" NIGHTHAWK " genji shimada.

By belovedgenji

46.3K 1.5K 216

" a story in which the infamous talon assassin known as nighthawk is forced to become a blackwatch agent in e... More

[01] hanamura.
[02] overwatch.
[03] blackwatch.
[04] basic training.
[05] sparring.
[06] medbay.
[07] final test.
[08] graduation.
[09] research and development.
[10] milan.
[11] back to hanamura.
[12] comfort.
[13] liquor.
[14] liability.
[15] nighthawk.
↳ one.
↳ two.
↳ three.
↳ four.
↳ five.
↳ six.
↳ seven.
↳ eight.
↳ nine.
↳ ten.
↳ eleven.
↳ twelve.
↳ thirteen.
↳ fourteen.
↳ fifteen.
i. vision
ii. execution
iii. consequences
iv. transfer
v. determination
vi. sorrow
vii. loyalty
viii. reunited
ix. mission
x. captured
xi. content
xii. interrogation
xiv. infiltrated
xv. destruction
- one.
- two.
- three.
- four.
- five.
- six.
- seven.
- eight.
- nine.
- ten.
- eleven.
- twelve.
- thirteen.
- fourteen.
- fifteen.

xiii. roots

455 16 0
By belovedgenji

"YOU WANT ME TO do what?" Tigress whirred in confusion as she looked up from the claw-like blades screwed into her fingers. She had been busy sharpening the weapons when Kailani had found her outside the Blackwatch dormitories. Although Tigress was unable to convey emotion in her robotic facial features, Kailani knew that her omnic friend held nothing but disbelief behind her glowing eyes.

Kailani shifted her weight back and forth, grinning sheepishly. "I want you to help me interrogate Maximilien so that he will give away the Infiltrator's location," she repeated herself. "Come on, Tigress. The only thing that could scare an omnic like Max is another omnic: you."

Tigress paused, gazing down at her bladed fingers once more. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Kailani knew what her friend was thinking: she was an omnic, and not just any omnic. She was created by Maximilien himself to participate in the assassinations that Talon organized. Tigress's sole purpose of being built was to kill, and facing her creator after working so hard to tear herself away from her initial programming must have been terrifying.

Kailani reached out and rested a hand on the omnic's shoulder. "He has no control over you anymore," she assured her.

"That's the thing about omnics, though. No matter how hard we try, all it takes is one little trigger to send us spiralling back into our original programming," Tigress grumbled, turning away. Her shoulders heaved, a sound that resembled a fan echoing through her mechanical torso, and then she nodded. "I'll help you. It's time I face the bastard anyways."

"Thank you," Kailani said with a grateful smile. "I'll be right there with you. If you need to leave at any time, then do it."

It was getting close to dinnertime, so the base was nearly barren as the pair made their way over towards the headquarters. Those that they did see were heading towards the cafeteria, where the savory smell of a pot roast was drawing them in. Kailani's stomach growled, though she ignored it. Food could wait; the anticipation of finally figuring out the Infiltrator's location engulfed her, and she thought of nothing else.

The pair hurried up to the third floor without saying a word, ignoring the prying eyes of the few office workers that decided to skip dinner and were still sitting in their cubicles. They must have thought it was odd for Kailani to be visiting their division two days in a row when she had never done so before.

The same brute was stationed outside of Maximilien's holding cell. He nodded once towards Kailani, remembering her from the day before, but then he shifted an untrustworthy gaze onto Tigress. The omnic was silent as she pulled out her ID card, holding it out towards the guard. His eyes narrowed, though Kailani saw his Adam's-apple bob in his throat, and he stepped aside. She noticed his gaze lingered on Tigress's claw-like blades, and she wondered if the brute was intimidated by her omnic friend. Nonetheless, Kailani didn't question it; she stepped past the guard and entered the holding cell that contained Maximilien.

The door was shut behind them, and the sound of the magnetic lock turning echoed throughout the tiny room. The pair stood in silence for a moment, facing the omnic cackling omnic seated in front of them. Kailani gazed at Maximilien in confusion, the inhuman laugh rattling through his metallic body sending shivers down her spine.

