thin white lines | l. hemmings

By lukesbeautifuldream

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. ❝everything is more beautiful ... More



436 22 43
By lukesbeautifuldream

buckle up for this one !

You know that feeling you get the odd time when you're so sure someone is watching you? This loomed over Luke in the middle of the night as he tried his best to fall asleep, but to no avail.

Luke pushed up from where he laid on his stomach, craning his neck to find Delaney slowly approaching the door, face dropping to an apologetic frown as soon as she saw him awake.

"Hi, baby." He grinned, voice raspy with the two words. He was so tired, but still so happy to see her.

"Were you already up?" She whispered, glancing over at Michael sleeping peacefully in the bed next to him.

"Yeah, don't worry. I couldn't sleep," he said with a sigh, collapsing onto his back.

"Me either." She leaned against the door frame, crossing her ankles together. "I know we're safe here, but it's so scary. Just knowing there are some people out there ready to hurt me or you. Or both." She shivered just at the thought.

"C'mere," he said, lifting his bedding as a welcome to her. She tiptoed over to him, slipping beneath the covers. He had shifted so far in the bed that his back was pressed against the wall, and she laid down to face him. They couldn't see each other very well in the dark, but she focused on the dim light that highlighted only minimal points of his face. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you."

"I know you think that, but not everything is in your control and—"

He stopped her by gripping her waist and pulling the centre of her body as close to his as he could. "No one is gonna touch you, Delaney. I won't let them."

Damn, how did he always manage to make her feel so fucking safe in such terrifying situations? And even a little horny?

She never knew how to respond to him when he made her just melt like that. But, she knew how to kiss him. So, she placed a hand on the back of his neck and pressed a slow, simple kiss onto his lips.

"Can I stay here tonight?"

"I don't want to let you leave, so, yeah." He snaked his arm around her waist, tugging her on top of him so their chests pressed together.

She nuzzled immediately into the crook of his neck, feeling warmth with his arms wrapped so tightly around her body and the blankets he positioned perfectly over her.

They fell asleep just like that and barely moved the entire night.

Who knows how long they could've stayed asleep if not for the loud, classic happy birthday song sounding from just outside the room until their friends were all in the room, carrying a plate of waffles made specifically for Luke.

With a smile, Delaney shifted off to the side of him. It was his moment, so she moved out of the way. However, he did not see it that way.

He pressed his forehead to the top of her hair in attempts to hide the smile he tried (not very hard) to repress. She wiggled away from his lame attempt, causing him to sit up to receive the breakfast.

"Thank you guys," he said simply as he took the plate.

"You're welcome. But, you can't actually eat it in bed. The syrup is sticky and we're on a boat, so." Ashton shrugged, grabbing it back before Luke got the chance to touch it.

They all filed out of the room, almost in the same order they came in, with Quinn and Ashton both forcing their eyes to linger curiously on the two. Their expressions read 'I fucking knew it'.

Delaney stood to follow the others out the door but was stopped by Luke restraining her wrist and pulling her back to him. "Not hungry?"

"Starving," he answered simply as she sat back down with him, legs on either side of him. "But you look so pretty, waking up in my bed with me. I don't know how you could expect me to resist."

He shook his head, long fingers pressing into her waist as she rested her forehead against his. "I don't really want you to." She giggled.

"You are so adorable," he said softly, kissing a small spot between her shoulder and her neck, teeth grazing her skin as he went.

"Hey." She tried to interrupt him. "What happened to me making your day special?" She chuckled, running a hand through his hair and trying to push him away.

"And what makes you think this isn't special to me?" He stopped to speak, but reattached his lips right away, using his tongue ever so lightly against the same spots.

"Come on." She got up from his lap, reaching down to grab his hand and lacing her fingers through his to pull him up from the bed. "There's so much fun to have today, we can't spend all of it in here."

"Even if I really want to?"

"Even if you really want to," she repeated as he stood and allowed her to drag him out to meet the others, who cheered upon his arrival.

While they were asleep, someone had decorated the main room with cheesy coloured streamers, balloons and even a banner above the table that looked handmade, reading 'Happy 20th Luke!'

