The Uplifting of Marlie Grey

By WritingRandomness

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It all started in Seattle. Her hometown. She loved it there and so far Marlie's life was going good. She had... More

Chapter 1. Meeting Marlie
Chapter 2. Sleepless in Seattle.
Chapter 3. Experience the Project

Chapter 4. Out and About

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By WritingRandomness


“Are you going out again today?” My dad asked me from his spot at the counter. “Yep.” I replied. “Where are you guys heading today?” He asked. He truly did seem interested to know, probably because I was his little girl. “The market, Kell’s, gum wall, umm the waterfront, the Ye Old Curiosity Shop, then to the ghost walk and I think we’re going to eat at the merchant café after the tour.” I said. “Well, you have a quite a day planned with this boy huh? He seems very nice, I already like him.” My dad said smiling at me. “Thanks dad. What are you doing today?” I asked him curiously.  “Certainly not following you and your boyfriend around,” He said suspiciously. “DAD!” “I’m only joking sweetheart.” He said laughing. “Well I’ve got a trial today. A petty gnarly one at that; Murder trial.” He said. “I’ve got it easy though, that bastard is going to jail, and he’s got nothing supporting him.” He said, sounding awfully proud.” “Sounds like a grand time!” I said. “Well I will see you later honey.” He said, grabbing his coat off of the back of his chair. “Don’t want to get stuck in this shit traffic.” He said. “That’s the only downfall here. Make sure to tell Lucas that.” He said. “Love you daddy.” I said. I gave him a huge hug and watched as he walked out the door with his coffee in hand, briefcase in the other.

“HEY MOM HAVE YOU SEEN MY GRAY CARDIGAN?” I yelled. I heard my voice echo through the house. I waited for an answer and finally my mom stepped out into the hallway holding my gray sweater I had been looking for. “Sorry hon, I borrowed it last night and forgot to tell you.” “Oh ok. Wait; where did you go last night?” I asked. “Oh we went over to your Cousin Diana’s house for a little get together.” “Oh ok. How is she?” I asked. “Oh she’s fine, she has a new poodle god forbid…He’s crazy.” She said laughing. She smiled her gorgeous smile at me and said “So, how are you and Lucas?” I told her the whole story about everything and played her the tape that he made for me.  “Mom are you crying?” I asked her. Sure enough she was wiping a tear off of her face. I caught a glimpse of her tattoo on her wrist of the word Love. She pulled her watch over it and straightened herself up. “He is a keeper.” She said. “I think so too, mom I love him.” I said to her. “I know sweetie. He loves you too.” She said, I could here the faint cry of tears in her voice, and saw them in her eyes. “You don’t have to cry mum.” I said. “Maybe I do.” She said laughing. “Well honey I am off to work.” She said. Repeating the same thing my dad had just done. “Love you mom.” I said as she walked out of the door.

“Your making me cry. Dammit Janet!!!” Crystal said referring to a rocky horror reference. “Me too!” Nicole said, wiping a tear from her skin. “So are you two… well, together yet?” Ivy asked me. I watched

her through my computer screen, and had to think about the answer to that question. Because, well, I didn’t really know. “I don’t know..”  I said. “Well I guess she will figure out on Friday.” Nicole said, winking at me. Giving me one of her famous dirty looks. “Oh you…” I said. “Well what time are you meeting with him today?” Crystal asked, she played with her hair and then shouted “BO SHUT THE HELL UP YOU BARK SO LOUD!” “Haha is the new pup bitching again?” Nicole said. “Yep, she never shuts up. Well I will see if we can video chat later. I gotta go.” Crystal said. “Bye Chris!!!” We all shouted simultaneously. “Well guys I gotta bolt too got my date with Lucas.” Tell us about Janet!” Ivy, and Nicole said quoting another line from Rocky Horror. I shut my laptop down and put it underneath my bed. I closed the curtains, and caught one last glimpse of the cities view before leaving my bedroom and heading out the door.

