Home in a person (Vinnie hack...

By Lovestorys333

115K 1.2K 905

You go through a series of trauma, nobody Knowing. Till your friends, find bruises on your body. And soon fin... More

Day one
Big suprise
In pain
True love
Im in love with you
Im here
The Fall
Going home
Back home
Everything is perfect, even if it isnt
Its official
Truth or dare
Its out
1 mil
Still "in love"
All better
He hates me
He messes up everything
The biggest mistake of my life
Broken glass
Hold on
Gut feeling

I cant do this

1.5K 25 31
By Lovestorys333

Hope you like the story! Well and this chapter!
Thoughts are in bold

You sat there hugging your knees

I don't know what to do

I can't break up with him

But I have too

But I love him so much and I don't want to hurt him in any way


How can I do this?

You just sat there thinking for about 30 mins before actually deciding to go home

You picked up your phone and you got a text from a unknown number, you opened your phone

It said "6 days"

You knew it was Lucas, great

When I finally thought he was getting better he just comes back and pulls this shit

You got up and walked to your car ignoring the message, you started it up then drove back home around the same time Vinnie did

You got out your car "heyyy" you hear Vinnie shout from down the driveway

He parks his car and walks out towards you

He pulls you in and kisses you passionately

You put your arms around his neck and smile. He smiled back at you

Yet so much bad things were going on Vinnie still found a way to make you feel better, somehow

You pulled him in and hugged him "thank you vin"

"For what love?"

"Just, I don't know. Being here I guess"

He stayed silent and just held you

You and Vinnie both just stood there hugging on the driveway

"Ok, come on let's do something" Vinnie said

You guys hung out and had dinner and lunch out so basically this is you getting back from dinner

"Thank you for taking me out v"

"No problem, I had lots of fun"

He grabed your arm and you both walked inside after

Doing all the fun things with Vinnie kind of made you forget the fact you had to break up with him

But as soon as you got home all the memories flooded back

Why did he even want to date me? It's not like I'd show him love. I don't even like him

I like Vinnie

I love Vinnie

"Y/n" Vinnie said grabbing your arm

"Yeah, sorry"

You both walked upstairs together and led on his bed

He cuddled you, which made you feel better, but worse at the same time

You tried to think of things you could do but nothing came to mind


"I'm going to play Valerent now" Vinnie said kissing your forehead then standing up

"Ok" you smiled

He was so sweet and innocent, why did I have to do this?

You led in bed till about bed time

Time skip 4 days, you have been getting a message everyday reming you how much days you had left..... Vinnie thought you both were good and you have been spending lots of time with him

*beep beep*

That annoying alarm again, you picked up your phone and turned it off

A message.... You knew exactly what it was, you opened it anyway

"2 days"

It broke your heart... two days

You started to tear up but you couldn't let Vinnie see

You ran to the bathroom and locked it behind once you got in

You started crying a lot, you couldn't stop. But you tried to make it quiet so Vinnie wouldn't hear you

"Y/n, you ok?" You hear Vinnie say in his sleepy voice at the door

You put your hand over your mouth so he wouldn't hear, taking it off every time you talked "I'm fine" you say trying not to make it noticeable

"Let me in" he says nicely but demanding

"I'm just getting dressed v"

"It's not like I haven't seen you naked, let me in" he says rattling the door handle

"Please stop vin"

Suddenly you hear a bang, you look to your left and see Vinnie standing in the doorway

He had just kicked the door open, it wasn't broken, but he got in

As soon as he saw you he ran over and lifted you so you wrapped your legs around him

He placed you on the counter then hugged you tight, really tight

"What's wrong baby?! Are you ok?!" He was so concerned, you felt so bad for not telling him anything

I can't hurt him, but I have too one way or another

"I'm fine, just stressed" you said making you the first excuse come if to mind

He played with your hair as you slowly stopped crying

He pulled away and cupped your face with both hands then wiped your tears with his thumbs

You cleaned up so it wasn't obvious you were crying then you both walked out back to your room

"You ok now? You can always talk to me y/n" him saying that made you feel worse, you just couldn't talk to him about this....

You didn't really feel better but you felt you got better at hiding it

"I know I can talk to you baby, I will if I need too" you say smiling

You and Vinnie both walk downstairs and sit on the couch together watching what was in the tv

You picked up your phone and went to Lucases number

"I'm not breaking up with Vinnie, what are you going to do? Give him a couple punches?! He can handle that" you text him

Lucas acts really hard but he's a pussy

He's just threatening me he can't actually do any of that shit

He quickly responded

"Fine, don't. But giving him a couple of punches isn't all I do, you saw what his face look like when I had two of my friends. I have much more that can gang up on him... just imagine what will happen then. I'm getting you, one way or another" he said

Reading it gave you the shivers

He's fucking crazy

Vinnie puts his arm around you so you turn off your phone quickly so he won't see

"Why did you turn off your phone so fast" he says backing up a little

"No reason" you say placing it face down on the table

"Y/n" he says concern

You felt so bad for lying to him

You could tell he was hurt that you did that. You know in his past relationships he hasn't been able to trust him, and you won't have to trust you

