A man of science [ tf2 x rea...

By kittywarkat

2.9K 86 31

It's about a man who had a very troubled childhood with an abusive father who left deep scars that everyone c... More

Prolouge ( rewriting)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's note
Author's note

Chapter 8

170 6 2
By kittywarkat

The woman in the chair wears purple like Miss Pauling, having a dress with a collar on it. She look nothing like I predicted, she doesn't even look 50. looking more ancient than a 50 year old, how long has this woman been alive for?

" it's nice to finally meet you Dr. Delaney, was the drive here acceptable? Don't answer that question. I don't care honestly. " she spoke, I could practically hear the vibrations from inside her own throat.

I looked at the woman with a stern face trying to figure out the uneasy feeling I'm having from my stomach.

" I'm sure you have questions so I'll let you ask three before you start working. " the woman said lighting a cigarette in her hand.

I think carefully about what I want to ask before deciding on the top three that seem important.

" why did you really offer me this job? " I ask raising an eyebrow looking interested for the answer.

" you seem smart enough to know the answer but I'll tell you anyway, you have blueprints  I want that you gave to grey Mann. Other than that your skills could be of use to this company. You brilliant mind could help team fortress out in rough situations in times like these. " she puffed out smoke from the corner of her mouth, the cigarette still in her lips.

I let her words sink in as I began thinking over the second question.

" aren't there other scientists that you could of hired besides me? "

" we've been watching you for a while now and your talents seem to prove useful to me as a mercenary. You have one more question. " she said puffing out smoke again.

" how much do I get paid? "

" well it depends on the client and how much they pay you, not to mention the taxes before you actually get paid. You'll get paid ether each week or each month. " she said putting out the cigarette when it was only a bud.

I thought about the few answers I was given and the so many other questions that needed to be answered.

" Miss Pauling will stay with you for a few days to fill out paperwork for your folder, medic will know about your condition and only him if you so please. You will also be given a class name like the rest of the team by there symbols, your symbol will be a beaker. As for your name it will be scientist for now on so get use to it. You will also be given a uniform for when you do contracts or on the field. " she said handing a few papers to Miss Pauling as she puts them on top of her binder.

" you may leave my office now " the woman said lighting another cigarette and turning her chair to the monitors behind her once again.

We both get and leave through the elevator as the doors closed in front of us. Miss Pauling began to speak first.

" alright, we will be meeting the team first before I do your paperwork. " she said looking over the papers the administrator gave her.

" I'm curious, does the entire team just go by their class names? " I said lifting an eyebrow as I adjust the strap of my backpack on my shoulder with my free hand as the other holds my luggage.

" yes, they don't go by there real names while working here, so they go by there class names instead. Makes it a lot easier when on the battlefield. " she said straightening the paperwork the best she could on her binder.

" that leaves to my second question, when do I get on this battlefield the administrator was talking about in her office? " I ask as the doors open to the heat of the sun wanting to be known.

" it only happens ever so often so don't worry about it for now, only worry about the contracts for now. The battlefield only happens once a year and it lasts for two weeks. You won't be in it this year but next year you will be. Anymore questions?" she said sounding a little annoyed with me as we walk to one of the buildings that look run down.

" that was my last question " I said ending the conversation there.

When we came closer to the building it had a blast door as the entrance, it looks more modern now up close. Miss Pauling walked up to what looked like a speaker with a button on the side of it. She pushes the button and holds it before talking.

" scout it's Pauling, could you open the doors? " she said with a stern face.

" Miss Pauling! Glad you decided on that date we talked about. " a man said with a Boston accent through the speaker.

I raised an eyebrow at Miss Pauling about what the man said, looking at her as she looked at me before going back to the speaker.

" we'll talk about that later, the new teammate is here. " she said a little softer but still in her stern voice.

No one responded after that besides the blast door now opening with a figure at the other side of the doors as we walk towards them. As we got closer I could see the figure more clearly now as it was a lengthy male, a little shorter than me and looking quite young despite his voice sounding like a twenty year old. As I studied his he also studied me for a moment before looking at Pauling.

" scout this is scientist, the new teammate. Scientist this is scout, one of your coworkers. " miss Pauling said introducing me to who is now called scout.

" sup " he said as he moved his head up and went back down. I nodded towards him as a greeting.

As we walked further in, scout being one my left as miss Pauling being on my right as we walk, I could see a normal door of sorts from afar.

" so, he was the reason that room was built upstairs in the first place? " he ask miss Pauling as we walked.

" yes scout, that's where scientist will be working at most of the time like medic. " she answered rather quickly as we get to the doors. The doors look rather large to be honest.

She opens the door and walked in before scout could as I was the last one in, I closed the door behind me as we walk through a hallway. I could hear voices chatting as we walked down the grey looking hallway. Scout went on ahead towards the noise probably to tell the rest of the team of my existents. Me and miss Pauling walked into what I assume was a common area that's connected to the kitchen. Everyone in that room started at me as we entered, I get an uneasy feeling from them staring at me. God I hate people staring at me.

" everyone this is scientist, he's the new teammate I've been talking to you guys about " Miss Pauling started as I looked at everyone. There were a total of six people in the room, a man with glasses like me, a shorter male with a hard hat and goggles, a humongous male cleaning a machine gun, a man wearing an eyepatch with a bottle of booze in hand, a person wearing a fire resistant suit, and of course scout. The hard hat and the glasses was sitting at the kitchen table while the others were ether on the couch, floor, or standing up in front of a small square tv.

