By Kiu_Orchid

77 1 0

I've created this fanfic in my second account but a refresher won't hurt:) Anastasia, a senior college girl w... More

{ Valentine Night }

75 1 0
By Kiu_Orchid

(Anastasia Pov)

As I stay sitting behind my desk, my hand under my chin as I lay my elbow onto my notebooks. I couldn't help but to wonder off, thinking of how things has changed...

Until I felt a slight tap on my right shoulder, making it noticeable enough for me to wake up from my wondering state.

I turn behind me, grabbing my attention to whom tapped me. It was no one but one of my college friends. Her silky red hair falling off from her shoulder, leaning her head over to my as her fingers signaling for me to come close to her. As our professor was still talking over the history of whatever we were taking notes.

As she leaned closer to me, her body bended over close to me, her cleavage showing, as she was the type of had no shame of showing her skin off to the whole class, or even to the world.

I leaned my ear close to her, she whispers to me

"Hey Ana, what are you doing tonight?" She whispered to me

I look over my bag I had next to me, below I saw the valentine gift Kevin gave me. I smile faintly, seeing how Kevin and I met in our last year of high-school as we graduated together on stage. Our parents proud at our achievement as our parents knew we were together and stuck by eachother even through college. Our parents smiled like a fangirl who just met their idols. As they asked us about "When's the marriage?" Or "Will you both buy a house together?" Or "What will it take for me to become grandparents?"

And on and on they go...

Thankfully, therye pere pressure didn't affect our relationship as, no matter what happens. We promise to stay faithful since Kevin did say once we graduated from college, soon he would sweep my off my feet and asked me to marry him. Ever since, I not even double--but triple times in my classes, so that I can get all my credits and graduate soon. Same goes for Kevin as I worked extra hard and help him study so we'd both graduate together and soon to be off bride and groom.

I even started searching for a white gown online. That's how serious it was getting.

Again, I started wondering off how love sick I was until a sudden snap happened infront of my face. The red headed girl, Olivia, snapped her fingers. Snapping me out of my dreams.

"Geez girl. You're more love sick than actual sick, it isn't a dangerous disease you're spreading around this time of year eh?" Olivia chuckled at my state, I smile faintly, and nodded

"Sorry sorry, I can't help it. It's been 5 years ever since me and Kevin has been together. And after a long time, I still can't help but to feel butterflies in my stomach just being around him. He makes me feel so happy and secure" I admittedly said

Guilty as charge, I was obviously too in love to notice anyone around me. Don't get me wrong, I do have friends and classmates I talk to everyday, but they don't compare over how much Kevin makes me feel as if I'm the most important in his world as he is in my world. Everything was just too perfect, too good to be true, life was giving me a lucky boost. How can things go wrong?

"Well, I was going to ask you if you would wanna come to that college party?" She asks me, as much as it sounds fun, I shook my head and declined

"Thanks but I already had plans today, since me and Kevin are going to spend valentines day together. I have a special date for us" I tell her, Olivia made a sort of disappointed expression but hid it quickly enough for me to not to notice.

"Ahh...I see, well okay okay. You both have fun, stay safe" she says until the sound of the bell rings. As I was about to wave her back, she was soon gone from her seat. I turn back to the door to only see he walk out of the classroom.

I turn my head slightly, a little weirded out over why Olivia would wanna ask me an obvious question. She did knew me and Kevin are together and since it was valentines day, it was obvious me and him were about to go out

'Oh well, whatever that was, it shouldn't worry me. I mean, I should be more focus for tonight since Im gonna surprise Kevin in his room and take him out to see the stars'

I felt my arms grow goosebumps as I felt my heart flutter. Smiling like an idiot while packing my bags. I than walk over to my professor desk and turned in my work.

(Later that day/Twilight)

As the sun came down, I dressed into my best outfit I had bought last time when me and Kevin went out to the mall as I bought myself this silky beautiful outfit, which I thought it looked so beautifully gorgeous. Even Kevin liked it so much, he intended to tell me to buy it.

An elagent white jumpsuit--

With white flats I thought they looked cute that would go along with the whole outfit--

I smiled goofing and started walking down the street were the campus was. I felt gorgeous in this outfit as my confident went up the roof. I was feeling good this year. As I felt my well done wavy/curly bronze blond hair bounce over my shoulders--

As I took a right to the corner of the street, there was a couple of couples walking down the opposite way to where I was walking. One of my friends who was in a date noticed me, as she whistled.

