The Fairy of Middle Earth

By Juniper_Fae

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What if the histories of Middle Earth were wrong? What if the truth had been covered up? Thranduil knows some... More

About me and my story.
Chapter 1: The Visit
Chapter 2: Ancient Things
Chapter 3: The Goodbye
Chapter 4: Bad Dreams
Chapter 5: Into the Light
Chapter 6: The Invitation
Chapter 7: Communication and Understanding
Chapter 8: A little sleep can make all the difference
Chapter 9: Discoveries
Chapter 10: Music the Universal Language
Chapter 11: Terrible Discovery
Chapter 12: Giants and Legends
Chapter 13: The Kiss and the Deep Water
Chapter 14: Respect and Healing
Chapter 15: Questions and Love
Chapter 16: Beautiful Disaster
Chapter 17: It's not just about procreation
Chapter 18: Lessons and Love
Chapter 19: Awakening
Chapter 20: It's Natural don't fight it
Chapter 21: Protecting the Realm
Chapter 22: I'm just a Pixie
Chapter 23: Presenting the Queen
Chapter 24: Good News travels Fast?
Chapter 25: Live like a Refugee
Chapter 26: Parents just don't understand.
Chapter 27: The Monsters of Court and Plains
Chapter 28: The Ruse
Chapter 29: Bark at the Moon
Chapter 30: The wonder of ancient things
Chapter 31: The Messenger
Chapter 32: The Prodigal Son
Chapter 33: Thieves in the Night
Chapter 34: Pixies don't mind well.
Chapter 35: The Battle for the Woodland Realm
Chapter 36: Acceptance and Healing
Chapter 37: Memorials and Family
Chapter 38: Interrogation. The Darkness Within
Chapter 39: Home Coming
Chapter 40: Love, Sex and all things in between
Chapter 41: Solutions
Chapter 42: Fae Bonding
Chapter 43: The Dinner Guest
Chapter 44: Promises
Chapter 45: Violation?
Chapter 46: Surprise Part 1
Chapter 47: The Surprise Part 2 Obey your healer
Chapter 48: Just the Three of Us
Chapter 49: The White Stag
Chapter 50: Teacher and Student
Chapter 51: Messages
Chapter 52: The Agony
Chapter 53: Everything concerning her is Unconventional
Chapter 54: Never Underestimate The Strength of Hobbits
Chapter 55: New Life and Death
Chapter 56: Battle Plans and Poop
Chapter 57: Something different in the full moons light
Chapter 58: Death Dealing
Chapter 59: Look Who's coming to Dinner.
Chapter 60: She is not alone.
Chapter 61: Rivendell
Chapter 62: The Line
Chapter 63: Hey Jealousy
Chapter 64: It ain't over til its over
Chapter 65: How Far Would You Go?
Chapter 66: Getting to the bottom of the affair
Chapter 67: Everything I have done was done for you.
Chapter 68: How to protect one who refuses protection.
Chapter 69: Sometimes you find answers in the strangest places.
Chapter 70: Roll in the Hay
Chapter 71: One Night
Chapter 72: The Forest
Chapter 73: I do not care about the Hour
Chapter 74: Before we Go.
Chapter 75: Something Completely Stupid.
Chapter 76: The battle that wasn't.
Chapter 77: The Day After
Chapter 78: I'm so glad you finally made it.
Chapter 79: Confessions
Chapter 80: The Greatness in You
Chapter 81: The First day of the Moon (Waste not want not.)
Chapter 82: Restoration
Chapter 83: The Cats out of the Bag
Chapter 84: Two Become One
Chapter 85: The Punishment
Chapter 86: He is here.
Chapter 87: Under the Influence
Chapter 88: Where am I going?
Chapter 89: The Dancer
Chapter 90: Well Played
Chapter 91: Freedom in the Truth
Chapter 92: What Lies in the East
Chapter 93: Never Underestimate Your Opponent
Chapter 94: The Truth About the Caves
Chapter 95: Tortured Sleep
Chapter 96: Transition and Truth
Chapter 97: It happened one night
Chapter 98: Descendants
Chapter 99: I will no longer Question your Skill
Chapter 100: Pursuit
Chapter 101: Reclamation
Chapter 102: Gardens
Chapter 103: Now that you know.
Chapter 104: The Call
Chapter 105: Fight Day
Chapter 106: It Begins
Chapter 107: Master and Servant
Chapter 108: The Fellowship for the Arda
Chapter 109: When this is over.
Chapter 110: Shock, Prejudice and Realized Love.
Chapter 111: The March Warden's Wine
Chapter 112: Hope for the Future
Chapter 113: They can attack us anywhere at any time.
Chapter 114: Elladan's Purpose
Chapter 115: Perfected Deceit
Chapter 116: Reunited and it Feels So Good
Chapter 117: Coming Together in the Face of War.
Chapter 119: The Unusual Hero
Chapter 120: Minol's only regret
Chapter 121: History Lessons
Chapter 122: Into the consuming fog
Chapter 123: The Palantir
Chapter 124: The Cruelest Thing
Chapter 125: A golden city and the sadness of parting
Chapter 126: Preparation/The Moon without her.
Chapter 127: The First of Many
Chapter 128: Cuivienen
Chapter 129: In the Company of Kin Slayers
Chapter 130: You are me and I am you
Chapter 131: The Last Moon.
Chapter 132: Now Entering the Arena ....
Chapter 133: New Monsters
Chapter 134: No Judgement
Chapter 135: The Battle of Taur Lithlad
Chapter 136: The Power of Prayer
Chapter 137: The Gods are Angry.
Chapter 138: The Worm
Chapter 139: Connections
Chapter 140: Moving the Pieces
Chapter 141: The Right Weapon
Chapter 142: The Raid
Chapter 143: One can not escape their destiny.
Chapter 144: Secret rooms and dark whispers.
Chapter 145: It's best to kill Balrogs from a distance.
Chapter 146: Tea and Cakes
Chapter 147: In the Grey
Chapter 148: The Fall Of Morkala
Chapter 149: In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida
Chapter 150: Pledges, Fights and Freedom from the Moon.
Chapter 151: The End is the Beginning

