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By Liz_The_King

1K 11 2

The monster had been helping the spooky family for a while now. He had grown accustomed to Skid and Pump's sp... More

Two Trucks
Two Trucks Part:3(But Pegging)

Two Trucks Part:2(Feat. Dead Bodies)

237 2 0
By Liz_The_King


Patty took off her gloves, wiping the sweat off her brow, and thrusting her hands into the sink. Being a morgue attendant was not a cakewalk, and it did not help that most of her colleagues would often leave the night shift to her. 

Alone, might she add. 

It’s not that she hated her job. On the contrary, she enjoyed the quiet peacefulness that came with the position. However, tasking one person with handling, moving, and cleaning dozens of corpses for several shifts was downright torture. Is it really that hard to assign someone to work with her? 

She sighed, drying her hands with a towel, slipping on a pair of new gloves, and clasping her face mask back on. She had two more corpses to inspect, and then she would be scot-free to drink her woes away in the comfort of her home. 

She unzipped the body bag on the operating table. It was an elderly man, who surprisingly had most of his body intact. No burns or limbs missing; it almost seemed as if he died in his sleep. Patty hummed, writing down notes in her clipboard before setting it down and proceeding to do a physical inspection. She cradled the corpses’ chin in her hands, moving it to the side for further review. 

She shook her head at the discovery of several punctures embedded deep into his skin. She should have known better than to think this man died a peaceful death. In the past few months several corpses have popped up with similar bite marks. It was mostly on the neck or collarbone, but it varied from each individual. Patty suspected something more sinister, such as a crazed cannibal or serial killer on the loose, but her higher ups disregarded her suspicions, placing the blame on rabid dogs.  

Seeing as how they never checked on the bodies themselves, it was easy for them to place the blame on anything else, while they made the woman clean up the victims.  

What made this particular corpse odd, however, was that it was the first body with bite marks to show up in her morgue in about a month. She wasn’t sure if that meant the person doing these acts was slowing down his atrocities or if they were just getting better at hiding the bodies. 


Patty spun around, startled by the sudden noise. She was always alone; she was supposed to be alone. Nothing ever made noise here, so what the hell was that? Her eyes scanned the room, only to find one of her scalpels on the ground. Slowly walking forwards she picked it up off the floor, and set it back onto the tray. She counted to ten in her head, willing herself to calm down. It wasn’t her first day on the job anymore, she handles dead bodies for Christ's sake. 

She probably just left it haphazardly close to the edge. 

Something moved rapidly in her peripheral vision, something dark and yellow. Gulping the lump in her throat down, she clutched the surgical knife in her left hand, and turned around to face whatever it was. 

There, next to the operating table was a freak of nature. It wore a trench coat, its entire body charcoal black, wide bloodshot eyes embedding deep into her own, and massive, vicious canines protruding from its mouth. Despite all of those characteristics, the weirdest part of the beast was its head, it was shaped like a lemon, same size and color.  

“You know,” it spoke, its deep and profound voice instilling fear in her. “I find it odd that they would leave a frail thing like you all alone here. Doesn’t it get lonely?” 

She took a step back. “I-I-” 

“Ah, but what am I saying, you have all these lovely people to talk to, don’t you?” The monster lifted the dead man into a sitting position, controlling his arms like a puppet. “But you’re not going to get much out of this guy, which is weird, because I remember him screaming a lot when I met him.” 

Patty turned around, and took off towards the exit. She thought she was far enough away from him, enough distance to reach the exit at least. Her thought process was immediately dashed as the weight of something heavy collided against her back, sending her towards the ground. 

The smell hit her like a train. The thing had thrown the corpse at her, effectively pinning her down. She scrambled to shove the body off of her, but the lemon creature beat her to the punch, latching onto the corpse, and tearing it away from her. 

Freedom, however, was not in her cards. 

The next thing she knew, his claws were wrapped around her throat, squeezing, and closing her airway. She fought with all her vigor, her lungs begging for oxygen, but the monster only chuckled in response to her struggle, patiently waiting for her to pass out, not letting go of his iron grip.  

