Choices Without Regrets

By Vyaska

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The long anticipated sequel to It was My Willing Choice; the first chapter of the second book, and continuing... More

Chapter I: The Slumbers' Awaken
Chapter II: Awakening Part II
Chapter III: The Trials Begin
Chapter IV: Fragile Alliances
Chapter V: Time Moves Gracefully
Chapter VI: Life's Gift and Curse
Chapter VII: Entry to War
Chapter IX: Informing the Inner Circle
Chapter X: A New Era Dawns
Chapter XI: The Cease-Fire Talks Begin
Chapter XII: Tensions
Chapter XIII: A Life Remembered and New Surprises
Chapter XIV: Shocking Talks and News
Chapter XV: Of Plays, Stories, and Torture

Chapter VIII: Stranded in Shangri-La

1.1K 52 13
By Vyaska

(My vision of the island that the two are at. A/N: I do not own this picture nor did I create it)

As the portal re-opened, Harry stepped out and smiled wide to the bright sunlight and the scent of the floral breeze. He hummed as the smell of the ocean and its breeze wafted across his senses and as the sun's warmth kissed his skin through the combat robes. Tom stared; this wasn't where he imagined they would be next.

"Harry?" He asked softly

Harry's lips then quirked, "I may and might have...lied slightly beforehand; the updates and such to Potter Mansion are done. Wards, traps, and all. Everything has been cleaned and refreshed there; the house is as ready for our operations and guests as can be had. The house elves are ready to work and are on stand-by for now, and the home is stocked with food and all other essentials."

Harry eyed him from the corner of his eyes, "If I had wanted, I could have transported our newest captives to the newly refurbished, upgraded and stable dungeons there. However, it would have been a drain on my magic for now, so I decided it wasn't worth it."

"And Lucius's dungeons are more than suitable for now."

Harry turned to him and let his eyes wander over Tom now as his lips smirked at the edges and as his gaze slanted with his show of desire, "I already knew well before now that my emancipation was agreed upon. The papers are already filed away; Lyall and Ragnok are an efficient team, one that I knew would prove beneficial to me. Which is why I secretly sought Lyall's professional services."

Tom's gaze heated suddenly as he realized what his mate was getting at. He stepped to Harry and watched as the younger wizard's eyes practically undressed him. His hand came to caress his face as his smile showed and Harry's breath caught in his throat.

"Then," he murmured with a rumbled and slightly roughened tone, "We have time alone now to spend together. Time, I suppose, that you made sure was possible while still out of reach from this plane?"

Harry hummed in agreement as Tom suddenly grabbed at him and drew his lips to him. Harry mewled and arced to his body; his need quickly building as the bond between them began to flare up. His hips thrusted up to his mate's; wanting more than just these kisses and small touches.

"I want you." Harry rasped as green irises darkened in a show of lust, "I want this to be forever, for us."

Tom gripped his waist and moved to his neck; he suckled there and then murmured in agreement to that, "It will be; I won't allow it to be otherwise. You saved me from myself, Harry; you deserve that eternity granted to us."

Harry whined, "Then what are you waiting for, then?"

Tom paused as he smirked, "Impatient, I see. I am savoring the moment; the smells, that sights, the tastes...Everything about you and this place as we merge our souls together."

Harry's eyes dilated as he whimpered, "Then do so more quickly; I am all for the sentimentality of this moment, Tom. However, I need you. Now."

Magic thrummed and vibrated between them as an echo of power ran over the stretch of the beach they stood upon. Harry hissed then with discontent as Tom grit his teeth too; apparently, their magic didn't want to let them wait longer.

He supposed that their magic had been waiting for a long time for this; fifty years or slightly longer, but even still; Tom wanted to savor this moment. To remember it and to be able to recall it with the fondness that was meant to be from it.

Pale sapphire blue eyes flecked with crimson stared to the adored emerald-green eyes that now looked more blackened than green; Harry's lust was being driven by his own wants and by his magic. Tom really didn't want this first bonding to happen right upon the beach; there would be plenty of time after it to explore that area, but it seemed there was going to be little choice as magic clashed and collided between the two.

Both felt the resulting pain for ignoring it.

Suddenly, as if answering his silent plea; a large and soft blanket appeared and with cushions. Harry whined again as Tom shook his head and smiled wanly; apparently their magic was now reading their thoughts, or Harry just knew him too well.

