Endless (L.S)

By noooooisi

3.9K 116 46

Endless "having or seeming to have no end or limit" Ivy Mills, a new candidate along with her brother Peter M... More

Part 2
Part 3

Part 1

1K 29 0
By noooooisi

Season 1, episode 1

Ivy's pov

Today was the day, the day we've been waiting for our whole lives. Me and Pete had both passed our tests and now we were on our way to station 51. Normally they wouldn't let siblings work at the same house but acing through the fire academy and having a firefighter father  had its merits.

I was driving our old truck, the trip to the station was silent at first, you could hear the engine sputtering. I think we were both processing what was finally happening, or at least I was. Being a firefighter was my dream since as long as I can remember, especially after dad died, it was a black hole for all of us. If I'm being honest I think I took the hardest hit after his death, I didn't talk for weeks, I barely even cried, I was numb. Luckily Peter was always there for me , and I tried to be there for him too.

"So on scale 1-10 how nervous do you feel Pete?" I asked him to finally break the silence. "Definitely a 10, but it's like the excited nervousness, ya know?"
"Yeah, I feel the same" I answered. "Wow I really can't believe, this is actually happening"
He confessed
"I know right, we're going to be great, for dad"
Pete didn't answer immediately, I could tell he was thinking about our father. I took one hand off the steering wheel and put it on his knee, squeezing it making sure he was okay. He smiled at me and said "Damn right we are, now what do you say about putting some music to lighten up the mood?"
Ohh this is gonna be a fun ride, "Hell yeah"
I responded turning on the radio.

Half an hour later we made it to the station, I turned the radio off, and then turned around to look at my brother, he was already looking at me.
"Let's go save lives sis" Peter said looking at me with the happiest face ever, I put the hugest smile on my face saying "Let's go save lives". I turned off the truck and we both got off grabbing our bags, we walked to the station together.

When we got there a guy was sitting on one of the fire trucks, Peter was the first one to talk saying "hey... um, my-My name is Peter Mills and this is my sister" "Ivy Mills, we're the new candidates on 81" I cut him off.

"Oh, fantastic. Joe Cruz. We've been waiting for you." The man said.

"Really? great" my brother said

"So Ivy and Peter Mills?... Is it?" Cruz asked

"Pete, actually, I--" Pete corrected, I was laughing internally of how Pete was such a stuttering mess.

"Okay, Peter Mills and Ivy Mills right this way." Joe said cutting 'Peter' off leading us into the garage.

"So, uh, gym's through there. There's a TV in the kitchen but satellite's busted. Uh, equipment room. Rescue squad a-holes.

Think they own that table. Kitchen.

Tower."  He showed us by pointing at everything he was talking about.

He then led us to another part of the station but Pete just stayed staring in awe like some dumbfounded person.

"Peter Mills, keep moving." Joe ordered
"- Yeah." Pete responded

"Is your brother always this dumbfounded?" Cruz asked me smirking

"Sometimes" I said laughing at his question, I already liked this guy.

We walked through a hallway where all the bunker gear was hung up. I could hear some chatter from what sounded like kids.

When we got to the end of the hallway there was a man talking to some really cute children, God I love children.

"Hey, Otis, this is Peter and Ivy Mills." Cruz stated

"Yeah, I'm giving a tour." Otis said annoyed

"Peter and Ivy are our new candidates." Joe said with a mischievous tone

"Peter and Ivy Mills..." Otis repeated hanging out his hand. Pete was going to shake but Otis just gave him the helmet and said " They're all yours"

Wow what a surprise this is going to be awkward but children are fun I thought but then Pete got an idea and asked "Um... who wants to try on a helmet?"


After a while Pete and i both put our bunker gear on to show the kids some things, I began explaining what the pass alarm was "You see this" I said grabbing the pass alarm

"is a pass alarm, if a firefighter is totally still for more than 18 seconds, a loud alarm goes off until he moves again."

A little kid asked"Why?"