The facemask she wore did not do her any favors in this situation. In just a few seconds she felt her strength waning, her vision fading into black.

The first thing she realized upon waking up was that she was not dead.  

While the realization was comforting, the binds holding her down to the operating table were not. She tried her best to move, but her captor had made sure his victim would not escape so easily, using several layers of duct tape to tie her down.  

The monster’s large head entered her line of sight, its beady eyes staring down curiously at her. 

“You’re not supposed to be awake for this.” 

She screamed, shaking her head vigorously back and forth in the hopes that someone could hear her. He rolled his eyes, pressing her own medical scalpel against her neck, and effectively silencing her. 

“Scream more, and I will make sure you join your friends in the bags.” 

She gulped, nodding vigorously to his request. The razor-sharp medical tool withdrew from her throat as he gave her a small smile of approval before moving away from her vision. She could hear him rummaging through her medical instruments, metal clashing against metal.  

“W-what are you going t-to do me?” She whispered, finding her voice. 

“Dismember and eat you alive,” he replied, approaching her again with a bone saw in one claw. “I usually like to take my time, skin you alive, and maybe sing a song, but I am in big hurry, so cutting you up will have to do.” 

The monster tore open a hole in her binds, slamming her wrist onto the table, and pressing the instrument against her shoulder blade. “Now hold still...” 

“W-WAIT!” She shrieked, just as he was about to tear into her flesh. “W-what’s the rush?! I-I mean, we have all night, don’t we?! 

She was trying to buy some time by making conversation, unsure of her survival chances, but she will try anything to prevent losing any of her limbs.  

He narrowed his eyes at her, hovering over her arm as he clicked his tongue. “Lila is expecting me to babysit her son for the night, so no, we do not have all night, blondie.” 

“W-who’s Lila?” 

“My-” he paused, searching for the right word. “-My human lover, I suppose.” 

“Wait, what?” Patty blinked incredulously at him as if he grew a second head. “You’re dating someone?” 


“... You’re kidding.” 

“No, why is that so hard to believe?” The monster pointed the bone saw at himself, giving her his best toothy grin. “Look at this smile, is it not handsome?” 

She winced, leaning her head back into the table. “No offense, but you attacked me for the sole purpose of eating me alive, so I do find it hard to believe that you’re dating someone.” 

“See for yourself.”  

He shoved a hand into his pocket, and fished out a small photograph of him in a group hug with a woman and a boy. The woman couldn’t have been more than thirty, her lavender hair getting caught up in his claws, but her smile did not indicate distress. The boy, who she assumed was her son, sported a very familiar skeleton costume while being pinned between their frames.  

“Wow,” she finally said, taking in the picture. “She’s actually really pretty.” 

“I know, right?!” The monster gazed at the photo lovingly. “She smells nice too, and her skin feels so soft. Everything about her is wonderful.” He turned to her, sighing wistfully. “The child has slowly grown on me as well, which reminds me, I really must get to eating you before they start wondering where I went.” 

Patty shook her head. “Does she even know that you’re doing this?” 

“What, eating people?” He groaned, setting the weapon down onto the surgical tray. “Yes, she was aware of my nature when we met, and when we began our little dances in the night, she wanted me to stop eating humans.” 

The blonde woman coughed, only serving to annoy him. 

“I tried, okay?! I really did!” The monster slumped against the table, his back to her. “But it’s hard. It’s been a whole month since I’ve eaten a single human and I NEED MEAT!” 

The table shook with his roar, but his rant gave her a moment of clarity, a plan to somehow get out of this mess alive.  

She cleared her throat. “So, uh, you two have been together for a whole month now?” 

He slowly nodded, allowing her to continue. “You know, a month of dating is a huge deal for couples. Did you get her anything for it, yet?” 

She held her breath as he slowly turned to her, his grin replaced with a worried expression. “No... am I supposed to?” 

“Oh yes,” she nodded as if she was the expert on relationships. “Every couple does it. I bet you she is probably expecting you to do something  really  special.” 