I sat at a bench just outside of Post Alley, waiting for Lucas to arrive. I sat planning out the events of the day in my head. I had several things in mind that Lucas had mentioned yesterday and I knew he would be excited to see what we were doing today. “Hey Marlie.” Lucas said as he stood before me. “I got this for you.” He said, holding out a box which contained a beautiful necklace. It was unlike any other necklace I had seen before. It was half of a quarter, cut into a shape of two hands reaching for each other, on the back it read “Love.” “I made it.” He said. “Oh my god. Lucas. I love it.” I threw my hands around his neck, giving him the biggest hug ever. He hugged me back around my waste, and put the necklace on around me. “Mine fits into yours like their made just to be.” He said. “And they are.”

“So where do you want to go first?” I asked him. ‘Well let’s start at the market, and then around lunch time we can go to the pub.” He said. “Ok, sounds like a plan.” I said.

“Well how did you like the Flying Fish?” I asked, as we continued on down the market, passing flowers, fruits, vegetables, and the popcorn stand I had gotten popcorn from a few days earlier. “Awesome!!” He said. “Well, do you want to go down underneath the market to see the cooler stuff. “ I asked. “Sure!!” He said sounding excited even though he had seen part of it, from when we had first met.

“And this is the movie store, one of my favorite places down here.” “They have a really good selection in here, he said pointing at the rows and rows of movies lining the walls of the fairly small movie shop. “Yep, I reckon I have rented about half of them in here.” I said, jokingly. “Ok then, movie quiz sweetheart.” He said. “I shall read the description on the back of the movie case, and you have to tell me the name of the movie, and one of the actors in it.” “Challenge Accepted.” I said smiling. “On the count of 3….1…..2……3!!!” He shouted. “follows a series of filmmakers, which should have been a simple walk in the woods…but quickly becomes an excursion into heart stopping-“ “Terror, Blair Witch Project, Joshua Leonard.” I said. “Damn Impressive.” He said, slipping the movie back into its proper spot on the shelf. “Ok next up…Now this is going to be easy for you so I am only going to give you some quick hints, 3…2..1 GO! SINFULLY TWISTED, MEATLOAF, PULL UP A SLAB! ELBOW SEX!” “Elbow sex..ha-ha. Well Rocky Horror Picture Show…Barry Bostwick, Susan Sarandon, Tim Curry, Meatloaf, Richard O Brien, Patricia Quinn, Little Nell. So yah…”I said. “You know your Rocky Horror.” He said. “Just another thing we have in common.”

“So this is the gum wall? SICK!” Lucas said, running towards the long, gum covered, colorful wall. “Yep, about 5 pieces of the millions on this wall are mine.” I said laughing. “Awesome, do you have some gum?” “Always.” I said, jokingly.

“So do you want to go to the pub now, to grab a drink?” He asked. “Sure. So what’s it with you and your obsession with this Irish Pub?” He asked jokingly. “Well ah…I am part Irish, and I just like the pub.”I said. “Oh an Irish lady, I like them. They’re funny.” He said. We continued our trek up the opposite side of Post Alley, and finally came to the tall building with the orange, white, and green flag, fluttering in the cool wind. “So I’m guessing that’s it, right?” He said, pointing to the building next to the restaurant with the Irish Flag. “Totally.” I said, laughing. “It is a nice pub, you were right. I knew she was smart everyone!” He yelled in an Irish accent to the entire restaurant. “Boy, you’re crazy…” I whispered, covering my face, from the right side of the restaurant that still had their eyes pined on Lucas and I.