"Dayum! You went all out this year, haven't you Ana? You look gorgeous! Doesn't she babe?" My friend asks her boyfriend. Another friend of mines as well

"She sure does" He said giving me and thumbs up, I smiled shyly and nodded. Feeling bashful by their complement

"Thanks! I was just heading to Kevin's place, I'm gonna surprise him and gonna take him out for tonight" I tell them, they than widen their eyes and smiled nervously

"T-that sounds...awesome! But yknow! Why don't we take you to a near by coffee place for just a minute so you can relax for a little. You look like you've rushed yourself" my friend tells me. I look over to her, confused by her sudden gesture

"Thanks? But isn't this your guys date?" I asked them, before they can answer. I shake my head

"Sorry but I gotta head to Kevin fast before night comes fast. I heard there's gonna be a full moon tonight, and I wouldn't wanna be late for that" I tell her as I grab a hold of her one free hand as her fingers were tangled together with her boyfriend

"You guys go on out and have fun, I'm sure you're guys day is much more important than spending time with me"

"B-But Ana--" I let go of her hand and turned around

"Happy Valentines day!" I tell them and soon started speeding down to Kevin's place. I heard them calling calling name but I blindly walked away as I followed my heart. As I made it to Kevin's place, I started to feel somehow nervous. Why?

This is the first time I dressed like this, Kevin knew me as the sporty type but loved my girly side as I knew he liked girly girls and elagent. But he chooses me over those type of stereotypes. Making me feel twice as happy.

Taking the few steps, I stare over the door. Feeling nervous but knew it was time. About to knock on the door, it was slightly opened. Confused, I pushed the door open gently. I looked inside seeing the hallway was dark, as shadow gloomed over the walls.

This only making me have a sickening feeling. As the corner of the ceiling were casted in shadows only making me question of what's going on. But, I casted aside, as it only made me worry why his home was this dark.

'But I mean, he doesn't know I'm gonna take him out. That probably means why the lights are off, maybe he's gone to sleep for tomorrow since finals have been coming..' I thought for a second

As I take a step inside the apartment, I soon than heard noises coming from the upstairs. With any scary movie, a gloomy house with no lights on and hearing groaning noises only meant one thing, that there was ghost or monsters. But this wasn't the case. As those noises were Kevins...

My eyes widen, afraid of knowing where those noises were coming from and knowing why those noises begin in the first place

Quickly, I turn to the stairs as quietly as possible but for my beating heart and my quiet yet cuivering breaths. There was no time to be sneaky.

As I make it to the second floor, there I saw a room. A lit up room front the inside. Kevin's room.

I than run over to the opened door room and looked inside...

There. In the flesh was Kevin. Not only was he alone, but alone with the same girl I spoke earlier today this morning. My classmates, Olivia. As this situation was no friendly meet up as Kevin and Olivia were out in the open nuded as they were all over each other.

Olivia looked over Kevin's shoulder as she started patting his arm roughly. Grabbing Olivia's eyes as he looks behind him.

As I felt tears streaming down my face, my mascara ruined but didn't care. My heart fallen down to my stomach as my breath was gone quicker than ever. I felt my knees buckling as my lips quivered. Sniffing from the scene, all I could of thought was...Heartbroken

"A-Ana! I-it's not what--" before he can explain himself, I closed my eyes shut as I ran away from his room. I heard his voice faintly yelling behind me, begging me to come back as he can explain.

'N-No! W..W-Why?? Why w-would he--why would he do this to me!??' I kept on running downstairs as I finnaly make it out the door, running out onto the street as I run far away from him. From here. From everything. From reality.

Without noticing where I was heading, I finally made it. As I fell to my knees as it felt cold and hard. As I look around to the location I was in. It was the train track location. This was the place where me and Kevin where about to stargaze. This was the night where the full moon was up. This was the night we would ceal our love and celebrate our years being together. This was the year he was going to propose...

'Idiot!! What makes you think he was?! He was only playing with your mind! With your feelings! With your heart!! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!!'

I felt like a fool. A mesirable love addict. A puppet. A hopeless romantic! What makes you think he was going to stay with you??

I couldn't bare with these heavy emotions as I felt the moon shine down upon me. I covered my face with my hands as I cried to myself. As I cried with agony for how long he and I were together. What a he said was a lie? The gifts? The hugs? The kisses? His words? Was everything a game to him? Who knows how long he's been streaming me along. All I know from this night, it was the night I was alone with a broken heart. As I felt suddenly cold, I felt light snowflakes fallen upon me.