Kailani's posture straightened. She forced down the uneasy feeling that grew in the pit of her stomach and took a seat in front of Maximilien. Tigress lingered near the door with her arms crossed over her chest as she waited for her cue.

"You know," Kailani began, raising her voice a bit so that it could be heard over Maximilien's maniacal cackling. "I don't see how you can be laughing right now, Max."

As if turned off by a switch, Maximilien grew silent. His shoulders heaved, mechanical whirring replacing the laughter, and he looked over Kailani's shoulder. It was as if he didn't even care that she was there; he was more focused on the omnic standing behind her. "We were wondering what happened to you."

Kailani frowned, and she prayed that Tigress was able to hold herself together. She knew what it was like to face the man behind so much manipulation and terror. She glanced over her shoulder and met her friend's gaze momentarily before Tigress spoke up.

"I decided that I no longer wanted to work for the bad guys," she said and shrugged boredly.

Another chuckle came from Maximilien; this one short, to the point. It was a bitter laugh, laced with venom. "Are you sure Overwatch aren't the bad guys? You know, they kill our kind every day."

"They kill humans too," Tigress retorted without hesitation. "They kill whoever they need to in order to keep the world safe."

"Keep tellin' yourself that, kid," Maximilien snickered. He leaned back in the chair, his glowing gaze flickering to Kailani momentarily. "They make us out to be the villain because we've killed people, but I think that Overwatch has even more blood on their hands than we do. Seems like we're not the only ones who brainwashed you."

A low growl rumbled in Tigress's throat. Before Kailani knew what was happening, her friend leaped across the room towards Maximilien. She gripped his throat tightly, the blades on her knuckles digging into the metallic surface of his neck. "Let's get down to business," she sneered, her face only inches away from the omnic at her mercy. "Tell us where Santiago is or I won't hesitate to kill you."

Maximilien seemed unfazed by the threat. If he could roll his eyes, Kailani knew he would've. "Using the weapons against the creator... How ironic." Tigress growled again, pressing the blades in even further. A few sparks flew from the omnic's throat, and Kailani could see him tense nervously.

Kailani stood from her seat, her eyes narrowed as she glared down at Maximilien. "You're a coward," she spat bitterly. "You fear death. That's why you let us take you alive. Tell us where he is or she will kill you. You of all beings should know how ruthless she can be."

Maximilien didn't say a word. It seemed as though Tigress was growing impatient, for she suddenly gripped his head in one hand and yanked it backwards violently. Maximilien let out a gasp as a blade was held centimeters away from his eye.

"Numbani!" The omnic cried out shakily. Tigress released her grip on him slightly, and she exchanged a pleased glance with Kailani. "I don't know for sure, but there was a huge thing in Numbani. Every upper-rank Talon associate was attending. But what does it matter?" He paused for a moment, his cold gaze shifting to Kailani. "What're you gonna do, Nighthawk?"

"That doesn't concern you," she responded flatly. She nodded towards Tigress, who then let Maximilien go. "That's all we need. Thank you for your cooperation."

With that, the pair left the muttering omnic alone in his holding cell, and Kailani hastily began making her way towards the common room. Tigress hurried after her, and she was rather surprised that her omnic friend was holding up so well after confronting her creator after so long.

"What now?" Tigress asked quietly, making sure they were not overheard by nosy passersby.

"We find Lucas and Lena," Kailani explained. "And then we go to Numbani."

They found Lucas and Lena just outside of the headquarters building. Lucas was jumping around excitedly, and it took Kailani to notice the weapon he was holding in his hands. Lena waved them over upon noticing them approaching, a nervous grin spreading across her features as Lucas continued to toss the weapon around.

"Hey, Kailani!" The young man greeted her happily as she stopped beside him. He held the weapon out towards her, and upon closer inspection she realized that it was a gun with two barrels. "Look at this gun Torbjorn made me! It can shoot two types of bullets that I made myself: one is like a poison dart and the other is a healing serum so I can help people out on the battlefield!"

Kailani couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm, though she was unable to ignore the pounding of her heart against her ribcage. She felt almost guilty for what she was about to ask of her friends; this mission was dangerous, both to their lives and their jobs. If they were caught by anyone, things could go terribly wrong. Her eyes fluttered shut, and she took a moment to let out a deep sigh in an attempt to gather enough courage to ask them to accompany her.

