Walking a fine line✔️

By SouthernAlps

450K 16.9K 4.7K

[COMPLETED] "Why people would ever choose to sleep with someone as vexatious as you is beyond my imagination... More

1. Enemies to lovers
2. This is real life
3. Shoulder-basher
4. Darth Vader
5. Room 13A
6. A... B... C...
7. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi
8. The fountain's glow up
9. Cinderella's shoe
10. In your dreams
12. Always use protection
13. A tiny ass cupboard
14. Sun safe
15. Carrots
16. Falling for you
17. Life isn't fair
18. Storm clouds
19. Welcome the the jungle
20. Knight in shining armour
21. Purely physical
22. Love is an open door
23. Attacked by Tinkerbell
24. Shock
25. Someone else
26. I see fire
27. Electrons
28. Tongue tied
29. Break free
30. FeMale
31. Rapunzel
32. First date
33. Trust me
34. This changes nothing
35. Yttrium-e-sulfur
36. Next time
37. Fake
38. Heartache
39. The whole story
40. Pretending
41. We are the champions
42. Happily ever after
Thank you!

11. Midnight feast

9.6K 383 50
By SouthernAlps

It was a few minutes past 11pm when June, Ruben, Noah and I crept down the dark corridor towards our school's classroom. 

"If we get caught I—" Ruben began. 

"We've already told you, the school's night watch is horrible," June interrupted, swinging her torch round to point at Ruben's face.

"Hey!" he hissed.

"There really is nothing to worry about," I added. "As long as we don't cause too much noise they won't notice anything."

Ruben sighed. "Remind me why I'm friends with you guys."

"You can hold my hand if you're really that worried," Noah teased. I heard Ruben elbow Noah in the darkness. "Ow!"

"If you guys keep that up we will get caught," June whispered as she opened our classroom door. "In here."

We slipped inside and shut the door behind us. During dinner today we'd mapped out the most undercover route from our classroom to the kitchen. We'd avoided going by the fountain in case Griffin or any of the other hockey players were there waiting for us. I unlatched the window then we pushed a desk underneath it. 

"No going back now." Noah winked and slipped outside first. "Blimey, it's cold."

I pulled up my jumper hood up and followed Noah outside. Ruben was next and emerged outside with a few grumbles and then finally June was outside, propping the window open behind her. It would not be ideal to be locked out.

"Ready?" I whispered. 

The other three nodded and we turned off our torches. Between the moon and the light emitting from the few rooms of the school, we could see enough to move without walking into things. We walked in the shoulders around the corner of the school building then quickly dashed across a patch of open grass to the shelter of the trees.

No lights came on. No one came outside to investigate. And most importantly, nobody had seen us.

We had made it through the riskiest part.

We continued around the school in the shelter of the trees until we were parallel to the kitchen. The windows were completely dark on this side of the building and I silently whispered a thank you that the cooks hadn't stayed around. 

"Which window was it again?" Noah asked, feeling up the window frames. 

"Jack said it was the far right one," I replied.

"Here." Ruben called out a few metres down the building. "It's this one."

June and I shined our torches for the two boys as they quietly eased open the window. I fidgeted. "I feel like I'm about to wish I'd continued gymnastics when I was younger."

Getting out of windows was a lot easier than getting into them.

"It can't be too hard," June said.

"Famous last words?" I replied with a laugh as Ruben hooked the window wide open.

The four of us, some more successfully than others, managed to wiggle our way into the kitchen. Once inside, we turned our torches back on and lit up the room. It was a good sized kitchen, neat with surfaces wiped down and sparkling. I eyed a  side door that I assumed led to more food storage.

"We did it!" June danced on the spot, her torch flailing widely.

Ruben laughed. "Somebody is going to think the cook is having a disco in here if you continue that."

She laughed but stopped moving. 

"Alright, remember what we came for?" I asked and everyone nodded. "Touch as little as you can. Nobody can know we were here."

Noah playfully saluted. "Yes ma'am."

We split up, each with our own items to find. Fifteen minutes later, we'd found all of our supply's along with a couple of extra items. "Orange juice anyone?" I showed them the bottle I'd found. "It has to go somewhere before we can do the prank."

June grabbed some plastic wine glasses off a shelf and I began pouring the juice into them.

"Cheers to us and a successful future prank war," Noah said, raising his glass.

"And to our school winning the championship next week." June added.

I grinned. "Bottoms up."

We clinked glasses then took a sip.

June opened up a packet of biscuits. "Here, it wouldn't be a midnight feast if we had nothing to eat."

We passed them round and they all vanished within a few minutes. Ruben drained his cup. "The hockey team has no clue what's going to hit them. They have no chance."

"None at all," I replied then glanced at my watch. "We should probably head out now." 

We began packing up all of our supplies into our backpacks then turned off our torches and headed back outside to the trees. Just as we'd made it back into the shadows, a beam of light rounded the corner and we all froze. My pulse quickened and I pressed myself against the bark of a tree, the others following suit. Very carefully I peered round the tree trunk, my eyes quickly widening.

The owners of the torch were none other than Griffin, Oscar, and another guy who I didn't recognise but could assume was another hockey player.

"Ha! I knew it," I whispered as we watched the three boys walk around the next corner towards the fountain, oblivious to the eyes watching them. "I told you they'd be out and about."

"If they'd been two minutes earlier we would've been busted," Noah said. 

"I think you mean two seconds," I breathed, my heart still racing. 

"Thank goodness they weren't." Ruben ran a hand nervously through his hair. "Now onto phase two."

I grinned. "To the changing rooms."


Have any of y'all ever actually snuck out of somewhere?

Vote and comment if you enjoyed :)

SouthernAlps over and out...

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