A Darker Moon

Da Kahokiin

23 0 0

I've never run after a rabbit so fast in my entire life, but that's because none have truly felt as if they'd... Altro

[3] Pâro

[2] Altschmerz

4 0 0
Da Kahokiin


n. weariness with the same old issues that you've always had—the same boring flaws and anxieties you've been gnawing on for years


They took large steps towards me, all of their eyes digging into my soul and searching for any threat that I honestly wish I could show them, but compared to them I stood no chance in this battle, even if I wanted to fight that was. I gulped and looked around more of my surroundings, hoping to find some sort of exit. He watched my calculating eyes, from what I could tell whosever land that I had stood on wasn't here and had sent their beta to come to and do the dirty work for him, which I can't really blame as if I was any other rogue I probably could've taken out at least half of them. But once again I wasn't any other rogue, I was me. 

I took a step back, still baring my teeth, the blood from the near-live rabbit had stained around my mouth and my teeth, I didn't look all too friendly at the moment but I'd like to say it was pretty obvious I had just fed, and not murdered someone. As I took my smaller steps back, my tail now brushing up against the tree they took significantly larger ones than I. 

Taking a breath I dropped the remains of the rabbit, looking to the right and pawing that way with pleading eyes, a whimper dropping from my throat almost begging for mercy. From what I hoped was, the pack warriors, looked that way, not all but most, and as they did I decided, even if the beta hadn't taken my trick that now would be a very good time to bolt it. I was still in rogue territories in which no man owned, so I was hoping that I'd know my way around here a lot better than he. 

I darted off to the left as fast as I possibly could, my bare paws galloping against the raw and unforgiving snow, just to my luck it had started to fall and rather heavily, which was rather odd for UK weather, I could still use this to my advantage and navigate my way through, just with more of a struggle. I pushed against the winds, surely my smaller form would be more wind resistant than his? I kept my pace up, my lungs spiked with the cold and frosted air, I could feel my throat close with every breath I took. I didn't dare to look behind me but the feeling at the pit of my stomach told me that he was quick on my tail, and I meant that oh so literally. 

I continued to push the snowy weather, tracing my way back from where I came from previously, which really wasn't anywhere special, but a harsh lake that I had managed to cross before I reached here. I hoped it would deter him and I could get something to drink before running again.  

The river came into sight and as much as I was hoping it would be passible it certainly wasn't especially for a 5'3 girl who couldn't swim. The water crashed harshly against any surrounding ground or rock, causing large splashes of harsh water to flick at me. I tried nearing a small off-stream to take a few laps of the water up, definitely going to get cholera, I thought to myself jokingly. As I lapped up some of the water, keeping my ears perked and my guard up I took a few gulps of water whilst thinking of what would be best for me in this situation, I certainly can't cross the river but I can't lap back on myself, to be honest, I did say that I'd try and verbally bargain with them... yet I have a feeling I was a little late for it. 

After finishing I turned back and looked onto the river, there was no way I was going to be able to cross this, without killing myself indefinitely from drowning or the cold. I stepped a foot into the icy water, hoping my body would regulate itself to the temperature but this was no cold day ocean water, this was a get in warm and get out with hypothermia situation, in which I had once again no chance of surviving in this winter as a rogue. 

The minute I stepped into the water and took a few steps forward, I felt a human hand wrap around my muzzle and a harsh force on my back. Has someone mounted me? What the fuck? I kicked off on my hind legs bucking and rearing to have the person remove themselves from me, their full weight leaning on top of me with a harsh clamp around my wolf snout so I couldn't bite nor turn. I tried to look around but saw the surrounding of the pack warriors who had quickly caught up to me, no matter how much the wind nor snow covered my scent, or even how good I was at navigating through the forest., they had caught up. I let out a muffled howl to any rogue nearby, letting them know that packed wolves were here, and for them to run. It was almost some form of rogue on rogue code.

I growled and snarled but I could only assume the beta, who was of a stronger build than regular pack wolves had cast himself upon me to trap me. I whimpered as he brought out a metallic cage-like object and wrapped it around my muzzle, locking it tight so I couldn't do anything malicious with it. He started to pull himself off of me but I didn't stop kicking and nipping at him but only before I felt a small prick in my neck. I felt it run through my body even colder than the water that had splashed upon me, I fought it with every urge of my being, my legs wanted to give out and the drowsiness that fell upon me. I bucked once more from the beta, my paw only landing were the best lay on a man to hit, his balls. I smiled to myself and turned to snarl at everyone surrounding me. They had slowly been gathering around me, all of them now transformed and naked in the harsh cold forming a circle.

The lids of my eye started to droop and I panted harshly, I couldn't give out, I couldn't. I wasn't in the wrong! I just needed... a rabbit... the winter...


I woke harshly to a cold concrete floor, god I haven't felt the floor in a while... I looked around myself, going to open my mouth to yawn but I couldn't, now also realising that throughout being knocked out I had shifted back to human. The metal contraption was still on me, tightly knit around under my chin and a leather pad to stop the metal from digging into my nose, something you'd put on a common dog because it wasn't friendly. 

I raised my hands to my head, obviously to try and pry the box of my face, but quickly realising my hands too, were tied by a set of metal cuffs that were attached to the floor, I was in a fetal position, on my knees and hunched over. 

My knees were stiff and locked, my back hurt, and the cell I was in was cramped. I was quite literally in a dog cage. I hadn't witnessed a lot of the 'human' world, but I knew of our a lot shitter, tamed siblings, dogs. Those mutts bow to the humans as if they couldn't kill them if not fed, I found it pitiful and here I was being treated like one!

My ginger hair cascaded down my face and spread out on the floor, I grunted to try and pull myself up and off the floor, to at least become comfier in the cell, my sighs and groans were useless, no matter what I did I was continuously fidgety and uncomfy. I kept budging and pulling as my strength started to find itself back to me. I was so worked up in getting comfy and free, that I hadn't noticed the footsteps moving down the stairs until the door knob had started to twist and rattle with the sound of keys.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while!! I got v unmotivated and have been so busy with work ahh!! I hope you guys liked this chapter!

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