His Darling Witch |18+ (His D...

De Luna_Moon135

643K 19.9K 2.8K

Rosette, who only intended to help the handsome stranger, was bewildered when he refused to part ways from he... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 14

21.9K 710 81
De Luna_Moon135




"Are you there?" A familiar feminine voice spoke from outside.


Rosette hurriedly stood up from Reagan's lap. But because of her weak knees, she fell down on her first step.


"Rosette..!" Reagan called her name in concern. He immediately knelt down to check on her.

"Does it hurt? Are you hurt anywhere?" He worriedly asked.

"Ah... No, I'm fine." She told him.

'This is embarrassing.'

"Are you sure?" An anxious expression was etched on Reagan's face as he continued to ask her.

Reagan supported her legs and waist, lifting her up.

"Reagan, I can walk.."

"You don't have to force yourself Rosette."

"Well, if you didn't do that earlier, I wouldn't be like this..."

Reagan's face started to heat up, laughing softly with red tinted cheeks. "You gave me your permission, though..."

"I did..." Rosette embarrassingly admitted.

"But I was not expecting a visitor..." She grumbled.

Reagan's lips immediately rose to a smile. "Then does that mean you enjoyed it?"

Rosette looked away, embarrassed. "Of course..." She murmured.

"Then we should continue, Rosette." He gleefully spoke.

"No, I have to go to the door..! Now can you put me down?"

Reagan, who was feeling bold, mischievously gleamed at her. "I will, but you have to kiss me first."

"Rosette are you in there? I think heard something." Thellia loudly spoke.

'I need to open the door...'

Rosette swallowed a breath as she looked at Reagan. Her face was blushing from embarrassment, so was her heart racing.

"Where?" She asked. Reagan gleamed at her and pointed to his lips.

'Ah... if only we had a bit more time alone.' She thought.

Rosette leaned upwards to peck his lips. She softly pressed her lips on his, but pulled away in hurry.

Reagan gently shoved Rosette's head back to his direction, kissing her deeply. He took his time to devour her lips passionately.

Rosette pulled away to breathe. "Haa."

"Rosette?" Thellia's voice loudly spoke.

"Reagan, Thellia is waiting... I have to get to the door!"

Reagan started to loosen his hold on her waist as gently let her go. He felt dismayed as he wanted to hold her closer. So did Rosette. She wanted to be held by him longer and do passionate things.

She took a step back before stumbling. Fortunately, Reagan caught her before she could fall. Rosette wanted to be swallowed by the ground in embarrassment.

"Thank you." She murmured. Their face were only a few inches apart.

He felt a hot sensation flow to his cheeks. "I think I should carry you, Rosette..."

"I would like that." She shamefully admitted. "But I don't think it would be an appropriate sight for a guest." She added.

"But you can barely stand."

"That's alright, I can just-"

Without a word, Reagan carried Rosette in his arms and went outside the room, stopping before the door.

"Rosette?" Thellia asked again while impatiently knocking.

"Reagan, put me down..!" She whispered as she impatiently slapped her hand on his chest. 

Reagan pursed her lips and did as he was told, carefully put her down. He felt dismayed as he wanted to hold her more.

"Thank you, Reagan..." Rosette leaned on the near wall to support herself to remain standing.

Slowly, she turned the knob and opened the door, Revealing Thellia.

She smiled. "Hello!"

"What took you so long-" Thellia noticed Rosette's rumpled dress and tangled hair. She was quite disheveled.

She glanced at Rosette, then moved her gaze to Reagan, who was standing behind Rosette.

"It seems like you two are preoccupied at the moment..." She spoke in a firm manner.

Tugging on her sleeves, Thellia prepared to leave. "You two can continue, I'll visit again, sometime later. I apologize for the disturba-"

"Wait..!" Rosette breathes. "We weren't preoccupied..."

"Hm?" Thellia glanced at her again, making her lips in a awkward thin line, as if saying it was very obvious.

"It doesn't seem so."

"We're really not..!" Rosette couldn't be more embarrassed.

"Well, whatever you say." Thellia's face was rather smug as she retained eye contact with Rosette, smiling.

"But isn't it good? You have a lover now."


"It's a misunderstanding, we're not lo-"

"That is correct." Reagan intervened.

"I am Rosette's lover."

Rosette silently pinched Reagan's side. Curses of words were itching to spew from her lips.

"Oh?" With a look, Thellia smiled at Rosette in a smugly manner.