Pete responded "Well, if he's hurt or trapped, we'll know where to find him." And right after that the alarm went off.

Both of us said "that's loud" at the same time.

Subsequently a blonde man walked through the doors while Pete started explaining what squad three does

" See, this house is special because it has a rescue squad.Squad three serves a big piece of the city. They're experts at water rescue, extraction, pretty much everything.They're, like, the best of the best."

"Why aren't you with them?" a little girl innocently asked

Pete cutely smiled with a glimpse of hope in his eyes responding " Well, I mean, I plan to be."

"Our father was a part of this squad years ago" I said.

"Mills, right? Last to show, first to go. That's the rescue squad." The blonde man said pointing to the men sitting at a table near us.

"You truck guys do such a good job getting everything ready for us. Why would we want to
take that away from you?" A blue eyed guy shot back cockily

The blonde chuckles "Kids, you should know they make the rescue helmets extra big to fit their heads inside of them"

Blue eyed man instantly retorted "There are two types of firefighter. Those who are in squad and those who wish they were on squad."

"Ohh" the blonde man funnily said

I decided it was enough so me and Pete led the kids out of there saying "Come on kids "

Pete started talking to the kids when the alarms went off " Pin in accident . Columbus Drive Bridge. Ambulance 61, engine 51, truck 81. Squad three, battalion 25."

Me and Pete simultaneously got in action putting or boots and pants on, we then went to get our jackets at the lockers and ran back to the truck, where Joe was screaming "Let's go, let's go patting the firetrucks door.

It was finally happening after all these years and almost giving up on this career, it was hard to believe but I was happy, like i finally found my place on this cruel world.

Lieutenant Casey yelled "Let's go" shutting his door making me get out of my thoughts. The truck siren started wailing making me feel excited.

The ride was silent, well except for the sirens, Herrman was reading the newspaper, Mouch was just staring blankly ahead, Cruz was driving and the Lieutenant was concentrated on getting there. My brother was fumbling with his helmet, I could easily tell he was nervous , since I was sitting beside him I took one of his hands squeezing it for comfort, he squeezed it back smiling at me.

We where almost at the scene and Lieutenant Casey gave me and Pete instructions, he pointed at my brother saying "Mills 1 shadow Mouch" then he pointed at me "Mills 2 you shadow me, both of you walk with a purpose, but don't run. Take it all in, know the details of the situation before you act."

"Oh and Mills's, don't be crows." I laughed a bit, but Pete just looked dead serious.

A few seconds later the truck came to a stop, two cars had crashed on a bridge, Lieutenant Casey immediately got off and walked to the red car, I fastly followed after him. There was a woman at the drivers seat and a little girl in the back, probably her daughter. Lieutenant tried to get the car door open but it was jammed, "Ma'am? Can you hear me?"

-"My daughter"

The little girl groaned

-"Madeline?" the woman worriedly said

-"Madeline! My little girl."

"I see her, she's okay" Lieutenant Casey calmly responded. "Get the jaws!" He yelled, and then whispered to me "Keep the mom calm."

I instantly went to the door where the mom was while the Lieutenat informed the paramedic about the situation.

"Whats your name ?" I tranquily asked while squad 3 was trying to open the door.

"Megan" she rapidly answered, squad 3 almost had the door open, Megan realized and said "Madeline, mommy loves you. Everything's gonna be okay. Madeline, look at mommy."

They finally got the door open and I instantly lunged forward to help get the woman out, Otis also helped and a blonde paramedic led her to a stretcher, I looked up at her face and woah she was beautiful, now is not the time I told myself.

"It's dumping gas" Cruz shouted and instantaneously the hood of the car caught on fire, the crew started spraying water on the car and I could hear the little girl cry, poor girl at such a young age she had to live through this.

Out of nowhere Pete screamed "That's the driver" pointing to man running in the crowd "Stop that guy." We both started running towards him, i managed to tackle him and then Pete pinned him to the ground. The police soon got there and took him into custody


The next shift we were back at the firehouse, Pete and me were talking when I saw the blonde paramedic again I didn't know her name yet. "That blonde, she's hot" I told Pete, he giggled "I mean, yeah she is" He then paused and looked at me curiously "My sister has a crush" He said teasingly.

