Under My Skin

By jijiofthesharingan

14.3K 471 65

Shadow and secrets dwell in all Shinobi, some more than others. Anbu Kakashi is rescued from a mission gone w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29


650 19 13
By jijiofthesharingan

Kakashi and Akari still live in the old Hatake house with their twins. They've grown up a little and are currently 5 years old. Hatake is only a few years from retirement.

"They're refusing to eat the snacks you made." Kakashi sighed and flopped back onto the grass next to Akari. She continued to read her book without looking up to her husband. They were sat on the grass at the back of the old Hatake house she loved so much. The summers day warmed the air magnificently and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

"Just throw them out then," she murmured as he watched her eyes hungrily read the pages.

"Kids!," Kakashi shouted and heaved himself off the ground, "pack your bags! Your mother told me to throw you out!" He was already storming across the garden when she realised what was happening.

"Kakashi!" She'd jumped up and ran to Kashi who was grinning widely back at her at he walked through the door. She raced to follow him only to be greeted by the sound of crying.

"Momma is kicking us out?" Hatake Hikaru looks to his father trying to wipe the tears away but they're falling too fast. She watches as Kakashi tries not to laugh. Hatake Miharu starts clinging onto Kakashi's leg as she wails.

"Please papa I'll eat momma gross snacks," she wails again through her sobbing. The chaos of the moment was the only thing preventing the hurt at the comment of her cooking.

"Look, kids, I'm just as surprised as you are." He was ruffling the hair on his daughters head as she desperately clung to his leg.

"Hika, Miha, mommy didn't say that! I'm not kicking you out!" Akari shook her head from side to side as her hands came to her cheeks. Their crying seemed to pause as they blinked to her and back at Kakashi. She watched as his smirked dropped slowly as their little faces screwed up into anger.

"OW!" Kakashi yelled out as Miharu kicks him cleanly in the shin. "You can't kick the Hokage!" He calls just as Hikaru repeats his sisters action in the other shin.

Akari watches on unable to repress the bubble of laughter but they look back to their mother as if to ask permission. Her eyebrows twitch upwards as she smirked and she watched the twins turn back to their father with adorably serious expressions.

"Momma said that it was ok," the grumpy comment of Miha's was followed by Kakashi feigning pain as he play fought with them.

Later that evening

It had been a hot day, even for summer. It wasn't particularly late, Kakashi and Akari hadn't even had dinner yet, but the twins had trained all day together and she knew they were tired. Because it was summer it was still pretty light at almost 9 pm.

"Oya," Kakashi called from the door.

"Oyasumi," Akari waved and turned the lights off. The two children uttered their goodnights as Kakashi began to close the door.

"Do you think bugs have feelings?" Akari heard Miha whisper to her brother.

"I'm giving you one chance to shut the hell up." Hika's dry scalding caused Akari to cover her snickering with both her hands as Kakashi shut the door completely. He made no effort to repress his own laughter. Kakashi turned and rested his arm over Akari's shoulders. She snaked an arm around his waist and leant into him as they began walking down the hallway.

"Ikura came to the office today," Kakashi spoke of what was on his mind.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, he asked if the twins could go to the academy and help out the kids there." She watched as his eyes slid to their corners, spying her reaction.

"Hmm," she contemplated as they entered the kitchen. "Look, I know they've already graduated but they're 5 years old. They've already graduated so early. Don't you think it's too much?" she didn't realise how loud her voice had gotten and quickly looked to the hallway to see if she'd disturbed them.

"I know, but it might help them and the kids there. Ikura thinks it'll be more relatable if they see kids there own age showing them how to do it."

"We can ask them tomorrow if they want to," she sighed. "I just don't like the thought of them being shown like a carnival act." Kakashi rubbed her back absentmindedly and the comfort of it seemed to relax Akari.

"Neither do I, but they need to interact with kids their own age, too. They only speak to each other, us, and adults. It wont be good for them either."

"Are we not adults, too?" she laughed at his odd wording.

"I guess we are," he laughed with her, shaking his head at himself.

"It's a shame they don't get along with Boruto." She sighed and leant on the counter. She glared at Kakashi as he tried to stifle his laughter. He held his hands up in defence but it continued to bubble out of him.