But there would be no point if you had to break up with him

Fuck what am I going to do

"Tell me the truth y/n" he said demanding

I'm going to have to break up with him sooner or later

All these thoughts were inning through your mind

"Fine" you said

He waited for you to say something reasonable, but what you said was a complete lie

"I've lost feelings for you Vinnie" you spurge out

It felt like a knife hitting into your chest

You tried your best not to cry but your eyes were getting red. He just looked at you in disbelief

His eyes widened

A tear fell from your eye but you quickly wiped it hoping he wouldn't notice

"What?" He said softly

"I'm sorry" you whispered

You couldn't be down here anymore unless you started crying your eyes out

You got up and ran upstairs to the guest bedroom, it was across the room from Vinnies

Vinnies pov:

She ran upstairs

I was in disbelief, I was numb I couldn't feel anything

I just sat there in the living room

Suddenly tears started flowing

I got up and walked to the door and left, sitting on the front porch

She's been acting like she was in love with me then suddenly drops this?

I was convinced she was in love with me

I thought she was in love with me

I didn't know what to think

I just lost the one person that I loved the most

Did I do something?

Did I mess up

Y/n pov:

You couldn't stop crying, your face was in the pillow and it was basically drenched

This was for his sake

But you couldn't stop blaming yourself

You knew what Lucas was capable of and you didn't want to be need to go through that

You pulled out your phone and texted Lucas

"Done, are you happy?!"

He replied really quick

"Yes actually, your done with Vinnie now"

You threw your phone across the room hitting the wall causing a dent

You didn't care though

You put your head in your hands and just cried onto your knees

*knock knock*

You couldn't stop yourself from crying so you just mumbled "who is it?"

Nai opened the door and saw you sitting on the bed straight away

She ran to you and hugged you which made you want to cry even more

"What happened?!" She said

"I broke up with Vinnie"


"I lost feeling I guess" that was a lie

You loved him more than anything else in the world. He was the only person who actually loved you and who actually stayed I think that's why it hurt that much

She just held you not asking any more questions

Which made you feel a bit better but it still hurt so bad

I wonder what Vinnies feeling right now

Vinnies POV:

Jett walked up to me because he just got out of his car

"What wrong dude?!" He said sitting beside me

"Y/n" I said quietly

I didn't want to speak

"What?!" He asked once more

"She broke up with me"

He said nothing for pulled me into his arms

All I wanted right now was y/n

I know I shouldn't want her, she lost feelings

I hated her right now

Yet I still loved her so much, and I hated that, I didn't want to love her

Why can't this be easy

Y/n pov:

You cried in The guest room for hours with Nai

No talking, just crying

Till about seven at night

Nai pulled out her phone and it was pretty obvious she was texting someone

"Who are you texting" you say wiping your face for the hundredth time today

"Just mia, I had plans with her" she says

"Don't cancel them!! I'll be fine!" You say

"No it's okkk!!"

"No it's not, go. Please"

She looked at you concerned but you nodded

"Ok" she said

She got up and give you one more hug before leaving and shutting the door behind her

As soon as she shut the door you started crying again

You did kind of want to be alone so it was OK that she left

You lied down and hugged your knees crying under the covers

How am I ever going to get over this?!

You didn't think you ever could

You wanted to make a plan to get back with him but how?

If Lucas ever found out....

You got up and walked to the door picking up your phone from off the floor

There was a crack across

You didn't even care


You look down and see a unopened message from Lucas, 2 minutes ago

You opened it as fast a you could, maybe he changed his mind

But he didn't

"I'm coming over"


You didn't want him to come over

You thought you were done with him

You hear the front door open so you walk downstairs with your hood up

"What the fuck Lucas?! Why are you here" you hear Thomas say

Lucas was at the door

"Y/n invited me, right y/n?" He says turning to you

He gave you the look

The look you haven't gotten in months

You nod hoping it would make him happy, Thomas doesn't say anything and let him in

He walks towards you "hey darling, come on let's go to your room to talk"

You gave him a dirty look as you both walked upstairs into the guest room


Your room now

He shut the door behind you and sat on the bed

"What do you want Lucas" you said crossing your arms leaning against the door

"You" he said smirking

"I wanted you to break up with Vinnie and you did, so now all I need is to date you" he continued

"And actually sell it, act like we are. Be happy, and if you do I won't hurt you. Or Vinnie"

You didn't know what to say

All you wanted was Vinnie, never Lucas

He didn't deserve you

Your lip started quivering

He stood up and walked over to you lifting your chin up with his hand "got it?"

"Yes" you said as he gripped tighter

He pulled you in and kissed you

It felt disgusting, but you had to do it

For vinnie

But it hurt so bad, even though you knew you were physically protecting him

"Goodbye love" he said before moving you out of the way so he could leave

As soon as he shut the door you slid your back down it and cried on the floor

"Not again" you said softly to yourself

"I can't do this again"
Do not worry!!

This story is!! Vinnie endgame!!

It just has to get said before happy



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