“2 Root beers?” A tall women with bright orange, clearly dyed hair, said as she set down the two bottles on the table before us. “Thank you.” We both said simultaneously. “These are the best root beers you are ever going to have.” I said, taking a sip out of the dark brown bottle. “I shall be the judge of that.” He said. He popped open the bottle, and brought the glass to his lips. “You are totally right.” He said, with a smile of satisfaction on his face. “You are smart.” He said, under his breath. “That’s what they tell me.” “Who are they?” He asked in a mysterious voice. “You know them.” My voice became hushed, and we huddled close, I’m sure we looked like a group of teenage girls, giggling over a text. “Who’s them…” He asked once again. “The two men standing in the corner next to us.” I said. Lucas looked over to the corner and laughed when he saw there were no men in the corner of the room. “I see dead people…” I whispered with a deadly serious look on my face.” “Me too.” He whispered back. With that, we both burst out into a fit of uncontrollable laughter.

                “So where do you want to go next?” I asked him. “Umm, I don’t know the waterfront?” He suggested. “Ok!” So we headed down to the waterfront, which fortunately was not far from post alley. I couldn’t help but think about him as we walked. Many thoughts were running through my head, I didn’t really understand the emotions I was having at the moment. I knew I liked him; allot. I just couldn’t understand why I was scared. Scared to fall in love, after what happened with my ex-boyfriend. “Are you ok? Your thinking about something.” He said. “Actually, I’m not ok.” I said. I surprised myself. I was letting my walls come down. We stopped dead in our tracks, and Lucas led me over to a bench, we sat down and he said “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” “I want to. I like you, I like you allot, but I’m scared, scared to fall in love. I’m scared I’ll get hurt like he hurt me before.” “Who hurt you?” Lucas said, sounding extremely concerned now.  “I had this boyfriend; I guess you could call him. I was completely in love with a sweet, loving, caring guy. Or so I thought. One day he just snapped. I don’t even know what happened, something made him tick and he just, started yelling at me. He said the most horrible things, and he meant them. In his eyes, he meant them. It hurt me so badly, and I’m scared I will get hurt again. But the truth is, Lucas, I think I may love you.” I sat there, in a state of shock, not realizing the extent of what I had just said. “I would never hurt you, never.” He said. “I know, my inner conscience is really stupid.” I said, half laughing, half crying. We sat there for what seemed like forever, but in reality was only a few minutes. Lucas finally spoke up, and said “Well, do you want to keep moving..” He said. “Yeah.” I responded, wanting to get that awkward moment out of the way.

We reached the waterfront and looked around a bit at the different shops lined up. “Well, where do you want to go first?” I asked, but before Lucas even answered, he had turned to stare at a building titled “The Ye Old Curiosity Shop” “Good choice.” I said, as we walked in to the huge store. It was one of my favorite shops, filled with odd little treasures. They had mummies in the back, shrunken heads, and some of the best fudge you will ever taste. There are so many assorted flavors, it could take you 10 minutes to pick the one you desire. My all-time favorite is the peanut butter chocolate, the taste is so heavenly….”MARLIE! LOOK AT THE MUMMY!” Lucas said. He was acting like a little child, but it was cute. “Sexy right.” I said, smiling as he admired the mummy in the glass case. “Totally.” He laughed. “I’m buying you fudge he said, as he moved on to the fudge counter in the back of the shop. “Ok?” I said, puzzled. “1/4 lb of peanut butter chocolate please.” He said, handing the women his money. “How did you know that was my favorite?” I asked. “I got skills” I knew I had been thinking about that fudge, but how did he know, I started to wonder if I had been speaking aloud, when I thought I had been thinking. 

                We headed outside of the shop, and I watched as Lucas looked around at the things around. I noticed a tour group off to the left. It was the ghost tour, and then I remembered what Lucas had told me about his interest in the paranormal. I had a plan. “Hey Lucas, wait right here, I am going to go to the restroom, I’ll be right back.” “Ok, don’t drown.” He said. “What the hell..” I whispered. He sure is special.