"I'm sorry, it's just thinking of how Hikaru is around him. 'Boruto's head is full of so much air that I might die of oxygen toxicity if I'm around him for too long'," Kakashi seemed to laugh harder as he quoted his son, "he's 5!" Akari found herself unable to contain the contagious laughter. "And you know Miha, if Hika doesn't like someone, she refuses to like them, too."

"With a brain like that, he must take after you, after all." She quipped dryly. "Miha, bless her. She loves Hika so much," she laughs shaking her head. Hika is like a hero to Miha.

"With a mouth as dry as yours we all know he's equal 50/50," he looks at her pointedly as he leans his body against hers and kisses her lightly on the lips.

He pulls back and inhales deeply with a smile on his face. She watched as he scanned the kitchen and begins pulling pots and pans out of various placed. Akari hops up onto the countertop to watch her favourite show. Kakashi's Kitchen. She laughs lightly at her thoughts.

"Where did he even learn about oxygen toxicity?" she realised.

"Ah, he's been hanging out at the hospital since I told him to slow down on the chunin exams."

"I guess you graduated at the same age, you must know how he feels?"

"Hmm, I guess. But, I don't want him to miss his childhood either."

"Seems he doesn't want one if he's hanging around the hospital." She joked but hoped it wasn't true for his sake.

"I think he has a crush on Sakura-chan, honestly," he laughed as he began chopping various veg before putting the knife on the counter. She watches as Kakashi shrugged the outer layer of his clothes off leaving only the traditional navy wide-leg trousers and opening his top, leaving it loose. The hot summer night was almost unbearable when he cooks. "He follows her like a little duckling and claims his hair is almost the same colour as hers. Only lilac and not pink." He laughed and resumed cutting the vegetables. Akari found herself smiling at the image of Hika following a very busy Sakura around.

"He does grow rather red and shy around her I've noticed." She contemplated it and began bouncing her head lightly in agreement. "Sasuke better watch out, seems he has competition." She joked but she didn't really know the man. She'd only seen him twice- maybe three times ever.

"I hope he comes back to stay soon. I don't like to think of Sakura in that big house alone."

"She has Sarada." She tries to justify but she began to think of how she'd feel without Kakashi being there.

"It must be difficult looking after a child, running the hospital and the mental health clinic." He was lost in his thoughts and she could tell. She watches his expert skills from atop the counter and can't help where her mind wanders. The light of the sunset filters in a seems to ripple over his pecks and down over his abs and she feels the familiar clamping of her gut. She watched as a single bead of sweat made its way down his creamy sculpted torso.

"Hey," she motioned with her hand for him to come over to her. He glances at her giving her side-eye. She watches how dominating he looks at her and can't help how she rubs her thighs together subconsciously. Just that one look he gave to her was enough to ignite her. She wondered if that would ever stop. She watched his eyes dip to her legs and his nose flared slightly as if he can smell her reaction.

"I want more," his voice dropped an octave and she wanted to feel the vibration of his chest underneath her all of a sudden.

"More what?" she asks coyly.

He smirks at her, moving towards her. She feels like prey being stalked by a predator as his large frame blocks most of her view. His large calloused hands separate her legs and she offers it without much resistance. She drags her eyes from his bare chest up to his face to find him smirking darkly.

He positions himself close to her nether region and she can't feel his hardness pressed on her coil. She whimpers and his hands catch her head as it rolls backwards.

His lips whisper against the hot skin of her neck as he tilts her head to the side. He rocks himself against her cooking bud and licks cleanly up her neck to her ear.

"Let me fill you, I want to see you carrying my children again."

"Kashi," she groaned in protest. They'd had this conversation often. Kakashi was obsessed with plying her full of children but having twins was hard. She wasn't sure she ever wanted to experience it again.

"Well, we can still practice." He smirked as his lips met hers.

13 years later

Kakashi was long since retired as Hokage and he often led his own investigations, Gai accompanying obviously. But, most of the time he spent travelling with Akari or simply enjoying their lives here in Konoha.

Akari was sat on the grass of a meadow near the park by their house. She leant back on her palms and her legs sticking out wide. The summer was coming to a close and it wasn't as hot as it had been. She wore a dark purple kimono which reminded her of the one from long long ago in Suna. She absentmindedly rubbed her swollen belly as she watched the twins train with one another. Hikaru has taunted Miharu into it, claiming she never trains and she's growing weak. As usual, Miha fell for it and here they were.