"Oh, shut up Pete" I responded punching him lightly he was about to punch me back when Gabby called fro him "yo Peter Mills!"

"My partner Shay she's been asking about you" She said putting her hands on the table. Oh so thats her last name Shay, I thought.

"Been talking about you all morning."

"I heard she's a monster.
Dude I know over at 19, he walked with a hitch for a week." Otis spoke up.

"Ah, you guys are busting my balls." Pete knowingly responded.

"Listen to me, kid.
I just lost my house to foreclosure because I took a bath in the market.
We're now living with my in-laws,
which is two bedrooms shy of unpleasant.
My wife won't take her birth control because the Pope said if
she did, God would cry,
so I'm not having any sex. So if there's any chance  that I could live vicariously through you, it's literally all I got." Herrman seriously and honestly said.

Pete scrunched his nose thinking, he looked at me and started smirking "All right."

He then walked over to the ambulance where Shay was  writing something on a paper. "Hey"

he said confidently.

-"Hey" she responded, gosh what a beautiful voice she has.

-"I'm Peter Mills. Uh...Pete." he then chuckled

-"Uh-huh. Peter Mills. Can you hand me that box right there?" She asked smiling.

-"Uh, yeah."

-"Thanks" She said and took the box and then started writing again. She seemed uninterested.

-"So the little girl from the bridge accident, she okay?" Pete sweetly asked to keep the conversation going.

-"You really are new, aren't you? Listen. We get 'em to the doctor best we can,

and then we move on. It's the only way to make it here." She seriously responded.

-"Uh, yeah Yeah" Pete said with a serious face, he then paused and finally asked her out;

"So, um... I was thinking-- I mean, I was wondering...        do you maybe wanna hook up for a beer or dinner or something?"

-"Peter Mills, are you gay?"

-"Me? No." He said nodding his head sideways

-"Because I am." She stated pointing at herself

Everyone started laughing, including myself and Pete looked back with a face of disbelief. However deep down I was glad she was gay, because who knows what could happen.

Out of nowhere the chief angrily asked "Dawson. Shay. Which one of you put a
needle in the girl's heart?"

Everyone went silent.


We were in the firehouses' dining room, me and Pete were putting the plates and Pete asked Otis "How long were you the candidate here?

-"Not long, four years." He  sarcastically responded

Cruz walked in saying in disbelief "I can't believe we're gonna miss the fights tonight."

While me and my brother were processing how many years we'll have to be candidates.

We finished putting the plates and sat down to eat. There was kind of an awkward environment since both Lieutenats were fighting. After some time pretty much everyone was done eating and had already got up.

Obviously since me and Pete were the candidates we had to pick up the plates and go wash them. The guys from truck 81 were having a conversation, I wasn't really paying attention to it until Lieutenant Casey put down his cup and said "Screw it, let's take a ride".

I put the plate I had in my hand down and followed them. We got on the truck and drove to the fight. Otis and Herrman got on the stairs, Otis took out his radio and started commentating "Hello, sports fans.  This is Brian Zvonecek,                                                                                                coming to you live from the annual battle of the badges....."

Me, my brother, Cruz and Vargas were sitting on the top of truck chuckling about Otis's comments on the boxing match. It looked like Boden was about to knockout the other guy "Wait. Here it comes. Three straight lefts..." And the alarm started wailing over the radio, what a bummer.

"Accident. Building fire. 241 Franklin Street. Ambulance 61, engine 51."

"That's just down the block" Vargas said

"81 responding. We're rolling." Lieutenant Casey stated over the radio,

-"Copy that 81" The voice over the radio responded.

We all got to action, putting our boots on and getting in the truck, Cruz started driving while everyone started to put on their jackets. The truck sirens started wailing and  "Engine 51 responding.... Ambulance 61 en route to scene." Could be heard from the radio.