"What brings you here today, Elle?"

"Tomorrow is the Lilith festival."

"I am to spend the night here like we had agreed on, so we could go together. Have you forgotten?" She pursed her lips.

'It completely slipped my mind because of Reagan.' Thought Rosette.

Rosette fully opened the door. "Come in, Elle." She gleamed.

But inside, she was still talking ill of Reagan.

Thellia headed inside. "Your home still smell like herbs."

"It's quite relaxing, I must say."

"Well, you could say it is pleasant."

"Would you like some tea, Thellia?" Asked Rosette.

"Of course." She smiled.

Rosette leaned on the wall as she walked to the counter, trying not to stumble. Reagan had noticed and immediately assisted Rosette by holding her hips.

Rosette flicked his hands away. Reagan flinched, feeling the slight sting on his hands. He stood frozen, surprised at what happened.

Rosette ignored him and continued to walk to the counter. Thellia who was silently watching them on the corner, held her laughter in.

Reagan felt hurt and gloomy after Rosette flicked his hand away. He went after Rosette, to whine.

"-sette..." He called.

Rosette stayed silent, completely turning her back on him. Reagan went closer and tapped her shoulder. Taking the hot kettle off the fire, she added the mushed Camellia sinensis leaves.

"-ettee..." Reagan called again. Rosette walked away from Reagan, preparing the ceramic kettle and tea cups in a tray. She kept walking despite her almost numb legs.

Reagan felt a short sting in his chest. He felt hurt inside. 'Why is she ignoring me...'

'He was bold, threatening to impregnate me earlier. It's troubling my conscience but I think this is a fair reaction.' Thought Rosette.

It was a new feeling for him. It was an unpleasant feeling. He walked to Rosette again, with an intention to help.

"Rosette, I'll do it..." He quietly spoke, with a genuine motive to help her.

Thellia sat down on the chair, watching in amusement. Thellia looked at the two, grinning.

"Haa." Thellia lets out a breath.

'That gigolo of a scum, Lyle. He's always making my blood boil.' Thellia bit her lips, unable to control the rage she felt towards the person.

Reagan offered to help Rosette, only to be shunned by her. He really felt horrible this time. Eagerly, he spoke in a worried manner. "Did I do something wrong, Rosette? You're ignoring me..."

'Yes, you did.'

'What if you made a mistake and I actually get pregnant..!'

Like a child, Reagan eagerly wanted her attention. With begging eyes, he pleaded for her to talk to him, to notice him in any way, even a glance would make him feel better.

"-ettee..." He desperately called. Reagan wanted to hug her and hold her, but something was telling otherwise. He felt like he would worsen the situation if he did as he wanted.

Rosette walked to Thellia with a tray in hand. She carefully placed it on the table, pulling Thellia out of her deep daze. Rosette left Reagan completely shunned.

Time had passed by. Rosette and Thellia was amidst of drinking tea and conversing. While Reagan was outside.

"What time would we be going tomorrow?" Rosette asked.

"Preferably in the morning or before lunch. A carriage should be waiting for us by then"

"Did Hennesse go already?"

"Yes. She told me to tell you we'll be meeting her there."

"That's good."

"Is that man really your lover?" Thellia asked.

"No..." Rosette awkwardly answered.

"Could I be frank?" Thellia took a sip from her cup.

"Say as you please." Rosette responded, carefully pouring on her cup.

"To be honest, he looks like dog." Rosette coughed at Thellia's words.

"In fact, I strongly think he would listen to whatever you tell him." Thellia continued.

"What?" Rosette placed the teapot down.

"Why do you think that?"

"It's quite obvious. The way he followed you around earlier would say enough."

"You are halfway right, but people can be deceitful."

"You're not wrong." Thellia agreed.

"How about you? Are you seeing someone?" Rosette asked Thellia.

"Well," Thellia put her cup down.

"It's quite complicated."

"What's this..? Did I hear that right?" 

'Thellia, who has very high standards, is seeing someone?'

"To put it simply, I thought he was a good person, since he would always help me when I'm in trouble."

"I was even considering telling him I like him."

"Did something bad happened?"

Thellia's face turned into a displeased expression as she talked about the person.

"Only to find out it was just an act to get me to his bed." She said, irritated.

Rosette choked. "What?!"

"That Lyle..!" Thellia bit her lower lip, irked.

"That scum of a gigolo..!"


