re zero:nexus

By bloodedge_alter_god

2.3K 24 394

jason emilia bloodedge was the son of ragna the bloodedge and emilia the eft after give his life to stop the... More

prologe the call for help
chapter 1 an spirits request and an new ally
chapter 3 interrogatation and test
Chapter 4 The Team And Meeting Of Fate
chapter 5 first team mission

chapter 2 new experiences and new faces

229 2 119
By bloodedge_alter_god

jason was keep drive trough the road

jason:this is an interesting experience

yoruka:{i agreed..soo what is the plan}

jason:{well just look aroud the city to find the osf}

yui:{i can mark it on you map}


he drive to see the city


yui:that is souh the main city of new himuka

jason:that is the empire from that sumeragi right?


jason:let's see what it have


jason arrive the city as he park his bike

jason:i hope it doesn't get rob

yui:{don't worry it have an special fuction}

the bike turn into digits and dissapear

yui:{you can call it back when you need it}

jason:{yui you are the best}

yui:{thanks papa}

jason blush an the world

yoruka:{jejej you are alreay dad}

yui:{whay you mean mama?}

yoruka blush

jason:{hey yui can you keep the nicknames when we are alone?}

yui:{sure papa}

jason nod and start to walk and see the city

jason:wow i think we don't have anything like this back then

yoruka:{is close but fully}


jason see an store who sell sweets

jason:i kinda hungry

yoruka:{but you don't have money}

yui:{i arrange that i manage to borrow money from other accounts soo you have an great amount to buy}

jason:{yui you are the best daughter ever}

yui:{thanks papa}

jason head to the store see the menu

jason:awww soo too chose

waitress:anything you like

jason:soo many..what is the most delicious sweet i can try

waitress:you can try an creepes

jason:never hear of those

waitress:then i recommend to choose it

jason:then i choose one please

waitress:all right

she walk away as jason look an the window

jason:i sure this place will be interest

yui:{oh i sugest to change you clothes to fit}

jason:{is mine notable?}

yoruka:{you look like someone who the an fantasy style world but with an touch of morden era}


teh waitress cameback as she give jason the crepe as he nod and take an bite

jason:!!!!! this is delicious!!!

he keep take more bites as he smile

jason:hmm this goes my top 10 best sweets of the world

yoruka:{buy me one for me}


yui:{i want one as well}

jason:{all right}


he finally came out from the shop

yoruka:{you were right thoses crepes they are delicious{


jason:{yeah i buy have some when i have chance but now i need new clothes

he see an clothes shop


he enter the store and look aroud

jason:i hope i didn't take long like that time with makoto and tsubaki

yoruka:{right it was hours}

jason gulp as he start to test many clothes with diferent styles

he try one set an the chaging room and look himseft

jason:ehh look cool

yoruka:{trough is kinda hazama}

jason realise and pout and have an idea

jason:i know how to fix it

he grab the hat and trhow it away 

jason:there i just need an new hat to relapce that odd one

yoruka:{sounds simple}

jason look aroud the store but can't find anything

jason:come on i need an hat it will fit for me 

he look to see one special as his eyes spark

jason goes to the hat and grab it as he take an look

{hat only}

jason:this is the perfect hat

yoruka:{an witch hat?..well it looks unique}

jason put it on and he check the mirror

jason:is perfect for me!

he give an trumps up

yoruka:{wow an witch hat...what is next use an broom}

jason:{ actually an good idea}

yoruka:{jason you have wings and wind magic why you need an broom to fly}

jason:{well because is easy to steer}

yoruka:{jason sometimes you can be soo naive}

jason blick a couple of times as she shrug


he finish shop as he was out of the store

jason:okay soo what is next

jason then see an giant tower who look like the einfie tower...trough it was way tall

jason:..i think i know my next agenda

yoruka:{you gonnad climb all that?}

jason:{i could fly all the way...but you know people will sure notice an guy fly}


jason take an sted but step into something

jason:huh?*look to see an bloom as he pick it up}oh an bloom

yoruka:{don't carried you gonnad carried that}


yoruka facepalm for jason's naivess


jason was climb the tower from the inside

jason:damm this is harde than it looks

yui:{papa why you climb all the way up?}

jason:oh soo i can synchronize with the city

yui:{i can the mark the places}

jason:{true but synchronize allow to many things among then are hide places,escape routes important buiding and more}