We got there in no time, it was a big building fire, a car that was caught on fire exploded just as we came.

"Wow, this is bad, bad, bad" Herrman worriedly said.

I could hear sirens and voices coming from everywhere, this was really bad, hopefully we'll be able to save all of the people inside .

Casey started giving instructions "Otis, get to the elevator and tell us what we're looking at"

"Mills one, help Cruz vent the roof.
Herrman and Mills two, with me to the top floor
and work our way down.
Let's move."

I followed Lieutenat Casey and Herrman into the building, two people were coughing heading to the exit "Keep moving. Two coming out." Lieutenat said

"Let's go, Herrmann, Mills. Second floor, clear the doors."

We went up some stairs when we got to the second floor it was full of smoke so we got down and started to rapidly walk along the hall. I kicked a door down and yelled "Fire department, call out."

Meanwhile Casey and Herrman did the same to other appartments.

Lieutenant Casey took another door down, me and Herrman were right behind him

"Fire department! Anyone here?... Call out!" Casey said, immediately a child screamed

We jogged to the room where the screams came from, Casey started patting th bed to see if they were there and a voice said "Help us! [coughing] We're under here!"

I looked down a little boy and girl were under the bed. "It's gonna be all right. We'll get you out." I said

"Come on... Watch your head sweetie" Lieutenat said to the little girl.

I took the little boy and carried him and Casey took the little girl, Herrman led the way out. I put my mask on the little boy so he could breathe better, after a minute or two we got outside, I took off the mask that I had put on the kid.

"Think you can walk?" Lieutenant asked the kids "Go to the nice guy. Go to Mouch." they nodded and we gave them to Mouch.

"There you go" Mouch said

"Truck 81, we need two more alarms.
We're going back in. Let's go" Casey ordered

We started to head inside once again, it was even hotter now, it felt as if we were being toasted alive.

"It's too hot! We gotta go now!" Herrman yelled

"Everybody out, out! Let
'em get hoses on it!" Lieutenant ordered over the radio

We started to head for the stairs to go down on the way Herrman looked at me and told me "Good job kid"

"Thanks you too" I answered.

We got to the stairs and Chief said over the radio "Casey, up. Go up to the roof... Casey, do you copy?"

We met the rest of the guys on the stairs and Casey told them "Up, up, we can't go down. Move. Go, move, go."

Unfortunately luck wasn't on our side today and a beam fell from upstairs taking the ground below us.

One second I was falling and the next I landed hard on the floor and everything went black.

I started waking up, but i had no idea of how much time had passed, It was really hot and my head was throbbing; probably a concusion. I could hear the alarms on our devices wail since we were not moving, I looked up and saw squad 3 had arrived. Severide was coming down on a rope.

"Okay Down, down.

Okay, I'm down. Offline." Kelly said

I noticed my mask was off I tried putting it back on but it was broken, I got up and went to check on Herrman since Severide was checking on Casey. "Hey Herrman can you hear me?"

I asked in between coughs, yet he didn't respond, he was out for good. I noticed Casey started getting up. I turned Herrman around to see what was wrong with him, Casey finally came to his sense and shouted "Herrmann! Herrmann!"

His mask wasn't working and he was gasping for air, Kelly took of his mask and put it on him. I started coughing again and both Lieutenant's noticed my mask was broke, they looked at me with wide eyes.

"I'm fine, keep the mask on Herrmann he needs it more" I assured, both nodded and Severide yelled at squad 3 "Hey, get me another line down here!"

We got Herrman on the line "Get him up!" Casey ordered, they started to pull "Watch his head!" Kelly warned and Herrman was finally up. All of squad 3 grabbed him and evacuated the building.

Thank God he's safe. Me and both Lieutenats were still trapped down there, I saw a table and in between my coughs that were getting worse I managed to say "hey!" and pointed at it at the same time.