" so this guy is the reason why me and medic couldn't at our stations for a few days? " the man with the hard hat said.

" yes, he will be working with you and medic, it's why the intercoms was installed in the garage and the med bay " Miss Pauling said calmly to him.

He got up to where he was sitting and walked towards me, stopping in front of me as he stocked a hand out towards me to shake.

" it's finally nice to meet ya, I'm engineer. The one still sitting at the table is medic " engineer said introducing me to the man at the table I know now is medic as I shake his hand.

" the ones in the common room are heavy, pyro, demoman, and scout " he introduced me to the rest of the men in the room with his free hand.

" yes, I've already met scout " I said as scout looked at me a weird way as I let go of engineer's hand.

" so miss Pauling, will you be staying at the fort this time? " scout ask as he looked at Pauling seeming a little exited.

" unfortunately yes, I have to stay with scientist for a few days to get some paperwork done. " she said as she got a little annoyed as scout got excited and went to miss Pauling.

" then we cou- "

" definitely not " Miss Pauling said sternly cutting him off and seeming uncomfortable.

" awww, come on miss Pauling. " scout whined as he looked at her.

" I would advise to remove yourself from her, she seems uncomfortable about your presence. " I said look at scout with a cold stare seeming emotionless as ever.

He gave me a mean look before going back to the couch and went to lean on it. I looked at Miss Pauling as she mouthed a thank you to me.

" I'm guessing zhat means a physical needs to be done as well? " medic said from the table with a big smile.

" if you don't mind, I wanna get this done fairly quickly. " Miss Pauling said with a calmer voice than before.

" why of course! Let's go to zhe med bay while zhe evening is young! " he said getting up from his spot at the table and walking down the hallway. I was about to walk with him as engineer tapped my shoulder to get my attention.

" if ya want I could take your things to your lab upstairs for you. " he offered as he pointed to my backpack and my suitcase. I gladly accepted his offer and gave him my things as I began to jog to catch up with medic and Pauling.

We walk through the hallway with my hands behind my back for a while before getting to what I assume was the med bay. Medic opened the doors to let me and Pauling in before she gave medic one of the papers the administrator gave her. The room was basically covered in blood, from the walls to the gurney that was on standby. I could also see a few feathers on the floor.

" now, let's start with zhe simple things to get zhem out of the way. " he said as he held the paper while getting a clipboard.

All he really did was was check my height, measure my body and asked me a few questions about my health. I answered fairly quickly as he began write down a few things.

" now zhat zhat part is done, now for the important part. " as medic said that Miss Pauling left the room to wait outside.

" take off your clothes except your underwear. " he said while looking at the paper. I was confused but complied anyway as I folded my clothing on a chair to put them on after this. Now I'm only wearing my undergarments and my mask, this is starting to get weird, a little too weird. He started examining my body marking all the scars on my arms, chest, and back. I could hear all the little marks he was making on that paper as he examined me. I'm getting very uncomfortable now.

" so zhat's where zhe scars are, very interesting. " he said while examining my body for anymore scars.

" did miss Pauling tell you? " I ask him while looking at the ceiling trying to relax with my lifeless expression on my face. He stood there for a moment writing something down.

" no, but I read your file. I'm sorry you had to go through zhat. " he said with a bit of sadness in his voice.

" it's not your fault " I said plainly as he continues to make little marks on the paper.

" now, would you be able to take zhe mask of for me? " he said questioning his words as I reach for the mask.

' Don't worry it's fine, he already knows about your scars so it fine. ' I thought as the worry settles in but my face doesn't change. I carful took of the mask and held it in my hand as he made marks on the paper.

" interessant " was all he could say as he poked at the exposed gums from the scar. There was a big Chunk of flesh that was missing from when the incident that happened, exposing my gums and teeth.

" you can put your mask and clothes back on " medic said as he scribbled something on the paper. I instantly put the mask back on feeling a little less uncomfortable now as I put my clothes back on. I'm kinda glad I look soulless so people don't see my emotions.

" you can come back in Miss Pauling " he said as I was now fully dressed, fixing my tie.

He handed her the paper as she looked over it.

" I assume he has to go zhrough surgery as well yes? " medic ask as I whipped my head around to look at Pauling. She gave a reassuring smile as she answered his question.

" yes, it's so he can respawn like the rest of you guys " she said looking at me. I think I felt my heart almost jump out of my body as all my face showed was my eyes going wide. A million thoughts went through my mind all at once, filled with worry. I never had surgery before.

" oh don't worry, you won't feel a zhing " medic said as he guided me to the gurney.

" medic make sure you use anesthesia for him please " Miss Pauling said before she left the room again.

" alright, das ist enttäuschend " medic said as I didn't quite understand him on that last part.

I tried to relax as he prepped the anesthesia. I sound hear clanking as he went back and forth. I became stiff as he rubbed the alcohol wipe onto the skin of my arm. Then the needle went in. As I feel my eyes getting heavier by the second all I could hear from medic before I went out was " Das wird ein Spaß! "

( longer chapter because why not )

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