yui:{wow maybe i can map the city while do that to increase you chance}

jason:{sounds good}

jason reach the top as he goes to the very top of the tower

jason:all right let's do it


yoruka:{soo what you plan to make another leap of faith}

jason:maybe*look one direction*i see an spot over there

yui:{that is the sumeragi tomb an fact an sumeragi is an ancestor and founder of the city}

jason:well i go there

yoruka:{and how you gonnad do that?}


yoruka face palm

yoruka:{jason is an normal bloom an witch one!}

jason:true*think*oh i know i can use my magic to move

yoruka:{and why not use the wings?}

jason:i sure they are noticable han an bloom

yoruka:...{you right}

jaosn focus his power into the bloom as the later start to levitate

jason:all right

he get on the bloom

yoruka:{did you even know how to drive it?} but is good thing to try

yoruka:......{just don't scream to don't caugh the attetiom from below}

jason get on the bloom

jason:uhhh move

the winch start to move ..but the problem was it was goin too fast

jason:{oh shit!!}

jason try to control it while move high speed


jason:{i got it!}

after an while he mange to control it as he fly to the monestary

jason:wow i got it

yoruka:{and that is the reason why you use wings and wind magic}

jason:hey i got this

he was over the tomb

yoruka:{how you gonnad stop you still moving}


he pull and move back to stop the bloom but it was slow down

jason:s stop stop stop

it stop

jason:hey i got it

yoruka:{yeah but..the bloom power is turn off}


he look and see the bloom have no power

jason:oh oh

he start to fall as the hat stay an the air and then fall as well

jason:this is not good

jason land inside an pile of sakura petals as the hat fell slowing on top of it as the pile start to move as jason head pop up

jason:*cough some petals and look the pile*wow guess i was bleesed with luck..if there is an god thank you

an another reality

an godess was smile while her sister look

???:hey ishtar why you smile

isthar:i don't know but i feel very plaised by some reason


back to jason

jason look aroud to see it was an the tomb

jason:oh guess i arrive


he turn to his left to see two boys

jason:oh hi there

???:uhh hi....

??? 2:dude did you just fell of the sky?!

jason:oh..guess i did..

???:okay i see anything you even get up there? an secret

??? 2:i...see

jason get out of the pile as the boys see the outfit and the bloom

???:are you coldsplay an witch o something

jason:i...{maybe i can use this}yeah i coldplay

??? 2:odd there is no festiva of coldsplay

jason:oh well i just want to test the outfit

???:by fell to the sky

jason:yeah..jeje anyways who are you

yuito:oh my names is yuito sumeragi*point the other guy*he is my best friend nagi carman

nagi:hey there

jason:hi there i jason emilia is nice to meet you

yuito:soo what are you doing an the sumeragi tomb

nagi:besides falling for the sky

jason:oh well i was an the town and take an look an the places

yuito:oh soo you are an tourist

jason:yep something like that..wait you said is sumeragi soo this place is

yuito:yep my family tomb

jason:wow guess you family is famous since they relate to that ancestor

nagi:well yeah trough yuito is not into that

jason:huh how soo?

yuito:well my father is into politics and want me to take his steps but i decide to an diferent path

jason:an that is

nagi:be part of the osf

jason:that is "others suprision force"right?

nagi:same one an fact we both past our test today and became cadets

jason:oh that is amazing..soo why are you her besides the visit

yuito:oh to ge the fortune from baki


yuito:wait you never hear about it

jason:not i now from aroud here

nagi:oh well baki is the mascot of new himuka and yuito like baki

jason:oh i see

yuito:an fact there is place from the fortune*point behild jason*

he look to see the place

jason:oh i see..i want to try that

nagi:well let's go you can tag along

they head toward the place as they look the dolls

jason:wow they are soo kawai

yuito:i know that is just like they have an aura of cuteness you can't just resist

jason:i know maybe i can collect some of then 

yuito:i have an few as well


nagi sweatdrop as yoruka as well

nagi:they are soo..


they trio pick the dolls as they open and grab the paper

jason:soo what now

yuito:let's open an the same time

jason:okay i count..1.....2......3!