Tom gently maneuvered them to the blanket and eased Harry down to it. He used magic to divest them of their clothes; both shuddering in desire to the warm breeze that both caused pleasure and chills.

Tom marveled slightly as he let his hands to roam over the new body of his mate. Every new muscle and touch sent Harry into moans and arcs that lit fire inside him; he sometimes couldn't believe that Harry had chosen to accept this.

Tom suddenly shook his head to himself and lowered his lips to Harry; who immediately latched on and tried to take over. Tom growled low to that as his hand reached down and gripped his erection. Harry stilled suddenly and whined loudly to that. He keened for more as Tom slowly rubbed the hardened length up and down.

He began to move his mouth to Harry's neck as his teeth grazed his shoulder whilst he suckled the skin. As he continually stimulated him, and Harry began to whine louder with moans echoing the distance. This foreplay continued for some time as Tom re-learned his mate's body; as Harry's magic began to really rise and to crackle with the mixing of his own.

"How would you like to do this?" He murmured to Harry, "I want you as comfortable for this as you can be?"

Harry panted as he struggled to remain coherent; this was starting to get to him, and he didn't feel like he could contain himself for much longer. He barely even acknowledged the words spoken, but Harry moaned as he became frustrated at his lack of ability to verbalize.

So, he decided actions spoke best when words failed you.

He moved quickly and had Tom lying down flat on his back. Blue eyes that had turned fully red now stared to him with such desire; Tom began growling and hissing as Harry's hands wandered his new body, and he was mesmerized. Between the beauty that was his mate and his new form, they made quite a picture together.

From their eyes; blue irises turned scarlet, and emerald-green irises turned void blackened...both sets dilated and distended with lust just for the other as they saw the inner mana swirl inside as they gazed upon their partner.

To the magic they exuded and allowed to heighten around them. Increasing their sensory abilities to everything nearby and being able to simply feel everything and anything between them. How Tom noticed his own magic merged to it and how Harry just let it.

Tom became aware of his own emotions so suddenly that it startled him and then he sensed Harry's too; inundated with how pleased he was for this moment. How aroused he was and needy he was for Tom's touch.

Tom had much to be hypnotized by and to be thankful for.

Suddenly, Tom's breath hitched as he realized what had just happened. He had been staring too intently to notice.

Harry ran his hands languorously over his bare abdomen and let his nails lightly caress the muscles there as his body shifted down and he sunk himself onto his erection as Tom thrusted upward for friction.

'Yes.' Harry hissed now slow and drawn out with his pleasure, 'Yessss...that's it right there, fuck me.'

Tom's whole body enflamed to that, and he then moved harder and faster inside Harry, 'Merlin Harry, the things you do to me. I can barely think right now because of your hissing, beloved. I want to just pound you into this blanket.'

Harry's eyes slanted as a carnal smirk formed to his lips, "Then fuck me senseless, Tom. Let the world know that the Lord of Serpents owns me. That he owns everything about me; my mind, my body, my magic, and my heart."

"Let my body want for no one else but yours now, or do you not intend to keep me?"

Tom's red gazed flashed as he acidly hissed with possessiveness. His body began moving insanely fast as Harry mewled and bounced on him. Tom sat up some and let his hands grab Harry's; pinning them together as he leaned forward and breathed his scent as his hips rolled some when he pushed in harder.

"Mine." Tom hissed with a roughened tone and his hands gripped Harry hard, "You are mine, Harry Potter. No one else is allowed to touch you as I do; no one. You are not allowed to go to anyone but me for satiation; your body belongs to me. That cock of yours is only allowed to weep for me. It can only cum for me."

His hips jutted up harder as Harry moaned and arced his backside to take in the erection deeper.

"Your hole is only ever going to desire my cock filling you up and stretching you. It is only ever going to respond to my touches this way. It is only my seed that will coat your walls. You will ache for me when I am not inside you; want me to come to you and to make you whole with my arousal only."

Harry's eyes dilated further, "Yes, Tom. Only you. Now and forever will I be yours to claim as your own."

Harry whimpered suddenly as Tom gazed down and noted the overly sensitized arousal of his mate; he smirked as he reached for it and Harry screeched when his hand wrapped around it firmly.

"Scream all you want now Harry; I am far from done with you tonight." Tom whispered to him as he kissed his neck and rubbed him while continually hitting his prostate.