They hadn't meant to get pregnant, mind you. It was a shock to everyone, especially Akari. With Sakura's help though, everything was going well. Kakashi seemed excited to have a growing family.

Miharu had grown taller than Akari but was almost her spitting image except for the colouring. She had light grey hair down to her waist. Much like Kakashi's colour but a little lighter. Her eyes were silvery byakugan's but darker more like an even mix between Akari's and Kakashi's. Both the twins had a small beauty mark under the corner of their eye but on opposite sides much like Kakashi's by his lip. She smiled at the thought of their resemblance.

Miha was part of Anbu now, much like her brother. Only he started much earlier than his sister. They were on the same team now which brought a little peace to Akari. She realised early on that Miha's fighting style resembled her own a lot. She took more of a stealthy approach, often used for recon, intel gathering or using non-physical/long-range attacks. She had taught her everything Akari knew by the time she was already 12. Kakashi had noticed how well she fought with Akari's fathers Katana's and enlisted Uzuki's help. Akari had since gifted her precious Katanas to Miha. She'd trained hard with her sensei and learnt the secret sword techniques that Hayate had taught Uzuki quickly. She was truly an accomplished kunoichi. Even Kakashi found it difficult to keep up with her level of Kenjutsu.

Her son for that matter was as tall as Kakashi already. She wondered if he'd be growing anymore since they had turned 18. He was anbu by the time he was 13. It could've been a lot sooner but Akari and Kakashi knew what he was going into and tried to prevent it for a long while before they eventually gave in. They figured they couldn't prevent him from carving his own path, albeit reluctantly.

He had inherited Akari's lilac hair only it was a little lighter and a little greyer in comparison. He wore just above his ears but it was a little shaggy. Somewhere between Kakashi's crazy hair and her own smoother hair. He excelled in almost anything he tried his hand at but often went under the radar. She realised he often kept his skills and knowledge to himself to prevent unwanted attention. Akari found herself laughing lightly and shaking her head at the thought. She realised Hikaru was introverted within the first few years. Often preferring the company of books over people. She rolled her eyes as she sarcastically wondered who he got that from. After being a student of Sakura for most of his youth, he had inherited the strength of 100 seals shortly after he turned 10 and has been storing his chakra there since. He'd inherited Akari's silver chakra so it seemed to glow with the same silver hue in the diamond on his forehead. Being a student under Sakura had forged him into an extremely powerful and knowledgable Shinobi. Sakura often said how he would surpass her own skills relatively soon.

Akari always thought it odd that their fighting styles seemed to be more suited the other way around. Hikaru's personality would be more likely to have a quiet stealth approach and brute strength seemed more likely Miha's style. But as usual, she was always caught off guard with their similarities too. She shook her head and smiled again at the memory of them turning 16. They'd both come back the day after their birthday with matching bar piercings through an eyebrow. Once they realised neither Kakashi nor Akari were mad Hikaru hadn't stopped just at his eyebrow. He even got his nipples pierced. Kakashi had warned them that it wouldn't help them if they got hit there and his son proceeded to tell him he was too good to get hit. She snorted mentally. He must have got that from Kakashi, right?

Akari rubbed her eyes at the memory and looked to her children who finished up training and smiled at how blessed she was.

"Sakura-sama said you're a prodigy, again," Akari teased her son who pulled his black short sleeve t-shirt off and wiped the sweat off his face with it. He wore long sleeve chain mail that stopped at his neck much like Akari used to.

"Everyone says he's a prodigy" Miharu spoke sourly.

"Well if everyone's saying it then it must be true," he quipped sarcastically as he flopped down on the grass next to his mother and sister.

"You used to have the biggest crush on Sakura-sama," Akari joked to try and embarrass her son.

"Yeah, she's hot." He inhaled deeply and looked up to the sky deep in thought. Akari's eye's widened at his nonchalant attitude.

"Ew, Hikaru! She's your sensei!"


"Hika," Akari found herself warning. He pulled a book out from his trouser pocket and began reading the text.

"I don't know how you and dad do it," Miharu changed the subject.

"Do what?" he sighed at the interruption.

"Manage to pull a book out from nowhere."

"A secret of the Hatake males." Their mother chimed in as she watched her children squabble. They always did but it brought an odd sort of affection out from them both. Her daughter laughed lightly at the comment.