they open the paper

nagi:aww bad luck

yuito:me too..what about you jason

jason:oh i have this*show the paper*


the paper say"bless by the mage and witch of good luck"

yuito:that is new one

nagi:yeah..guess you are super lucky

jason:i must be an fact this is the second time i fall from an high place and end up fell an pilfe of something sofl

nagi:wait back then wasn't you first time?!

jason:jejeje nope

yuito:you...must be super lucky

jason:guess soo if i still alive jejejeje

yuito:well that is good for you

jason:yeah*realise something*oh right i need to go

nagi:where you goin

jason:i remeber i need to go somewhere i see you guys later

he run off and go down the stairs

nagi:that guy..was....

yuito:diferent..yeah..i mean he have an witch coldplay and an bloom and well..there is the fall

nagi:really like how he end up up there and how he eve fell that i wish to have his luck

yuito:guess soo better next time


jason was run trough the streets

jason:guess i kinda get sidetrack

yoruka:{you think?}


yui:{you are close just an couple of streets and..}

but there was an alarm as he see sights on the buidings

jason:huh what is this?

yui:{that is an other attack}

jason:{wait soo it means}

yoruka:{they are here}

yui:{they are coming from above}

jason look above and see the others land

jason:that can't be good

jason se the res of the people run away

jason:{yui is an safe place they can go?}

yui:{lucky they have safe zones but here the others will catch unless with stop it}

jason see the others head towards the civilains

jason:then i will stop it

jason grab the bloom and spill it

yoruka:{jason what you gonnad use the bloom}

jason:{it have my energy on it ..soo}

jason run and the bloom was cover anice aura as he slam to the ground create an giant ice an front of the others

jason:that should buy some time

jason look to the civilians who were an shock

jason:go to the safezone the wall won't last before it break go!!

the civilians nod and run as one kid say

kid:mom look an real witch

women:don't say thinks like that

jason:{if only if she knew}

jason see the wall get it an start to crack

jason:yoruka i know i will ask is silly but

yoruka:{you demostration show it soo don't worry}

an dark aura cover the bloom as it was all black

yoruka:is done now i can turn into an bloom


he get on the bloom and fly over the wall and see teh others try to break as he land on the top

jason:hey you freaks!

the others look up as jason point the bloom full of white energy

jason:eat this!!

he fire an white beam who wipe out the others

jason:that was easy

jason see more others coming

jason:....*sight*i should keep my mouth shut

{start an 0:27}

jason jump high as he turn into dark mode while spin his bloom as it cover an flames and make an dive toward the others

jason:take this!!

he slam the bloom to the ground cause an flame explosion who burn the others into dust as more come

jason:bring it!

the tohers try to attack the but they end burn by by the flames and darkness power along with punches and kick

jason stmo the ground cause an shock who push the others back and hit the walls kill then as he see one then pounce at jason

jason:jejej*grab the bloom like an bat*and

once it was close



he hit the other hard to see it fly to the sky before it explode

jason:and that is homerun!!!

yoruka:{yeah it is}

jason:guess that is the last of then

an that moment the wall break to reveal more others

jason:oh oh

he look behild to see more others


both groups run toward him

jason:okay i have enough of this

he active ovedrive as he have white and black as his focus the energy on his hands


the others were close until

jason:ends here!!

they were hit by ice and fire pillars mutiple times until


an giant fire and ice explosion wipe then out

jason:that should do it

he deactive his overdrive

yui:{papa there an others an direfect parts of the city}

jason:i better take then out

look the bloom

jason:i better use the wings this time

he turn into light mode as he summor hte wings and use the wind magic to fly off

jason:i can use the bloom to fire powerful beams from it

yoruka:{that is true}

jason start to take out others while fly

an another part of the city

karen see the fire and ice explosion

karen:.fubuki is any operative an that area

fubuki:as far i know no..but i hear people say an boy dress an witch was help the civilians

karen look fubuki

karen:dress an a witch? gottan be kidding me

fubuki:i not believe me

karen:all right for now let's put this area safe but i want any avialable unit to find out that..witch

karen:all right and

osf soldier:sir i get reports than mutiple others are been take out

fubuki:what how?

osf soldier:for the reports something was fly by and shot beams of ice and light and wind

fubuki:this is just get weird


with jason

he finish another group of others as he keep fly

jason:yui is that all

yui:there is another group foward

jason:okay dokei

he arrive but then

yui:oh no another big group is gonnad intepect an group of civilias


yui mark it an the map

jason:dammit i can't choose one other the others..unless..i got it!