For someone who didn't like his birthday, he sure was having trouble not smiling.

He was grateful for what his friends had done, but god he missed the feeling of Delaney being so near to him and just being able to reach out, keeping his hand on her thigh while they ate their food. Especially when she touched his hand, softly moving her fingers over his skin, barely realizing when she did it.

Delaney got up from her seat, leaving Luke's hand feeling empty while she grabbed all the empty plates she could.

Ashton pushed Luke to pick something to do for the day, but eventually gave up when he refused to say anything.

"Well, there's stuff planned for later today, but until then, I guess we can just chill."

And chill, they did.

For a while, they split out to different parts of the boat. Quinn grabbed Delaney and claimed they had stuff to do for Luke's birthday so he wouldn't be upset. But as soon as they were alone she explained that she knew Delaney would have to spend the night with him because it was his birthday, but until then she was keeping her.

The four boys mostly separated to do their own thing for a bit until Quinn and Delaney kicked them out to start making the meal. They made and set out the taco bar before calling everyone to the table.

Together they all ate until there was nearly no food left, and then Delaney and Quinn made the three non-birthday boys clean up since they didn't put in any work to make the food.

Delaney filled her arms with drinks she knew each of them liked before starting out to the deck of the boat where most of the outdoor seating was. Luke and Quinn came with her.

"Now is when the birthday festivities begin," Quinn announced, grabbing a bottle from Delaney and setting the rest out for easy access.

"Okay," Luke hummed, grabbing Delaney by her waist and tugging her onto one of the seats, immediately burying his face in her shoulder.

"Luke, these are the people you see every single day," Delaney said, tipping her head on top of his. "Don't have to act all shy."

"I'm not acting shy. I just don't like the whole birthday thing."

"Okay, well, too bad." Quinn frowned.

Voices sounded from the other side of the boat, letting them know the boys had finished with dishes.

"Bring me a blanket!" Delaney yelled, leaning into Luke. "It's windy out here."

There was a groan in response, followed by heavy footsteps leading in the other direction. It must've been Michael to turn around because Ashton and Calum appeared with a set of red solo cups and a deck of cards.

"Round of kings cup, anyone?" Calum grinned, flashing the cards to them.

"Yes! Only if we go by my set of rules, though!" Quinn said right away, sitting up in her seat with excitement. Calum began to argue as Michael threw the blanket he collected to Delaney, with one for himself.

Calum and Quinn continued to pick out each rule they were willing to use, and Michael snatched up the cards to spread them out around the plastic cup in a circle.

"You two done?" Luke asked, and Quinn nodded.

"Yeah, sorry. The birthday boy is up first."

He rolled his eyes but leaned forward to grab a card as Delaney laid the blanket across their laps. "Everyone else, pour some of your drink in," Calum instructed, leading by example.

Luke pulled the eight of spades, flashing it to those around him.

"Mate!" Michael cheered. "Choose someone."

Right away, he turned to the girl leaning on his arm, tapping his drink against hers to signal that he was picking her. "You and me, babe."

"Rude," she mumbled, taking a drink from her can with him.

Quinn nodded her head towards the next in line. "Go, Ashton."

Ashton picked out a six, not hesitating to bring the bottle of beer to his lips, holding the card face out so the 'dicks' knew to drink. Which also meant that Delaney had to drink as Luke's mate.

Being the only one to not drink, Quinn pouted while Micheal grabbed the next card. "Two means you!" She announced. Michael shrugged and pointed to Luke, meaning both he and Delaney would have to drink. Again.

Calum pulled the ace and triggered a waterfall. He kept it going as long as he could, and both Michael and Quinn finished off their drinks with lots of cheering. Quinn began the game of never have I ever, resulting in Luke losing, and having to drink.

He grabbed a two and pointed sharply to Ashton, who gladly drank.

Luke retracted his hand after pointing, slipping it beneath the blanket and leaning back against the couch cushions. Delaney pulled a ten as Luke secured his fingers high up on her thigh.

"Question master!" Calum cheered.

"What is that?" Delaney asked.

"If someone answers a question you ask then they have to drink."