"Then continue to fuck me, Tom. Give me more than this. Slam your damn cock so far up my ass that I can't talk." Harry panted, "I am not made of glass; I want to really feel what it's like when you lose your control; I do not want to be able to even walk tomorrow. I don't want to even be able to consider leaving your side or the bed."

"Or, wherever we end up." Harry quirked his lips as he panted

Tom's hands gripped his erection harder; almost to the point of being painful, but Harry never complained. Harry noted he had hissed out some words of pleasure to that idea. His body then moved rapidly as Harry began to arc into him. More and more quickly as heat flushed them and turned them a dark pinkish hue on their skin; Harry was meeting every single thrust he made, and Tom was amazed by his mate's stamina and endurance.

The slapping of skin becoming pronounced as they shifted positions without losing much of their momentum.

Harry then mewled extremely loud as Tom's nails raked across his arousal; thrusting his hips desperately for more and wanting the touches. Tom rose a brow; Harry wanted pain? His lips quirked upward in amusement; this would get interesting.

One hand raked his mate's erect cock as the other reached up and pinched his nipple while he leant forward and bit into his neck before suckling there. Harry screamed and bounced so hard and high that he nearly dislodged himself.

"More." He begged, "I want more, Tom."

Tom's eyes slanted, "And what does my soul-mate want more of, hmm? What more can I give to the one who has already taken so much of me?"

"I want you to dominate me." Harry hissed in a begging plead while he arced, "Pin me down and fuck me raw, Tom. I want you to split me open and let me feel you spread me apart."

Tom hissed loudly as he suddenly had Harry pinned to one of the trees near the blanket. Eyes of ruby were burning now, "Like this, pet?"

Harry whined, "Harder."

Tom smirked, "With pleasure, pet."

Tom didn't know how long they continued this extremely arousing game for; after Harry had him pin him to the tree...everything else seemed to go too fast. Both were so needy for the other's touch and Harry...God Harry; he took to Tom like no one else ever had before.

The younger wizard didn't ever get weirded out or frightened by his more...violent tendencies; no, Harry simply seemed to become even more desperate for touch. Like he wanted them; though Tom was uncertain to exactly how much of that Harry could really handle.

Yet, as he lied now on top of the very rumpled blanket with a mountain-pile worth of small pillows; Tom was happier now than he believed he ever remembered being in his life. He was whole again; free to enjoy that and had someone to share this with.

Something he had never believed was ever possible.

His eyes watched softly to mate as he lounged with the snacks he had summoned. If only for a split moment since Harry seemed to be completely insatiable right now. Not that Tom was complaining; he enjoyed pleasing Harry's body and fulling his every desire.

His own enjoyment from that was merely the bonus reward. Knowing his mate was content from his administrations; that was more than enough for Tom to be happy.

Harry simply smirked to him while his eyes leered salaciously as he ate some manner of tropical fruit and used his tongue to lavish it with attentions. Igniting his arousal again and making his body crave that attention.

Harry's red and raw ass slightly wiggling; his hole still widened and tempting him. Both their bodies still pink from before and not a shred of clothes nearby to be found; the island was mostly deserted; being mostly property of the Potter family.

Tom growled low with pleased notions; he was very happy Harry decided to accept this bond between them.


Three days since their initial bonding had passed; Tom and Harry had experienced coital bliss in all manner of places; both outside on the beach, in the forested jungle with the adrenaline of danger in their veins; the jungle was habited by predators, after all...and more to all over the villa that sat upon the island. 

All manner of sexual appetites, fantasies, personal kinks and more had been seen and exhibited from the two wizards alone on the island. They didn't ever believe that they'd be bored with the other; too many possibilities with how both had so many...quirks to explore.

Harry suddenly  made a face of discontent, "I really don't want to go back yet; but I know we have to. Silverfang needs us present to sign the papers that go to legalizing our bond to the other. Lyall needs us there to ensure that both of us consented to this."

"Then I have several necromancers to interrogate and or torture, plus a vampire queen to do the same with. I don't want to make them wait too long; that would be...horribly rude of me." Harry smirked to Tom

Tom's smirk was vicious now, "And I want to watch you. I want to see you deal with them. I want to bathe in the dark power that will course your body and fuel mine with satisfaction. Among other thing." He leered

Harry's gaze flashed with interest, "You don't want to help me?"

