By -VengfulCCAfton-

989 17 33

Reboot of my old one! Don't feel like making a summary so go ahead- More

Given this book away


417 8 23
By -VengfulCCAfton-


(from William_Afton_Dad)

William: Can.... Can I adopt you?

Goldie's head snapped towards the fourth wall, blinking as he pointed to himself "Me? A-are you talking to me?" he then put his paw down and rubbed his arm "I g-guess you can? Since you are Mr. Afton from another universe."

I'm NOT staying with a murderer Fredbear. Say no.

This is a chance for him! Maybe he can start a new li-

Oh shut it! Say no Fredbear!

Goldie sighed as the voices started to argue again. Goldie rubbed his forehead, muttering as he regretted everything in his life.

Sammy: Do you have souls within you?

Goldie blinked, and tilted his head "souls? I don't think so. Unless you call the voices in my head souls" he said as he leaned back on a box.

Chris: W-Why d-does m-my a-alternative w-wants y-your p-powers?

Goldie froze up for a bit after hearing him. "S-sorry you sound like someone I accidentally hurt" he laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck "and your alternative- oh! You mean Shadow Freddy? Don't worry, I don't think we have 'souls' in this universe, so you might not be him. Also, I dunno" he shrugged.

Elizabeth: Can I hug you?

Goldie blinked. Why were these people being nice to him? it felt weird, since no one actually liked him in the pizzeria.

Take it. I'm sure you need it.

Goldie decided to acknowledge the voice now and decided to take the hug. "Yes please..." An invisible force started to hug him gently and felt like a small child was hugging him. he smiled softly as he hugged back, thinking of how the kids hugged him back then.

He also remembers a large figure... it used to hug him all the time, and he could remember the gentle kisses it gave on his forehead whenever he got upset of how Freddy was much popular. He remembered guitar chords playing gently as he sang with the figure. He remembered crying after the bite, scared, as the figure gently hugged him and comforted him. he remembered Freddy being angry at him, but the figure was protecting him from Freddy....

He wished he could remember the figure...

It seemed to love him more that anyone here...

Michael: I'm sorry for what my alternative done, how are you feeling?

He sighed as he felt the embrace go away, as he looked at the question "it's not Mike's fault. It's the company rules. Plus he has been struggling with money, so he can't get fired now. Also I am feeling better now" he said smiling softly.

(from littlemonkeytoes)

to Goldie: hey sweetie I wouldn't hit your head so hard if you want to remember trust me on this one kiddo it won't make it any better

Goldie started to play with his hat, as he looked up at the question "h-huh...? But I really... want to remember" he said softly.

to Freddy: so how are you and Goldie is trying to remember someone and I think we all know who want to explain that but out of everyone's ears if you feel comfortable not to say it in front of everyone

Freddy put the book he was reading down as he looked at the screen, raising his eyebrow. "I'm doing well... but who does Goldie need to remember? it was just me and Goldie back in Fredbears-" he paused for a bit, as he tried to remember the days of Fredbear's diner.

There was one figure... he couldn't remember it. It used to be with Goldie all the time. They were like latched together...

He rubbed his forehead. "huh... maybe I don't know somethings" he said softly.


Goldie do you like gummies if so here honey shaped gummies with a flavor of pineapple

Goldie gasped taking the gummies but froze for a bit "D-don't tell anyone please. They'll take it away" he said before he started to eat them quickly

Hey Michael who do you trust the most out of your family

Mike looked away from the monitor as he shrugged "I live alone now, so I dunno"

CC do you care about your brother

Susie looked at the camera as Fritz helped her to bake for the other kids. "CC and Cassidy haven't came back here for years." She said, as she went out in the backyard of the Afton Mansion. "Cassidy has been hunting for revenge while CC is trying to recover his memories." She said as she started to call the other missing kids.

Freddy I'ma get to the point your a horrible Big brother

He kept on reading his book as he waved his hand "It's a Punishment. I'm sure you've gotten one before. I'm just disciplining him"

Goldie why are you so cute * hugs him and pets his head*

Goldie purred and leaning into the invisible force petting him, before he realized the question. He quickly pulled away and blushed madly "I'm not cute!"

(from Ruvyzvat_)

Shadow Freddy do you have like a younger sibling of any chance, dose the name 'Red-bear' ring a bell to you ?

Shadow Freddy decked his cards as he looked at the question grinning "Of course! Accidentally burned down his pin-wheel circus so gave him a job at my casino" he waved his hand.

Goldie your my favorite :D

"Wait really?" Goldie blinked before he shook his head "I mean- Of course! I am the best!"

(From Novagoldie)

GGoldie: Did the others ever saw you turn into your nightmare version?

Goldie's eyes darken, as he hugged his knees "No. and I hope they never will"

Do you know William Afton? What's your relationship with him?

Goldie's eyes turned back to normal as he smiled "Of course! He built me and Freddy! He was a very nice man" he said happily

Nice my ass. Goldie you need to believe me. He's a killer and a murderer.

Goldie hit the side of his head again, grumbling "Leften is trying to convince me he's bad..."

Where did you learn the art of manipulation? Did someone teach you?

"Well... someone really didn't teach me, more like I learnt from them" he said as he memory went back to Fredbear's Diner.

"William don't you think building a whole new set of animatronics is too much?" Goldie perked up from the stage as Henry and William walked in from the entrance.

"Henry buddy... think of how much money we can get from new animatronics, making them so much more futuristic" William said with a sinister grin, which went unnoticed by the two.

"I'm not sure Will-" "Fine. Don't build them. There are plenty new places trying to rival with us, and one day, we will go down the drain because of their new stylish place, and we won't have enough money to make this more of the Era" William said as he spoke while pretending to walk out the door.