All three of their attentions were torn from their conversation as they heard the bellowing voice of Gai before they could see him. Akari's chest seemed to bubble with amusement as Kakashi emerged from the tree line wheeling Gai along the path to them.

"Looks like Dad picked up a stray," Hika remarked dryly without looking up from the book but she knew he loved Gai as family. Seems their son picked up the driest parts of their personality. She knew she loved him all the more for it.

"Can we keep it momma?" Miha played along and whined like a child in jest and began shaking Akari's forearm with both her hands, "please momma look how old and frail they are, how will they survive in the wild?!" Hika actually laughed aloud and Akari's own laughter bubbled out of her. Miha seemed to inherit Kakashi's flair for the dramatics, again, she loved her all the more for it.

"It would be immoral to neglect such helpless old men." Akari agreed, grinning at her approaching husband.

"Who you calling old?" Kakashi halted with Gai in front of his family. He bent down and gave Akari a kiss on the cheek before he flopped next to her on the grass.

"Miharu," Hika called in the stern tone Kakashi sometimes took, Akari found herself laughing at the mockery, "fetch a mirror, Dad has forgotten he's ancient again."

"Just another sign of ageing," Miharu batted her eyelashes innocently smiling up at her dad. Kakashi nudged her with his elbow softly and smiled at her.

"Ok, no more bullying your Dad," Akari scolded but couldn't help the smile. She knew if the dynamic duo started to gang up on you, you were done for. Despite their smart remarks and dry sense of humour the pair of them were attached at the hip.

"Have a family photo! I bet you don't have one now you're all grown up." Gai suddenly announced and pulled out a huge camera. She wasn't sure where he was even keeping the thing.

"They're only 18, Gai, still children," Kakashi claimed. Akari nodded furiously in agreement, she didn't know if they would ever seem like adults to her. She thought back vacantly to when she was 18 and cringed at the thought of them in her situation.

"Might seem like that to you old man," Hika says dryly.

"Hey quit it." Miha punched Hika in the back of the head.

"I've just finished training," He sighs as he rubs the back of his head where his sister punched him.

"Maa, stop whining for once and just have the photo." His sister scorns.

"Ya," he called in frustration and Miha looked at him, unimpressed "Fine." He couldn't repress the smirk that stretched across his mouth even if it only showed for a second.

Kakashi took his place slightly behind Akari and wraps an arm across her pulling her into him. Miharu stands next to her parents and makes a peace sign but suddenly calls to pause the photo for a second.

"Wait!" she called, "Smile, Hika!" she pulls her brother's cheeks out trying to rid him of the moody face he always wore but he ended up folding his arms and rolling his eyes at his sister. Kakashi couldn't help laughing and covered his mouth as Gai took the photo.

They were all gathered around Gai in his chair as he showed them the photo of them all.

Akari's heart swelled at it. She suddenly realised how much her kids had grown up. How much time she was blessed to have with Kakashi and them. She had a wave of disbelief. There were so many times she dreamt of moments like this.

"Mum and dad look like love-sick teenagers." Miha laughed and headed back to where they were sitting before. She flopped down ungracefully and leant back on her hands.

"We are lovesick teenagers." Kakashi winked down to her as they made their way to the grass.

"I still can't believe you got her pregnant again when you're so old," Hikaru added in disbelief as he flopped next to his sister in the exact same manner she had. Akari felt redness on her cheeks at the path of discussion. Kakashi's arm was suddenly resting over her shoulders and he pulled her into a sideway embrace. His large warm hand rested on her swollen belly and he looked down at her with an intensity that always took her breath away.

"How could I resist having more kids after you two delights?" he joked sarcastically earning an eye roll from both his teenagers.

"You know what they say, if at first, you don't succeed, try and try again?" Akari joked with Kakashi.

"Third child lucky, right?" the two of them began laughing and she realised maybe this is where their kids picked it up from.

"Hey," Miharu called in annoyance. "You got a prodigal son and the beauty that is me," she smiled unable to retain her act, "What more could you ask for?"

"Modesty? Seems both our kids lack that," Kakashi sprinkled his dry humour across the conversation.

"Seems arrogance runs in the family, so who is really to blame?" Hika had his head in his textbook again but didn't fail to add his own dry jokes.

"I don't like that he inherited my intelligence." Kakashi jokingly whispered in Akari's ear as he helped her to sit on the grass. She laughed softly and looked back to her family.