Before she was able to do so, however, Lucas had already turned his attention towards Tigress. Kailani realized that neither of her friends had met the omnic before; Tigress mainly kept to the Blackwatch division of the building, keeping socialization with anyone (even fellow Blackwatch members) to a minimum.

"I've seen you around, but I don't think we've properly met." Lucas shoved a hand towards the omnic, grinning widely. "I'm Lucas."

Tigress glanced down at his outstretched hand, though made no effort to shake it. "Tigress," she responded shortly.

"Oh, we're using cool code names? Who am I then?" Lucas ran a hand through his hair, eyebrows scrunched together in thought. "Oh! What about Kobra? But with a K? Kailani, how does Kobra sound?"

Kailani rolled her eyes good-humoredly. "Sounds terrifying," she said with an amused snicker. Her smile faltered for a moment, and she realized that it was now or never. "I have to ask you guys to do something for me."

"What is it?" Lena questioned. She noticed Kailani's uneasiness from the moment she approached them, and she had been waiting patiently to hear what she had to say.

"The Infiltrator is in Numbani," Kailani explained shakily. "Maximilien said so himself. I... wanted to ask you guys to go with me." She looked in between her three friends, surprised to find identical looks of determination already etched into their features. "It'll be dangerous. Not only are we flying straight into Talon's hands, but we're doing it against Morrison's back. I'm not going to make you do anything, okay?"

Lena pursed her lips, and for a moment Kailani was worried she was going to object. "I said when we first began this investigation that I'll have your back no matter what, Kailani. Besides," she sent Kailani a teasing smile. "You could use a good pilot. Count me in."

"Me too!" Lucas agreed immediately. "It'll give me a chance to test out my new gun."

Kailani looked to Tigress, who had stayed silent during the whole ordeal. She had only asked her friend for help interrogating Maximilien; she didn't expect the omnic to agree to this mission, and yet Tigress met her gaze with a confident nod.

Kailani felt as though a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. Knowing that she had support from her closest friends made it seem like everything was going to be okay. With a feeling of exhilaration, she realized that now might finally be her chance to end it all.

The weight of the karambits strapped into her belt fell against Kailani's hip as she hurried down the hallways of the base. Her heart hammered against her chest, and her throat felt tight. She was nervous; she felt as though every person she passed knew exactly what she was planning and was on their way to alert Commander Morrison.

Snap out of it, she hissed to herself. There's no way anyone knows. You're making yourself look suspicious.

Kailani cleared her throat, straightening her posture, and began to make her way towards the exit. She was heading towards the hangar, where Lena and the rest of her makeshift team were waiting to leave. As she neared the exit, she passed Mia, who was patiently waiting in front of the elevator. Kailani shot the girl a smile, then froze in place as she realized that Mia was a part of the team that left for Numbani the day before.

"What're you doing back so early?"

Mia turned to look at her just as the elevator dinged, signalling that it had reached the ground floor. "We just got back. Things didn't go as planned," she explained as the doors to the elevator slid open.

"Where's Genji?" Kailani questioned nervously. Even if the team had just returned, she had yet to see Genji anywhere on base. Usually, she was the first person he would come see upon his return.

Mia stepped into the elevator just as the doors tried to close. She shot Kailani an apologetic glance. "I'm sorry, I have to go debrief with Commander Morrison. Genji's in the medbay if you want to see him!" With that, the doors began to close on her.

Kailani nodded slowly. Then she realized what Mia had said, and she shot the young girl a panicked look. "The Medbay?" Mia didn't have time to respond before the doors shut completely and the elevator began to ascend. Kailani's chest felt tight, her heart dropping to her feet, and she immediately took off in the direction of the medbay.

Kailani saw the doors to the medbay slide open upon her arrival, and she stopped herself just in time before she barreled into the figure that stepped into the hallway. She mumbled an apology, looking up to see the familiar silver metallic armor that she knew belonged to Genji.

"You're okay," she breathed out with a relieved smile.

"I am fine, Lani," Genji assured her. He still wore his visor, and she noticed several scratches lining the metallic surface. She frowned as she watched the glowing green lights of his visor flicker slightly. He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, though the movements of his cybernetic hand were stiff and rather jittery as he did so.