Somehow his eyes widened even more. “What the hell?! I’ve never heard of this!” 

“I could help you out if you untie me.” 

She was free, and also not being devoured by a hungry monster, so that was good. Now the problem was bluffing her way through this entire conversation. 

“If I'm going to help you out,” she said sitting down on a chair across from the monster. “I need to know what do you guys usually do.” 

“That’s easy,” he replied, using a corpse as demonstration. “We usually hold hands, watch a movie together, sometimes with her child, sometimes just us... lots of meat slapping too.” 

Patty raised an eyebrow. “Meat slapping?” 


The mental image in her head was too cursed for words. She shook her head clear of the horrid thoughts before continuing. “Okay aside from that, you guys seem to do regular couple stuff... what does she like in particular?” 

The monster hummed, placing a claw under his chin. “She likes my tongue in particular.” 

She really did not need to know that. “I mean what do you do that she likes, what made her want to do all those kinds of things with you?” 

A beat passed before he continued. “She seems to like it when I look after the boy.”  

The caregiving type? She could work with that. 

She snapped her fingers, an idea in her head. “She seems like the type who would appreciate you taking some responsibilities.” 

“... I never thought of the boy like that,” he admitted. “Sure, he’s a handful at times, but I’ve learned to appreciate that sort of energy.” 

Patty had to admit it was sort of sweet the way he talked about the kid. “What other things do you do?” 

“Just that.” 

“Then here’s what you’re going to do.” 

After a couple of minutes of hashing out the details, the monster found himself ecstatic of her plan. So much so, that he had forgotten the reason he came there in the first place, and proceeded to exit the building with a newfound goal in mind. 

Lila was tired. 

It had been a long night. Her boss had called for an emergency meeting, and instead of doing it through zoom, he decided it was time to “get over their fears,” and schedule a face to face one. She didn’t dislike her coworkers, but working from home was the best decision the company ever decided to do. 

Arriving to her front porch only seemed to drag the bags under her eyes even further down. She left the house in a hurry, leaving Monster and Skid behind. 


It was fifty-fifty on whether or not that was a bad idea; sometimes her son’s antics would summon a demon from the underworld, other times her lover’s homicidal tendencies would distract him from properly watching her son. At the very least he has proven to care for the well-being of her son, and has kept him from that part of his life. 

However, he lacked a lot of basic skills most adults had. Most of the chores were done by her, because if left to his own devices he would tear up the house, and if he were in charge of cooking, he would add pieces of human flesh into the dishes.  

She sighed, not looking forward to the list of abundant chores she was going to have to do. 

“What in the...” 

The house was completely dark, save for the light of several scented candles adorning the living room leading to the top of the stairs.  

“Hello, Lila.” 

She yelped, not noticing the large eyes staring her down from atop the stairs. “Monster? What’s going on? Where’s Skid?!” 

He leaped over the railing, landing on his feet like a cat, and stepped closer to her. It was there in the luminescent light that she witnessed a new style of clothing on him. The monster had decided to wear a  sharp-looking, and well-fitted suit. Exactly the sort of thing that a woman would pick out for her man to wear to a formal event. That was something that made her a bit nervous. Still, it fit well, it made him look very handsome, and when he smiled, it was a little bit magical. 

“The boy is fine,” he assured, combing her hair behind her ear. “I made sure he did all his homework, and tucked him to bed.” 

She blushed, but narrowed her eyes in suspicion. “O-okay, but I still need to get to my room and-” 

“I also made sure your room was clean and tidy for tonight, you need not worry.” 

“What about the dish-” 

“Washed, dried, and set up just the way you like it~” 

“I- um,” she closed her mouth, unsure of how to proceed. “Where did you get the suit?” 

Instead of answering her question, the monster closed the door behind her, and gently took off her coat. She did not resist, smiling gratefully as he hung it on the coat rack. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he led her to the kitchen. If the living room was decorated like a sappy novella, then the kitchen was a Shakespearean play. The dining table was set up elegantly, a plate of spaghetti and meatballs lay on the table for the two, accompanied by two glasses of wine.  