"Yeah, I know. Drink." Delaney grinned, falling back onto Luke, who sat comfortably with a smirk on his face.

The game continued, and Luke let his fingers wander to the two thin layers of material that covered just between her legs. He traced lines up and down the hem of her shorts, keeping his expression blank as he stared forward as if nothing were going on.

"Hey." She leaned over to whisper to him. "Isn't it supposed to be your special day?"

"Yeah, but—"

"Drink," she interrupted after he answered her question.

"You drink."

As she took her drink, she moved his hand away, propping her legs up to create a sort of tent, with the blankets draping over his lap.

"What do you think you're doing?" He couldn't help the smirk that found its way to his lips as she fumbled right away with his belt, doing her best to blend the noise with the background music Quinn had turned on.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

She spread her hand across his length, feeling it harden beneath her palm as she stroked lightly through the material of his boxers.

"Luke," Michael said loudly.

"Hm?" His attention shifted right away, but Delaney refused to stop. She actually figured this to be the perfect time to slip her hand beneath the waistband of his boxers and allow her skin to meet directly with his.

"Drink, dude."

"Oh." He nodded, clearly trying to push down any reaction to her pumping along his shaft, just slowly at first. "Yeah."

"What's got you so distracted?" She asked him quietly, speeding up the pace of her wrist and biting her lip at the sight of his eyes fluttering shut. She thumbed around his tip, using the slight amount of pre-cum that had spilled to lube the remainder of his shaft. "It's almost your turn, you know."

"God, Laney," he breathed out, snapping his eyes open to look around and ensure no one seemed suspicious. They were far too caught up in the rule Ashton worked to come up with. "You're driving me fucking crazy."

"I know." She grinned. "If only we were alone and I could—"

"Shut up." He brought his eyes to meet hers, swallowing hard and lifting his hips to accommodate the tightness in his stomach that refused to settle.

"Go, Luke."

His eyes shot towards Calum, who gestured for him to grab a card. Slowly, he placed a hand on top of the blanket to lean forward and grab a card without exposing anything beneath it.

Delaney showed no mercy for him, continuing her quick and steady pace, honestly wishing she could lean down right there and wrap her lips around him. "King." His voice was unsteady, but he still leaned forward, pouring a portion of his drink into the centre cup.

He leaned back with pride in the way he didn't spill even a drop of his drink, despite his shaking hands. "What's wrong Luke? Should I stop?" She whispered, grabbing her own card, nearly losing her balance as she leaned forward, pumping her hand softer now that she knew he was close. "Four! Whores."

"Don't you dare fucking stop," he grumbled, taking a sip from his drink, knowing he answered Delaney's question.

"You are just gonna be a mess under there," she hummed casually, her palm slick now as she continued to work. "Are you sure I should—"

"I'll figure it out." He leaned forward, his forehead against her blanketed knee. She watched as he bit hard into his lip, trying to keep any sounds to himself.

There was a low groan, but upon Delaney's observation, no one noticed except for her. He grabbed her thigh, fingers pressing harsher into her skin the closer he grew to his orgasm.

His cock began to twitch in her hand, and the pressure he applied to her thigh told her that there were mere seconds to his finish.

It was taking everything in him not to make any sound as she pumped him through his release, her hand filling with the warm liquid as his body completely relaxed against her.

"Are you fucking tired already?" Ashton said, noticing the way Luke was practically laying down on Delaney.

"Yeah," he said, lifting his head and trying to avoid looking at Delaney, who was on the brink of bursting with laughter. "I couldn't sleep last night."

"Damn it, Delaney. You tired him out last night and now he can barely enjoy himself on his birthday." Michael frowned.

"I did nothing last night!" She defended. "You were in the room, Mikey."

"And I'm enjoying myself just fine." Still beneath the blanket, he tucked himself back into his boxers, ignoring the uncomfortable liquid collecting in the material. "In fact...I think going for a quick swim will wake me up."

He sat up to pull his shirt up from its collar, tossing it to the ground before pretending to fumble with his already undone belt.