Tom's smirk widened some as he continued to leer at Harry and adjusted his position in his chair somewhat, "Not immediately, no. But if I get too eager...perhaps then I might decide to linger."

Harry sat his glass of wine down. He stood up and walked to where Tom sat; eyeing his lap moment and saw how his erection twitched beneath the fabric of his slacks to his scrutiny. Harry then straddled his mate's lap with his leather-covered backside as Tom thrusted up immediately. Harry leered now with a smirk, "I look forward to letting you bathe in my body and its magic; I enjoy you too much to not let you."

Tom hissed as his eyes flashed with want, "Good."

He leaned forward and kissed his mate delicately, "I enjoy you as well, beloved. I am never going to tire of you. You have always been, become, and quite literally are my addiction, obsession and passion. You are my reasoning for being."

Harry's eyes softened some to that, "And you have become mine, Tom Marvolo Riddle. So, don't you dare revert back, or when I die; you'll never rest. I will forever haunt you until Death finds you."

Tom shuddered slightly to that but then smiled and nuzzled Harry's face with tenderness, "Never. I will never let myself become that person ever again. You have my word, Harry James Potter."

Tom then sighed, "But now that we have reached a cease-fire with Albus; what did you intend to do about him? He did, after all, hire Lord Valnair to tamper with the seals?"

Harry's lightened gaze dulled, "Way to kill the mood, Tom. And, I don't know yet. I feel that he needs punished for that, but Albus is quite old as it is and he already suffers. He tried to collect one of the horcruxes before they were broken up and your soul was merged back together."

Harry eyed him a moment, "His hand is now black from whatever curse you had on the object. I only know this because of being informed by Death. I defected to your side before Albus could ever try to tell me of the vessels; even if I knew what a horcrux was and suspected you had them because of what I learned on my own. 

This was before he could use me to hunt them. He was going to use me; to hunt them all down and break them by shattering your soul-pieces with the objects. Then I would have had to sacrifice myself to rid my body of the one inside me."

Tom stilled as he clung to Harry, "Which would have effectively killed you and then me; had neither of us ever learned of the bond."

Harry shook his head, "It would have killed you; Albus had a back-up plan to revive me. But that failed when he couldn't get the horcrux."

Harry sighed and leaned into Tom as silent tears fell, "He tried to take the Gaunt Ring; knowing you had replaced the emerald there with the fabled Resurrection Stone. He intended to steal it and use it for himself. But the power was too volatile for him to control; especially with his cursed hand, so he would have eventually stashed it away during the war for me."

Tom curled his arms about Harry as his body tensed when he felt his mate's hands curl in fury, "Albus was intending to let you die without ever thinking perhaps our bond would fix some of the wrongs done. He didn't believe that I could ever get you to even consider it; not that I ever told him I intended to try. After you had died, he intended to let me wander aimlessly broken inside. He was going to wait for me to reach the pinnacle of my despair and then tell me of the bond. Hoping to drive the nail to me. Hoping it would push me to my own grave from desolation and a need I couldn't fix."

Harry's tears then were felt to Tom through the white silk shirt he wore; his arms gently cradled Harry to him as he silently thanked whatever gods or goddesses had listened, that Harry broke away from this.

"Then when my body was cold; he was going to siphon my magic from me. Your magic from me that would have automatically gone to me after you died because of the bond. Which is why I would have eventually gone rogue; I couldn't handle the soul-separation and feeling your magic within me at the same time.

Albus was intending to steal the Peverell bloodline gifts for himself. Though I do not know why he wants them or what he wants them for?"

Harry coughed as his sorrow bled out, "But now, now that he is aware of the new threat and of what I have done; he is slowly stepping backwards and down because he knows I am angry. Because he knows that I know of what he has done and intended to do to me. He is afraid of what I will do; despite the cease-fire."

Tom sighed and gently caressed his back, "We'll figure it out together, Harry. His actions affected us both in ways. But for now...let me take your sadness from this away."

He kissed his neckand Harry hiccoughed as a smile broke through; Tom hated to see him crying,which was kind ironic, but sweet all the same. Harry merely inclined to him andlet the older wizard do as he wanted for the moment.

A/N: A Very Happy Birthday to Me! I am so glad to be able to finish this chapter today and that my inspiration decided to spark and give me light for my day. I am very happy to be able to share it with you all! I hope you enjoy reading it; as much as I did writing it ;) 

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