yourself you caught the glimpse of white blonde out of the corner of your eye. You watched as Draco dodged the vast aray of dancers, while not spilling a drop of the drinks.

Taking his seat again, Draco handed you the cup of punch. Sipping at his own, he watched you out of the corner of his eye, while pretending to watch the people on the dance floor.

You sighed, watching the girls in their dresses twirl around with their dance partners. It was like watching the dancers in the musical jewlery boxes your mom used to have.

Draco turned his attention away from you in horror, as he watched the horrendius blob of Pansy Parkinson waddle her way onto the stage, and grab for the mic. He turned to face you, to see your reaction of complete horror also. Standing up, he held out his hand, and waited for you to take it, "let's go, we got to save ourselves!"

You snickered at Draco, gripping his hand and letting him pull you out of the great hall. Just as the doors closed behind you, you heard the faint screeching, which sounded similar to a dying elephant, and a train forcing to stop abruptly after reaching its top speed. You shuddered at the noise, only imagining the pain the others in the great hall were enduring.

"God thats horrible." Draco muttered, cringing when the doors flew open and the screeching got louder as people tried to escape.

You smirked at him, running down the hall trying to get away from the noise. Turning the corner, you slammed into something hard, and nearly fell over. "Geezus..." you muttered, looking at what you bumped into. Your curious gaze almost immediately turned into a deadly glare as you realized you bumped into Seth.

Seth stared down at you, caught between apologizing, or being a jerk. He hadn't meant to be such an arse back at Hogsmead, but he was hoping to take you to the ball, instead, you were going with Malfoy, to whom the two of you were suppose to hate.

"Well then move." you hissed, your eyes narrowing in rage. After that incident at Hogsmead, you could only feel hatred towards Seth. Sure you both transferred at the same time, and were really close, but what he did was completely uncalled for. You could like whoever you d*mn well pleased, and he shouldn't get a say in it at all.

"Here I was hoping I wouldn't have to see your ugly face tonight." Seth sneered, it was an automatic reaction to your hostility.

"Remind me who showed up dateless." you growled back, you were hot, and you knew it. Infact, so did he.

Seth laughed at you in a mocking way. "Why restrict myself to one girl, when I can have them all."

"Oh hardly." Draco stepped in rolling his eyes at Seth, "you're clearly just jealous that I'm at the ball with Alice, and you aren't."

Seth felt his heart beat against his chest, Draco was right, he was insanely jealous that you were at the ball with the blonde, instead of him. "Oh yes, cause I'm so jealous that the ferret has found a mousey little wh*re."

Draco took a threatening step forward, "Cause what Seth, you've had so much experience with wh*res? You couldn't get laid even if you paid Pansy Parkinson. And trust me mate, thats the best you'll ever get."

"Better than her." he hissed, jerking his thumb at you.

Draco charged forward, nearly on Seth. He had no right to insult you that way, you were the best looking girl in this whole school, and everybody knew it.

You wedged yourself between Draco and Seth. Shoving Draco back, just in the nick of time, as you felt a burning stinging sensation worm its way through your left check. The pain was followed immediately by a muffled slapping noise. You looked around dazed, unsure of what happened.

Both Seth and Draco stared at you in shock, as blood trickled from your lip, and onto the stone floor.

Seth unclenched his fist. He didn't mean to hit you, he was aiming for Draco, but because you shoved him back just before Seth actually hit him, he hit you instead.

"Well then, that goes to show what kind of man you really are. Nice to know you abuse women." Draco growled, turning his attention to you, and your bleeding lip.

"Oh like you're one to ta---" Seth started, but hushed up as soon as you cut him off.

"Oh my god, will you two just shut UP!" you nearly screamed at them. You wrenched yourself away from Draco and glared at the two of them. "Thank you oh so kindly, both of you, for ruining the one night I actually had to not worry about anything, and to have fun. Thank you so much." You turned on your heel and stormed down the hallway, unsure of where you were going. All you knew, is that you didn't want to be with either of them right then.

Draco stared after you, feeling ashamed. "I hope your happy with yourself mate." he grumbled, turning on his heel and walking away from Seth. Trudging his way down the hall, he passed the great hall, not feeling in the mood to spend some time at the dance. Sighing, he muttered the password to the prefect common rooms, and started up the stairs to the dorm room.

You wandered the halls aimlessly, how could your special night with Draco end so badly. Leaning against a wall, you slowly slid down it, until you were sitting on the ground, with your head in your hands, and your knees against your forehead. 'What did I do to deserve this...?' you thought to yourself, feeling your hands begin to catch the droplettes that fell from your eyes.

