One single tear

By admireslugshourglass

36 4 5

An intense story full of love, murder, deceit and revenge, starring the official members of 'Moony Played Bas... More

Chapter 1: The beginning of the end

36 4 5
By admireslugshourglass

Tessy stumbled through the common room doors with a blue (pun intended) expression plastered across her face.

"Guys" Tessy stated hesitantly. "I have really bad news." The glistening orbs of Alex, Vanessa, Kaitlin and Solace widened as Tessy's deposition began to pale.

"What is it?" Kaitlin asked with haste.

"Yeah Tessy, is everything ok? You look a bit flustered." Vanessa added.

"I saw..." Tessy began. "Blu. She..."

"What happened?!?" Solace demanded.

"Tessy spit it out, we are getting scared!" Alex stated with her ever so sexy voice. Everyone was on edge. The tension in the room began to rise as suspense increased simultaneously.

"I think Blu is gone..." Tessy said slowly, almost as though she was trying to process the events she had just witnessed. No one said a word. The shock of the news had suddenly overwhelmed everyone's ability to speak. After a few long, draining seconds, the silence of the room was interrupted with the piercing sound of glass smashing. Vanessa, being her clumsy, goofy self, had just spilt her boiling hot tea all over Alex on accident.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH. THE TEA IS HOTTER THAN ME U DUMB FUCK! IT HURTS!" Alex cried in pain. No one moved to help Alex. Everyone sat in silence and watched her supple, soft skin sizzle like a bunnings snag. Alex being scolded did not distract anyone from the fact that Blu was gone.

"Tessy... What happened?" Solace stated. Tessy's eyes watched as Alex's skin evolved from a lovely, pale gold, to a hot pink. Her eyes then moved from Alex, and met the eyes of Solace whose orbs were filled with intense curiosity. At this moment, Alex went up to the dormitory bathroom to run her burns under cool water. Kaitlin, Solace and Vanessa had all of their focus on Tessy.

"B-B-B-Blu w-w-w-w—was m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m" Tessy stumbled across her words, unable to explain as she was still in a state of shock.

"Just tell us, please" Kaitlin urged Tessy.

"I saw it." Tessy began. "She was murdered." Everyone was still. Silence fell upon the group once again. A single tear rolled down the face of Teresa. Just a single tear. "It was Tom." She stated.

"Tom who?" Vanessa asked.

"Oh you know who I am talking about." Tessy's voice deepened.

"Cruise?" Kaitlin asked.

"No. F-F-Felton... After the feast he asked for her to join him at the astronomy tower. She said yes. I always thought he was a bit suspicious so I told her not to go. She insisted that she went. So I let her. But I made sure that I followed her, incase anything bad happened. When she left the great hall with Tom I tip toed behind them, making sure that they do not hear my feet clip clopping along the cold, dense ground beneath. When they made it to the astronomy tower Tom pushed Blu against the wall, his hands clasped around her neck.

*flash back to Tom and Blu at the astronomy tower with Tessy spying on them.*

Tom and Blu were talking in a friendly manner as they entered the astronomy tower. After a few moments had passed, Tom took his hands and clasped them around Blu's neck.

"You listen here!" Tom shouted at Blu. His raspy voice rippled through his throat like the ocean.

"Tom, I know what you think I did, but I promise it was not me. I did not take what you think I took." Blu pleaded with Tom. Tessy was listening intently. What was it that Tom thought Blu had taken? Who was the person that really took Tom's possession?

"Enough." Tom's hands dug deeper into Blu's skin. It began to hurt. A soft yelp erupted from Blu, revealing a smirk from Tom. Tom dragged Blu by the neck towards the ledge. Blu's back was pressed against the metal railing which divided her body from the large drop behind her. "Any last words Blu?" Blu at seconds away from death could only think of one thing to say.