I look above from me as I see tiny snowflakes fallen down to where I was seated onto the train tracks. As the sky turned suddenly cloudy, I can still see through the stars shining upon me as the moon glowed ever so beautiful in this lonely night

'Can this night get any worse..?' I thought to myself

I soon than hear a loud whistle sound from a distance from where I sat. I look over to see a train coming in, easily seeing the lights shine through the dark night. What I might probably do is just go back home and...a-and..

I felt my tears about to come out again until I felt my leg dug into the train tracks. Getting me stuck as my foot was underneath the rusty metal.

I than felt myself froze from my position as I tried to pull out my feet. As much as I try, the rusty metal would slash against my feet. Only making me cry out of the slowly and painful moment. My teeth only gripped onto my bottom lip as I than tasted the blood from my lip.

I was running out of time as I can see the train lights coming in a close. I closed my eyes, praying I would get out soon until. I felt my feet get unstuck and out from where I was stuck. I felt myself breathed out a breath of relief without paying attention that time mattered in this situation

"Oh my gosh, yes! I gotta go home and--"


and then....everything turned black.

I felt my body unable to move as my eyes were shut closed. I felt my body light from what happened as it only made me question where I was, where I am, and what I was doing. But, all that I could remember from a small memory was Kevin's grin.

Oh how much I loved his smile. That was the reason why I fell for him.

Until, I felt myself a powerful feeling grew inside of me. Only making me stronger, yet, fiery. From the feeling Kevin has left me with. Only making me realized, I hate you.

I felt something come back from me. A familiar feeling as it felt I haven't felt before.

My eyes sprung open as I quickly gasps out and needing for air, desperately trying to breath as I could. I sat up as I felt my forehead start to sweat.

I gulped and looked around. There was nothing but trees and bushes around me. And underneath me was a large ice pond. And I was in the middle of it.

Confused from my daze of where I am. I looked around me as I felt my arms and legs sore and weak. I couldn't stand up or crawl. It was as if I was newborn, unable to control my own body.

This was most definitely weird as I do remember I was once human before. But the strangest part was, what happened to me?

A sudden painful headache came back to me. As a flooding wave of memories ran back into me. So many flashbacks, only making me overwhelmed for a large amount of memories.

As I was about to lean onto my arm, I than felt something hard underneath my hand.

As I look over my shoulder to see a bow as a bag filled with arrows. Confused to where they came from. As I grabbed upon them, I than felt my back sore and stuffy

I than stretched my arms and my back, an as well my wings as they felt they were too big--

Wait a minute...wings...?

I turn my eyes over to the white/golden wings behind me. I than felt I was about to freak out

"W-what is h-happening?? E-Everythings too much! I--i-i!!--" as I was about to try and get up. Suddenly, my wings gave it a signal to go. They than started flapping all around crazy, making me take off from my spot and onto the sky and wind

I only started screaming from how much I've floan.

"O-Okay! O-okay! This is just a dream! Yeah-!! J-Judt a dream--" before I can say anything else, I started to fall down. I started screaming even more seeing I was about to hit the ground. I covered my face with my arms, as in a way to protect myself from the painful fall, even if this was a dream, my defensive shocked me. Telling me to protect

But, soon I didn't feel anything.

As I opened my eyes slowly, taking away my arms over my face. I see I was floating above ground. I gasps at this sudden shock until I noticed something flutter onto my back. I turn my eyes over to my back to see my wings flapping as if I bird would gaining air in order to stay in the sky

I than do a little experiment and start to fly above the sky. I felt my heart gain air as I felt my lips curved up to a smile. This felt so, magical. As if in a fairy tale who just became...whatever I am. But all I know is that I never want this dream to end..

As I look over the sky, I see the stars shine down to me as I than heard someone call for me.

I turn around many times but to see no one, I didn't

"H-hello? Is someone there?" I called

As if this didn't feel skin crawling, but it definitely was concerning for whoever was calling me. I than turn once again to only hear the sound of whenever was calling me, was straight to the moon.