“I thought you didn’t like drinking,” she grinned, elbowing his stomach. “You complained so much about how bad it tastes.” 

He scoffed, pulling out a chair for her. “I’ll deal with your horrible alcohol... just for tonight.” 

She shrugged accepting her seat, mouthing a silent thank you as he pushed her closer to the table. The scent of the plate before her smelled... good? She poked a meatball with her fork, testing the authenticity of the meat. 

“It’s not human, Lila, it’s safe to eat.” 

“... Why the sudden change?” she asked, glancing curiously at him. “You love mixing humans with our food.” 

“I do, but I...  appreciate  you a lot more.” 

Lila felt her chest flutter, but did not show any emotion to his compliment externally. She bit into her food, her tastebuds gave her the seal of approval, and thus immediately gave in to her stomach. 

He watched her eat, suddenly feeling as if he should be doing something. Thankfully, Lila took the hint, and as she slurped a strand of spaghetti, she held her fork out to him, a strand prepared just for him. He grinned, eagerly taking it into his mouth and begin slurping. Closing his eyes, he began to savor the fruits of his labor. It wasn’t anywhere near as good as eating someone’s liver, but it wasn’t half bad eith- 


That’s strange. Something was stuck in his mouth. Opening his eyes, and peering down, he caught strands of purple hair struggling to get out of his mouth. His eyes widened in shock, quickly pushing Lila’s shoulders away. Her entire face was covered in his saliva, her lips scrunched up in disgust.  

“Daw, sorry,” he cooed, standing up to wipe her face with a napkin, tongue dangerously close to her face. “Don’t worry, even when you’re covered in saliva, you still look beautiful.” 

Lila sighed, moving her neck to the side, giving him more access to clean. It took everything in his power not to indulge in her deliciously soft neck, but he bit on his tongue, not allowing himself the pleasure. 

Without warning, she grasped the front of his suit, pulling him forwards, and smashing her lips against his teeth. He felt himself melt immediately, placing his claws on the sides of her face, and pulling her closer. Lila closed her eyes, but the monster kept his half open, watching her every move. He loved it whenever she gave all of herself to him.  

She leaned back, lungs begging for air. She took a few deep breaths, biting her lower lip as her lover stared at her lovingly, as if his entire world revolved around her. 

Lila kissed his neck. “You made that food? By yourself?” 

He shivered under her touch. “Yes...” 

“You really went through all that trouble for me?” She wrapped her arms around his back, nibbling further up his neck. 

The monster’s toes curled, his mind desperately trying to find words. “Y-yes, I did...” 

She stopped, resting her chin on his shoulder, her hot breath sending a tingle down his spine. 


He couldn’t take it anymore.  

Roughly grabbing her chin, he pulled her back into his embrace, his tongue swiftly prodding her lips for entrance, which she permitted immediately.  The two began languidly kissing. All the while, the monster ran his claws up and down her supple body. Palming one of her magnificent breasts, the other digging into a plentiful butt cheek. 

They then separated, the world around them returning to normal. 

“Because I want...  need  you.” 

His human partner hummed in approval, slowly unbuttoning his suit. “Then show me.” 

Shrugging off his tacky suit, and tossing it aside, he picked her up by the upper thigh, setting her on the kitchen counter. His tongue traveled down her throat, nimble claws reaching for the buttons on her shirt, pausing when her hands grabbed his wrists. 

She shook her head, a wry smile on her face. “I meant it when I said I want you to show me, so do not be gentle.” 

A growl erupted from his throat, digging his sharp nails into her shirt and ripping it apart. He was unstoppable, not bothering to take a minute to gander at her bra as he clipped the obstacle off with a swipe of his claw. Firmly grasping into the supple flesh, he began to dig in, tongue coiling around her breast as she hummed with pleasure. 

