Amongst the Stars

By Fangirlly02

3.1K 192 42

My lungs and muscles burned. Everything in my body begging me to stop but I had to keep moving. I had to get... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 4

265 16 5
By Fangirlly02

"Have me executed? Have me executed!" I shout in disbelief. "My family thinks I'm dead, I thought I was losing my mind! I'm not even on my planet anymore, surrounded by monsters I thought were going to eat me! Just who the hell do you think you are!" I scoffed. "Go ahead, frame me. Tell everyone I'm a fake, I was dead the moment Dr. Brooke entered the room."

Hero-inn? That's his name? Sounds like the drug.

He turned away, shocked by my answer. What do I care? He made it clear I already have a death sentence.

With a heavy sigh, he talked to his badge "Bring him in." 

Who is it now?

"We watched you for some time, in order to time your abduction right and fake your death. What I learned is that you care about others. To be more specific, you would do anything for your family." My heart dropped. 

They wouldn't.... would they?

"Leave them out of this! We've done nothing to provoke you!" I slam my fist on the glass, unable to hide my anger and worry.

"Our teleporter can transport anyone from anywhere to this ship. The only catch is that we need the DNA of who it is. We had yours because you're a match to Lillian. Luckily Lillian had a 1 little brother who matches one of yours."

No no no no no no no no no no no no no.

The door opened. "Mathew!"

"Captain General, you summoned me sir." Mathew ignored me. He's only 14!

I noticed something, he's in uniform....

"Angela, I would like you to meet Jordan Champ. Lillian's' little brother." Gator face smiled (at least I think its a smile). He knows he has me cornered. "He may be young, but he is the top of his class in Eden Academy. See, we can bring Mathew here anytime we wish, so I'm going to ask. Are you still willing to die, knowing you'll kill your brother with you?"

I sigh. He has me beat. They took me without a second thought. Taking my brother would be no challenge. "What do you want me to do?" I look at the floor. I don't want to see the captains stupid, smug face.

"Cadet Jordan, escort Angela to the Dr. Brooks Laboratory. We need to start the performance enhancement implants immediately." Captain General let me out. "Remember cadet, only Dr. Brook, you, and I know the truth about who she really is. Do well to keep it that way. I don't want any accidents on ship to happen if word gets out. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal clear, sir."


The silence was deafening between us. The few creatures we would pass would just glare at me. A few of them had bandages, probably because I had fought them earlier. Should I apologize? Would Lillian apologize?

"So..." I start. "Head of your class. Your parents must be proud. Sounds very impressive." I smile at Mathew. I guess I should call him Jordan now. He isn't really my brother, just a look alike.

"Don't." He warned. "Lillian doesn't care about others or what they achieve. Not unless they benefit her. If you keep being nice, you'll be caught."

"Not even to family? That can't be right. Family is the most important thing in a person's life. The first ones you learn to love and protect."

He whipped around, his face angry and confused. "Love means nothing. Its a weakness others use and manipulate against you! That's what you taught me so don't you dare act like I matter now."

That's so sad. What did she do to hurt him so badly? "I'm sorry. This can't be easy for you." I hugged him and put as much love and comfort as I could. He felt so stiff in my arms, like it was the first time he'd been hugged. "You must be in so much pain. She hurt you so deeply only to have me here, it must be unbelievable. I'm sorry she didn't care. And I'm sorry she wasn't there like a big sister should be. Family should love you, not hurt you." I gently let him go, his face was in shock.

What did she do to you?

He pushed me off, his face turned to stone. "I warned you once, do anything like this again you will be punished." I nod and we continued walking in silence. "And wipe your eyes. Your ugly when you cry."

Mathew-I mean Jordan opened a door with his key card and waited for me to go in.

I could feel my palms sweat and heart race. I was fighting the instinct to run away as I walked in. For my family, I remind myself. I'm doing this to keep them safe. Better me than him, better me than him...

"Lillian," The doctor greets me. "I trust you're feeling better." My heart dropped to the pit in my stomach. Dr. Brooke wasn't alone this time. Other creatures in lab coats waited behind him.

"Yes doctor, thank you." I tried to stop the shaking in my voice. They all had different tools and surgical equipment. Just what did I agree to?

I'm doing this for Mathew. Better me than him, better me than him, better me than him.

Dr. Brooke smiled, he enjoyed seeing me scared. "Then let's begin."

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