The Devil's Bride - Billdip

By Anuibess

1.9K 53 8

Dipper and Mabel have just returned to Gravity Falls. Dipper has also been with the no good dream demon, Bill... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Speshal chapter 1
Speshal Chapter 2
Speshal Chapter 3

Chpater 19

16 0 0
By Anuibess

hi guys sry it took so long 2 update i had 2 revive my dad and now i have science homework anyways here is the new chapter!!!!!!!!!!

The first thing Bill remembered was the smell of chocolate. Sweet, slightly bitter, hot chocolate, perhaps with a float of marshmallows and cream. He felt bedsheets. Cotton, by their touch. Then he heard the sobbing. Someone was wiping their nose with their sleeve. Bill meekly opened his eyes.

"Pine Tree?"

Dipper looked up and gasped. His cheeks were stained with tears and his entire body was trembling. His hair was unkempt and he had large eye bags that looked red and puffy. "Bill!" Dipper cried and threw himself on Bill.

"Ouch!" Bill exclaimed. Dipper wrapped his arms around him and squeezed tightly. Bill tried not to faint again.

"Bill! How could you do that to me? I was so worried, I was going to—I—I was—" He buried his face into Bill's shirt and heaved.

"Uh, yeah, thanks..." Bill pulled Dipper's sleeve off of him. Dipper rubbed at his face and sat up along the edge of the bed. Bill could still feel his heavy, broken breaths.

"Are you feeling alright? How are you? Did you get hurt? Are you sick!" Dipper fretted.

"Woah, slow down!" said Bill, sitting up. He noticed Dipper's trembling lips and offered a slight smile. "What? Worried about the all powerful Bill Cipher? Hah, forget it! No attack can stop me!" He suddenly had an urge to throw up in his cheeks and laid back down. "Ugh, but I think I got food poisoning."

Dipper didn't look any more relieved. "Do you still remember what happened?"

Bill thought for a moment, staring at the spruce attic ceiling. Dipper was quiet. He slung one arm across his forehead, then groaned. "No, I don't remember much. I think Tad was shooting us or something... He tried hitting you, but I got there just in time. I totally saved your life."

"Stupid Bill, worry about yourself," muttered Dipper. He took a mug of hot chocolate off the nearby dresser and it out to him. It was still steaming. Bill stared at it, then sat up and took a sip. It was sweet. It warmed his throat as it went down.

"So what did happen afterwards?" asked Bill.

Dipper took in a breath then said, "Tad ran away after we defeated him. He must've ran out of ammo or something. I tried to get you to somewhere safe, but uh... well, you were kinda heavy." Bill rolled his eye. "That's when I ran into Soos, Melody, Mabel, and Will. Apparently they went looking for us after Tad's 'catastrophe' took over the Falls. I told them about our plan and how we stopped Tad. They helped get you back to the Shack, and that's how we ended up here." Then, Dipper averted his eyes. "You were out for six hours. Mabel and the others are going to be so glad to hear you're awake."

"And I'm glad to be next to my Pine Tree," Bill snuggled next to him. Dipper's cheeks turned pink.

"Hey! Don't spill that on me!" he said. Bill only giggled.

"So where are they now?" he wondered.

"You mean the others? They're downstairs," said Dipper. "But you should rest a bit first. You could talk to them in the morning."

"No way am I going to sleep all night," said Bill. He finished the hot chocolate in one gulp and leapt off the bed. He grinned. "So are you coming or not, Pine Tree?"

Dipper frowned, then his expression softened. "Only if you're up to it." Bill offered his hand and Dipper took it. Together, they made their way to the kitchen, where Soos, Melody, and Mabel were showing Will how to use a microwave. There were half-filled hot chocolate mugs on the counter. Outside the window was dark. Mabel's eyes widened when she saw them.

"OMG! You're awake!" she squealed. The others turned and their faces lit up.

"Oh dude, we all thought you duded out, dude! You guys saved the world!" said Soos. Will ran over and gave Bill a hug while Melody patted him on the back.

"I underestimated you, Ben," she smiled. At this, Dipper and Bill's faces both reddened.

"It's Bill," said Bill.

Melody frowned. "But I thought you said—"

"I legally got my name changed within the past 24 hours," said Bill. Melody looked skeptical again.

"Huh. Okay... Bill."

"Please never scare me like that again," whispered Will. "Please."

"Sure. Promise I won't," said Bill, giving an okay-sign. Will squeezed him even tighter. Bill looked like he was having trouble breathing,

Dipper smiled. "Hey Will, go easy," he said. Will's face turned pink and he loosened his grip.


"Aw, don't worry! Pine Tree's just jealous!" Bill practically tackled Dipper into a hug.

"Bill!" protested Dipper. Mabel and Waddles squealed.

"Pine Tree?" Melody raised an eyebrow.

"My nickname for him! Because he's tall and stays green in the winter!"

"Silly Bill! Dipper's not tall!" said Mabel. Dipper's face turned bright red.

"L-let's talk about something else!" he said.

"Oh, um, right dudes," said Soos a little quietly, rubbing the back of his head. Everyone frowned and Bill let Dipper go. "Well I don't wanna bum you dudes out, but isn't that bread dude still out there? Do you think he's going to come back cause you dudes kinda ruined his take-over-the-Falls plan and all?"

Dipper spoke slowly, "Well, I guess it's still possible... I'm sure he's mad about what happened and is probably looking for revenge. But then again..." at this, he smiled at Bill, "I think we can handle it."

"Yeah, we beat him, what? Five times already? I lost track. I'm pretty sure we can do it a sixth," bragged Bill. Soos pretended to wipe some sweat off his forehead.

"Okay. That makes me feel a lot better about it, dudes."