You woke up shivering against the cold stone wall. Grogily, you pushed yourself forward, and onto your hands, where you proceeded to stand slowly. You pulled out your wand from the leg strap you had around your thigh, and whispered "lumos...." the tip of your wand glowed as you walked the corridors of the castle, heading towards the dungeon. You had no desire to sleep in the prefect dorms, so you went to the only room you knew would be open for you, Lily's.

Lily rubbed her eyes as she got out of bed to open her bedroom door. Opening it slightly, she peered out threw the slim crack only to see your figure standing on the other side. She swung the door open, and watched as you walked in. "Whats up?" she asked, clearly still not awake yet.

"I just need a place to crash..." you mumbled, giving her as little of explination as you could. Waving your wand, a bed appeared on the other side of the room. Pulling off your dress, you slid under the covers, just wanting to sleep, and act like all of this was just a dream.

Lily mumbled something, before she collapsed back onto her bed.

You sighed. Everything was going to be horribly awkward between you and Draco now.

Draco was still up, he had hoped you would be back sometime soon, but apparently not. Every time the old wood in the castle creaked slightly, he looked towards the door, hopeful of your return, but was left disappointed, to see that you didn't appear through the gothic style doorway.

Your eyes opened the next morning as rays of light flickered through the curtian. Casting a sly glance towards Lily, you noticed she was still asleep. Getting up quietly, you grabbed your dress, and with a flick of your wand your bed disappeared. Cautiously opening the door, you slid out into the hallway, and out of the Slytherin dorm rooms.

Draco hadn't had much sleep last night, he managed to doze off for about a half hour, but that was about it. For most of the night, he sat, pearched in the bay window watching the door. He knew it wasn't him that did much of anything wrong, but he also knew, that it wasn't right for him to argue with Seth. He gritted his teeth in frustration, he had no right to touch you.

You pushed the door to your dorm room open quietly, praying that Draco was asleep. Your face fell though, when you saw him leaning against the stone wall in his window.

Draco looked towards the door when he heard it creak, thinking it was his imagination. He stared in surprise as you slipped into the room, makeup streaked all down your face, as you avoided looking at him. He was caught between getting up, and hugging you and staying put. Ultimately he decided to stay put, he didn't want to push his luck.

You avoided Draco's gaze, as you headed towards the bathroom. On the way you hung your dress up on a hanger in your wardrobe, before gliding through the bathroom door and closing it quietly behind you. You turned the tap on, and stared at yourself in the mirror, "god, I'm so pathetic.." you muttered, examining the streaks of mascara running down your face. Splashing the warm water on your face, you wiped off the makeup, and took in a deep breath. Today you had quidditch practice, and you needed your wits about you.

Flint glared about the group of Slytherins as he gave the practice details. Releasing the bludgers and snitch, he threw the quaffle into the air, signifying that practive started now.

You flew around, more in a daze than anything. Trying to focus on practice, you scanned the pitch for the quaffle. Grumbling, you spotted it, and sped off towards the other chasers. Smacking the quaffle out of their hands, you grabbed it, and turned sharply on your broom, heading towards Blaise.

Draco sailed through the air, following the snitch. He almost had it. Reaching his fingers, the brushed against the golden sphere, before it darted to a sharp left. Glaring, he followed it, turning his broom back towards the quidditch pitch.

Flying full speed at Blaise, you narrowed your eyes, concentrating on your aim. Leaning back slightly, you straightened yourself to prepare for throwing the quaffle. Putting all your weight into it, you threw the quaffle hard, sending it through a hoop with ease.

Blaise barely had any time to react before he realized the quaffle had already been sent through a hoop. "Oi, why don't you try calming down a bit." he called at you.

You stared at him, "This is practice, if I go easy on you, how are you going to get any better?" you called back, clearly annoyed at his stupidity.

Blaise just stared at you, "God she has an attitude." he muttered under his breath, 'Somebody should teach her a lesson.. knock her off that high horse of hers...' he thought to himself, as he decended towards the ground as Flint blew the whistle to signal the end of practice.

Not really feeling the urge to walk up to the castle smell like a donkey's arse, you trudged your way over to the girls change rooms, and stepped inside. Tossing your stuff on a bench, you peeled off your sweaty clothes, and wrapped yourself in a towel. Stepping into the warm stream of water, you sighed in relief. Feeling your body relax a bit, you couldn't help but loose yourself in thought, that however, came to an unjust end as you heard the wooden door to the change room creak open, and many footsteps hustle inside. You mentally cursed yourself for not enchanting the door so nobody could get in.

"Trapped like a little rat, now aren't we Smat?" a voice hissed, as many male faces appeared from the other side of the room.

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