"That little- Had I known his motives, I would have ignored him from the start..!"

"Thellia, what was the name?"

"You mean the Lyle? His name is Lyle..."

'Oh my...'

"I think I saw him before..."


"On the village... Two women were fighting over him... He was there too."

"It was a huge scene." Rosette added.

"See..!" Thellia poured the tea on her cup.

"I'm sorry, I let my feelings get the best of me..." Thellia apologized.

"It's alright, I completely understand." Rosette assures.

"You know, you shouldn't stress over men. Your face will grow a wrinkle."

"Still... it can't be helped."

"But I am still beautiful though." Said Thellia.

Rosette laughed. "You're not wrong."

"By the way, where did your husband helper go?"

"What?" Rosette's brows furrowed.

'Husband helper?'

"The guy earlier. What was his name? Reeger?"



"Oh, right." Thellia took a sip from her cup.

"Did he do something unpleasant to you? If so, just tell me. Me and Hennesse will beat him for you."

"Ah. Isn't that a bit... too much?"

Warmth rose to Rosette's face, realizing the only things Reagan did were obscenities.

'It's not really that unpleasant...'

"No. I actually got a lot of time to laze and rest since he came." It was quarter a lie.

"That's good to hear."

"By the way, where do you prefer to sleep tonight?"

"Hm..." Thellia looked down, wondering.

"Is upstairs alright?" Thellia asked.

"Are you sure? You could inhale a potion... I would have a hard time finding the antidote..." Rosette lied.

She knew what Thellia was slyly plotting. Rosette was too embarrassed to sleep with Reagan in the same bed, hence she made the lie.


'Knowing Reagan... my body will be sore if me and him ends up in the same room together.'

Rosette recalled the first time she and Reagan slept together, her legs were very sore right after.

"Hearing you say that makes me feel shivers..." Thellia rubbbed her arms.

"Then, how about we share the bedroom?" Rosette suggested.

"I'm fine with that."

Meanwhile, Reagan was amidst his stroll. He was near the lake, gloomily carving on a tall tree. He carved two letter R that represents their initials.

Rosette and Reagan.


"Is she still mad at me..."

His golden hair shined below the setting sun. As Reagan was walking back to the cottage, he noticed that it was oddly quiet. He felt uncontrollably down since Rosette ignored him earlier.

'I think I really went too far...'

He opened the door and headed inside Rosette's cottage.

"Oh, you're back." He immediately looked up thinking it was Rosette who greeted him.

His heart was finally at ease with the very thought. 'Is she not mad anymo-'


Disappointment was what Reagan felt. It was not Rosette, but it was Thellia who greeted him.

"Rosette is already sleeping. We'll be sharing the bedroom and you'll be using the one upstairs."

"I see..."

"Rosette had prepared your dinner beforehand, it's in the table." Reagan's mood was a but brighter after hearing Thellia's words.

'Rosette still thought of me.' Thought Reagan, in touched manner.

"Ah... Please tell her my gratitude."

Thellia held a satisfied smile. 'It looks like he cares for her.'

"I'll tell her once she wakes up. I'll be going." Thellia waved her hand at Reagan as she entered Rosette's room.

Few hours had already passed, yet Reagan still can't seem to fall asleep.

"Haa..." He covered his face.

'I'm thirsty.'

Reagan decided to go downstairs to clench his thirst. He noticed a silhouette near the counter. It was a familiar figure.

"-ette..!" He spoke.

Rosette flinched in surprise, her heart was beating fast. "Don't do that! You surprised me."

Reagan happily strode to her. "You're not ignoring me anymore..!" He happily said, feeling his heart at ease.

"Ah." Rosette avoids his gaze.

'I forgot I wasn't supposed to do that...'

"You're not mad at me anymore?" Reagan asked in a small tender voice.

'If he acts like that... How am I supposed to ignore him...'

"Hahh..." Rosette lets out a breath, running her fingers through her hair. She puts down the glass of water she was holding.

"Rosette..." Reagan called, standing in front of her. He gently tucked Rosette's hair behind her ears, tenderly smiling at her.

'Why does he look so happy...'

Reagan hugged Rosette. He was dying to hug her since earlier. Reagan burried his face on her shoulders.

"Please don't do that again..." He mumbled.

"You have no idea how miserable I felt inside..." Reagan quietly murmured.

Sighing, Rosette patted his back while her other hand caressed his hair. Finally giving up, she hugged Reagan back.

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