As I faced the moon, He than started talking to me

I soon flew down to the crystal iced pond and landed right next to where I dropped the bow and arrow. I look over to the moon as He started speaking to me

"..M-My name? U-um...A...Ana...A-Anastasia..? Anastasia?" I tell Him, he made a sound of approval as he than questioned me why I was here

"I-i don't know? All I remembered that I was in a dark place as I couldn't feel my body move, nor flinch. It felt as if I was in a heavy sleep, making it so hard to wake up or breath.." I said looking away over to my feet. He than started explaining to me. Everything to where I was and who I am, he told me to not panic as this was going to be a new chapter of my life I will now be living

"Wait, wait, wait...are you saying..that, I'm forever going to stay like this? Like, immortal?" I asked, He agree

"Than that means...what exactly am I?" I asked him, He didn't say anything but kept on shining down to me. I felt like a little bird. My mind was filled with questions to what was going on. He than tells me to follow His light

As His light was shining somewhere else. As I was about to take off, almost forgetting the bow and arrow. Seeing how it looked significantly familiar but ignored it as I crookingly started flying over to His light

As I did, I see homes as I can sense something coming by...

He than shines his light over a rooftop, telling me to stay and watch. As I did, landings as gracefully as I can--no I was joking. No I didn't, I rolled onto the roof, making a loud thud as I felt my arm start to turn from the rough landing

"Okay...good to know I'm not dreaming.." I told myself, I stood over the roof waiting for what was going to happen. I than start to question what was about to happen. Until I see something float up into the sky. A power filled with yellow light, shining like the sun as it glitters like crystals. Than, a small man came out from the light

His arms spread open as yellow lines of light started going inside folks homes and through the window. Even if the window was closed, it somehow went through without a break as it came inside the room. A yellow line went over to the house I stood above as it made it through the window. I than kneeled myself and hanged my head upside down to see inside the window, making my hair hang

There, inside the room was a little boy. As he was sleeping, the yellow light line floated above his head. Forming an object. There, a bunny it created as it started hopping above his head cheerfully. The little kid smiled in his sleep as he dig his face deeper into his soft warm pillow..

I sat up and looked around the place to see it was filled with those yellow lines, as it soon turned into objects. Fish floated around and followed it, the fish creation soon notices me and swims closer to me. As taking a closer look, it was yellow golden sand. I awed in amazement as I was about to touch it, it than swimmed away with his own group of sand fish

I stood by in amazement as I see so much happening. As this was beautiful. Nothing that I have ever seen before. This was certainly something magical.

I than hear Him speak to me once more. Explaining what I am meant to do here..

"...Are you saying I need to become...a guardian? A Guardian of...what exactly?" I asked as His only reply was February 14

"February 14? But, that'd Valentines day? Are you saying...I'm the Guardian of, Love?" I asked him. Before I can, he than stopped speaking to me

I stood by confused as ever until I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. I turn my eyes over to whoever tapped my shoulder to see the small man I saw earlier giving away his dreams

He smiled happily and started floating around me

"H-hello? U-um...am I the only one who can talk to the moon?" I ask the small man

He looks over to the moon and suddenly jumps put of joy and hugs me tightly, wrapping hid small arms around me. As I felt myself get tighter and tighter from every squeeze he gives me. Almost making me loose air. Finally he let's go; making me breath out in relief

Than, the small man started explaining to me but with object from his sand. Making me understand what he meant

"W-wait, are you saying that, I'm actually a Guardian? And, on order to do that I have to be an official to be one?" I asked as he gives me a thunbs up

"But...I have no idea where to begin..?"

Than the man gives himself an idea as he creates a cloud for himself, as he was about to take off. He turns over to me and asks if I can be able to follow him. I look over to my, wings. I didnt feel that trusted yet...

"Yknow, maybe it's best to practice but for know, may I please ride with you?" I ask

He nodded, not minding as I hop in. Feeling the cloud soft as sand and light like the sun. Before we can take off, he turns back around. Making an apology for not introducing himself sooner

"Oh don't worry! I should of introduced myself in the first place but...to be honest, I have no idea what's going on or why I am here. All I know is, the moon spoke to me and told me I am a Guardian..." I tell him, he than tells me to who I was speaking was no other but The Man on the Moon.

"I see..." I said, than the little man introduced himself as SandMan. As much I can't remember, I have recalled stories about him during my childhood. As we were told he was the one who brought good dreams in our sleep. Making sure that there was no nightmares ever exist and that we are safe from the dark.

"Hello Sandman, I have no idea what I am or what purpose I bring but all I know is I will find out sooner or later. But, I am Anastasia"

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