"Gai-san," Miharu called out, "you're quiet today,"

"Maybe you're just too loud," her brother quipped. She shot him a glare.

"Oh, Mi-chan, so full of youth and vigour. You would've made a fine eternal rival."

"Gai has a date," Kakashi announced.

"A what?!" Miharu exclaimed.

"Ahaha! It would seem so, I'm nervous it would seem." Akari realised he actually was. Gai was always a little nervous around women. She smiled warmly at him and it seemed to give him encouragement.

"Who with?" Akari found herself prying.

"You know the lady that took over Taiyo's?" Kakashi spoke to her softly. She could think of Taiyo and remember the warmness of the memories now. For so long guilt plagued her. She wished he could've met Miharu and Hikaru.

"Ahh, Sara? She's lovely. I hope it goes well." Akari spoke genuinely and leaned back into Kakashi's chest.

"Well, I must be off else I'll be late." Gai waved to the family.

"Do you want company, Uncle?" Miha offered and started getting to her feet.

"No, no. Best you stay here and spend time with your mother and father. Once the little one comes you won't get all this attention." He winked at them all and laughed loudly before making his way down the path.

Akari glanced over to her daughter who was pouting like a kid. She suddenly looked like she was 7 again.

"Oh, don't worry Mi-chan, you'll always be the favourite." Kakashi joked.

"Kakashi!" Akari leant away from him and elbowed him in the ribs. "You're equally our favourites." She promised. Her kids and Kakashi laughed at her. She knew they knew, but she felt insistent that they knew how much she loved them. They didn't seem to be embarrassed by it like other kids either. Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones raging but she felt like she could've cried at the thought. No, she was fending them off, trying to breathe deeply.

"Tell me a story about you and Dad." Miharu suddenly asked. She saw her sons eyes dart over to the three of them but he pretended he wasn't listening.

"Hmm," she began to think, she was pretty sure she'd told them all the stories but she knew how much they liked hearing them. "There was this one time, I was around your age. Only a few years older, your father and I managed to fend off 30 enemy nin." She barked a laugh in disbelief at the memory. She couldn't quite contemplate how they did it still. "I hadn't even contemplated dying there despite the terrible odds. We were so exhausted we collapsed afterwards and I had to haul him," she jerked a thumb in Kakashi's direction, "all the way back to Fire country. That was the second time I had to carry his unconscious ass." Akari smirked at Kakashi who winked at her.

"What was the first time?" Miha leaned in wide-eyed enraptured by her mother's stories.

"Search and rescue after he was captured by enemy nin. He was betrayed by a teammate at the time. After fending off a few of their goons I almost ran out of chakra trying to get him back to Konoha." She glanced over to Kakashi leaving out some of the detail but saw him smiling at her. The intensity of his gaze made it hard to look away.

"Did you guys always have such a hard time on missions?" Hikaru quipped dryly, his eyes never left his book.

"It's safe to say we made a terrible team." Akari found herself laughing lightly and covering her swollen belly. She absentmindedly rubbed it and didn't notice how Kakashi's eyes couldn't leave her.

"I would say the opposite, I know I would've died a few times if your mother hadn't been there." His sudden interjection caused the three of them to look to Kakashi.

"Maybe you were the problem then. Mum seems like she spent the whole time trying to save you." Hikaru spoke dryly again but the amusement in his jab didn't go amiss. Miharu and Kakashi laughed but Akari just watched her family as warmth swelled around her heart.

"Maa maa can you blame me? How can I not be distracted with her around." Akari blushed despite her kids being around and lightly swatted Kakashi on the arm before covering her cheeks.

"Like I said, a terrible team." She jabbed at Kakashi and realised maybe Hika took after her after all. "Gah, I guess your father just got under my skin," she joked but looked to Kakashi warmly. 

Akari looked around and took a deep breath. She could never have imagined this is what her life would've looked like. A deep feeling of utter content swelled within her as she looked up to Kakashi. He looked down at her as if he had the same thought.

She faintly wondered how it was possible to love someone as much as she loved him. He kissed her through his mask then. She heard Miha and Hika clamber to their feet and continued to train wordlessly.

She didn't know it was possible to love them all like this. She didn't know love like this existed. She found herself thanking every star in the nights' sky for the life she had.

"I love you, Aki,"

Comment down below if you enjoyed the story OR if you have a totally awesome name for their 3rd child that's on the way.

Thanks forever.

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