Henry bit his lip before he called him back, agreeing to his plans. No one noticed the little bear watching on stage, as he thought with wonder.

How did he make him agree to a plan so quickly...?

How good are you at manipulating anyways? Are you good at pretending?

"uh... I say I'm pretty good. But not as good as Shadow Freddy- that's one think I find cool about him!" he grinned. "But he sucks all the way anyways- and pretending? Uh... a medium amount I guess"

Creator: what kind of hellish powers Goldie has? and what did Mike do that keeps Goldie for using them?

( Well starting off, he has satanic powers from sending William to Hell. He doesn't have the powers as strong as Cassidy, since he only has remnant leftover from her. But if he practices enough, he can do a lot of things:

Possessing animatronics

Making different appearance of himself (I believe Golden Freddy is a hallucination disguise by Cassidy)

Memory wipe

Sending things to hell

Creating his own hell etc.

Goldie isn't mentally strong, which he usually pretends to be. Mike just saying he will lock him up just makes him afraid, so he doesn't do anything too far.)

In what occasions Goldie manipulated everyone?

(Well in the comic, he manipulated Toy Chica, Balloon Boy, and I think Toy Bonnie? Not entirely sure. But he manipulated many people to his use_

What animatronics were made to kill?

(Freddy, Goldie and SpringBonnie originally were made to kill, but henry already got to Freddy so William couldn't put his coding in since Henry's blocked his. One of the reasons of the bite was William's programming on Goldie. SpringBonnie was a toy he used to kill kids in.

The Funtimes were fully programmed to kill, and most probably still is)

Did Goldie & Spring ever break up or are they still together without Goldie knowing? Since he doesn't remember Spring, it might be interesting and dramatic if they were still a couple.

(Honestly I was going for that plot, but you see, I'm horrible at writing romance tension. As much as people want to, you can't make someone do what they can't do, so I'm making them break-up about a year prior to the bite.

Sorry! T~T)

Puppet: Do you know about Charlie?

Puppet got out of her box and started to smile "Of course! She was the sweetest girl I have ever been with! Although she stopped visiting after a while..."

How does it feels being everyone adviser?

She sighed "very tiring. It's a pain being the therapist. Everyone goes through stupid crap"

Do you remember who created you?

"Of course! Mr. Emily did!"

Have you ever seen strange or paranormal things happen around the place?

"well... there has been times where I've heard small kids giggling..." she said softly "it really creeps me out"

Freddy: was there a occasion when Goldie genuinely scared you all?

Freddy stayed silent. "... one times Foxy ripped his arm off by accident... he was looking at his dismembered arm and was laughing like a manic while crying. Then he suddenly turned off. he wasn't on for 3 days..."

How is Goldie on his "manic" mode? Does he tries to kill people, destroy/burn things or something?

"He tried to burn down the building, and dismember Foxy's head, so I say pretty crazy" he snorted

How do you feel about Bonnie seeing Goldie in a romantic way?

"Excuse me, w h a t"

I seriously think you all should see a REAL therapist, for everyone sake.

"THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING!" Chica yelled out from the kitchen

Foxy: i kinda think you have anger issues, do you wanna talk about it? It might help you have a better relation with others and stop scaring the kids.

"I've been working on that... Mike said I nee'd to stop or I'd be scrapped..." he said sighing "I be trying to ignore Goldie but he be bugging me matey" he growled before he took a deep breath

What's your opinion on Mangle? How do you feel about the kids daily dismantling her for fun?Are you afraid of anything? And be honest.

"Aye! Mangle is a good matey!" he said cheerfully "although I don't like the kids dismantling 'er. Maybe I' should make that e' lesson for my next show" he said rubbing his chin.

"And what I be afraid of?" he tilted his head "Nothing! O'her then being scrapped..."

Bonnie: i'll be sincere with you, i kinda think you're a coward for never stand up for people you care about, for not have the balls to ask Goldie on a date or defend him, for caring to much about what others think about you, etc.

Bonnie's ears drooped as he rubbed his arm "Yeah... guess I need to work on those... I've always been a coward" he chuckled sadly.

Mike: do you have a family or siblings?

"I had 2 siblings..." he sighed as he tried not to remember. "and a dad. Although I don't know where he is now"

Why did you choose to work on the pizzeria?

"Money" he deadpanned

Are you afraid of any of the animatronics there?"No not really. They were scary at first but now they act like they are on drugs"

Do you have a diploma on engineering? To work with robots and all. "Yep! Passed university and everything!" he grinned



Terrance: I dare you to go into the kitchen and eat something.

Goldie sighed "tried. Always got caught" he said as he was being reprimanded by Chica for trying to steal.



Bonnie started at Goldie. Then booped his nose. It made a squeak. They stared at each other again.


Bonnie I dare you to kiss your crush

Bonnie squeaked, blushing madly as he hid under the table "n-no please"


I dare Goldie to turn into his nightmare self in front of everyone and scare them saying his voice lines along with the jumpscare.

"I would (not really) but the problem is I need an INSANE amount of agony to turned into Nm. Fredbear" he said shrugging.


New info unlocked!


Name: Freddy Fazbear.

Model Type: Freddy Model 2.0|The Hybrid line.

Height: 5'6

Gender: male

Sexuality: Asexual-straight.


Personality: A born leader and is strict. He keeps everyone in line and has regrets over things. Is wary of Goldie and keeps a close eye on him. Threatens with words. Has a soft spot for Toy Freddy (reminds him of Past Goldie). He has anger issues a bit and ego centrical from all the praise from the kids.


- Oldest of all.

- Dislikes avocado pizza

- quite sensible

- doesn't interact with Goldie at all, unless needed

- Parental/brother figure type to the toys

- loves children

- B R I T I S H

- made by William



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