Chapter 118: Hard Pills to Swallow

19 2 0
By Juniper_Fae

The Fellowship for the Arda had now grown by one. They all sat around a blazing fire which battled the cold around them. All eyes were in Bynsarda and she could feel the tension growing from their mutual curiosity. "I am not sure where to begin." She said and looked anywhere but at all the faces eager to hear what she had to say.

"Well I would say at the beginning. Whatever needs to be sent to Thranduil will make it to his ears I assure you of that." Gandalf said gently.

She shrugged a bit and licked her lips slowly. The words being chosen carefully. "I was first taken to a great mountain hold. Though I am unsure exactly where it is. It was a very long distance from the city. We were crammed into windowless wagons. The conditions were terrible. Many died along the way and sometimes we were forced to ride with the corpses for days." Her voice cracked as she spoke of this. Minogos slid his hand into hers and squeezed.

"They would stop occasionally and pull us out. That was when they would remove the dead and make an attempt to muck out the wagon and sometimes they would throw cold water on us to somewhat clean us. We were tossed moldy bread to eat and often there would not be enough. So they would wager on who would win the fights that would break out." She struggled to keep her voice loud enough to be heard as she spoke of this. "They would eat the dead. We saw them. They did not hide this from any of us."

Those listening to her tale cold only wince and look down. The younger of the party feeling a sense of shock while the elders were not. "Please go on." Gandalf encouraged her. "You are among friends here."

"It was on one of these nights when we were all out of the wagons and being subjected to the cold water baths and watching them preparing their meals of our fallen that I was singled out. These things. You call them orc were foul to start with and their language was even more so. Just the sound of it was chilling. They separated me from my people and I was sure I was to suffer a fate most terrible." Her voice faded and she hung her head down for a few moments before she inhaled deeply and found her voice again. "It wasn't to be so. The orc they took me to was different than the others. He was taller and more muscled. He looked more like a man than the rest of them. There was a look of intelligence in his eyes and he spoke westron. "

"Uruk-hai." Elrond said and looked to Gandalf.

Gandalf nodded. "Seems our enemy has begun to breed more of them. Go on dear."

"He allowed me to bathe in warm water. He had be clothed in rough hewn but clean clothing. He fed me better food. Not what his subordinates ate but what he ate. I felt like I was being fattened up for the slaughter. From then on I was transported in a smaller wagon. I was the only occupant. I wish I could tell you how long we traveled. Time just looses all meaning when you are kept in darkness and the only fresh air you breathe is night time air. I couldn't even tell by the moon. The more we traveled the skies always seemed to be clouded."

