Supermarket is a Cupid [On Hi...

By piana_staric

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"Don't you talk to me like that. Do you have any idea who I am?" "Oh yeah, you must be the prince of jerks be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 36

26 3 0
By piana_staric

"I swear to God Carter if you don't reply one more time, you will regret it." I gritted out glaring at the side of Jake's face. Nothing. Again for the 100th time, he didn't give me any reaction, pretending like I don't exist. Just like he promised. I huffed thinking now I have to swallow my pride and accept that he was right.

About two hours ago we were making small talks so this never-ending car ride can be bearable. We decided to point out character traits we have noticed about each other. To which Jake said that I am the kind of person who can not stay quiet and can't tolerate if someone doesn't give me attention and ignore me. And being the stubborn person that I am I denied it. Since then he took it upon himself to prove me wrong and would ignore me if I say something.

For the first hour, I kept my composure and stayed silent. There were many times where I saw something on the road and wanted to point out or to make a comment on the song playing on the radio. But soon I started fidgeting because the silence was getting to me. So I decided to go with something important so he would give in and I would blame it on the urgency of the matter, then accepting that he is right. I asked him what is our plan, where are we going and what are we going to do about the Eagles. But he is far more resilient than I expected.

"Fine, you win. Yes, I can't stay quiet. Happy now?" I groaned leaning back in my seat.

"You bet." he smirked.

"Bitch." I murmured.

"Now to the important point. What is our plan of action?" I asked.

"I am trying to find a safe place to park the car. So we can spend the night in the car. We will figure what to do next tomorrow. Right now we need to rest and get our energy and this is a lot so you need some time to process it all." He replied, eyes focused on the road. A small smile tried to make its way on my face seeing how considerate he is. But I quickly covered it up with a cough.

"Why in the car? We should find a good motel or rest house. There are many along the highway. As you said we need our energy and the bed will help rather than leather seats."

"You do know how unsafe these motels are right? They are usually filled with criminals and right now we are in the condition of not being seen." he replied.

"But-" I wanted to say something but he cut me off.

"No buts. We are staying in the car and that's final" he said in an authoritative tone, that anyone would hesitate to defy and I was no special.

So that's how we spent the rest of the night parked in a barren field alongside the highway. Eating crappy packaged food because we were starving, having not eaten anything since morning. Jake drifted off to sleep pretty fast but I had too much going on in my head. Eventually, I leaned back in the leather seat, closing my eyes, hoping this was all just a nightmare and tomorrow I wake up in my bed.


The next day we had a decent breakfast in a secluded diner. Right now we are again on the road, going to God knows where.

"Are we just going to drive aimlessly or do you have a specific place in mind or maybe a lead on the Eagles?" I questioned while sipping my boba tea.

"Not right now. But we are heading to the city. I will need a laptop to access information and then maybe I can find a lead." He replied.

"You have money right now to buy a laptop?"

"No, I will not buy it. We will go somewhere where we can use it for few minutes. " He said calmly.

"So we are going to an internet cafe?"

"No, we don't know if the cafe there will be crowded. We need to be in a place where there are people so it will be easy to escape if someone is following us also they would think twice before attacking us in public. So we will go to an electronic store in a mall." He explained.

Damn he got brains.

So we did just that. We found a good mall in the city and went in. I was extremely nervous and fidgety.

"Calm down will you. It is drawing attention." He whispers in my ear. His breath tickling my neck, making me flinch. He chuckled at my expression and looked around the place to see if there is someone suspicious, completely oblivious to my red cheeks. "We need to be quick, we can't stay here for long. As soon as I try to get some lead, I would be giving them access to track us."

We waltz into an electronics store acting as two people casually looking for a computer to buy. Jake quickly made his back to the very back of the store and I followed. "If anyone comes, distract them and don't let them look at the screen." He ordered. I wanted to ask him to watch his tone, but I let it slide as now is not the time and place for that. He opened the nearest PC and starts messing with the settings. He enter an IP address and connected to a different server which had me surprised. So he does know what he is doing. Maybe sticking with Jake wasn't that much of a bad idea. Suddenly a salesgirl pops up.