He let go with a pop, continuing to travel further down, she helped him take off her jeans, wiggling her hips while he tore them off of her.  He played her with his mouth, showering her with butterfly kisses against her thigh while he pushed his claw against her abdomen to keep her down, her back flat on the counter as she twisted and moaned when his mouth travelled higher. 

Gingerly setting her panties to the side,   his tongue, skilled and apt, twisted and curled around her sensitive nub, licking stripes down her core, slurping the wetness that pooled between her legs like a tasty delight. 

She could see his lemon shaped head bob up and down between her legs, reached for him, but only managed to curl her fingers around his scalp before he had pushed her down to the counter again. 

Lila’s body shivered and shook from pleasure, heat building in her core as she could not block out the slurping wet sounds of his tongue as he sucked her bundle of nerves. She gasped, tried to bite back the sounds of pleasure, arching her back as much as his claw on her tummy would allow her, and tried to look down at him, only seeing her bare breasts, her shirt torn up underneath, her nipples peaked with arousal, and she gasped even more. 

He was eating her out and it felt wonderful. Her orgasm was building, approaching rapidly. Lila’s legs trembled but he kept them apart. A rustle of cloth, buttons being undone, and the soft stroking of a claw against his own erection. 

But she hardly noticed as the pleasure kept building inside. His tongue twisted deep inside, his claw leaving her tummy, and then a finger was inserted into her core, moving slowly at first and then faster and deeper until the whole knuckle was in. 

The sharp finger was joined by another. The monster’s tongue twisted inside her, joining his claws. She tried to grab for the edge of the counter, anything underneath that could give her leverage, but her fingers kept slipping away. 

Lila moved her head from left to right, and bit her lip to keep from crying out, thrashing underneath him, feeling her orgasm was near. 

And then,  oh-  and  then , just at the moment when she  peaked , he flipped her onto her stomach. She whined, shaking her hips in earnest, but that did not last long. He lifted her hips, forcing her to stand on her toes before  pushing  himself  inside . 

Full. She was full all of a sudden. He had pushed inside of her without warning, his throbbing member easily slipping deep inside because of her juices. And to c ome  with his cock being pushed into her core, it felt like nothing she had ever felt before. 

The monster began moving while she was still on her high. His thrusts were hard, unforgiving, and hungry. In and out and in and out at a fast pace. And she let him pound her because it felt so good. 

Once her orgasm seemed to subside, she could already feel another one building. Lila bit her lip, gasping his name, pleading for him to give her more than what he was giving. 

His claws dug into her hips, drawing blood. “You want more, Lila?” 

Oh, that sultry voice.  He was enjoying this. And her own throat felt swollen and dry, Lila’s voice creaked as she tried to speak but nothing came forth but another plea and his name. 

He brought his claw to her cheek, turning her face and forcing her to lock eyes with him. “You can tell me, it’s okay. I’ll gladly give you my everything. You made me hunger for something more than humans, and so I will happily give you what you desire.”  

And as he said those final lines, he bit down on her shoulder blade. His teeth cut deep, her blood swimming in his tastebuds, but before she could register the pain, he suddenly started pounding her again, his pace increasing, his thrusts deep and painful. But in an odd twisted way, the pain of his tentacle cock hitting her so deep inside, bruising her cervix, was turning into pleasure, and before she knew it, she was having another orgasm. 

He wrapped his arms underneath her, encircling them around her tummy, moving her up and down in a few more brutal thrusts while her body convulsed around him. Her pussy was pushing and pulling his cock with all its might, milking him dry. And it worked. His hot semen shot into her. Lila could feel it deep down inside, coating her insides, a feeling that had been foreign only a month ago, now started to feel like an addiction. 

She felt him slip out of her, his own juices leaking down her thighs. She sighed blissfully, unbothered by the new scars that would decorate her body. With wobbly legs, she turned around, and found him staring at her, a single meatball between his sharp digits.  

“Our food has gotten cold,” he stated, holding it out to her. “Say aah~” 

She opened her mouth, taking a bite out of the meat. It was delicious for his first time making dinner, but maybe that was just the afterglow talking. She sighed, leaning into his warm frame. 

