Shards of Glass

By authormakenna

41.3K 702 36

Camilla Carter has had a rough life of abuse and pain. Her twin sister protects her as much as she can, until... More

A u t h o r ' s N o t e
C h a r a c t e r B o a r d ' s
P l a y l i s t
P r o l o g u e
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A u t h o r ' s N o t e

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335 8 0
By authormakenna

Chapter 37: Remember Your Place

"You be the sun. I'll be the moon--just let your light come shining through; and when night comes, just like the moon, I'll shine the light right back to you."


"Tonight is the night you fight Cory. You have to win or I will go after Keaton." My dad threats.

I don't care what their stupid plan is. Someone will get hurt...I will protect everyone.

"I will win. No need to add any violence." I replied.

"I think you are getting too cocky and need a reminder."


He pulls out a gun and points it at me.

One thing about him... he can sense my fear like oxygen entering his lungs.

I start shaking and I close my eyes.

Dad chuckles. "Nice to know that I still have an effect on you."

He pulls the trigger and a bullet goes flying past my face.

He drops the gun. "Remember your place."

Dad walks out without baring another word.

I fall to the ground, shaking and breathing heavily.

Just breathe Camilla.

The door slams open and I flinch.

"Cami, it's just me, okay?"

Keaton pulls me into his arms.

"What are you doing? You aren't supposed to be around me."

His hold grows tighter on me. "Screw it. I wasn't going to act like I didn't care about your dad just shooting a bullet past your head."

"How did you know?" I whisper.

"I saw your dad walk in here. I stayed by the edge of the door. There was no absolute way I was going to walk away, you were about to have a panic attack."

I shake my head. "No I wasn't."

Keaton grows silent and starts to rock back and forth with me in his arms.

I lean against his chest and whisper. "This plan needs to work."

Keaton kisses the side of my head. "It will."

"If it fails, everyone will be in danger."

"I won't let that happen."

I stand up and face him. "Keaton, we can't control what he is going to do! We don't know if he is on our tail about this!"

Keaton stands up. "Camilla. As long as he doesn't show suspicions we will be fine."

"I have to win three fights just to go to the championship, to lose. You don't think he will find that suspicious?"

Keaton shakes his head. "No one has met Shadow Thorton. This is the first year our arena is going against him. I've heard of his fights and he's good, I don't think it will add suspicion."

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"Go get ready for the fight. There are only a couple fights before you."

I nod and walk towards the locker room.


The announcer steps into the ring. Grabs the microphone.

"Introducing one of our best fighters...Cory Ray!"

Cory hops into the ring, the crowd roaring with excitement.

Cory doesn't even fight here so I don't know why they say he is the best here.

I know he works with my dad but I don't know why if he doesn't even fight here.

"Introducing a newbie fighter who beat Devin Malone...Camilla Carter!"

I hop in the ring ignoring the crowd.

I lock eyes with Cory, fury burning through my eyes to his.

"Tonight is the night I stop letting what you did affect me."

Cory chuckles. "Nice try Carter."

I roll my eyes.

Announcer steps out. Ref steps in.


I take my stance.


Cory takes his stance.


"You're nothing more than shards of glass." Cory whispers.


Cory instantly takes his chance and punches me right in the face, making me stumble back.

I shake my head.

Get your head back in the game Camilla!

I clench my fist, giving Cory an uppercut to the jaw.

He loses his balance and falls onto his back.

I scoff. "My punches are strong but not that strong Ray."

He stands up abruptly. "Your scars are the definition of you. They show your weaknesses, not strengths."

I threw a punch right at his throat. "You don't know crap about anything I went through!"

Cory bends over coughing from the impact of the punch. "Screw you..." he chokes out.

I send one kick to his stomach before he falls to the floor, coughing.

I take my chance and pull him into a headlock.











Ding! Ding!

The ref raises my right hand. "Camilla Carter! Winner of tonight's fight!"

The crowd cheers and boos at the same time.

"I'm not the same weak girl from Junior year at Newport High. I'm stronger than you will ever be." I whisper before stepping out of the ring.

I go into my dressing room and lock the door.

A few minutes later, the three of them walk inside.

I instantly ran into Keatons arms.

"One more fight next week."

"Yeah but I can't hurt Adrian."

"Then I guess we both will have to act."

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