he fly to the buiding where see the others coming

jason:this can work

he summor an big group of ice knights

jason:*point the others*don't let then get the civilians stop then!!

the knights nod as they jump toward the others and start fight then

jason:that should take care of it o least buy extra time to the civilians

yoruka:{you right}


he fly to the other location

with yuito

yuito was end an other as he see another group coming

yuito:this is not good

nagi was next to then

nagi:we can do it..i hope

yuito:yeah you right

both got ready but then an beam from the sky hit the others freeze then



they see something coming then to the frozen area and shatter it into pieces

jason:jejej it was "ice" see you jejej

yoruka groan

yoruka:{jason stop with the ice jokes}

jason pout as he look foward to see yuito and nagi

jason:oh hey there yuito and nagi jeje never expect you to meet again

both boys jawdrop


nagi:ha have

both point behild and jason look to see it have the wings on



jason:oh..jejej..yeah kinda

yuito:wait soo that is how you end up an the sky!?

jason:yeah kinda*scrach*i have an little problem to fly with wings and..i lose control

nagi:wow..never see someone with wings

yuito:and i see is kinda cool

jason:oh really? thanks


jason:{oh right}anyways what are you doing here

yuito:we fight the others soo the civilians can escape

jason:oh that is the same thing lucky there is not many i think about it are you an witch real deal?!


nagi:sorry but if you think about 

jason:uhh*sweatdrop*i don't think soo besides there is people with super powers..soo how an witch can be more shoking

nagi:well..if you point that it kinda make sense

yuito:yeah and..guys

they turn aorud and see more others coming


jason:i got this


jason:just watch

jason focus as he summor an lot of ice spears and lauch toward the group as it end imaple some of then freeze the ground


jason:that is the first part

he summor an light spear an stab on the ground

jason:spear festiva!

the speaqrs have an white aura before it explode kill the others

yuito and nagi were an shock


nagi:that was amazing!...hey you sure you not an witch



jason hit him with the bloom

jason:say i am an witch again and i hit you an the nuts

nagi:s sorry

yuito:*sweatdrop*well..thanks for help us jason

jason:no problem

yuito:hey by chance you are an cadet

jason:oh out!

they turn to see an other came toward then as jason summor an ice wall but the impact shatter send the boys fly as yuito and jason hit the ground okay?

yuito:yeah i fine

both look to see an other head toward then as jason act fast as he grab an piec an rock and cover an ice and lauch toward the others feet who end up froze


yuito nod and get up and slash the other end as he help jason to get up


jason:no problem and you!!!

yuito turn to an other about to hit it but


it was stop by an ice knight with an shield as he push the otherf back and bash the shield to stun the other

yuito:how it


he turn to see jason past an dark version of yuito sword as he catch it

jason:end it

yuito nod as he jump and make an double stab end the other

yuito:well that was interesting


yuito turn to see the jason and knight

yuito:where it came from?

jason:oh i summor it

yuito:eh!?!? you summor it?!

jason:yeah is one of my abilities with ice

yuito:i i see{not even fubuki can't do such thing}*look the dark sword*hey that dark sword is like mines!

jason:oh yeah it is

he grab it and it dissapear

yuito:how you do that

jason:is one of many skill i have jejeje

???:that is interesting

both turn to see an girl with silver hair and red eyes

girl:soo*look yuito*you are osf

yuito:i am cadet actually

girl:i see*look jason*is clear you are not osf for that outfit and the wings

jason pout

jason:yeah what is you first clue sherlock

girl:..anyways our goal is the same

jason:soo what is the plan

an that moment jason and kasane hear an sound an bad omen

kasane:agreed i hear it close

yuito:hear what?

jason:an an very bad one

an that moment an other land it have an weird of shape of an goat

jason:...okay taking about nasty looks

kasane:get ready

jason:all right*spin his bloom*

yuito:wait that bloom is you weapon

jason:is his fuction it can do actually

the other charge towar then but jason hit the bloom on the ground as ice picks impale the other and jason follow by fire an light ball from the boom knock the beast back and stun it

yuito:okay i take back what i say

jason:is an good chance to follow up as well

yuito and the girl nod as both use telekinesis to hit the other with lap post mutiple times

yuito:*look girlkasane*you are osf too you can use brain talk

jason:uhh yuito how about question for later

girl:he is right

the other charge again but the girl use her telekinesis to her blades as it cut the other an mutiple areas

jason:..wait i have an idea

yuito:you do


yoruka:{on it}

the bloom turn into the girl's blades only it was white

girl:h how you.