Time to show my skills.

"Hiiii. Hello, you must be a salesperson here." I said in a cheerful voice, smiling wide with my crooked teeth on display. She nodded giving me a weird look.

Should have listened to mom and got braces.

She tried to look past me but instantly I grabbed her shoulders, making her look at me. "That's great! My brother here wants to buy a laptop. Please help us out, we can't decide what to choose. There are so many features and I don't understand half of them. I sound like a grandma but trust me I am very young. I am just about to turn 18 in few months. But that doesn't concern you. Oh God, now I am rambling. Please don't think I am weird, but I know you are thinking I am weird. It's just that I talk a lot. You know sometimes my friends call me blabbermouth, but to be honest it all depends on my mood. I can talk a lot but many times I get too quiet. I don't take it to heart when they make fun of me about speaking too much, I think those are just friendly banters they don't mean it. Or maybe I am being too generous and they all are mean. I would stop talking to them but they are my only friends. What do you think I should do? Should I let it slide when they keep teasing me? Oh wait you don't have to answer that, you are here to tell me about these items. So tell me which company is the best." I had no idea what I was saying. I just spat any random word that came to my mind to keep her distracted and I think it worked cause she is looking at me like I have two heads but in the end, that's what matters that she is looking at me and not at Jake.

"Oh and that is my brother." I said pointing at Jake. He stood up straight and flashed her a charming smile that immediately made her blush. But then she cleared her throat and snapped out of it. "Sir you can't use the device please step back." She requested.

Suddenly Jake stepped forward pushing me back, jabbing the side of my stomach with his elbow. Signalling me to guard the PC. I gritted my teeth, controlling the urge to snap. I looked at it to see that some downloading is going on.

"Hello, please don't mind me sister she is a bit out of it. I want to buy a new computer and I have no idea which one, you know what I mean. You think you can help me with that babe?" Jake said in his thick British accent, giving her a pretty smile that will have anyone a puddle on the floor. I on the other hand was stunned hearing that accent. To be honest I have seen how sometimes his accents just slips out when he is speaking certain words or when he is pissed. But his deep voice along with accentuated accent was a first. Damn this man knows how to floor people and the girl was no different. She was a blushing, swooning mess by now. Jake had her hypnotized with his flirting.

I glanced to my side to see downloading completed, so I didn't waste another moment to interrupt their flirting. "Jakey why don't you select which one you want while I go look at the phones, I need a new one." I said putting on a fake smile. I could see how hard he was trying to hold back his tongue about the name I used, making me grin. I subtly give him a signal with my eyes to concentrate and he got the hint. "Why don't you come with me and show me phones." I said to the salesgirl who was practically drooling over Jake. She immediately scowls at me and said, "I will assist sir over here, there are other people there who can help you."

"Why don't you go with me sister love, please do. I will join in a minute." Jake interrupted and the girl like a puppet on a string nodded. I followed her as she sulks being separated from her love at first sight. I rolled my eyes but continued walking nonetheless.

"Wait a minute. You said he is your brother, then why does he have a British accent and you don't." She turned around narrowing her eyes at me.

"Bloody blimey mate why would you think that." I said doing a ridiculous imitation of the posh British accent. Ah, shit should have thought of this before. I was contemplating what excuse to say. When Jake came to my rescue.

"You see our dad and Nyla lived here while I was in the UK with me mum, so the accent difference. Now if you will excuse us and stop asking personal questions we will leave. The customer service here is shit." He grabbed my hand and dragged me out. Leaving a sad salesgirl behind, who kept calling for us to come back.

"Well that was close." I chuckled.