Delaney caught onto his plan, wiping her hands onto the blanket which she intended to wash the second they got back onto the boat.

She lifted her own shirt up from its hem, following Luke's lead. Despite the two of them starting, Calum and Ashton understood very quickly and beat the two of them to the water with a big splash.

They followed in only a few seconds after, hand-in-hand as they jumped into the water that sent goosebumps all over their skin.

"I guess this is what we're doing." Quinn was the next to strip to her undergarments and follow the two boys. Michael, with wide eyes, followed along and became the last one submerged in the mostly calm water.

Luckily they were docked in rather deep waters for the night, so the jump was low-risk and high-reward.

Laughter ensued as they regained a rhythm to wade in the water. Luke had grabbed onto the edge of the boat to steady himself, grabbing Delaney by wrapping one hand as much over her ribs as he could manage, pressing her body flush against his. "Look at you, you figured it out." She smirked, putting her chin to his chest.

"Yeah, I told you I would." His eyes fell down to her now exposed body, covered only by a matching lavender set of lace, leaving little to his imagination. Or anyone elses. "Stay here with me."

"Why?" She followed his eye line down to her own breasts as splashing and laughter sounded from behind her. She turned around, just catching Ashton's eyes before he looked away. "You don't like the idea of them seeing me like you?"

"No, I actually love it." The sarcasm shone through his tone.

"Shouldn't you be more worried about me seeing them? I mean, they're not gonna touch me unless I let them."

"I don't care who or what you see as long as you know that you're all mine when it comes down to it."

"Yeah, I know." She nodded, pushing gently off of him and further into the water.

It was clear why he wished for her to stay close to him, but she thoroughly enjoyed the way he tucked his bottom lip beneath his teeth with the jealous furrowing of his brows. His eyes even darted between her and the four others surrounding them to see if they were staring at her the same way he was.

She laid back so she could float just beneath the surface of the water, with her hip bones, face and chest meeting the cold air, knowing Luke's eyes wouldn't dare to leave her body.

"Jesus Christ, Lane." His voice was muffled since her ears were filled with water. She poked her head up to see that he was swimming towards her.

"Let's go inside," she said, speaking almost exactly what he was thinking.

"Please," he practically whined into her ear, pressing a short kiss just below it. "God, I love what you do to me."

"Me too." She giggled. "We're going in to get dressed!" She shouted on behalf of them both.

"Yeah, yeah. Just don't be too loud!" Ashton shouted back, seeing right through her excuse. Neither of them really cared, though, as they scrambled back onto the deck of the boat, carelessly dripping onto the floors.

The second they were out of sight, Luke slipped a hand beneath the waistband of her panties, using the other hand to push her against the wall and press his lips to hers. The hand trapped beneath the lace grabbed a handful of her exposed ass.

He slid his tongue into her mouth, grabbing her by the jaw to prevent her from slipping away from him. He lifted his face from hers to speak, "Do you know what makes me mad, Lane?"

"What?" She breathed out, tilting her head back against the wall, grabbing the arm that was fixed on her jaw, not to move it, just to keep her composure.

"The fact that the first time I got to see your beautiful body was with our friends." As he spoke, he pulled the same body he was talking about against his like he absolutely could not get enough of it, and he kissed down her neck just to prove it.

"Need I remind you that it was your idea." She brought her hands to tangle in his wet hair.

"Only—" he exhaled heavily against the marks he had already made on her neck. "—because of that little goddamn stunt you pulled during the game."

"Yeah, but you've got to admit it made your birthday pretty special." He stayed silent, too distracted by the salty taste lingering on her skin. "You know Luke..."

"Hm?" He muttered against her skin.

"It is still your birthday."

"Mhm." His humming sent vibrations down her spine. She shook her head before lacing her fingers through his, leading him away since he didn't quite seem to understand her.

"Come on."

"Where are we going?" He pouted as she dragged them through the hallways and into the room she was supposed to sleep in with Quinn. It was the biggest one, connected to the nicest bathroom.

She closed the door without saying anything, figuring their arrival was enough of an answer. He reached over her to click the lock, not letting go of her hand until he sat down, bringing Delaney to sit down with him.