Glorfindel looked to Elrond and Gandalf. "Well if that doesn't sound very familiar." He said to them.

"When we stopped for the last time I found myself in a large cavern. The others were being off loaded and ushered away to the kiss of the whip. I was taken another way. It was a maze of pitch black halls. I could see nothing but I could hear anguished cries in the dark. One would think such a place would be cold. It was very hot . The walls were hot to the touch. When I was finally taken into the light I was thrown to my knees. I was too frightened to look up or around. I just huddled on the ground. The warm stone was very warm and smooth. I would even say shiny. The a pair of dark boots were before me and I was commanded by this new voice to look up. I mustered my courage and did so."

She began to tremble then and Minogos now slides his arm around her and pulls her close.

"He was tall and beautiful. I can not think of better words. Simply beautiful. The color of his flesh was like Minogos' but His eyes were like Jeven's. Pale and ringed in red. His hair was so black it looked blue when he was near the light. There was this power that just seemed to radiate from him that felt as if it would crush me and he was cruel." That was when tears began to drip from her cheeks as they spilled from her eyes.

"We should take a break." Elrond said.

Bynsarda spoke up quickly. "No. To try and begin this part again I do not think I could."

Elrond nodded gently.

"I began to understand some of their words. I have always been quick to pick up on languages yet I have only Mastered a few. What I did learn in my time there was that he has Balrogs. Several of them." Bynsarda said softly.

"There were only seven to begin with and I slew the last of them." Gandalf said in shock.

"No wizard. I am telling you there are Balrogs. Though I do not know how many." She said with certainty. "There is also a dragon. At least one though I am not sure. "

Elrond and Gandalf found it curious that Glorfindel did not look shocked by the news of the Balrogs.

Tauriel rose then and excused herself. This news was a bit much for her on a personal level. "Please stay Jeven I just need a moment." She said before wandering off into the darkness.

Bynsarda watched Tauriel go. Gandalf explained. "Her father was grievously injured when he slew a dragon. If not for Elrond he would have perished."

Bynsarda nodded gently. "I know this news I am bringing you will be hard to hear but you must know."

They all agreed.

She then continued. "After sometime Drannor was summoned to his Masters home. I was given to him as a means to to lure Minol and Minogos to him. Which obviously worked. Drannor however was mostly kind to me and only unkind when he had to be. "

Minogos gently interrupted her. "Please allow me to explain this part." She nodded.

Minogos then looked to them all Tauriel was making her return and she settled beside Jeven. "Drannor told me that He and my Father were working together. In much the same way my father had played this great evil. They call it a game. Where they walk a very fine line and in Drannor's case the line is even more fine. As you know he was forced to bond with... Him." he spat the word him out. "As you can imagine bonding in that way does not mean undying love and devotion. It makes you even more of a slave to them. He is not truly our enemy though he will have to act in that capacity to a point."

"That's right." Bynsarda cut in. "There are men. Upwards of 100,000 of them. Eagerly pledging themselves to this darkness. I witnessed their leaders doing so. This is the part the King needs to know. Among his human people there is a spy. This spy has a way of allowing the darkness to see and hear. "

Gandalf and Elrond rose at the same time and looked on her with wide eyes. "Do you know how this is so?" Gandalf asked.

Bynsarda shook her head. "I do not. ."

Glorindel's eyes locked on Elrond's. "A palantir." He said lowly. Elrond nodded.

"What's a palantir?" Jeven asked.

Glorfindel looked to him and sighed. "A seeing stone. They were created long ago and used for good. Placed great distances apart. They were used to communicate. However, they were lost over time and have fallen into the hands of evil."

"Indeed and we have only recovered 3 of them." Elrond said gravely.

Gandalf began to mutter to himself and pace. "This means there are at least 2 in his possession."

Elrond sighed. "That leaves 2 others unaccounted for. We must assume he has those as well."

"Gandalf." Bynsarda said softly. "There is a number counted among Drannor's people that are truly loyal to him and his cause. They will change sides when the time is right. The King must know this too. When one named Grah means to treat he can be trusted."

Gandalf nodded but now the wizard looked troubled. "We must leave for Cuivienen in the first light."

Gandalf had risen before the others. He stood in the large open field field near the camp. As the first light began to break on the horizon a large flock of stork descended on the field. Elrond had just awoke and as he made his tea he looked out to see Gandalf surrounded by the large birds.

Soon he was joined by Glorfindel. "Well that's something you don't see everyday."