"No you're not," she whispered worriedly. She reached up and ran her fingers along the scratches on his faceplate. "What happened?"

"Doomfist is stronger than we thought," Genji responded with a shrug. She knew that he was trying to act as though it was no big deal, though the way his voice wavered gave away just how shook up he was from the mission. "I am not hurt. It is just my suit."

Kailani wasn't satisfied. She reached out and grabbed his cybernetic hand in her own, observing the singular gash that ran up his metallic forearm. If his arm had been organic, it would have been likely that he would be dead from a wound so large and deep. "This is a part of you," she pointed out quietly. She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat, struggling to fight the fearful tears that threatened to fall. She knew Doomfist was a threat to her team's safety, and yet seeing the aftermath of what he really was capable of terrified her. She could have easily lost Genji; hell, she could have lost anyone on her team.

"Lani," Genji hummed. She felt the coolness of the cybernetic sleeve that covered his organic arm touch her cheek, and he tilted her face up to look at him. She was unable to see his eyes through his visor, though she felt herself relaxing under his gaze nonetheless. "I am here. I am okay. You do not need to worry."

Kailani nodded slowly, looking down. Both of them were silent for a moment, and she glanced up to find his gaze locked on the knives on her belt. "Where are you going?" he asked her.

"What?" Kailani laughed nervously, shifting her weight back and forth. "Why do you think I'm going somewhere?"

Genji pointed towards her knives. "You never wear your knives unless you are going on a mission," he pointed out as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh, these?" Kailani fumbled with her daggers and shrugged innocently. "I'm just breaking in a new belt."

Genji looked at her in silence for a moment, unconvinced. "That is the same belt."

Kailani's shoulders sagged, and she looked down. "Why do you have to be so observant? Curse your heightened cyborg senses," she grumbled under her breath.

Genji stepped towards her, resting a hand on her bicep. "Lani, talk to me."

She rubbed her hands together nervously, her throat tightening as she struggled to form words. "We found the Infiltrator," she squeaked out. "Well, we think so anyway. I'm going to kill him."

She expected Genji to object. She expected him to do everything in his power to keep her on base; hell, she wouldn't have been surprised if he tied her to her bed. Yet he didn't seem surprised, and she wondered if he knew what she was planning all along. "I am coming with you."

Kailani shook her head frantically. "No."

"Why not?"

"No one knows we're going, Genji," she explained to him. "If too many people disappear, Morrison will be suspicious."

"Who else is going?" Genji questioned, his voice laced with something that Kailani was unable to make out.

"Lena, Lucas, and Tigress. No one else can come, or else Talon will know we're there." She felt guilty for saying this when three other people were already accompanying her on the mission. She wasn't lying to him, although the fear of being caught was only part of the reason. Seeing how beat up Genji was after his confrontation with Doomfist- the gash in his suit and the unsynchronized movements of his cybernetics- worried her. She didn't want him to be put in any more danger if she could help it.

"So you are taking a clumsy kid who talks too loud and not me?" She couldn't help but notice the subtle hurt lacing Genji's words, and she frowned.


"Let me come, Lani," he insisted, taking a step towards her. He reached up and grabbed his faceplate; a hissing sound met her ears as it became unlatched, and he lowered it from his face. She nearly melted under his crimson gaze, her eyes darted over every inch of his exposed skin. She knew that he was just as worried about her as she was of him, and this made her feel guilty for a moment.

Still, she wasn't going to allow his suffocatingly good looks to change her mind. "When will you understand that I can take care of myself?" She asked with a frown, crossing her arms tightly over her chest.

"I trust you, Lani," Genji said to her. He rubbed her bicep, and a trail of fire was left on her skin where his touch lingered. "I just do not trust Santiago." He lowered his hands to her hips, and he leaned down to kiss her sweetly. Kailani couldn't help but smile at the gesture; she loved this side of Genji. "You will not even know I am there, I promise. When have I ever broken a promise?"

"Remember that time-" Kailani was cut off as his lips crashed into hers once more. He pulled away a moment later, the corners of his scarred lips curling upwards in a smirk. She rolled her eyes at him in amusement, pushing on his chest. "Fine, you can come, you stupid ninja."

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