“Thank you for that,” she muttered, barely keeping her eyes open. “But I think it just made me more tired...” 

The monster took action, lifting her up bridal style, and pressing her forehead against his. “You had a long night, darling. Let me get you to bed.” 

Lila shook her head, kicking her feet like a child. “No, no, what about the mess we made? And the food, and my clothes-” 

“Shh,” he purred, holding her closer to his chest, and beginning his walk up the stairs to her room. “You’re my perfect human, and my perfect human needs her rest, understand?” 

She blushed, but gave in, closing her eyes, and allowing him to tuck her in bed. 

Lila slept like a baby that night. 

It was late when she woke up. She yawned, tossing the covers off, and setting herself to a sitting position on the side of the bed. She shivered, wondering why she was cold. 

Ah, right he tore off her clothes. 

“I really need to stop letting him do that,” she mumbled, getting up to change into an extra pair of boxer briefs, and her favorite “my eyes are up here” shirt. 

She didn’t bother going to the bathroom, feeling an urgent need to assess the damage they had caused last night to the kitchen. She expected a mess of torn clothes, and dried bodily fluids, but instead found the monster sitting at the table with her son, discussing intently about something.  

“Hi, mom!” Skid waved, ushering her over. “Mr. Lemon said you were gonna wake up late today, so he made me eat spaghetti and meatballs for breakfast!” 

“And wasn’t it the best spaghetti and meatballs you ever had, boy?” 

“It was! You cook really good!” 

Lila’s eyes darted between the two, feeling utterly confused. “Uhhh-” 

“Here,” the monster interrupted, sliding a ceramic cup filled with hot black coffee. “I watch you drink these every day, so I thought you would like one.” 

Lila narrowed her eyes suspiciously at him, but nonetheless took the cup, and took a small sip from it. It was hot, bitter, and strong.  

Just the way she liked it. 

“Did you brush your teeth after eating, sweetie?” Lila said, licking her lips. 

“Aw, no, me and Mr. Lemon were talking about making a song for spooky month.” 

The monster grinned. “It has been a while since I last sang a tune.” 

“You two can continue  after  you brush your teeth, okay sweetie?”  

Skid nodded, jumping down from the chair before running upstairs to do his task. Leaving her and her lover alone. His smile widened, eyes trailing her unkempt hair. 

“... Did you sleep well last night?” 

“I did actually,” she responded, fingers tracing the edges of her cup. “But I wanted to know... what brough all this about?” 

“Well... it has been one month since we started dating, hasn’t it? I wanted it to be special.” 

Lila blinked. “Wait, it’s been a month already?” 

“... You haven’t been keeping tracking either?” 

“No,” she scoffed, taking another sip of her coffee. “But if it makes you do what you did last night, then by all means, continue.” She paused, placing a hand over his claw. “I really did appreciate you doing all of that by the way... I would have dropped dead if you didn’t take care of Skid and the kitchen.” 

He purred, lacing her soft fingers with his claws. “I once wanted to make your life a living hell, but now all I want is you, Lila.” 

She kissed his cheek. “I think you already do.” 

They stayed silent, content with staring one another’s eyes, allowing for Lila’s morning blue to blow over as she continued sipping her coffee. The monster suddenly beamed, remembering just how he had gotten the idea. 

“I guess that blondie was right after all, huh?” 

Lila’s expression dropped. “Blondie?” 

“This woman I tried eating last night.” 

“Honey.” She glared at him, shaking her head. “I thought we talked about this.” 

“But I did not end up eating her!” He exclaimed, trying his best to ease her. “I mean, I tried, and I really really wanted to cut her up, but she ended up giving me advice, so... it works out!” 

Lila’s glare softened. “Fine, but if you ever meet her again, give her my thanks.” She stopped to glare at him again. “And apologize.” 

He snarled, crossing his arms, and turning his gaze to the floor. “... Fine.” 

She smiled, standing up to wash her empty cup over the sink. 

“Say,” he murmured, a claw on his chin. “Do you think I could get a job at the morgue?” 

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