His fingers gripped her hips, his thumbs resting on her hipbones as he re-connected their lips. He didn't know what had so suddenly gotten into them, it could've been the stretched-out build-up that lasted forever, or maybe it was the boat's romantic atmosphere. Whatever lead them to making out on the king-sized bed, half-naked and just never wanting to separate, they were thankful.

Her hands travelled from his wet, curly hair to his chest. She dipped down, trailing her lips from the base of his jaw, all the way down his chest and stomach, ending up once again at the waistband of his boxers.

Sneaking her fingers beneath the material, she slid from straddling his lap down to the floor, her body fitting just between his legs.

"Just because it's my birthday doesn't mean you—"

"Shut up, Luke," she breathed out, pulling his boxers down and out from underneath him, with his help.

He was entirely revealed now, his chest rising and falling quickly as she started off by stroking her hands along his length once again. Only this time she knew soon enough she'd be able to do what they both wished she could do earlier.

She leaned over him, pressing a single kiss to the very tip of his cock before wrapping her lips around his head.

His hands pressed into the bed as he reclined back onto his palms, leaving her to swirl her tongue around his end. He collected the bedsheets tightly in his fists as she pushed herself down, taking most of his length into her mouth.

Delaney took some of him a few more times, working her hands along the remainder of his length.

He remained quiet, but the red mark on his lip where his teeth were resting told her how much he was holding himself back. He struggled to keep his eyes open, but when they were open, they were staring right at her.

She bobbed her head faster with sharp breaths through her nose. Knowing he was trying to remain quiet only motivated her to hear his voice.

Only a few seconds of her more motivated movements until he sat up, reaching out to redirect hairs that were getting in her way. He gathered them up in his hand, away from his now throbbing cock.

He kept his hands threaded through her hair with all of it balled up in his fist.

She pulled back from him, giving herself a second to breathe, but didn't stop her pumping hands for even a second as she brought her eyes to meet Luke's. The combination of swollen lips and glossy eyes made him smirk just as she went back in.

She moved a hand down instead to massage his balls, leaving the entire length of him free for her to take all of him now that she had adjusted to his size. Unexpected by him, the first time she pushed it to hit the back of her throat, he let out a sharp whimper.

That was all she needed to keep going, that and the tug she felt from the back of her head.

He began to move his hand along with her head, pushing and pulling along with the rhythm of her mouth. At first, he was worried to hurt her, but doing so only seemed to improve their moods.

"Fucking hell," he mumbled as the knot in his stomach threatened to shatter. She hummed against him, sending a vibration down the centre of him.

He didn't remember when he began to do it, but at some point he had joined into the motion, bucking his hips as to unload some of the work from her. He hit the back of her throat much quicker and harder than before, bringing tears to her eyes and fire to her stomach.

"Jesus, Lane." Hearing him practically moan her name made her core ache, without even the touch of him. "I'm about to cum right into your pretty mouth."

His twitching in her mouth confirmed his words as his touch turned much softer, stroking the high point of her cheekbone. "Just like that," he mumbled.

Two more strokes into her mouth before he began to unload directly into her mouth, she swallowed as the cum hit her tongue. She swiped her tongue over him, sucking every last bit of liquid until he was practically clean of it.

"God, you are so hot." He leaned over so his face was level with hers, bringing his shaking hand to rest on her face and his thumb to her moistened bottom lip, swiping at it before pressing a soft kiss there, taking that same lip between his teeth with a smirk. "You liked that, didn't you, Delaney?"

Her face ignited a dark shade of pink. "Let's just say I've been waiting to do that to you for a long time." 

"And it was over so quick," he sighed, kissing her again. She stood up, dusting herself off and rubbing her irritated knees before sitting down next to him on the bed. He reached over, wriggling his hand beneath hers and softly dragging his fingers over her knees. 

He turned his head to face her, pecking down her neck, over the marks that were just starting to show when the doorknob jiggled, and Luke became much more grateful that he had thought to lock it. "What?" She groaned, not wanting to leave that room ever. 

"Hurry up with your...uh...changing. We're doing gifts and cake!"

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