Dirty Little Secrets

By blowingbieber

15.9K 178 10


Dirty Little Secrets
Ch. 1- Nightmares
Ch. 2 - New Beginings
Ch. 3 - Everything's Gonna Be Alright
Ch. 4 - Confessions
Ch. 5 - Memories
Ch. 6 - Lies
Ch. 7 - The Party
Ch. 8 - The Break Up
Ch. 9 - Friends
Ch. 10 - I Don't Care Anymore
Ch. 11 - I Don't Want You To Get Hurt
Ch. 12 - The Football Game
Ch. 13 - Expectations
Ch. 14 - Happy Days
Ch. 15 - I Don't Want To Be Your Friend
Ch. 16 - So Much For My Happy Ending
Ch. 17 - Homecoming
Ch. 18 - Fights At Homecoming
Ch. 19 - I Will Never Give Up On You
Ch. 20 - Moving On
Ch. 21 - The Truth Comes Out
Ch. 22 - Saying Goodbye
Ch. 23 - This Has To End
Ch. 24 - The Things We Do For The Ones We Love
Ch. 25 - You Don't Belong Here
Ch. 26 - Other Victiums
Ch. 27 - Everything Has Changed
Ch. 28 - Loving Two People
Ch. 29 - Bad Habbits
Ch. 30 - Not Your Hero
Ch. 31 - Telling the Truth
Ch. 32 - You Ruined My Life
Ch. 33 - Police
Ch. 34 - Razor Blades
Ch. 35 - Never Going to Get Over It
Ch. 37 - Old Habbits
Ch. 38 - Regrets, Flashbacks, and Moving On
Ch. 39 - Heartbreak
Ch. 40 - A Musical Bond
Ch. 41 - Save Me From Myself
Ch. 42 - I Don't Wanna Loose You
Ch. 43 - Court
Ch. 44 - The Struggle
Ch. 45 - Plans for the Future
Ch. 46 - The Bruise On Her Heart
Ch. 47 - Prom
Ch. 48 - Saying Goodbye
Ch. 49 - The Wedding
Ch. 50 - The Graduates

Ch. 36 - New Beginings

207 3 0
By blowingbieber

Rachel's POV;
Ryan and I race to the door as the door bell rings. We open the door to see our daughter, Sydney. She runs over to me and hugs me. "Mommy," she says. "She remembers me," I say to Ryan. She gets out of my arms and goes into Ryan's arms. He picks her up and holds her in his arms. "Daddy," she says. "I should be going now," Our lawyer, Sandy says as he leaves. "Do you wanna see your new home?" Ryan asks her. She nods her little head. She takes my hand and we lead her into Rachel's house. 
Demi's POV;
I've been at a mental hospital for about a week now and I'm been meeting with my lawyer once a week. I've gotten to know a lot of the people here. They're really nice. Niall, was abused when he was a kid and he's here for addiction to drugs. Niall and I have lunch together everyday. Lots of other people are here for the same reason I am. Selena, Taylor and Rachel come to visit me almost everyday. I continuing my studies at the hospital, they have a totterer for us. I can feel myself getting better, I haven't cut in three days, thats a long time for me. Joe doesn't even care about me so I really don't care about him. 
Taylor Swift's POV;
I walk down the street wearing http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=68737287. The snow has melted even though it's only january. I make my way to the park and sit on the bench. Taylor Lautner's words run through my head. "Your not fine! Your making yourself throw up and your telling me your fine!?! You need help." I don't need help. I'm perfectly fine. Lots of people make themselves throw up. I'm just insecure, that's all. He's the one who is insane, insane for leaving me. 
I look across the park to see Harry Styles, my neighbor. I smile at him and get up from the bench. "Hey Tay," he says. "Hey," I say with a smirk. "I haven't seen you in a while," he tells me. "Yeah, I've been busy," I tell him. "You still dating the other Taylor?" he asks me. "No, we broke up," I say. "I'm sorry." I look into his brown eyes. "thanks," I say. "Do you wanna go get something to eat and talk?" I ask him. "Yeah," he says. 
Justin's POV;
Selena and I walk down the beach hand in hand. "I love you," I tell Selena. "I love you too," she says. "I got you something," I tell her. "You didn't have to," she pleads. "I wanted to," I say as I hand her a small jewry box. Selena takes the jewry box into her hands and just smiles at me. "Open it," I tell her. She nods and she opens the box to see a J ring. "It's beautiful, I love it," she says. "It's a promise ring, a promise that I won't ever hurt you," I tell her. Tears form in her eyes as she nods. "Thank you," she says as she pulls me into a hug. We pull back from the hug but not from each other. I place my hand on her check and kiss her lips. She kisses back with passion. We pull back from the kiss and I slide the ring onto her finger.

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