jason:questions for later

he command the blades is spin aroud the cause an tornado who lift the beast up

jason:and now

he turn into dark mode as he lacuh an flame into the tornado turn into fire tornado


he snap his finger


the tornado explove end the other

jason:jeje it work

he look to see yuito and the girl an shock

girl:how you..create my weapons

jason:oh that is an trick i have

yuito:okay but what happen to you,you hair eyes change

he look himseft

jason:{huh guess theses clothes remmain the same color}oh another ability i have

girl:you seems try to hide something 

jason:eh i not!

???:that was an blast!!

the trio look to see nagi be help by another girl

jason:oh nagi thank god you okay i trough you end up like an pancake

nagi:i fine thanks to help*point the blonde girl*

jason:thanks for take care of him

nagi:don't worry*look the white hair girl*i was lucky sis

jason:wait you are sisters

naomi:yeah i naomi randall*point the other girl*and she is my younger sister..

kasane:kasane randall

nagi:i nagi carman 

yuito:yuito sumeragi

jason:jason emilia

naomi notice the wings

naomi:*gasp*wiat thoses wings are real!?

jason:uhh yeah

naomi:wow it looks cool and pretty

jason:oh is it..i*blush*thanks i guess

nagi:i suprise by that

jason:believe me is not that easy have wings..and more when you try to fly

yuito:how soo?

jason:only i will say is 10 harder than rider an bicicle

naomi:oh isee

jason:oh an speaking of wings

he make dissapear


naomi:soo you are an coldsplayer


naomi:gonnad say it suits you just need an bloom and you are an witch


yuito:he actually have one as an weapon


kasane:that is odd

jason:..coming from an group of people with super powers guess make sense*look the ice knights*oh they back

the group turn to see the ice knights

nagi:eh!? where they came from

jason:i summor then

the group back to jason

kasane:you summor thoses knights

jason:is part of my ice powers

nagi:you mean cryokinenis?

jason:yeah that{better go with that}

jason make the knights dissapear an snow

jason:well that should do it

yuito:dude you are full of suprises

jason:jejej yeah

nagi:i mean the outfit the powers is like you an real life witch

jason:{jejej i kinda...somewhat}


an that moment they look up to see mutiple drones


drone:the scarlet guardians have eradicated the others


jason:i sure they breaking personal space right

drone:you saved ryuijin ward in that amazing victory over the others!

jason:uhh thanks we just do our job

drone:soo what is the reason for the coldsplay

jason sweatdrop

jason:{why is everyone asking that?}

yui:{i think it was better with you orignal clothes papa}

an that moment another girl appear witch catch the attetion of the cameras

jason:wait i see her before an some posted she

yoruka:{arashing springs}

jason:yeah that is the name*look behild him*ara?

the group was gone

jason:uhh..wher are they

it was about to walk off until he feel someone touch him


the next second he was an the alley along with the group

jason:oh hey there*look an little kid*you are lucky i didn't freeze you body because you caugh me with the guard down

kid:i apologies for that olso i luka travers

nagi:you are septentrion sixth class luka travers?

luka:is embarraging when you put it that way,but yes that's correct.soo you all cadets

jason:{oh oh}

luka:please open you personal port to confrim you identities

everyone less jason does that

luka:soo you are aren't allowed to fight others*look jason*and you

jason:uhh..well....jejej are not part of the osf do you

jason: just look away while whistle

luka:you have to come with me

jason:*look down*oh witches




jason hit him with an bloom again

luka:you know you have extra char for assault right

jason:like i can't make damage with an bloom

nagi:i hardy douth i think you broke my nose besides he is an cadet and not an offial member and he have the world to say to press charge o not

luka:well that is true

nagi:is okay will not present charges

luka:all right*look jason*you will come to the osf


yuito:i sure you been fine

jason:yeah....i hope soo

what kind of fate jason will have from now on?

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