They caught on my idea and we started to move the table, we finally got it into place and got on top of it. Casey and Severide both gave me a hand up and i reached the other floor, I immediately turned to give Casey a hand. He managed to get up too.

Severide was the only one left, me and Casey gave him a hand and at the same time the table he was on collapsed. Gosh he was heavy, we struggled to get him up, more like we were going down with him but Mouch came to the rescue and grabbed our legs saying " I got you guys".

The rest of squad 3 came and we pulled him up, we than ran out the building, me and casey were coughing like crazy.

"Clear! Squad Three, truck 81 are clear." Severide said over the radio

"Roger that, open the hoses" Chief Wallace responded.

"- How's Herrmann?" Casey asked

- "On his way to Lakeshore." Chief said

Both saw me and said "good work candidate"

"Thanks chief and Lieutenant" I responded, I was really worried about Herrman, the guy was really nice.

Pete saw me and came running, hugging me "Are you okay Ivy?" he worriedly asked "Yeah I am" I told him smiling. I was still coughing a bit so they put me on oxygen.

Casey approached Pete and told him "Nice work, candidate."


"Now start packing up our gear." He said patting him on the back, smirking.

"Looks like we're gonna
meet the mayor after all." Vargas stated after federal cars arrived.

The mayor went to shake the chief hands and afterwards they started talking but I couldn't hear what they were saying because I was too far away.

There were at least 3 hoses opened to take out the fire, it was already morning when we came back to the station.

I finished showering and got dressed, I went to the locker room and saw two lockers that didn't have any names on them, I knew they now belonged to me and my brother. God I was happy I finally made it here, I could go to sleep and know that my father would feel proud for both me and Pete. However most importantly I was proud of myself.

I grabbed the tape, cut it and pasted it on one of the empty lockers, then I wrote on it with a sharpie 'Mills 2'. I smiled a bit and then I looked sideways since I heard someone, and there she was Leslie Shay.

"Hey" She said smiling at me

"Hey" I greeted her smiling back.

"Welcome to house 51, Ivy... right?" she asked me

I was internally screaming of excitement, she's actually talking to me.

"Yep, thanks....Uh, Leslie Shay?" I said more of in a question tone.

"Yes, well nice meeting you Ivy" She told me

"You too have a good day" I responded, she started walking away an I remmebered Herrman and asked "hey, any update on Herrman?"

"No, sorry" she told me me in a sad voice

"Oh no worries, bye"


I really hope he makes it out, from what I've seen he's a really great guy and has a family that needs him.


Most of fire house 51 went to the hospital after shift to check up on Herrmann's surgery. I was sitting beside Pete we had arrived about 30 minutes ago. This house was like a family and it was easy to notice, even tough they sometime fought the cared about each other deeply, in my opinion it was beautiful; the way they cared about each other.

I heard footsteps coming our way and looked up, Lieutenant Casey and Dawson had arrived. Casey asked "Any update?"

"He's in surgery, trying to find the bleed. They don't know." Joe answered.

Gabby went to talk to Leslie and Matt walked over to a doctor and talked to him "Hey Doc?"

-"Yes?" he asked

"Um, Dawson, what was the name of that little girl from the bridge?" Casey innocently asked

Shay put a serious face and said "Casey, don't"

However Gabby responded -"Madeline. That was her name."

"A little girl named Madeline, pin-In from the Columbus drive bridge. Where is she?" Casey asked the doctor. The doctor sighed and started flipping through his papers and said "Madeline Pokress. Vitals are stable. Released by the end of the week."

-"Thanks" Matt said

"Anything change?" Chief Boden asked as he walked in

"- He's still in surgery. Called his family, they're on their way from Wheaton." Otis stated

Lieutenant Casey started walking towards the exit " Come get me if there's an update."

He came back about a minute later, everyone was silent but it was a comfortable silence. I don't know how much time had passed when Severide came in, he silently sat down beside Dwason and nodded at Matt, he nodded back. I could tell whatever was going on with them was over, and they were back to being friends.

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