"He is getting the message to Thranduil." Elrond stated.

"Well he is using some rather unorthodox messengers." Glorfindel turned back towards the fire.

"Indeed. These are strange times." Elrond lamented and sipped his tea.


The days turned into weeks. The fae in the carriage seemed to be the ones who suffered the most. Both of them becoming rather dour in temperament from the lack of sunlight and the bitter cold. Their view being four walls as they endured the rough ride. Then at night their views being the inside of the tents.

The humans on this journey suffered as well. The elves found themselves treating frostbite and illness. Unfortunately the lives of many humans were being lost despite their best efforts. This added to the Queen's and the King's troubles. Yet the humans were determined to continue on. Even when Thranduil offered to allow them to turn back.

It did not snow on these wind swept plains. Everything just seemed to freeze. It was elven magic that kept the horses and other livestock they had brought with them from succumbing to this. Though just barely.

Thranduil's nights were now spent keeping Juniper as warm as possible. She spoke little these days. Her silence hurt him. The lack of smile on her features nearly unbearable. It was nothing he had done. He knew that. This was a symptom of the weather and the situation. He had turned more and more to Elthian for comfort. They often stealing away a few precious moments together when they could find them.

Juniper often preferring the company of Ryu and she Juniper. Leaving Legolas somewhat at a loss. Minol had observed this change. Yet he had said nothing on it. It was on one such particular night during the time between when they stopped and time to sleep. When Ryu and Juniper lay cuddled together . Their foreheads touching that Legolas was visibly upset.

"Do not fault them Legolas." Minol said gently as he approached the Elf prince from the gloom outside of the fires light.

Legolas just stared at the demon. His gaze narrowing. "You have no right to tell me who I will put at fault. Since I feel it is you in this case."

Minol just smirked as he lowered down to crouch near the fire. "That is fine. I can shoulder it but Juniper can not. So please place all of your anger on me."

Legolas sighed and hung his head. Finding himself confiding in the demon. "My ada has Elthian to take comfort in. I have none and all I want is for Ryu to be happy to see me again."

Minol smiled. "She is not unhappy with you. She and Juniper are struggling. They commune on a level you can not understand and they do this so they will survive. For all our power and might when the arda changed so did the weather and that was one reason we began to fall."

Legolas' brows furrowed. "You mean after the war of wrath. When Beleriand sank beneath the waters."

Minol shook his head. "No Legolas I am speaking of the first war. Before it this world was beautiful and unspoiled and my people were the only light within it. Then he came and cast his tainted spirit unto all the land. The mothers creation was perfect. It was Eru's creation that destroyed it. Why she allowed it I will never understand."

Legolas just stared at Minol. "After the first war the weather went from warm and even all the time to chaotic. Sometimes it was warm sometimes it was bitter cold and the cold we were not made for. Nor were we made for the searing heat that came . We left our homes and traveled until we found places we could inhabit that did not have too much change. That was when your kind came. These places were perfect for elves too. "

"Juniper and I were born in the last age of our kind before the mother created another place for us. We were born with the curse of the sun and moon. Which was another change that furthered our decline. So do not be cross with them. They are doing what they must to carry on. If you really need comfort I would gladly volunteer my services." Minol grinned lasciviously at Legolas.

Legolas jumped up and took several steps back. "Just when I began to feel like I could hate you a little less you had to ruin it."

Minol chuckled and remained crouched by the fire.

"That being said. Thank you for explaining it to me. The reason Ryu and Juniper are so close right now."

"No thanks required Legolas but you are welcome." Minol said and grinned to himself as the elf prince walked away.


Elladan rode out before the caravan. So far they had managed to not come to any trouble. Yet something about that day had him on edge. He moved to the side and let the caravan begin to pass him. He stared out over the mist covered terrain. All of his sense at alert. Kree had noticed this and left the line to ride out beside him.

"There is something not right." He said to her softly. "Lets stop here and make camp."

Kree eyed him the hour was very early but he was sensing something so she did not question him. "Alright." She said but before she could go to have his orders carried out he stopped her.

"Kree. Have all the able bodied with any kind of fight training armed and make sure all others have some form of defense. Park all the wagons in a circle."

She looked at him her eyes widened. "This is serious isn't it."

"Yes Kree this is quite serious. Something is coming." He said as she turned her horse about and rode towards the front of the caravan.

