Miss Kobayashi has a What...

By Ajpower717

76.8K 1.2K 345

Kobayashi has been alone for quite some time just stuck in a lonely apartment but that changed when she saved... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
please read important
Mistake (ignore this not a chapter)
Well then (same with this)
chapter 4
adopt me

chapter 3

7.4K 130 41
By Ajpower717

(A/N):Firstly I think (Y/N) needs a theme and I think this would be a good one

or this one

comment below or suggest your own



We start our day with a very lonely man in a lonely bed being the biggest loner for leaving his wife this son of a bit-

(Y/N): ok ok shut up for fuck sake

Anyway we now see a silver haired man waking up and not really knowing what time it is due to have nearly no technology in the cabin he "borrowed" from some guy who thought it was his summer home how wrong he was

ok enough narrating don't you see its my pov so I'm talking......you done good now what to do first....

Hygiene, i walk to the bathroom to the shower and have a nice cold shower because this cabin doesn't have a heater for warm water what a shit cabin but it is the only place i live so beggars cant be choosers 

(Y/N): I'm still pissed that but what is that smell

i start to smell food from my kitchen so i get dressed and walk down to see

Elma: Good morning (Y/N) hope you slept well

(Y/N): yeah what are you doing unicorn?

Elma: IM NOT A UNICORN and i tried to make food

i walk over to have a look at her 'food' and 

(Y/N): I'm surprised you could crack an egg but yeah no we're not eating that

Elma: what why i put my heart and soul into that food

(Y/N): but you clearly didn't use your eyes

we decided that we would just go to the market and get ready made food 

So now that we are on a walk you are probably wondering but how is elma here and are you cheating on Emily, firstly how dare you say i would cheat on emi but as to why she's here, she is a new friend and my informant on a certain new roommate of my emi i didn't know at the time when seeing her but i should have known with the power i can feel form her that she is a dragon 

i didn't know they existed until i met elma but that is a story for another time as the market is just here

Elma: um (Y/N)

(Y/N): what?

Elma: I can sense Tohru here and she's not alone 

i try to sense for tohru and i find her but i also sense emi with her 

(Y/N): aw crap of course their here thank god i brought my disguise

Elma: that's not a disguise 

(Y/N): What of course it is as long as they cant see my eyes and i lower my energy im good and by the way you should do the same

Elma: ugh fine 

she used her magic stuff and 

Elma: there happy?

(Y/N): very now lets see what their up to


now I'm having to come with Tohru to the market to help her figure out what to get for dinner as I'm looking around I lose Torhu for a moment but then i feel someone behind me but then hear a whisper in my ear

???: Ms.(L/N) 

i then freeze up in fear i haven't been called that last name in a while and i don't like how he said it

???: judging by your silence and the fear in your eyes i'm right you know you husband has been the biggest pain in the ass in our organisation but now i know who you so we'll just use you to make him surrender

the man then grew his finger nails to be like blades and held them to my neck i tried to talk but it was as if i couldn't i felt as if a lump formed at the back of my throat but i managed to blurt out

Kobayashi: i-i-i haven't s-s-seen m-my husband in m-months, i-i don't even k-know where h-he is

???: oh you don't have to worry about that once he knows we have you he'll come crawling into our trap

I thought about it and he was right (Y/N) would always help me when im in trouble and he won't know that it will be a trap

Kobayashi: (Y/N) im so sorry .... huh?

i look slightly to my right to see 

Tohru: you dare threaten miss kobayashi while i'm here 

???: get out of here girl or you'll get hurt badly

i looked at tohrus' eyes and saw a fire forming in them from her rage and next thing i know 


I was blinded by rage because the damn lowly human dare threaten my kobayashi but as i went to strike him down a flash of silver light blitzed past me and did

i was amazed by the speed and accuracy of the strikes but was so fast that the other humans hasn't felt the attacks yet so i just punch him to the ground and brought kobayashi away from the man  

Kobayashi: Thank you so much tohru

Tohru: no problem miss Kobayashi

i thought back to the man that was way faster than anything i've seen in my world i might have to watch out for him


i came back to elma after that little incident with emi and when i attacked the guy i was able to get a glimpse of tohrus power and to say im a bit disappointed in the chaos clan dragons power i mean she would be my most powerful opponent but im stronger by a long shot 

Elma: where did you go

(Y/N): don't worry about it you got the food 

Elma: yeah why?

(Y/N): we're leaving 

we walk back to the cabin to have some food but as we're leaving i sense a smaller power

we stare at each other for a few moments but she seemed to be scared of me so i just smiled and walked away while elma informed me

(Y/N): you know who that was?

Elma: another dragon but she is just a child 

(Y/N): so she's not a threat?

Elma: no she's not at least not to you 

(Y/N): not many things are that im aware of anyway

as we are walking further i look back to emi and tohru

(Y/N): don't worry emi ill be with you some time soon and tohru if you even try to touch her in anyway ill kill you


well this is an apology for not updating and its not the best or my best work as its only about 1100 words but ill try to work more so i might do 

so guys tell me what you think about shorter chapter but more updates or long chapters with less updates

thanks for reading and have a good day/night

also turns out if been spelling tohru wrong as i spelled it torhu so yeah something new to know

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