King Tamaki and his court

By birdiegirl96

29 2 0

Tamaki loves his court. He is just a prince for now, but he likes to pretend he's the king already. One day h... More

How It Came To Pass

Haruhi's First time at Ouran

9 1 0
By birdiegirl96

The trip went by quickly. Tamaki told Haruhi about all the most important things to know while in high society. Well at lest what he found important. The trip took nearly all day. But thankfully they didn't have to spend the night anywhere. They arrived at the garden estate called Ouran late enough that Haruhi was taken straight to their room.

It was a large room with an imposing four poster bed in between two huge windows. In the centerfold the room was a large table. On one end of the room was a fire and a setting area around it. On another end was a huge dressing table completed with a full length mirror. A dressing room next to it.

Haruhi had never seen anything so lavish in their whole life. It was honestly quite shocking.
"Wow!" They said. "This is a huge waste of money. I didn't know how stuck up nobles where."

The maids gasped. Honestly they where jealous of Haruhi and couldn't believe they would say that. Of course master Tamaki was kind to them. And non of them disliked their jobs. But this is to much kindness for an ungrateful commoner.

"Here sir, let us draw a bath for you." One offered.

Haruhi turned and looked at her. "Is that how they do it here? Okay sure. But what is your name so I can call you that?"

She gasped. No noble man had ever asked her name before. "It's Asuna sir." She turned and led Haruhi to a hidden door. There was a bath chamber in it. "Here's where you will bathe sir."

"Thank you, Asuna. I'll need your help a lot with some of these things." Haruhi looked a little overwhelmed. "So feel free to tell me how to do things, or if I'm in the wrong."

Asuna looked shocked for a second. "Of course sir."
"No need to act so formal." Haruhi started to undress. "I'm not your sir when we are in here. I honestly don't know how to feel about all this. But Tamaki was so happy looking I kind of just wanted to share that a little."

Just then Asuna turned around and was shocked. Haruhi was naked in front of her but that wasn't that which was so shocking, Haruhi was not a sir at all. Haruhi was in fact a ma'am. Her short brown hair and flat chest did make her look male when in baggy cloths.

"Oh sorry!" Haruhi looked a little ashamed. "I assumed that you helped bathe me."

"Oh ma'am, I didn't mean to look shocked." She quickly explained. "I was not informed of your situation. It makes sense now though. Master Tamaki couldn't bring you in as female. Everyone would think you where his lover. So he's giving you a chance as a man. That can't be to bad. I promise I won't tell an of the other maids. Thank you for your trust."

"Oh is that why Tamaki did that?" Haruhi climbed into the tub. "Do you hate me for this? I don't blame you if you do."

Asuna sat on a wooden stool next to the tub and started washing Haruhi's back. "Actually I'm rooting for you. Non of us are unhappy with our life. And you must have struck a heart string for Master to decide to turn you into a noble."

"Sorry if this sounds like I'm uneducated, but who exactly is Tamaki?" Haruhi leaned back and washed the soap out of her hair. "I can't help but notice that everyone treats him exceptionally well."

"Ma'am do you not know?" Asuna looked amazed. "He's the prince."

"Oh that makes sense now. I thought something was different about him. I noticed that he definitely was sure of himself and could tell that he's used to being in charge." Haruhi mussed. With that she stood up from the water and stared to dry off.

Asuna handed her a bathrobe. And guided her to the table that was set out a large fancy meal.

"Oh wow! Is this all for me alone?" Haruhi asked. "There is no way I can eat all of this. I hope it doesn't go to waste."

"All left overs are given to the servants to split up and take home." Asuna explained. "Master is very kind that way."

"Okay. Thank you all for the meal." Haruhi dug in hungrily. She had never tasted such delicious food. It wasn't long before she had eaten her fill.

After eating she wondered the room and chambers attached to it. It was very lavish. She kept wondering what she was going to have to do to pay for all this. Surely it wasn't for free. The gardens looked amazing from the window. She couldn't wait to go walk them.

Some maids came in a sized her for some outfits and told her that they would have one ready for after breakfast so that she could be seen in court. After sitting at the fire for a while she went to bed and slept very hard.

The next morning she woke up to Asuna setting breakfast out on the table. Haruhi rubbed her eyes and glanced around. There where several maids bustling around the room.

"I didn't know mornings where so busy around here, Asuna." Haruhi slipped out of bed. "Do you mind getting a list of who all will be working with me so I can know their names? I hate to be ungrateful and not thank them personally."

"Yes sir I will do that." Asuna bustled around getting Haruhi's clothes ready. "When your done eating we can dress you. Master asked that you be in his cambers when your finished. I believe he wishes to talk to you before taking you to meet his nobles."

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