The light was beginning to fade. The wagons circled in the center a large fire had been built. meals were being cooked . People fed and all would seem like an ordinary night save for the tension that had grown thick.

Elladan stood atop the tallest of the wagons. Kree by his side. "You need to find safety." He tells her.

She laughs. "There is a reason I was not taken in the raid Elladan ."

He arched a brow at her when something moving in the fog caught his eye. His ear turned towards it. "They are here."

Kree leaps form the top of the wagon. "Orior nind phu' ghil. B'luthyrr a lil' kr'athin killianen a lil' kr'athin! (Prepare they are here. Bowmen at the ready swords at the ready.)"

Arrows from the enemy begin to fly. The archers stood near the large fire. They dipped their bows into the flames . They in a circle as well began to fire . The pain filled cries of those they hit were heard and as the flames caught then afire light began to glow among the fog.

Elladan thrust his fist in the air and whispered softly as the vial he held began to glow brightly and soon the darkness and the fog around the camp lifted. He found himself side stepping their clumsy arrows as other simply hit his armor and fell at his feet.

There was another volley of flaming arrows . More fires erupted and more screams where heard. They were surrounded and now the attackers were trying to swarm the camp . Elladan leaps from wagon and begins to engage them outside the circle. These were not orc nor goblin. These were men. Common raiders. there were more flaming arrows followed by a volley of arrows from the darkness. He could hear cries from within the circle. Their arrows were now hitting their targets.

He began to battle his way through this front line . Pushing toward the archers. Those he did not slay were facing the swords of those inside the circle and they did battle viciously. They were protecting all they had left after all.

Once he reached the archers they were easily dispatched. Left unprotected by their comrades he was elegant death for them. His sword swung and meeting steel. He looked to see he was facing off against Kree. They sighed and now turned their backs to each other as the attackers were turning into retreat.

They fought back to back . Killing those that came upon them. Kree was magnificent with a blade. Now he understood why she had not been taken. Then there were no more to fight and a cheer erupted from the wagons.

The fog gone, they stood in the glow of fires. She turning around as did he. Both splattered with blood and a bit breathless. He found himself looking her deeply in the eyes and before she could speak His hand pressed to the back of her head and his lips claimed hers.

When he broke the kiss he looked at her and she wore a rather shocked expression. Quickly he looked down . "Please forgive me . I ... should not have assumed such would be accepted."

Her fingers pressed under the curve of his chin making him look at her in the moments before she kissed him back. "There is nothing to forgive Elladan." She whispered against his lips then turned towards the celebrating peoples. Her fingers lacing with his to tug him along.

In the light of the dawn the scale of what had happened that night became clear. With no mist nor fog. Only a bright clear sky. The dead raiders made a ring at least 3 bodies deep around the wagons. The ones slain inside the circle had been unceremoniously tossed out of it. Others dotted the ground having been felled by the arrows the corpses still smoldering.

There had been only one loss among the caravan. A young human male. All attended his pyre as he was sent off per the traditions of his people. Afterwards they began to travel once more.

A few more days passed. The caravan having no more issues. He stopped atop a hill and looked out into the distance. Kree coming up beside him. "That is Lasgalen." He said with a smile. They looked over the new city. There was smoke rising from chimneys and visible activity.

They had been spotted. Of course they had been. After all he was leading a large caravan. Their approach had probably been watched for miles. The riders gallop towards them. 5 in total. Who rode out front was a surprise to Elladan.

"Rumil man-d cared mi Lasgalen? (Rumil what are you doing in Lasgalen?)" Elladan called out and slid off his horse.

"Amin innas maquet-i ain nan-d Elladan. (I can ask the same of you.)" Rumil said and as he stopped he dismounted and hugged Elladan.

"Adar continued on and I gave aid to these .. Ellyn." Elladan said.

Rumil looked to the elleth beside then to those in the closest wagons of the caravan. Some where human and some were not.

"Peredhil? From the east?" Rumil said in mild shock.

Kree now dismounted and moved closer to them. This made Elladan smile . A smile that made Rumil arch a brow.

"This is Kree." Elladan made the introductions. "Kree this is Rumil."

"Well met Rumil." She said and Rumil blinked several times realizing he had been staring and not said a word.

"Forgive me." Rumil said softly. "It is my pleasure to meet you."

Rumil waved to the riders then looked to Elladan. "Let's get them to the city and get everyone settled for now. Tomorrow we will get everyone more permanent dwellings."

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