Ember's Eve

By D_arnold

560 118 24

Ember's Eve. Santa Claus... He sees you when you're sleeping... He knows when you're awake ... He knows if yo... More

Detective Kenneth
Outlandish Visit
A Grand Chief
Pea Harvester
A troubled Chief
Royal Gardner
The Anderson
Doyle Knows
Private Conversations
Fecthing Dimitri
Midnight Cargo
Baxton's Killer
Quick Rewind
Asian Ally
Candid Revelations

Somewhat Ending

3 1 0
By D_arnold

Vazie turned from left to right as he was ushered down the hallway by two SOPS officers. Many years after he'd left the royal avenue, he didn't think his return would be as shameful. The hallway floor looked glossy as the light rays from the bulbs above reflected on it. 

The area smelled like it'd been freshly mopped with adequate bleach. Aside from his footsteps resonating with that of the officers, the old man could only hear the soft humming sound coming from the cooling vents on the ceiling.Vazie turned to one of the officers behind and stared at him innocently.

 The officer remained inscrutable as always and paid him no attention. Their short walk came to an end when one of the officers raised his hand for Vazie to stop. The man walked to the door onto their right and pulled a bunch of keys attached to the spring on his belt.

 He unlocked the door with the matching key and the other guard walked Vazie inside. "All this security detail for an elder like me."The room was faintly illuminated by a single fluorescent tube embedded in the ceiling.

 The tube flashed at intervals like its power source was failing. The guard metal chair at the centre of the room and sat him down. The cuff on his right hand was unlocked and attached to the chair handle on his left. The gaffer was tucked into the table in front of the chair. He noticed the two empty seats on the other side of the table. 

"Is this another interrogation?"The guards walked out of the room and shut the door behind them. Vazie stared at the two-seat and made guesses on who its potential occupants could be.

 His question was answered before in a few seconds as Felicia walked into the room with Sawyer by her side."I was beginning to feel like you wouldn't pay me a visit," Vazie said.Felicia smirked "We both know I couldn't resist the urge to come to see you like this.""How nice you" Vazie heaved "So Sawyer was a mole? I could've hardly seen it coming.

"Well to be fair," Felicia crossed her arms "Men who like to stick their manhood where it's not wanted are usually short-sighted.""This temporary, you can't lock me up forever""That was never the plan."Felicia rubbed the crested ring on her finger as she stood from the chair and walked behind Vazie. She caressed the man's shoulders as she leaned unto his ears and whispered in a tone that was both soothing and sinister.

 "I have a big secret to share with you Anderson"She dug her nails into his shoulder blade causing him to shrug "I found Molly."Vazie squeezed the chair handles like he believed he could somehow bend them out of shape. The chair felt cold again and his throat felt tight as he struggled to voice a reply. "Wha... what do you mean."Felicia chortled as she walked back to her seat 

"We found her Vazie, I have to admit I didn't expect to discover your daughter in the UK." 

"Don't, she's not a part of this."

"Tell that to Akio Takiboshi," Felicia said "You've lost it all my friend, your influence, and your allies. Right now, your just an old man awaiting death."

"Why?"Felica wedged herself on the chair and watched Vazie in his miserable state. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. 

"I hope your girl lives long enough to enjoy the benefits of your will"Felicia had started walking out of the room when Vazie words compelled her to pause and ponder for a bit. 

"You think you're any better than me?" He said "Your sins will catch up with you eventually"

Felicia turned her head "I don't doubt it, but right now I have work to do."The grand chief walked out of the room with Sawyer behind her. 

She turned to the lady standing by the wall next to the open door. The lady wore a dad cap that concealed her face as she stared at the floor. She fiddled with a switchblade in her hand and pretended like she didn't sense Felicia's presence."Lua, look at me." Felicia said "If you feel unsure about this in any way, you can walk out of here with us. You don't have to do this."

The Asian woman looked up at Felicia, her face pale as ever. The innocence that used to exist was suddenly lacking. Felicia exhaled as she waved a hand and Sawyer and they both continued their walk.

***Kenneth walked into the repatriations office. He met Dimitri dressed in the same attire from earlier. But this time, there was no security around him. The teenage boy sat on one of the chairs in line looking less than his usual self. Kenneth could still see the marks on his neck. He walked up to him and sat down by his side. 

"Hi kid"

Dimitri sniffed "They're... they're gone.

 I went to the morgue to identify them.

"The tears rolled down Dimitri's eyes as he spoke. Kenneth wrapped a shoulder around him. He'd figured the boy would have to let these emotions out eventually. There's only so much that a boy of this age could endure.

"Hey kid," Kenneth shook him slightly "put yourself together. They'll need you to be strong right now."

"I thought," Dimitri sobbed, "I thought Andrew..."

"You weren't yourself, no one would be if they'd experienced what you did ."

The boy sniffed through his clogged nose and wiped his eyes with his sleeves. He turned to Kenneth. 

"I'm sorry about Jacob"

"It wasn't your...""No," Dimitri interrupted "I should've told you before leaving that night. I didn't want any of this to happen"

"I know," Kenneth said, "Sometimes things don't go the way we planned out to be that's life."

The repatriations officer walked out of his small cubicle of an office. "Dimitri Baxton can come in now."

Dimitri sat up and straightened his clothes. "Did you get what you needed from her?"

"More than enough" Kenneth took off his shades.

"It's hard to get mad at the woman when she's paying for everything."

"I agree," Kenneth nodded "So where are you off to after this?""I have an aunt back in Atlanta""Good, get your ass out of this horrible place."

Dimitri smiled and got off the chair. He made his way to the entrance of the office. He paused and turned to the detective. "Thank you, Kenneth,"

"Don't mention it"

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