                Now of course, I wasn’t going to the restroom, I shuffled away to Mindy, who owned the ghost walk program. I approached her, and looked at her newly dyed, red hair. “Nice hair sweet cakes.” I said, giving her a stupid look. “Why thank you.” She said. “So, there’s this guy, were on a date, can I join yall’s tour group tonight?” I said, in an unusual short choppy sentence. “Sure. You. Can.”  She said, mimicking my choppy sentence.

                “Hey Lucas, I have a surprise for you.” I said. “For me! Oh you shouldn’t have,” He said. “Well, that’s what people do, when they have strong feelings for you.” I said, I left him with a wink, and pulled him over to the tour group. “Were going on the ghost walk.” I said. I watched as Lucas’s jaw dropped. “No way!” He said. “Way.” I replied back. His jaw was still hanging open, so I reached over and gently closed it shut. “Didn’t want you catching any flies in there.” I said. “Tanks.” He replied. “Did you just say tanks?” I asked. “Yes.” “Boy you are a special one.” “Right back at you babe.” He said. Man our relationship was weird.

                The ghost tour only had two locations left, the headquarters, and The Merchant Café. So far I am sure that Lucas was enjoying himself, which is what I was going for. The headquarters was definitely the creepiest location on the tour. I liked it though; I wanted to work on the ghost tour when they get the new headquarters finished. Mindy already promised me a job there.

“So this is our headquarters, we are getting it fixed up nice; I know it is very creepy. Take a look around if you all like, just be careful.” You had to be very careful in here. The building was very different from most in downtown Seattle. It had a front step, next to a restaurant, and then several steps, leading down to an iron gate. This opened up into more stone steps into what looks like a cellar. There were several rooms; the floors were covered in dirt. There were planks of rotting wood surrounding rooms. The rooms that did have wood flooring were rotting through, and you had to watch your every step. It was a very gloomy place, but I know Mindy, and if she sets her mind to fixing this place up, she will fix this place up. I walked around one room, alone, not knowing where Lucas was. It was a room in the back of the building with several wooden chairs, and some rotting wood. I stood there looking at the floor, when suddenly a chair, that had been sitting up perfectly straight, fell over backwards. I jumped, and tripped over one of the planks of wood in back of me. I went tumbling over and hit my head on a chair. “Lucas!” I yelled, hoping he could hear me I waited a few moments and heard nothing. “Shit…” I said. I became scared. That chair had fell over on its own, and I was stuck under a piece of wood over me leg. “Fabulous.” I whispered. “MINDY! I THINK YOU FOUND A PERFECT HAUNTED HEADQUARTERS!” I yelled. I heard nothing. “LUCAS!!!” I shouted, with all of my energy. I heard someone yell off in another room, they were getting closer. “LUCAS!” I yelled, I heard footsteps getting closer. “Oh my god, Marlie what happened, are you ok?” Lucas said, as he ran into the room. “I’ll explain it in a sec.” I said, as he pulled the heavy plank of wood off of my leg, I didn’t feel like anything was broken. Lucas pulled me to my feet. “Thank you.” I said. I wrapped my arms around him, I felt his hands wrap around my waste. I felt safe unlike a few minutes ago when that chair fell over. On its own. “Lucas, that chair fell over on its own, I swear, I watched it, I stepped back when it happened and then tripped on a piece of wood. I was scared for a minute there.” I whispered in his ear. “You’re safe now.” He said.

                The tour came to an end, finally. “I had an amazing time, thank you so much Marlie.” He said. “No problem, I had allot of fun.” “Do you want to grab something to eat?” He said. “Sure, we can get something from here, they have good burgers.” I said, referring to the place where the tour had ended, The Merchant Café. 

                “Did you have anything happen to you?” I asked him, as he sipped on his coke. “Actually yes, when I went to go look for you the rest of the group had already gathered, all of them were there, but you. So I was passing a room, and there was someone in there I swear. I took a picture. Here it is.” He said, he took his Nikon off of his neck, and twisted it around to me so I could see the picture.