"And if he does try coming back, I'll have a glitter cannon ready!" added Mabel.

"I think that's more terrifying than anything we've done today," said Bill.

"You joker!" Mabel punched him lightly and Bill pretended to faint into Dipper's arms. Melody smiled and sighed.

"Well I don't see much reason to stand around here if... Bill's... back."

"Still alive!" Bill jumped up, startling Dipper.

"What do you all think about a movie night? I'll make popcorn," suggested Melody. Mabel and Bill's eyes lit up.

"Yes!" shouted Mabel.

"I love those! I still don't understand how they get the little people inside the box and force them to fight each other for human entertainment!" said Bill. Will looked concerned.

"Weirdo," laughed Melody.

"But isn't it past our bedtime?" Dipper pointed at the clock. It read 10:06.

"Don't worry dudes. It'll be a special treat for saving the world," said Soos. Dipper shrugged but seemed okay with it.

"Go pick out something to watch. I'll be there in a bit," Melody said. Bill saluted then yanked Dipper's arm and pulled him into the living room. Mabel, Waddles, and Will ran in right behind them.

"I call the seat with the macaroni and pudding spill!" said Mabel.

"I'm not going to argue with that," said Dipper.

Soos walked in and searched through the movie collection box at the foot of the TV. It was mostly filled with Grunkle Stan's old VHS tapes with titles like Lord of the Things and Honey, I Shrunk the Figs.

"What do you dudes want to watch?" asked Soos.

"Wait, Man Man has a sequel!" exclaimed Mabel, pointing at one tape at the top of the pile.

"It does?" said Dipper. Mabel ran to the box and picked up the tape, holding it to the light.

"Dipper! It says here that this version is banned in America! For excessive swearing!"

"W-who would put that on their tape?" Will wrinkled his nose. Dipper shrugged.

"It must mean swearing, like what they make you do when you go to court. Mr. Pines told me that," said Soos. "I say we watch it. Melody will probably like it." Dipper couldn't even blink before Mabel slapped the VHS into the player.

She pressed a few buttons, and ominous music started playing. Dipper and Mabel shot each other giddy looks.

"The movie's starting!" cheered Mabel. Soos turned the lights off and everyone climbed onto the couch. Dipper and Bill cuddled against each other, while Will hugged Waddles.

"You're so cute," Bill rubbed Dipper's nose with his own.

"S-stop that! Let me watch the movie!" said Dipper, his face turning slightly red. Bill put Dipper's head in his lap and Dipper didn't protest.

"I am a man," said Man Man. "But I am also man." Then he swore.

* * * * *

Dipper walked upstairs, light-headed and definitely traumatized. Bill lent him support. They made their way to Dipper and Mabel's bedroom. Bill flicked on the lights and helped Dipper stumble onto the bed.

"W-wow, haha... I had no idea there were so many ways to say—" Bill put a finger to his mouth.

"Shhh, Pine Tree." Dipper nodded and laid his head on his pillow. It was a good thing that Melody had walked in five minutes later and turned off the TV. Though not in time to stop Dipper and Mabel from hearing an extended version of Grunkle Stan's favourite words. Melody and Soos were in the living room right now, trying to find a friendlier movie, while Mabel had headed into the kitchen to "drown out her sorrows with orange juice". Bill had taken Dipper upstairs

"What a way to celebrate saving the world, am I right!" said Bill, trying to cheer Dipper up. "I mean, usually I'm celebrating the exact opposite, so it's good to know you can still have fun here too!"

"Are we ever going to tell them?" mumbled Dipper into his pillow. For a second Bill wasn't sure he'd heard him right. Then he frowned.

"Tell who? And tell them what?"

"Mabel, Soos, and Melody. Are we ever going to tell them you're the same demon who tried to claim world domination last summer?"

"Um, no," said Bill. Dipper cocked his head at him. Bill looked around awkwardly. "Well... okay, maybe. But I don't think they'll be too happy to know. And I like keeping secrets with you."

"This seems like one secret that we should share," said Dipper.

"Oh, always the wise one, aren't you, Pine Tree?" teased Bill, ticking Dipper.

"Hey! S-stop that!" Dipper laughed and pushed Bill away. He sat up, brown hair falling in his face and covering up his birthmark. "I'm serious, Bill! We're going to tell them!"

Bill sighed and shrugged. "Oh fiiiiine, I suppose. But not today. We'll deal with that mess some other day." He hopped onto the bed, beside Dipper, and laid down with hands behind his head. Dipper looked at him. He was staring up at the ceiling again, probably lost in a thought. His gold eye glimmered.

"Hey Pine Tree. Can I tell you one secret we can share right now?"

"Anything," said Dipper. Bill sat up and wrapped his arms over Dipper's shoulders so that he was right next to Dipper's ear.

"I love you, Pine Tree," he said, and the glow in his eye was real. "I love love love love love love love you! Love you times a trillion! Love you more than anything in the whole wide multiverse! And I don't care if everyone knows, because you're special, and it took me almost the entire universe last summer to realize that!"

Dipper smiled and his heart fluttered. "I love you, too," he whispered. He gave Bill a peck on the cheek. It was quick, and awkward, but Bill looked like he'd been struck from space. Dipper's cheeks turned pink.

"Come on, let's see if they've found a new movie yet. I'm never going to look at that series the same way again." Bill just nodded, mouth gaping, hand on his cheek. Then he grinned, the largest grin Dipper had ever seen.

"I'm going to dunk my head into the popcorn bowl and eat it, like a human!" Bill raced downstairs before Dipper could even get up.

"Bill, no!" Dipper yelled, but Bill was already gone. Dipper stared, shook his head, then laughed. "What a psycho," he murmured to himself. Still chuckling, he turned off the bedroom lights and made his way downstairs.


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