"I love you Tom, please don't do this." Tom was taken back by this. He looked deep into Blu's bussin orbs and thought for a moment. "Don't do this." She begged. Tom then took Blu's waist and picked her up, and threw her off the astronomy tower. The sight was almost incomprehensible for Tessy. Tessy threw her hands to her mouth to muffle the sound of her gasp as she witnessed one of her best friends being thrown off a tower. Tessy being traumatised, had began to run to the common room to tell her friends of the events she had just seen. Little did Tessy know... Tom Felton was right behind her and had followed her to the common room.

*back to present*

"Blu's dead..." Vanessa wept. As the realisation of Blu's death fell upon the Moony Played Bass members, sadness prevailed through the air. They had just lost a very dear friend. A single tear rolled down Kaitlin's face. Solace walked up to Tessy and invited her into a warm embrace. Tessy accepted.

"I am sorry you had to witness that. It's gonna be ok. I know it." Solace's empathy comforted Tessy.

"Wait a second." Vanessa began. Everyone looked to Vanessa, their focus being pinned onto her. "Tom thought someone took something from him... right?" Everyone nodded. "Last night I saw Alex come back from her detention with an object. I asked her what it was but she wouldn't tell me. Could that be what Tom is looking for?"

"Let's ask her to find out." Kaitlin said, but as they moved towards the stairs leading to the dormitory, the common room door swung open. No one moved. Everyone was frozen, as if time has paused for a moment...

"I followed you Tessy, after you saw what happened with Blu. I am going to have to kill you now. As a matter of fact, all of you. I could go to Azkaban if anyone found out I chucked Blu off the astronomy tower." Tom stated as he entered the common room. He looked deep into Tessy's orbs, her breath began to quicken.

"IF ANYONE DIES IT"LL BE YOU TOM FELTIP!" Vanessa bravely ran straight for Tom with her fists out. She hadn't even gotten out her wand.

However, Tom was too quick. "Avada kedavra!" Tom shouted, and Vanessa's body fell to the floor.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Solace screamed. She fell to her knees next to Vanessa with tears dripping onto her dead friend. Solace now had put herself in a vulnerable position, so Tom menacingly took advantage of this. He lifted his wand once again and stated "Avada Kedavra!" Solace's body fell on top of Vanessa's. Another member of Moony played bass had perished.

"You son of a-" Kaitlin's words were interrupted by the killing curse which hit her straight in the stomach. Her body fell to the floor like her fellows. Tessy was staring intently at Tom, both with their wands out.

"I don't want to kill you Tessy." Tom said. Tessy felt hope ripple through her veins. She was going to survive. "SIKE!" Tom stated, and with that he killed Tessy too. 5/6 Moony played Bass members were dead. Alex was the last living member who remained in the bathroom.

"Where is the last one of you?" Tom spoke to himself as he paced around the common room. Alex finished treating her burns and came down to the common room. The bodies of her friends spread eagled on the ground welcomed her back into the space. "Ah ha. There you are. Come to see the show?" Tom smirked. Alex entered the room and felt a wave of despair and shock flood through her body. All of her friends were dead, right before her eyes.

"You, you foul, loathsome, evil, little cockroach!" Alex exclaimed. She tried to hold in tears whilst Tom stood before her. Alex began to speak although struggled slightly due to the shock of the situation. "I-I know why you are here. I have what you are l-looking for, but I do not want to give it to you. I n-need it."

"If you don't give it to me I will kill you like how I killed all of your friends!" Tom's voice had raised.

"I have hidden the object in a place you will never find. If you kill me, there is no chance of you getting it back." Alex spoke more fluently as her confidence started to come back. She discovered she had the upper-hand in the situation.

"What do you need it for? It's mine. Voldemort gave it to me. Not you. I need it." Tom pleaded with Alex. She walked over to Tom, careful not to trip over the bodies of the deceased.

"Fine. I will give it to you." Tom's eyes lit up at Alex's words. "On one condition... you do something for me."

As Alex spoke, a slight movement caught her attention from her peripheral vision. Kaitlin sat up, even though she was just seen dead moments ago...

"Now, what have I missed?" Kaitlin stated.

end of chapter 1 :) 

Author's note:

so guys this is the first chapter and it was written by alex. chapter 2 will be written by tessy. uhhhh idk what else to say. 

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