                It sure wasn’t a person. It was a dark figure, by the looks of the figure, a man, you could see through him. “Holy shit Lucas! That’s crazy!” I said as I handed him back his camera. “I know right, we should like totally submit it to Ghost Adventures or something.” “You should! They went to Kell’s you know!” I said. “Really! We should totally go in there sometime and do an investigation or something.” He said. “I will see what I can do, the manager is really nice, I bet he would let us one of these days.” I said. “That would be awesome.” He said. He looked into my eyes with deep care. I looked back into his eyes, they were so beautiful… “So are you ready to go” I said, pulling myself out of the trance his eyes had pulled me into. “Sure. Can I meet your parents?” He asked. “Spontaneous, but sure, let me call them, they had a big case today, they should be home though.” I pulled out my phone as we walked out of the café and dialed my dad’s number. “Hey dad, are ya’ll home?” I asked him. “Yah honey. Why?” He asked. “Lucas wants to meet you guys.” I said. “Sure why not, I would love to meet

him, he sounds like a nice lad.” My dad said. “See you all in 20 minutes.” I said. “It’s on.” I told Lucas.

                “You look fine Lucas, calm down, my parents are chill.” I said. “Are you sure they will like me? It’s not too soon?” “It’s fine Lucas, it’s not like I’m pregnant with your child and your meeting them to break the news to them that I am currently a few months pregnant and you are the daddy.“ I said. “Wow…that made me feel allot better.” He said laughing. I opened the door, and of course my parents were standing right there, greeting us at the door. “Hey Lucas!” My mom said, pulling him into a friendly hug. “Mom, chill out.” I said. “Hello Lucas, nice to meet you, Marlie has told us allot about you.” My dad said. “Yes, lots.” My mom agreed. I prayed they wouldn’t embarrass me too badly. But I wasn’t counting on anything.  I looked at my dad for the first time and gasped at the shirt he was wearing, a rocky horror t shirt. Wow….I thought to myself. “I like your shirt Mr. Grey” Lucas said. “Thanks, call me Jason.” He said. “You can call me Anne.” My mom said. “Ok.” Lucas said awkwardly.

                “Well now that that’s over.” I said. “That was great, your parents are chill.” Lucas said. We sat on the front steps of the loft, talking it was late, yah, but nobody cared, it was just me and Lucas. “I had an amazing time today.” Lucas said. Oh no, he’s closing it, I don’t want him to leave yet, I thought. “Me too, thanks for helping me earlier..” I said. “No problem, well, I should get going it’s almost midnight.” He said. “Ok.” I said. “I will see you on Friday. Ill text you before then though, I don’t like being away from you.” He said. “I love you Lucas.” I said. “I love you to Marlie.” He said, he leaned towards where I sat on the cold steps, and kissed me. It was a sweet, short kiss, the type you want for your first kiss. It was my first REAL kiss. The ones with him, were harsh, not real, they showed lust not love. But this one, it was filled with sparks; he gave me that hummingbird heartbeat. We broke, and he nodded at me and walked off in the direction of his loft.

                I walked back into my loft and walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. I reached in the cold fridge and picked the closest bottle to the front. I slowly shut the door, and turned around to see my parents smiling at me. “He kissed you, didn’t he.” My mom said, smiling. “Yah.” “You’re lucky I like him, or id be pulling out my shotgun right about now.” My dad said, laughing. “So how did the case go this morning?” I asked. “It was a bit scary, that man we told you about who killed those people, well he threatened to kill us when he got sentenced to life.” “He threatened to kill you? You’re not worried?” “No the police have him locked up for a few more weeks in the local prison then he’s going to the big boy.” My dad said. “Oh, well. I’m really sleepy I’m going to turn in.” I told my parents. “Good night sweetheart.” My dad said, giving me a kiss on my forehead. “Love you.” My mom and dad both said. “Love you too.” I said, as I walked off down the hallway to my room.


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