"Dial it down a notch next time, that imitation was so offensive." He said with an irritated tone. I laughed embarrassed and apologised while trying to keep up with his long stride. But unfortunately tripped in those long pencil heels. He grabbed my waist and balanced me. "For God's sake now you can't even walk properly." He said annoyed. "I would like to see you try wearing these and fast walk on the slippery marble floor." I glared at him.

"You know what. I am not going to hear you bitch about my heels anymore." I said and dragged him to the nearest shoe store I see. "We don't have time for this shit Nyla. If you don't realise you are not in a situation to go shoe shopping." He rolled his eyes. I told him to shut it but that proved to be the wrong choice of words as the next moment my back banged against the wall. He gripped my jaw and look me in the eyes with a cold look, "You will watch your tone around me. Better hold your tongue princess before it gets cut off. Don't test my patience. If you are forgetting let me remind you, I can put a bullet to your head anytime I want."

I kept my composure but actually I was about to shit my pants because of his scary, cold voice. He let go of my jaw with a jerk. We entered the store and I grabbed the first shoes I saw in my size. We were about to pay when a scream resonates, "THEY HAVE GOT FUCKING GUNS." My eyes widen. Jake grabbed my wrist and dashed for the door.

"Sir you can't leave you haven't paid. I will call the security and police." The saleswoman threatens. Jake turned around looking at her with cold eyes and again that authoritative aura oozes around him. With a swift movement he pulled out his gun, aiming at her. She visibly stiffens. How the fuck was he able to sneak a gun in here? There were metal detectors and then in-person checking at the entrance.

"You never saw us. Don't make me kill you. Do it for your family and lie, you never saw us. A single word out of your mouth and my men will hunt you down." Jake demanded and she nodded with wide eyes. Then he immediately jabbed the woman's neck.

"HOLY FUCK! Why do you have to kill her?" I gritted.

"Chill out she is not dead. Will probably have a concussion from when she fall on the ground but not dead." He said not looking at me rather surveying the surrounding.

"How do you know she will not tell anyone?" I asked.

"She is a family-oriented person, even had family photo as phone wallpaper. The fear in her eyes on seeing the gun was enough to know she will not risk it." He commented nonchalantly.

I had no idea when he even noticed all of these. But I would be lying if I say I wasn't impressed.

We speed walk past people keeping our heads down. Running would grab attention so we stick to walking fast. I peeked on the lower level to see security rushing in the mall's lobby.

We were walking when suddenly Jake's arm encircles my waist and pulls me to his chest. He buried his face in the crook of my neck. I tried to push him but his hold was firm. "Stop moving for fucks sake." He said biting my neck. I bite my lips to stop the sound that I was about to make and closed my eyes tight shut. Dammit, he should have touched anything but the neck. His nose rubbed against my collarbone and warmth radiating his body. His face then moved up, lips touching my ears. "Play along" he whispered in a husky voice and proceeded to nuzzle his face against my neck. My mouth falls open, holding in the urge to moan. I can feel that woozy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Get it together horny bitch.

The men who were coming our way passed by us. A few seconds later Jake pushed me back and start walking in opposite direction from where we were going in.

Rude much.

But why was I getting so affected by his touch? Whenever he is so close to me why do I like it so much?

My thoughts were suddenly put to the back of my mind when I heard it. It was all going okay until a gunshot was heard followed by screams.

Luckily neither one of us was shot. Jake pulled us into an under-construction store. It smells of fresh cement and was dark inside.

"What's our exit strategy?" I whispered. My eyes were wide with a surge of adrenaline pumping in my veins and that unsettling feeling of dread took over.

"Our what?" He looked at me confused.

"Oh my God, we are going to die." I exclaimed.

"We are not gonna die." He muttered.

"Well don't you sound like the most convincing person at the moment." I said sarcastically while freaking out and he just let out a nervous laugh.

Well Shit.


Not my best chapter. But I tried.

Also, I have no intention to offend anyone with the British phrases used. I have to mention it because the character is from Britain. If you find any mistake please point it out. I am not British either is my first language is English.

Don't forget to vote ❤

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